Jeff Lee's Untitled Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Jeff Lee

In the Golden Empire, it is well known that Emperor Engelbert II is an avid hunter. It is said he is the best tracker in the land, able to track an owl through a cloudy sky on a moonless night. Before he ascended the throne after the death of his father, he spent many years abroad, hunting and slaying countless fierce and wondrous creatures. What is not well known is that his adviser, confidant, and lifelong companion, Count Malthus, constructed a great subterranean complex to provide the thrill of the hunt for the Emperor now that rule of the Empire keeps him near home.

The Deadly Menagerie houses myriad captured creatures from far-flung lands, with more being brought in regularly to slake the Emperor's lust for the chase and the kill. When the desire arises, the Emperor chooses his quarry, and it is released into the sprawling Maze of Death, where he tracks it through the labyrinthine passages before the eventual kill.

You are one of the many unfortunate beings abducted and brought here by the Count's men, languishing in your cell until it is your turn to be the Emperor's prey. But now, a glimmer of hope. A chance to be free. Unarmed and alone, you are easy prey for the Count's men. Yet if you can work together with your fellow captives, perhaps through ingenuity and use of your natural abilities, you can escape the Deadly Menagerie. Will freedom be yours?

I'd already recruited enough players, but apparently my absence for a few days caused most of them to wander off. If you're interested, jump in with a character idea. I've already got two players with characters ready to go.


Ability Scores: Epic fantasy point (25 points)
Racial Points: 10-30 points
Allowed Classes/Archetypes/Feats/Spells: Anything from the Core Rulebook or the Advanced Player's Guide
Starting Levels: 10 point race build = 5th level; 20 point build = 4th level; 30 point build = 3rd level

Dark Archive

I will come up with something in a bit. I will go for broke on the race points and bring in a 30 pointer at 3rd level to see what I can come up with.

Nimon wrote:

I will come up with something in a bit. I will go for broke on the race points and bring in a 30 pointer at 3rd level to see what I can come up with.

Sounds good. We've got a savage elf and a simian goblin in the game already. Considering we had others suggesting plants with massive amounts of wisdom and half-orc giants, I don't think anything will be too wild.

Dark Archive

Well I got the Race points spent. Going with a Half-Devil type. I will play a witch. Once you approve the race I will continue to finish the character. Are there any starting traits?(not that you would need them)

Looks good. Go ahead and do up the rest. As for traits, I've got a plan to give each PC a little something at the start that will provide something of a bonus, possibly a little penalty, and some RP opportunities.

Dark Archive

Almost done, how are you doing Hit Points? I assume giving the situation we are without equipment ect.

Full hp for first level, average hp (rounded up) for each level thereafter. So for the witch it will be 6 + Con + etc (favored class, Toughness) at 1st, and 4 + Con + etc for each level beyond first.

And yes, no equipment to start with.

Dark Archive

Ok I am ready for final review.

Dig it. Jump on in.

All I can say is this looks like an awesome campaign.(I am one of the original players)

i was thinking of a Male Nekogami Barbarian. Invulnerable Rager Archtype with the beast totem. it's an 11ish point race (10 if you discount the language array) though human in appearance, his physical stature is that of a tiger.

If you sill have spots left, I whipped up this race after looking over the Playtest and I would like to try it out.

It is a 10 point race, but if there is some time I might want to make up the Full-Blooded Darravi as a 20 point race. I was thinking maybe of playing a Bard depending on what there already was in the party.

Shuriken, Saint, the game is still in the early stages and the current players have yet to jump in with both feet, so get me character write-ups ASAP and we'll get you involved in the chaos.

Here is Adas Urr, lorekeeper of the Darravi. I am almost done, I just have to pick spells known and a few other things. I decided to go with a 20 point race just for fun. I hope I made a good, thematically unified one.

Adas Urr wrote:
Here is Adas Urr, lorekeeper of the Darravi. I am almost done, I just have to pick spells known and a few other things. I decided to go with a 20 point race just for fun. I hope I made a good, thematically unified one.

Looks good. Jump into the game thread when you're ready and I'll go ahead and post you a spoiler with a trait and other info once you've done so.

My Nekogami Barbarian

Hello this sparked my interest and would like to know if this thread is still active and seeking members? I don't really know how to make another race or what resources you are using but had an idea for centaur-like character would that be viable?

Yeah, if you're still recruiting I'd like to play a fire elemental sorcerer.

Raventhorn, lordzack, I've got six players in this at the moment, so I'm going to close the recruiting thread. It actually started on another thread, but I was incommunicado for a few days and lost a bunch of potential players, so I started this one to pick up more. Apologies.

Shuriken, character looks good. I'll go ahead and put a post up for you in the game thread to get you started.

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