medlii's Curse of the Crimson Throne

Game Master medlii

Pathfinder's adventure path, Curse of the Crimson Throne.

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First off, thank you all for applying. You guys made some excellent characters and made it very difficult for me to choose.

I'd like to welcome Lantressa and Cephalo to the game. You both had great characters that I feel will fit well with the rest of the group.

Marcum, it was really hard to pass on your application, but the party would be awfully melee heavy if I has chosen both Marcum and Cephalo.

Marcum and Tina, I will contact you first if anything opens up in the game.

Again, thanks to all of you for applying. I don't think I'll have internet access the rest of the evening while I'm on the road so I'm sorry you won't be able to jump in today. If you have any other suggestions or thoughts on how your character will fit in the campaign, or want to make any final adjustments to your character, now is a good time.

-Posted with Wayfinder

No worries. Great picks! Have fun you guys.

I am looking for two to three party members to join my Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign. Currently, we are towards the end of Book 3, Escape from Old Korvosa.

As such, it is VERY IMPORTANT that your character wants to save Korvosa from the terrible things that are happening . You do not need to be best friends with the other party members, but should feel compelled to work with them for the greater good of the city. I've posted several potential connections and hooks below. Also think about what a level 9 character might be doing in Korvosa. You are probably not just a farmer, or a brand new guardsman, or an initiate at one of the churches. Please read the Player's Guide as an introduction.

***Caution! Major Curse of the Crimson Throne spoilers ahead!***

Short campaign summary (Spoilers inside!):

A few months ago, Korvosa's King Eodred Arabasti II died from illness. It wasn't surprising, seeing as he was more than eighty winters old. In the aftermath, his wife, the twenty-two year old Chelish Ileosa Arabasti took his place. When riots, violence and arson became rampant, and nearly started a war with a tribe of visiting Shoanti barbarians, the Queen instituted the order of the Gray Maidens to help the Korvosan Guard, Sable Company, and Hellknights police the streets. Soon after, it was discovered that a beautiful young painter named Trinia Sabor had poisoned King Eodred during one of their private sessions together. Trinia was captured, and Queen Ileosa set the stage to have the girl publicly executed. But the folk hero Blackjack jumped in and saved Trinia, carrying her away to parts unknown.

Life in Korvosa went back to normal for a few months until people began contracting a strange disease marked by a fever, coughing, and disgusting red pustules that gave it the name 'blood veil.' Queen Ileosa responded quickly by forming a medical team known as the Queen's Physicians, led by Dr. Davaulus, to treat the plague. Korvosa's temples were stretched to the limit and many died from the ravages of the plague. Yet a lone hero calling himself the Owl snuck into the Queen's Physicians main treatment center and uncovered the truth. Dr. Davaulus was no healer. He and his minions were spreading blood veil in honor of the goddess of undeath and disease, Urgathoa. Many were rescued from the hospital by the Owl, and the Doctor and his Physicians were publicly executed. A young priestess of Sarenrae brought the temples of the city together to collaborate on a cure, and with her own knowledge, teamwork, and Dr. Davaulus's files, found one and saved thousands of lives.

Yet strange things are still happening. First, shortly thereafter, Old Korvosa (map of Korvosa available in my signature) was been quarantined, and no one is permitted to enter or leave, separating families and cutting off important businesses. And the Gray Maidens, anonymous in their red-plumed helmets that cover their faces and identical gleaming silver armor, preventing anyone from breaking the quarantine. They grow bolder by the day, harassing innocent Korvosans for minor offenses.

Second, Korvosa's Seneschal, Neolandus Kalepopolis went missing at the same time King Eodred died. Does he have something to do with the King's death? Knowledge of Korvosa's politics tell you that only the Seneschal has the power to remove Korvosa's monarch from office. Yet a third strange event occcurred just this morning. Queen Ileosa made a public announcement, where she shockingly pronounced a wizard named Togomor as the new seneschal, breaking several laws, and devastating those who suspected that Marcus Endrin, Commandant of the Sable Company to succeed Seneschal Kalepopolis. Her next decree gave the Gray Maidens even greater powers and hinted that any woman of the city might be drafted to fill their ranks. And finally, she dissolved the Sable Company. At this, Commandant Endrin attacked Queen Ileosa, declaring that he would end her reign of evil. Yet even after he shot her in the temple with a crossbow, the Queen ripped the bolt from her forehead and used it to stab Endrin to death. The scene erupted into chaos, and the resulting riot was brutally quelled by the Gray Maidens.

Detailed version of Queen Ileosa's most recent declaration:

This morning, it was announced that Queen Ileosa would address the city in Eodred Square, normally a busy market in the heart of Korvosa. A wooden platform has been erected to hold several important guests. Breathtaking and intimidating in her suit of Gray Maiden armor, Sabina Merrin, Queen Ileosa's personal bodyguard, announces "Attention! Queen Ileosa Arabasti, First of Her Name, will be making a public address." The crowd applauds politely. Behind Sabina stands a hideous, fat mage clad in red robes, commander of the Korvosan Guard Field Marshall Cressida Kroft , and the commandant of the Sable Company Marcus Endrin, and rumored candidate for the position of Seneschal. Both the field marshall and the mage look calm and focused, but Endrin is ill-at-ease, alternating between staring at his feet and the crowd gathered before him. Sabina's face is expressionless, as if she is taking care to mask her emotions.

Queen Ileosa takes the stage, wearing a beautiful green robe that accentuates her green eyes and red hair. Gone is her daintly golden circlet worn at previous announcements. Upon her head is a strange crown of black spikes, reminiscint of the sharp teeth of a large beast. She speaks with confidence and conviction to the audience before her. "Citizens of Korvosa! I am pleased to inform you that we have triumphed over the plague! It is defeated, even with individuals like Doctor Davaulus thwarting our efforts at every step. As you well know, the Doctor was punished for his crimes against Korvosa. Yet our city remains wounded! We have no Seneschal to guide us. Therefore, I appoint the Wizard Togomor as Korvosa's new seneschal." The obese wizard steps forward, and bows, accepting a badge from Queen Ileosa and pinning it to his red robe. The crowd begins to murmur in dissent at this. It is well-known that only the Field Marshall can appoint a seneschal, who traditionally rises from the ranks of the Sable Company.

But the queen's magically enchanted voice drowns out the muttering. "Furthermore, the Hellknights of the Order of the Nail have shown their true colors and fled, like cowards. Worse, both the Korvosan Guard and the Sable Company have suffered terrible losses over the past weeks as a result of the blood veil plague. Neither group is fully capable of continuing as Korvosa's protectors, and thus, to shore up this fault, the Gray Maidens will serve as the new protectors of Korvosa. Sabina Merrin is offically appointed as the new General of Korvosa. Furthermore, as we will need more women to protect Korvosa, any able-bodied lady over the age of fifteen may be required to join the Gray Maidens, no matter her background or social standing. There is no greater honor than serving your community, and all recruits shall undergo training such that they can fulfill the duties of their stations." Ripples of concerned whispers spread through the crowd. Field Marshall Kroft looks simultaneously surprised and confused, but quickly surpresses her expression, while Togomor smirks. Commandant Endrin looks furious, doing nothing to hide his rage. Hesitantly, Sabina steps forward and bows, though only Field Marshall Kroft and Togomor applaud.

Queen Ileosa continues in her calm, decisive tone. "As such, the Sable Company will be dissolved and the remaining marines will be folded into the Korvosan Guard. Commandant Endrin, step forth and surrender your badge of office."

As Endrin does so, he trembles. He reaches for his badge, but instead of handing it over, he throws it at the queen, striking her in the ckeek with it. Everyone, including the queen, is shocked into paralysis for a few moments, long enough for Endrin to bellow out "Your shameful reign ends now! Korvosa will be free again!" An instant later, his crossbow is in his hands, aimed at the still-shocked queen. Endrin pulls the trigger. His aim is true. The crossbow bolt strikes Queen Ileosa in the temple.

Yet she does not fall.

With incredible speed, she regains her composure and yanks the bolt from her skull. Before the blood from the wound has time to run all the way down to her shoulder, she's standing before Endrin. Her free hand whips out and seizes him by the throat, lifting him off the ground as she holds him up for all to see. An instant later, she buries Endrin's own bolt between his eyes with a single powerful blow.

As Endrin's lifeless body crumples to the ground and Ileosa imperiously shakes his blood from her hand, she cries out in a strong, clear voice - "This shall be the fate of all enemies of Korvosa! Mark well his death! It is only the first!" A split second later, Togomor steps forward, taking Ileosa's hand. With a crack like a whip, they both vanish.

The resulting riot is quelled quickly and brutally by the Gray Maidens. Stunned and horrified, Field Marshall Cressida Kroft flees. Reluctantly, Sabina closes the visor of her Gray Maiden uniform to join her troops, but does not draw her sword.

Potential character connections:

Sable Company. The Sable Company Marines patrol Korvosa's air and waterways. They do not answer to the monarch of Korvosa, but to the Seneschal. They defend the skies and waterways of Korvosa and provide aerial and amphibious support to the Korvosan Guard. The hot-headed Commandant Marcus Endrin led the Sable Company up until recently. What will happen to the Sable Company now that Endrin is dead? Perhaps you are a member of the Sable Company. Will you lead the Sable Company to join forces with the Korvosan Guard? Will you use your Marines to combat the Queen? Or will you strike out alone to revenge your fallen commander yourself? Most martial classes would fit well here, as well as those with an animal companion.

Korvosan Guard. The Korvosan Guard serves the city of Korvosa first, the government second, and the church of Abadar third. They maintain order in the city, mainly acting as a police force, but turning into a military organization whenever the city is threatened by external forces. Field Marshall Cressida Kroft reports directly to Queen Ileosa and is walking a very fine line between obeying the Queen's brutal orders and protecting the innocent people of Korvosa. Their relationship has become tenuous recently as the Field Marshall's concerns about the city's welfare combat the Queen's views of the rigid law and order that should be enforced. Those close to Cressida know that she is doing everything in her power to keep what authority she can in order to block the Queen's evil edicts. Perhaps your character is a high-ranking member of the Guard. Also a good background for martial characters, as well as rogues, investigators, and similar.

Shoanti Nomad. The indigenous Shoanti tribes live in the grasslands surrounding Korvosa. The seven tribes rarely see eye to eye, but the sages of all the tribes agree upon one thing. A great evil is awakening in Korvosa, and the Shoanti are the ones destined to stop it. Although each story differs, ancient lore tells that Korvosa was once at the heart of Shoanti territory, and that the Shoanti were tasked with keeping watch over something powerful. Some say it is a great dragon. Others say a sleeping god, a dormant artifact, or a portal to Hell. The time has come for the watch to resume and the Shoanti to return to Korvosa. This background works well for barbarians, spontaneous casters like sorcerers, oracles, or characters with a connection to the wilderness.

Academae Associate. Korvosa's magical training school, the Academae, is world-renowned for its summoners and other arcane spellcasters. Until now, the extremely talented but petty Headmaster Toff Ornelos was neutral on the matter of Queen Ileosa's rule. He reasoned that closing the Academae's gates would protect his staff and students from anything going on in the city and they could continue their magical research unimpacted. Until Queen Ileosa appointed Togomor, the head of the Evocation department as Seneschal. This enraged Headmaster Ornelos. He alone built the Academae to be the most renowned conjuration school in Golarion. And yet, either the Queen has enchanted Togomor into her service, or he has turned traitor on his alma mater! And Queen Ileosa was wearing a strange crown that emitted strong magical auras at her most recent announcement. He insists that one of his premier instructors or researchers (that being you) find out what is going on. This background works well for any spellcasting class.

Gray Maiden victim. The Gray Maidens are now the de-facto military guardians of Korvosa. Daily, they grow bolder, harassing innocent Korvosans for minor offenses. Perhaps you witnessed the Gray Maidens beating someone in the street. At night, maybe you, or a friend or family member were caught out past curfew and saw one of the unearthly creatures that they use during their nightly patrols. Did a woman in your life go missing unexpectedly? Or did the Gray Maidens knock on their door, drafting them into service despite all protests? All of the women from the Gray Maidens must come from somewhere... it begs the question of where they are recruited and how they are trained. This background would work for any class.

Blood veil victim/ survivor. Thousands died during the blood veil plague. Hundred were sent to the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden for 'treatment,' where it turns out that Doctor Davaulus and his physicians were performing gruesome experiments on the patients in the name of Urgathoa, goddess of disease and undeath. Although it is never spoken openly, rumors abound that Queen Ileosa actually hired Doctor Davaulus to start the plague. He was, in fact, her childhood doctor. Gray Maidens provided security inside and outside of the hospital. Perhaps you, or one of your friends or family was a victim of blood veil or escaped the Hospice and know of the evils that went on within. You shudder to think of what Queen Ileosa might do if she had even more power over the city. This background would work for any class.

If you don't like any of these... Let me know what you are thinking for a character concept, and we can work something else out.

Character creation rules & house rules:

  • Characters start at level 9
  • 20 point buy
  • Full wealth by level for a ninth level character
  • Choose 3 traits, read the spoiler below for reasons
  • Climb and swim are combined into the athletics skill. Armor check penalty still applies
  • Each character gains one extra skill point at each level for a profession or craft skill. This should support something from your character's backstory.
  • Any core or featured races from the Advanced Race Guide are permitted (though I need a good background that explains why, for example, a tengu or catfolk is living in Korvosa
  • Any class available in the official Paizo PRD is permitted, including APG, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, and Advanced Class Guide. I don't have Pathfinder Unchained yet, so let me know if that is something you are interested in and we can discuss.

    Traits (COTC spoilers inside!):
    Our intrepid heroes put an end to Gaedren Lamm's horrific child abuse and labor schemes mentioned in the player's guide months ago. Therefore, the traits based around him are no longer applicable. Choose three traits that fit with your character.

    Your character submission should also include the following:

  • Brief physical description
  • Background describing your character's life and personality
  • Three contacts and/or relationships your character may have. This could include family members, friends, enemies, aor positive or negative relationships with organizations, like churches, taverns, professional guilds, Korvosan Guard, or whatever is appropriate for your character's background. I want to know who your character knows in Korvosa and how they get along or don't get along. There are several suggestions in the player's guide, or let me know what type of character your PC would like to know and I can provide guidance as well.

    Our current party consists of Trey Merosa, Cleric of Sarenrae, who developed the cure for blood veil, Lantressa Darksong, courtesean and sorceress extrordinaire, and Typhon B'ru, a quiet half-elf rogue who has some secrets up his sleeves.

    I know this seems like a lot! Post or PM me with any questions. If you have an idea and would like to flesh it out together, or get more details on a certain aspect of the story, let me know. For example, if you want to play a Shoanti character, I can provide more details about their clans and legends.

    Applications will be open for one week - until 5pm on Friday, June 5, Eastern Time. Later that evening, I will post my decisions.

  • What do you want for health after first?

    Half of your hit dice +1 per level.

    Dotting for interest. Very good post, just about everything someone would need to know to hop into the game. :)

    I'll brainstorm for the time being, but I take it that having a hippogriff companion might not be practical? I'm not familiar with the latter half of the AP.

    Good question about the end portion of the adventure path. As written, the Curse of the Crimson Throne books take the PCs out of Korvosa for two books. I don't like that approach, since the AP focuses on saving the city and/or taking care of Queen Ileosa. I've found ways to work some of the content into or nearer to Korvosa, as well as good info from other DMs outlining new material that takes place within the city. The current players are on board with this approach, so we will be going that route.

    To actually answer your question, since there will be some outdoor encounters, the hippogriff will be just fine in those. There may be some indoor combats where it can't fly, but the hippogriff should be able to fit inside most places. Basically, I won't penalize you for taking one, though there will be some encounters where you might not be able to fly or use all 100 ft. of movement.

    I'm fine with removing the ranger prerequisite of the feat allowing only rangers to having a hippogriff companion and making it available to any class who can have a companion. Hunters and beast master cavaliers would fit very well. Other classes, like a druid, would be okay, but some background would be necessary to explain why they are dedicated to the Korvosan Guard. If there's some other way to get one as an animal companion, that works too.

    Krila here was created for a different game that ended up not occurring due to the GM's life getting complicated.

    She's a small tiefling (halfling base stock tiefling) who's a beast-rider cavalier (she rides an osterich). It looks like based on your current group, you could use an muscle type. I'd have to level her up to 9, but wanted to see if the concept was acceptable first.

    Given the ties to Cheliax, a tiefling certainly makes sense. I think she would have been a plague survivor and former member of the Korvosan Guard, probably a high ranking scout. Perhaps even someone who Kressida asked to 'resign' due to health and do some off-books scouting and information gathering for her.

    As long as Krila has a good reason for having an ostrich in Varisa, it could work. It would be fairly unusual since it looks like they are from Osirion. The rest of your background sounds like it will fit well with the campaign. As you mentioned, there are certainly plenty of devils in Cheliax, and there are many Chelish in Korvosa as it used to be a Chelish city. Queen Ileosa is in fact Chelish herself. There are also a decent number of enslaved halflings in Cheliax.

    Cressida does like working with 'independent contractors,' if you will, and would certainly hire/pay/work with someone like Krila off the record. I see a couple of options, or maybe you have some things in mind yourself. Maybe Krila got sick during the plague, and Cressida laid her off or asked her to retire so that she could rehire her off the books. Maybe a friend or family member of Krila's got sick or died during the plague, making Krila want to get away from Korvosa, so Cressida requests that she scout outside the city for a change. Or maybe Krila was hell-bent on revenge after she learned that blood veil was spread on purpose after she, a friend, or a family member got sick, so Cressida sent her outside the city so she couldn't cause too much chaos while she came to terms with the situation.

    How does the halfling-tiefling combination work- is there a third-party supplement that explains? I haven't run across it before and would like to take a look before before giving the go-ahead.

    As a general rule, the only thing that changes is their size, the appropriate size modifier comes into play and boom, you're done. Basically I assume Krila is built as, literally, a tiefling that is size small. I believe it is detailed in Blood of Fiends who to accomplish it. I'll look and see.

    Gotcha, thanks for the info, Lantressa! If it's simply a matter of being a size small tiefling that's fine.

    Yep, that's it. Small tieflings, per Blood of Fiends, are just small. So, Size mods. Everything else stays the same.

    I'll have to rebuild her obviously, but it should work.

    As far as mounts go, I can change it from an ostrich. Given the location, would you think a Medium Raptor or undersized Axe Beak (small template) would be more appropriate?

    Basically, what beast that's medium would you consider good for the mount? I'd prefer something two-legged (like the ostrich, axe beak, etc).

    I'm also open to using a cohort for the mount, if that would make things easier and going with a sentient mount...

    Putting together a hunter from the Sable Company.

    Would an archer or melee build be more useful to the party?

    Colour me intrigued. I'll throw Kaddoc into the ring for contention.

    He's a barbarian and his crunch in in his profile.

    Brief physical description:

    Kaddoc is six and a half feet of scarred muscle. He has a shaggy head of silver streaked black hair and piercing steel blue eyes. He has a scar the runs across his right cheek and is missing part of his right ear. He walks with a limp, dragging his left foot a little. This is due to the fact that his left foot appears to be slowly turning to stone.

    Background describing your character's life and personality:
    Kaddoc was bred for battle. His entire childhood was devoted to becoming a warrior and in this he excelled. When he passed his trials of manhood and became a full member of the tribe, the tribe's shaman told him of his destiny.

    The shaman spoke of a great danger that had been hidden away in the long ago and that it was the duty of Shoanti to guard against its return. He told Kaddoc that each tribe shared in this sacred duty and that each must send its bravest warriors to stand watch. It was to be Kaddoc's duty to keep the watch in Korvosa.

    Kaddoc wasn't thrilled by the prospect of living in such a soft and civilized city, but he knew is duty. His size and skill at arms made it easy for him to find work in the lower quarters of the city. His Shoanti heritage kept him out of the more affluent neighbourhoods initially, but over the years, his reputation for getting the job done has growth to the point that he rarely is bother by the guard. It probably doesn't hurt that his become more 'civilized' over the years.

    While he has never really forgotten the responsibility place on him by his tribe, his vigilance has waned substantially over the years. The plague and odd rumours about the Queen have failed to rouse his suspicion, though the disruption of business due to the plague did spark his irritation.

    Whether or not he could have reasonably tied these events to his sacred duty, the spirits of his ancestors believed he should have. Recently, Kaddoc was visited by a nightmare of death and destruction, of blood filling the streets and corpses piled in heaps. When he awoke he found that his foot had begun to calcify. This poignant reminder and pushed Kaddoc into action. Not sure of what is going on, or how this relates to the Shoanti's vigil, he is actively searching out anyone involved in the current troubles. He's heard of a certain Cleric of Sarenrae that might be able to enlighten in regards to the plague at the very least.

    Personality: Brash and overconfident, but with the experience to back it up. He's all about the big emotions, quick to laugh and quick to anger. The years of working contracts has has taught him how to be politic and for all his rough edges, he knows when to close his mouth and do what he's told. He still carries a fair bit of his people's distrust of magic, he feels its a bit of cheat.

    Contacts, etc:

    Korvosan guard: In his early days, Kaddoc had several disagreements with the guard and may have spent more than one stint in lockup. Though it's been a few years since the last confrontation, Kaddoc still is a little biased against the guard and doesn't really trust them.

    The Cerulean Society: Kaddoc got his start working as hired muscle and has been part of his share of shakedowns. A lot of his early jobs were working for the thieve's guild and though he's moved on to more 'respectable' work these days, some of his favourite drinking buddies are in the guild.

    Serena Nightshade: Serena is a lady of the night at a higher end brothel, and Kaddoc her favourite customer. Their relationship spans years and crosses the normal boundaries of her profession. If Kaddoc asked her to quit, she probably would, but he hasn't.

    I'm not married to anything the above and would be happy to adjust it to make integration easier.

    If you have any questions let me know and thanks for the consideration.

    Krila - a raptor would be fine. There are marshes, mountains, grassy plains, and forest all within 100 miles of Korvosa, so anything that would come from there is perfectly reasonable. Bestiary says axe beaks live in the praries or mountain plateaus, so that is fine too.

    Dave - a melee build would probably be more useful to the party, we have two ranged and one melee at the moment.

    Kaddoc - your character looks great. I'll give the crunch a read through shortly, but the background and contacts will fit the campaign well.

    Ok, doing a half-orc hunter with an Anaconda companion from the sable company. Specialty is stealthy amphibious assault, but he will be just fine in standard comabt as well

    Halfik Lelas, Half-Orc Commanda (And Skylla, his companion)
    I'm just getting it started, so there isn't much to see on the profile yet. Have to get ready for work now, so I'll wrap it up tonight, in about 10-12 hours.

    Thanks, in that case, I'll work it up as an Axe Beak with the small template (making it medium in size).

    Krila's Character Sheet

    Krila's Background:

    Krila Delsaul was born many decades ago, she isn't sure where exactly. The memories are too fuzzy. She just remembers having to steal to survive, her appearance making her an unwelcome person wherever she went.

    However, when she was about 15, which for a tiefling, is still terribly young, she was taken in by Margaret Delsaul, a young mercenary. For the next 40 years, Krila followed her new human mother from land to land, from war to war, learning early about fighting, armor, and training.

    Krila's mother fought in wars in exotic places, all over the world. Eventually her mother owned her own mercenary company, and young Krila found herself being a sellsword for her mother's company during her formative 40's. She was a Sarvagan Guard for a few years. She all but grew up in armor, and has learned the tricks of how to get the most use out of it, even more than most do. In Sarvagan, she fell in love with the Ostrich Knights, and joined the Order of the Tome, using her skills with her lance and her mount to make money for the company.

    About 10 years ago, however, Krila's mother's health took a turn for the worse, and she retired from the mercenary company. They took up living in one of the few places where tieflings are more acceptable, Korvosa.

    Krila got a job with the Korvosan Guard, and rapidly rose through the ranks on her skill. Unfortunately, her beloved ostrich Herkemer died in battle shortly after coming to Korvosa, so she had to make due with a Pygmy Axe Beak. She's found she actually likes the pygmy Axe Beak, whom she's named Matilda. The bird is as brave as Herkemer ever was, and has a wicked bite to boot.

    Krila's mother pressed on but recently died from a plague that Krila has found out was intentionally spread. The small tiefling's anger burns a cold so deep that it would make adamantine brittle if any came into contact with it. Cressida arranged for a very vocal and public 'Falling Out' that resulted in Krila storming off and throwing her badge of office at Cressida in front of a few dozen city guards.

    Krila is now attempting to do some work for Cressida 'off the books' to figure out what is going on. Partly to help her old friend, but mostly so she can kill anyone who was involved in the plague.

    Ok, submission complete. Only things that might be of concern...

    Some odd weapon choices and armor choices, however, they fit in with her background. My assumption is that, like most GMs in my experience, the x2 for barding armor is on the base armor, not the adder for special materials (so, doubled the cost of the base armor, then added the mithral cost for the barding).

    Beyond that, should be fairly straight forward. She's built as a cavalier first, on foot combatant second. But she can be effective out of the saddle. She's got some ability to do magic (order of the tome) and some decent skills, and works well as a backup thief (given her ability to detect magic, she should be able to disable magic traps).

    Halfik is mostly done. Will finish up the animal companion and his background tomorrow.

    Couldn't sleep... just need background...

    Started diving into the player's guide... and saw that the Sable Company ride hippogriffs... hmmm... is a non-traditional member acceptable? Or should I rethink my background.

    The Sable Company are the marines and air force for Korvosa, so Halfik will be a bit different than the other members, but would be accepted since he would be more than capable of amphibious assault. Also, we haven't had much interaction with the Sable Company in the story so far, so we have plenty of wiggle room with the specifics of the Sable Company.

    I'll be traveling for work Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I should be able to post in the evening during that time, but will wait til I get back on Friday to read through the applications one last time.

    Dotting! Hopefully I'll have something worked up by end of night tomorrow.

    I like what I'm seeing here and the effort that you've put into giving new recruits direction. I'll definitely be looking to throw my hat into the ring by sometime tomorrow.

    Maybe he is part of the Sable Company's equivalent of a Navy SEAL or similar spec-ops. They can't all fly around on hippogriffs...?

    Just need to fill in what he was doing while everyone else was doing all the hard work...

    I will submit a front line ranger, Sable Company Marine archetype (from Inner Sea Combat). He is a switch hitter with Quick Draw, switching between Longsword+Buckler, and Composite Shortbow (for being mounted!). He is a very well rounded character that can do about any martial focus well, but not specialized into one.

    Crunch is in profile.

    Young, with weathered and battle beaten attire, Damian is a veteran survivor. His equipment is well maintained but battle wear still shows through, and his matted hair shows weeks of running and hiding. He still stands tall and alert though, ready for a fight. Next to him, standing even taller is an equally battered Hippogriff in the old Sable Company barding. Its beady eyes focusing on any small movements or possible threats.

    Damian is a selfless fighter. He is quick to give up any small meal he might acquire if it means an innocent can find some small luxury. He fights for the people of the city, and is keen to uphold his vows he made on induction into the Sable Company to protect the city from all threats.

    Having only been recently inducted into the Sable Company Marines when the riots and fighting began. He survived the initial attacks on the Sable Company, disappearing into the city, and doing what he could to help the people of the city he calls home. He seeks his own vengeance on the Grey Maidens and their leaders for what they do to the innocent people of Korvosa. With his partner, a hippogriff named Torn, he has taken it upon himself to continue the fight that the new Queen brought to the Sable Company and will not rest until either he, or his enemies are dead. He has been fighting a long time now, and each victory emboldens him further as he hunts down the Grey Maidens in the city.


    Sargent Kilkroth: Another former Sable Company member who has disappeared into the citizenry to wait out the conflagration with his family. He has helped Damian in the past though if he was being chased, or to provide supplies, food, or information.

    Ferdinand Helfand: A veterinarian who has helped Damian more than he can count when Torn has been wounded or ill. The man is always more than happy to help the former marine and his feathered friend.

    Jess: An 11 year old orphan girl that Damian has befriended. She has become very useful to him for getting information and supplies in the chaos. Where he would stick out like a sore thumb, she can maneuver without anyone batting an eye.

    Got my crunch done, just need to write out the background. Still plenty of time though.

    Here is Paralictor Gideon Schrade, my current work in progress. His backstory and stat block are more or less complete. I just have to decide on how to spend his last bit of gold, and ask if the Leadership feat is legal. I think it'd make sense character-wise, but I know there are a lot of caveats with it.

    I should have the character connections and description of appearance up later today.

    Wow! I'm excited to see so many excellent and well-thought out applications. A few questions/ thoughts for you guys:

    Kaddoc - Consider which Shoanti tribe you'd belong to. The Clans of the Skull, Moon, and Sun are farily involved in the next section of the adventure path, but there is no reason I couldn't work a different one in. If you don't have a preference, I can pick one that fits.

    Krila - your armor/weapon choices are fine. The costs for the armor are fine. Who else in Korvsoa might Krila know, besides Cressida? It could be other guard. The temples of Sarenrae and Pharasma were involved in fixing the plague. Or maybe some people that fit with her background or that her mother knew? If you need some help, I can provide some suggestions.

    Halfik - looks good. Couple things Halfik could have been doing recently... The Sable Company was definitely helping keep order during the blood veil plague, bringing people to hospitals/temples for cures, performing crowd control to prevent rioting, and dealing with undead outbreaks. He could have been on a special mission, doing something outside the city. Commandant Endrin, leader of the Sable Company, could have sent him to search for information on the missing Seneschal inside or outside the city, attempting to spy on the Queen or the Gray Maidens...

    Damian - looks good. Let me know if you have any questions or anything.

    Gideon - Looks good so far, your background is well written. I look forward to seeing the rest! Taking the leadership feat is fine. It might not be immediately useful in terms of, say, combat, but I find it works well in play-by-posts where the player and/or GM have some extra time to work out the details that get messy and complicated in tabletop play. It also fits well with your character, so that is even better.

    To make sure I caught everyone who applied so far, here is what I have. I apologize in advance if I missed your name, I'm working on my tiny work laptop at a hotel with questionable internet. Please let me know if I missed you or didn't answer one of your questions. You still have til Friday evening if there is something else I can help you with.

    List of Applicants (so far)

  • Kaddoc the Grey - human barbarian, Shoanti background
  • Krila Delsaul - tiefling cavalier, plague survivor background
  • Halfik Lelas - half-orc hunter, constrictor companion, Sable Company background
  • Damian Wilroth - human ranger, hippogriff companion, Sable Company background
  • Gideon Schrade - Human figher/Hellknight, Hellknight background

  • Well, if she's on good enough terms with Cressida that the woman trusts her to go undercover, but at the same time, isn't automatically suspected of doing so by anyone in power, then it's unlikely she knew anyone in power. I'm actually thinking that her tiefling nature might have been used to keep Cressida informed before.

    What if Krila's been a 'questionable' member of the military for awhile, always skating the line, insubordination, mouthing off, drunk and disorderly on leave, visiting places of ill repute, questionable entertainment, etc...

    ...all in order to feed information back to Cressida on a regular basis. Basically a plant? I can tweak her skills a bit to up bluff, and change the professional skill from Military to Spy?

    In which case, she'd likely know...

    Devargo Barvassi, Glorio Arkona, Pilts Swastel, and Vencarlo Orisini

    Here's my submission: a barbarian focusing on intimidation and wielding a massive sword carved from a hunk of adamantine. Crunch is in the profile. The campaign connection is sort of a mix between Korvosan Guard and Gray Maiden Victim. I don't mind altering it if there is a need.

    Physical Description:
    Soren a tall, athletically build young man in his mid-20s. His hair is dark brown (almost black) and hangs just past shoulder length. His complexion is pale, even for an Ulfen, but his most distinctive feature by far are his pale, icy blue eyes which seem just slightly unearthly.

    Soren wears a cobalt blue jerkin along with similarly colored linen trousers. Over his jerkin he wears a polished mythril breastplate which he acquired as a reward for services rendered in the past. He wears black leather gloves and boots, each lined with a bit of white fur. His worn, black cloak also has bit of black fur adorning the shoulders and comes equipped with a hood.

    The large sword he carries is, in fact, a solid piece of carved adamantine. While shaped well enough to be identified as two handed blade, it looks quite crude. The workmanship is, however, solid.

    Rage doesn't always come from the heart. Sometimes it's just in your blood. That certainly seems to be the case for Soren Vulke, formerly of the Turvik town guard. His father was an Ulfen warrior and his mother a Tian merchant who was passing through whilst on the Path of Aganhei. Life was bleak in Turvik and over the course of the winter season the two fell for each other. Soren's father, Kulver, decided to accompany his new wife, Zi Rong, back to Tian Xia the following summer. When summer finally arrived Zi Rong already showed signs of pregnancy, but both parents believed that they could make the three month journey over the Crown long before complications could arise. And perhaps they would have, had disaster not struck.

    A terrible winter storm battered the caravan only a week out from Turvik, Soren's parents became separated from the rest of the caravan and, eventually, each other. Kulver's efforts to locate Zi Rong in the blizzard proved futile and he eventually struggled back to Turvik, a miracle in of itself. That appeared to have been the end of it, but some months later Soren's father was shocked to find a child left on his doorstep. The child's appearance (Zi Rong's dark hair and pale skin), and an creeping sense of dread, convinced the man that the child was his own. The implications terrified him and perhaps for that reason, more than any other, he resolved to take care of the boy.

    Soren grew into a youth of prodigious strength and competency, but a cold aura seemed to constantly hang over him, enhanced by his pale blue eyes and dispassionate bearing. Rumors spread around town regarding his peculiar nature, and people said that Soren was "as cold as the blizzard that birthed him." In some ways they weren't wrong. While Soren himself certainly possesses an introspective character, not all of his emotions seemed to be his own. Flares of anger, so cold they burned, would often confront Soren. They were foreign to him, and frequently in response to stimuli which he held no strong opinions on (a man harrying his wife, children orphaned and just barely surviving on the streets, and myriad other injustices not uncommon in Turvik).

    As as a result of this outside influence, much of Soren's youth was spent constantly affirming his own feelings and beliefs against the unknown, alien ones which frequently crept into his mind. Whenever these thoughts were at their strongest, Soren could sometimes see the indistinct form of a woman, just within his peripheral vision, but she would quickly vanish when he turned to face her. The ghostly images and alien thoughts lead to his distant behavior, but it all seemed relatively harmless until one fateful night when his father announced that he planned to remarry. For the first time Soren's will lost to the other's, and when the haze cleared, the bloody aftermath before him caused Soren to flee the town under the cover of darkness.

    Since then, Soren abandoned his efforts to segregate himself from the "other." Instead he studied it, attempted to understand the reasons behind the rage, and eventually sublimated it into himself. In doing so he has become able to control the cold fury that flows through his veins and put it to good use. From Soren's perspective, goodness, morality, and justice are not static, inviolable concepts. They are a time, a place, a set of circumstances, and a hundred other factors all rolled together. In short: they are instinctive. Since coming to this realization, Soren has done his best to live a "good" life. He has utilized his skills in the pursuit of this free-form sense of justice and wandered across the northern stretches of Avestan for years, backing up his convictions with sometimes brutal resolve. The Cold Fury hasn't made many friends in his time, but he has few regrets, and fewer still enemies left alive to pursue a grudge against him.

    Cold and seemingly detached, Soren can be difficult to read when first encountered. However, he is bluntly honest and quickly makes his stance known. He has a strong sense of justice, but no particular code. He judges each case, each circumstance, on an individual basis to discern what is "just." That said, Soren is not so stubborn that he won't listen to the thoughts and reasons of others and allow them to change his own mind on a matter. That is, after all, perfectly in line with his beliefs. What is "just" at one time, can cease to be so as the situation or details change.

    The ghostly, undead presence which possesses Soren, still exists, but he has largely sublimated it's values and emotions into his own to create a more balanced whole. However, the right stimuli can still challenge Soren's control.

    Soren is somewhat less... amenable once caught in the grips of a rage. He does not yell or bellow once raging, but instead his face drains of emotion and only his deep, deliberate breathing can be heard. While his expression remains neutral, the rest of his facial features contort and crease under the strain of the internal fury he experiences. The longer the rage continues the more evident his anger becomes, although he still remains unnervingly silent. The only exception arises when using his terrifying howl rage power, which is is themed more as a tortured moan, like that of a lost soul.

    Campaign Connection:
    Soren originally arrived in Korvosa after serving as a caravan guard. Shortly thereafter he began looking for work again and has recently been employed in the Gray District as a "groundskeeper." From the Gray, he has watched the city descend into its most recent fit of madness. Irked by what he sees, but recognizing his own smallness compared to the scale of what is happening, Soren has simply let his misgivings for the city smolder. But in light of the recent events which culminated in Marcus Endrin's death, and the alarming number of women now being heartlessly conscripted in the Gray Maidens, Soren feels he is at a critical juncture. He must either do something to help, or take his leave of the city before his temper gets the better of him for naught. Soren plans to make an appeal Keppira d'Bear, Bishop of the Church of Pharasma, for his guidance on the matter, but has also considered approaching the Korvosan Guard to see what, if anything, they plan to do about the growing tensions.

    Probably on a special mission out searching for the Seneschal. Tracking is definitely a thing for his class. Halfik is fairly stealthy, but the giant snake would make urban spying a bit awkward, not to mention really freaky for crowd control or red cross type stuff. I suppose he might have returned to find the Sable Company disbanded... he might not have even known about the plague while he was gone. News of that would be a fairly sufficient reason to return to the city.

    Krila - if you want to go more of a spy route, that is up to you. Doesn't matter to me

    Soren - interesting back story! Who in Korvosa does Soren know? Could be clergy of Pharasma (their leader is Bishop Keppira d'Bear, and he might know lower ranking clerics/grave digger he might know). Would he unofficially help out in the Korvosan guard and be familiar with some of their members? Or someone who vanished and he thinks might be a Gray Maiden or a friend killed by the plague?

    Halfik - that works for me. Good point about the snake!

    Ok, tweaked the skills a bit, and changed profession soldier to profession undercover cop. I think this makes a bit more sense on why she's doing off books work for Cressida.

    I don't have a super strong preference, but if I had to choose one, I think I would go with the skull clan. Their focus on the dead would make them a good fit for keeping the memory of their guardianship alive. They seem like the most likely tribe to maintain a vigil against half-remembered horrors.

    Question: what about this armor? It's from the serpent's skull AP, but it seemed thematically appropriate: Snakescale Armor

    Alright, other than the armor question, Halfik is done, as far as I can tell.



    Maidrayne Vox - As the icon of Hellknight pragmatism, Maidrayne has been something of an idol to Gideon. He harbors a deep respect for her, and has always followed her orders without question. He also holds an affection for the centaur which, for a number of blatantly obvious reasons, is strictly platonic in nature. They are on good terms, and Gideon is only in Korvosa now because he has her approval.

    Korvosan Guard - There are rumors in the Korvosan Guard that there is a Hellknight commander that is much less of a hardass than his compatriots. A few of them, including Cressida Kroft, are aware that Gideon is the man in question. There is no love lost between the Guard and the Order of the Nail, but if there is one Hellknight that the Field Marshall would be willing to work with, it might be Paralictor Schrade.

    Pilts Swastel - Gideon is a firm proponent of moderation, but he also believes that if anybody deserves the typical brand of Hellknight justice, it is this vile man. Swastel has always been a thorn in his side, but only in recent times has he truly become dangerous. Queen Ileosa is the true threat in Korvosa, but Swastel is one of the first on Gideon's list.

    Only rarely is Gideon seen out of his pitch black Hellknight plate mail, complete with its horned helmet and the iconic fiendish visage on the breastplate. But even outside of the armor he stands at over six feet tall, with the large, muscular build necessary to move around in such heavy armor. As a middle-aged man, both his shoulder-length brown hair and beard are tinged with grey. When he does happen to take off his armor, he tends to wear formal wear typical of a Hellknight officer. A travel cloak is the most effort he would put forth to hide his identity. I've actually been toying with cutting back on some expenditures to put glamer on Gideon's armor so that he can be a little less conspicuous.

    Since I have so many applications to choose from, it's time for the bonus round! To add a little more detail to your character a bit (and make my life a little easier!), I'd like to know how your character knows the current party members, Trey Merosa and Lantressa Darksong. Trey and Lantressa, please add anything about your characters if I missed it.

    Sister Trey Merosa aasimar cleric started as an acolyte of the Church of Sarenrae, but has more than proved herself worthy of being a full Sister of the church. She's cared for orphans and the homeless, stopped an evil necromancer/alchemist from animating the dead underneath the catacombs of the Church of Pharasma in the Gray District, and worked with the Korvosan Guard after King Eodred's death. More recently, Trey saved hundreds or possibly thousands of lives during the blood veil plague. She debunked merchants hawking false cures and then organized the churches of Pharasma, Abadar, and Sarenrae to find a cure for blood veil, saw to manufacturing it and administrating it to those who needed it most.

    Lantressa Darksong tiefling sorceress is a courtesan by trade, but she also brokers in information. She used to work at Eel's End, the gambling, drug, and prostitution of the city, but now runs her own operation. She knows many people throughout the city and can often be found at a tavern, party, or before the recent events, in the Royal Court trading favors, understanding the current social currents, and digging up information. Lantressa works closely with the Arkona family as well as some of the other local lords and ladies. Recently, some of her close friends have gone missing, which she suspects is related to the growing number of Gray Maidens in the city.

    Specific feedback for everyone's questions -

    Looks good, Krila

    Halfik, that armor is fine.

    Kaddoc, that makes sense to me too!

    Gideon, I like the connections except there is one discrepancy since some events have occurred after the player's guide was written.

    Gideon - Curse of the Crimson Throne spoilers inside:

    You pegged Pilts Swastel perfectly! Old Korvosa was quarantined recently. Cut off from the rest of the city, Pilts decided he would be the Emperor of Old Korvosa, and run things his way. Without anyone to stop him, he expanded his routine showings of horrible paintings, grisly plays where it was rumored several local actresses were murdered on set, and all sorts of torture devices. Pilts took over a set of tenements, employed many local thugs and toughs trapped with him during the quarantine, and threatened anyone who wouldn't obey with his 'tall knife' (guillotine). He hoped to build up a large enough 'empire' to take over the entirity of the Old Korvosa district, the island just north of Korvosa proper.

    Unfortunately, the PCs just killed him. If you'd like you can still use this as a tie-in. The PCs are not too far from him and it is plausible that Gideon is investigating the area to root him out.

    DM medlii wrote:
    Soren - interesting back story! Who in Korvosa does Soren know? Could be clergy of Pharasma (their leader is Bishop Keppira d'Bear, and he might know lower ranking clerics/grave digger he might know). Would he unofficially help out in the Korvosan guard and be familiar with some of their members? Or someone who vanished and he thinks might be a Gray Maiden or a friend killed by the plague?

    I expounded on it a bit more. I mostly avoided naming names, just in case there are existing NPCs who fit any of the descriptions, but I have no problem creating some otherwise.

    Campaign Connection:
    Soren has spent most of his time in the Gray District. Partly because the funerary setting seems to have a pacifying effect on his "other," but also because he greatly admires Pharasma and her followers for their practical and direct outlook. Despite the slight tinge of undeath that Soren carries, he has frequent, if brief, conversations with Keppira d'Bear about her faith and the nature of fate. He respects the high bishop and has found himself wondering what Keppira thinks about the strange incidents occurring throughout the city. In particular, Soren wonders what Keppira's thoughts are on the seemingly impossible account of the Queen shrugging off a crossbow bolt to the head during the latest incident.

    On nights when the solemn setting of the cathedral become a bit too overbearing, and he has tired of crushing the lesser undead who crop up around the graveyards, Soren often visits the Midland district to spend time at the local taverns. There he has made acquaintance with a few regulars that are members of the Korvosan Guard. Soren has made it something of a weekly tradition to drink with them and listen to firsthand accounts of the happenings in the city.

    Comrades-in-arms weren't the only reason Soren became a repeat visitor to the tarven, though. He had also become fond of the tavern proprietor's daughter. Though Soren would claim to have no profound familiarity or emotional connection with the girl, he appreciated that she treated him with the same politeness and enthusiasm that she did all other patrons. Even if her kindness was simply professionalism, Soren hasn't known many who appeared outwardly unconcerned with the burden of unease his "other" inspired. As a result, he had quickly become more comfortable in her presence then with anyone else he'd met in Korvosa.

    Unfortunately, during his most recent visit to the tavern, Soren discovered that she had been conscripted by the Grey Maidens only days earlier. This was to be the turning point. If he could not do something to change the twisted state of affairs in Korvosa, then he would take his leave of it. Soren returned to the Gray District without delay. Before acting further, he wishes to seek out Keppira for guidance. Failing that, he intends to reach out to his contacts in the Korvosan Guard. They aren't exactly high ranking members, but they hold some status as unit captains. Perhaps they can lead him to someone that can make a difference if Keppira cannot.

    EDIT: Medlii's most recent post came while I was putting this together. The most obvious connection for Soren would be Trey Merosa. I don't know the full details of what was going on in the crypts, but it's probably that Soren encountered her at some point while she was handling the necromancer threat. Perhaps while she was taking care of the main threat, Soren was dealing with surplus undead. Hard to say without more details (perhaps he was out of the Grey District at the time and missed the event all together!), but I would say he's at least seen or casually met Trey. Certainly, he knows about her in the aftermath of the blood veil incident if nothing else. She would be a possible contact for Soren if his other efforts fail.

    Whoops, I took a peek at the gameplay thread but didn't notice that they had wasted him already. I think Gideon would be disappointed that he couldn't apprehend the man himself, but I think it would also convince him that the current party is competent enough to work with; the fact that one of them cured the plague certainly helps. I mean, technically they're the ones that'd need convincing, but that's Hellknight logic for you I guess. :P

    Knowledge of Current PCs:

    Trey Merosa - The Hellknights typically favor the faith of Abadar for its emphasis on order, but Gideon has always respected Sarenrae's tenets of incorruptibility. However, he was not aware of Sister Merosa's existence until her development of the blood veil cure, and subsequent organization of the churches for its distribution. Though he's never met the woman, he respects her for this accomplishment. Of course, all hell broke loose in Korvosa before the Order could officially recognize her achievement.

    More to come.

    Knowledge of Current PCs:

    That's an easy one. Krila would have run into Lantressa multiple times at the Eel's End. It was a wonderful place to gather information, and to also establish her bonafides as a drinking, swearing, fighting $*#$& of an officer and a disgrace to the uniform. She likely heard of Sister Merosa, but only by her works, likely not in person. They didn't run in the same circles.

    Current PC Knowledge:

    I think it is more likely that Kaddoc Lantressa. Depending on her previous interactions with the Cerulean society, they may have met on a job. As he is an independent contractor, Lantressa may have hired him the past to serve as protection. Alternatively, they may have met through Serena Nightshade, as the two women are colleagues of a sort.

    I don't think that Kaddoc would have had much interaction with Sister Trey. If she has been doing a lot of work in the seedier parts of town, Kaddoc might have heard of her or have seen her before her fame for curing the plague, but that's probably it.

    Sister Trey Merosa: Likely, Halfik does not know her at all, except maybe by hearsay once he returns to Korvosa. Unless the plague hit his adoptive family, and he arrived in town to witness the treatment.

    Lantressa Darksong: Probably a co-worker of Halfik's friend Rozaya from her Eel's End days. So he would likely at least recognize her from there, when he went to check on his friend/dumb crush. (He drank and occasionally gambled, but didn't go for the prostitutes. That alone might have set apart from the rest of the customers.)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Hi guys, just want to give you a quick update. I've been poring over the applications for the past few hours. I'm pretty sure I know what the decision will be, but want to sleep on it first and will post first thing in the morning. Thank you all for your patience.

    Good luck everyone.

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