Kelsey MacAilbert's Untitled Campaign

Game Master Kelsey MacAilbert

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It's a work in progress, but should be complete enough for adventuring in Vendair.

If you want to play, the following is important:

Magic and Technology in Devaia



New Rules




All of these house rules are in effect.

-Anything not covered in these sections is handled by the official Pathfinder rules

This is useful for inspiration and visualization

Now, making a whole new world from scratch is hard work, and you guys are welcome to help me out. For example, there is only one religion so far. If you want to make up your own, it might end up being added to Devaia. If you invent stuff in your character's background, such as a city, important NPC, or something else, I just may add it to Devaia. Most of the rest can be hammered out as we go along.

The vehicle rules have not been done yet, and won't be until after Christmas, so we don't be driving anything soon.

Character level is first, stats 25 point buy, money maximum for your class in the core rulebook.

If I haven't provided enough information about the world, feel free to say so. I'm going to bed now, and will check back in the morning, answer questions, and post a story hook.

If you have suggestions for things to add to Devaia, I'm listening.

Dark Archive

I like the look of this. Are there demihumans?

More importantly, are their traits, and if so, can I take rich parents? I would like to play a siege mage, with a ballista, a scholarship, and little sanity.

Edit: or something more steampunky or gunpowdered, so long as it's in the price range. Also, why aren't you using cheaper versions of ultimate combat guns?

Dotting for interest

Grand Lodge

I have always been a fan of those mechanical/magical worlds, and always wanted to make one myself. I will SURELY throw myself into your page and go thru it all.

As for character - no doubt I will come up with something but I wanna read all that is available first.

Dot me interested. Leaning towards alchemist.

First question - why dont Gnomes get any ability bonuses?

Dark Archive

Just saw the races thing. Derp derp.

Might play a merchant alchemist, a mad Druid, or an urban ranger, depending on composition and if my first concept sticks.

Grand Lodge

First thought about a character would be a Witch-hunter type inquisitor. He will be hunting down fanatics who he deem a menace to society. All in his own somewhat twisted perspective of what is right and what is wrong.

Clad in a dark leathery cloak armed with some kind of gun, he brings justice to those who deserve it! I will work out the details later today!

Stiehl9s wrote:

Dot me interested. Leaning towards alchemist.

First question - why dont Gnomes get any ability bonuses?

They must have gotten deleted by accident when I reformatted the page. The bonuses are +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, and I added them to the Gnome page.

Devaia races, do to lacking a stat penalty, are slightly more powerful than the core races. They come out to about 14 points in the Advanced Race Guide playtest, which is why Aasimar and Tieflings are allowed.

DickovDK wrote:

First thought about a character would be a Witch-hunter type inquisitor. He will be hunting down fanatics who he deem a menace to society. All in his own somewhat twisted perspective of what is right and what is wrong.

Clad in a dark leathery cloak armed with some kind of gun, he brings justice to those who deserve it! I will work out the details later today!

Does he hunt all witches, or just threatening ones? If he hunts all of them, it could making having a party caster somewhat... difficult.

Doorhandle wrote:

I like the look of this. Are there demihumans?

More importantly, are their traits, and if so, can I take rich parents? I would like to play a siege mage, with a ballista, a scholarship, and little sanity.

Edit: or something more steampunky or gunpowdered, so long as it's in the price range. Also, why aren't you using cheaper versions of ultimate combat guns?

I'm not using traits.

As for the UC firearms, I wanted to go with my own.

Dark Archive

Ah, just curious.

And the inquisitor thing could still work. Just play wizards, alchemists, and sorcerers. No Witches here! ;D

Another question; what will combat be like? At what distance?

Also, could using a huge shield work? Sort of like a riot shield?

I think I will wait for more ideas before choosing a concept.

Dark Archive

Hmmm... Think I will play a gnome, storm lord Druid.

He will be an ambassador for some sort of ministry of elemental/natural affairs, I reckon.

Maybe a society or group of societeies made of elemental beings and like-minded casters seeking to find a balance between the technological revolution and it's influences on nature?

Dotted and interested. I'll see about getting an elven gunslinger up tomorrow (I'll be pulling some stuff from Ultimate Options like the wiki suggests). Probably the wandering stranger type

Dark Archive

Another question. Do Druids start with firearm proficiency or must I take a feat? Does wielding a firearm make me loose druid powers?

I'm interested...Id be interested in Elf Arcane Mechanik if your allowing them...Still reading through the your site

Also interested, I'm thinking of a dwarven inqusitor played as a film noir style private eye. Think 'short same spade with a beard'. I will put together a character and some notes on a deity shortly.

Doorhandle wrote:

Ah, just curious.

And the inquisitor thing could still work. Just play wizards, alchemists, and sorcerers. No Witches here! ;D

Another question; what will combat be like? At what distance?

Also, could using a huge shield work? Sort of like a riot shield?

I think I will wait for more ideas before choosing a concept.

Why does the inquisitor only hate witches?

Most combat is planned to be within 50 feet, but there may be some longer range encounters.

The shield wouldn't work, but if you want the heavy metal armor theme you could become an alchemist and take the iron clad archetype linked to in the house rule section. That's the only person in Devaia who wears armor.

Doorhandle wrote:
Another question. Do Druids start with firearm proficiency or must I take a feat? Does wielding a firearm make me loose druid powers?

Yes, druids are proficient. No, wielding one does not make you lose your powers, nor does using other technology. The only thing you can't do is use something that pollutes massively (this doesn't mean no pollution, as pro tech druids are realists, it means no egregious pollution). That won't come up in this RP, so you won't have to worry about violating that restriction.

valliss wrote:

I'm interested...Id be interested in Elf Arcane Mechanik if your allowing them...Still reading through the your site

Yes, those are allowed. I don't place restrictions on which races can have which classes.

CanyonR wrote:
Also interested, I'm thinking of a dwarven inqusitor played as a film noir style private eye. Think 'short same spade with a beard'. I will put together a character and some notes on a deity shortly.

That works.

Could I use the "guile" replacement for grit and make a gnomish tinkerer type character, part gunslinger, part alchemist?

Monkeyfeet228 wrote:
Could I use the "guile" replacement for grit and make a gnomish tinkerer type character, part gunslinger, part alchemist?


Ok so here is my first idea for a deity. Please let me know what you think and if this is acceptable in your world?

Resprin is the god of knowledge, skill, construction, and good magic.

Resprin has always been revered by those who build, study, or create. He has a great following in the Dwarven communities as a patron of engineers and builders. Dwarven tradition states that the secrets of engineering and stone cutting were given by Resprin to the original tribe of Dwarves so they may build and live in the mountains.

Recently the sages and scholars who study arcane magic have begun a modern renaissance in worship of Resprin. Allowing many to study the arcane arts without completely abandoning religion. This has led to many new churches being created, especially in urban areas, that are seen as centers of learning and scholarship. And while it is still a minor religion, it is growing quickly to the dismay of many followers of Jessabra.

Priests of Resprin are know as sages, teachers, and librarians. All knowledge is sacred to them as is the ability to teach and learn. The favorite pastime of followers of Resprin is debating the merits of some new research, publishing papers on their own research, or lecturing to interested audiences.

While the ritual rites in a church of Resprin are simple and participatory in both chanting and song, the sermon almost always involves some research topic or a visiting scholar speaking about his work.

Domains - Artifice, Good, Knowledge, Magic, Rune

Alignment - NG

Change the phrase "the god of knowledge, skill, construction, and good magic" to "a god of knowledge, skill, construction, and good magic", and it works perfectly. I like the idea of having multiple dieties for portfolios, not just one for each.

Edit: Added to wiki

Welcome Acen Sterling the NG Dwarven Inquisitor of Resprin (OP as CanyonR)

This is a first pass at Crunch, I still need to do weapons and equipment and then I'll write up some Flavor.

I can't to see the finished thing.

The Arcane Mechank Pdf states
"An arcane mechanik begins play with a Liber Mechanika containing all 0-level arcane mechanik spells plus three 1st-level arcane mechanik spells of his choice."

They do not list any 0-level spells should i just use the wizard list for 0-level? or should i try and create 1?

Also since it is not a standard class you do not have a favored class bonus for it listed.
I'd like to suggest the following
Enhance Lifelink - Arcane Mechanik can double the points prevented to his servitor (to sacrificing a max amount of hitpoints equal to his int bonus). He can use this ability the number times per day equal to arcane mechanik level

Or something to that effect...And if you rather not give one, I'd be OK with that too

For engineers who go the clockwork armor route, do they lose their armor bonus like everyone else? After reading that over, that sounds like what I was trying to build out of the gunslinger/alchemist anyway but plus a clockwork iron man suit

Hi just posting my interest and a brief question I noticed Halflings are not mentioned on your wiki is that race a suitable background choice for hybrids and is a Song Healer bard a good fit for you campaign. Thanks for any assistance you may offer.

So there aren't many good Steampunk avatars to pick from and the dwarven ones are pretty bad. So I picked a generic dwarf but I see him looking more like This Guy.

One question on weapons, I don't see any difference on the equipment page between large caliber and medium caliber weapons. The stats look the same. What is the functional difference between the two calibers?

I've also added Background and Appearance sections.

valliss wrote:

Also since it is not a standard class you do not have a favored class bonus for it listed.

I'd like to suggest the following
Enhance Lifelink - Arcane Mechanik can double the points prevented to his servitor (to sacrificing a max amount of hitpoints equal to his int bonus). He can use this ability the number times per day equal to arcane mechanik level

Or something to that effect...And if you rather not give one, I'd be OK with that too

I'll allow that.

valliss wrote:

The Arcane Mechank Pdf states

"An arcane mechanik begins play with a Liber Mechanika containing all 0-level arcane mechanik spells plus three 1st-level arcane mechanik spells of his choice."

They do not list any 0-level spells should i just use the wizard list for 0-level? or should i try and create 1?

Use the wizard list.

Acen Sterling wrote:

One question on weapons, I don't see any difference on the equipment page between large caliber and medium caliber weapons. The stats look the same. What is the functional difference between the two calibers?

I've also added Background and Appearance sections.

The difference is that smaller caliber weapons have a 19-20/x2 crit and larger caliber weapons have a 20/x3 crit. It's like the difference between a longsword and a battleaxe.

That avatar actually looks a good bit like the picture you provided :)

Monkeyfeet228 wrote:
For engineers who go the clockwork armor route, do they lose their armor bonus like everyone else? After reading that over, that sounds like what I was trying to build out of the gunslinger/alchemist anyway but plus a clockwork iron man suit

The engineer gets an armor bonus if it goes the clockwork armor route, but does not gain a defense bonus.

Jinchi wrote:
Hi just posting my interest and a brief question I noticed Halflings are not mentioned on your wiki is that race a suitable background choice for hybrids and is a Song Healer bard a good fit for you campaign. Thanks for any assistance you may offer.

Devaia does not have halflings, and song healer could fit. Devaia bards, aside from the technology difference, aren't really any different from medieval bards.

Does anyone mind if we use this? If you guys are all right with it, I'll recalculate the spell points (they need to be increased for Pathfinder) and use the first metamagic option.

Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
Does anyone mind if we use this? If you guys are all right with it, I'll recalculate the spell points (they need to be increased for Pathfinder) and use the first metamagic option.

Seems a bit limiting with current points but since you mentioned increasing them I'd give it a try I'd suppose

I have to redo the math a bit for Pathfinder. Sorcerer, for example, should come out to about 300 at level 20 without Charisma factored in, give or take.

This will apply to Alchemists if everybody is okay with using spell points. I want to use them, but if enough of the group doesn't want to, I can stand to leave them for another campaign some other time.

The civil war is being removed from Cromora's history some time tomorrow. I want to move the war south into a country that has yet to be put into the wiki (*cough*Dixie or Southwest*cough*) for style reasons. It just doesn't fit Cromora, and the story behind it seems forced to me.

I'll have a story hook ready soon.

(Monkeyfeet) Introducing Zat Figwidget! The avatar is of the clockwork armor. I'm almost done with the equipment as well :)

Dotting for interest. I'd definitely like to set up a zen shooter monk if I get all my business together by the time recruitment closes.

Recruitment will probably be open until after the holidays.

Good news, that's why all my business is tied up.

Dark Archive

At first I was hesitant with the spell points system but after looking at it I have to say I like it. I'll give it a whirl.

Also, finished my fluff and almost done with equipment. Were should I host the character sheet?

Use a Paizo alias.

Dark Archive

Well, yes, but the actual sheet itself, so that our d.m can get all the stats.

You store the stats in the profile of an alias, like this one.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I am definitely interested. Will likely go for a Human Gun Mage/Gunslinger. Possibly Mysterious Stranger Archetype for Gunslinger if acceptable. Still running ideas through my head.

Grand Lodge

Dotting for interest.

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