Yorick Presents "The Red Hand of Doom" (Group 1) (Inactive)

Game Master YoricksRequiem

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You've mentioned issues with the Cavalier, has anyone brought up the Packmaster archetype from Animal Archives? It looks like a really great non-mounted archetype.

Witch's Knight wrote:
You've mentioned issues with the Cavalier, has anyone brought up the Packmaster archetype from Animal Archives? It looks like a really great non-mounted archetype.

You mean the Huntmaster? No one brought it up and I hadn't looked at it before now, but yeah, I think it would be okay.

Are decisions being made tonight or tomorrow...getting antsy...lol

Conner Hawthorne wrote:
Are decisions being made tonight or tomorrow...getting antsy...lol

I'll likely start pooling through them tonight, reading the backgrounds, looking over the crunch in detail, seeing what might work well together, and so on and so forth. But I won't be making any final decisions until submissions close, tomorrow at 3pm EST. Which is about 24.5 hours from now. I expect I'll have decisions made late tomorrow, or early on Sunday at the latest.

Outstanding! Thanks, and good luck to you and all who submitted!

Looking forward to seeing who made it in. Maybe someone else might be interested in taking a stab at being a DM for those left behind...

Eclis wrote:
Looking forward to seeing who made it in. Maybe someone else might be interested in taking a stab at being a DM for those left behind...

I was thinking that earlier when someone mentioned running two groups. I think it would be a lot of work to run and coordinate the adventure for two separate groups, but if you had 2 or even 3 different DM's - that would be something!

yeah...that was me..lol maybe co-DM the games.... don't know, just know that it will be a fun game and want to spread that fun around :-)

That idea seems to get suggested in a lot of the more active recruitment a, but I don't think I've ever actually seen it happen. It's probably because all the people involved want to play the characters they have become invested in, and because potential DMs simply don't have the momentum.

Good luck all, I don't envy you your task in cutting down your selections Yorick!

Co-DMing can be done as long as everyone's on the same page about it. By which I mean, both of the DMs really need to be able to work in tandem. Difficult to do in a group picked up on a board I suppose, but workable.

I don't really think that DMing alongside someone would be any easier, because of the amount of conversations involved. You'd both have to be on the same page of where and how you wanted the adventure to go, while still being adaptive to the players. Even with a pre-written adventure path, there are changes that DM's make, for a variety of reasons.

And if it's a question of time that leads to multiple DMs, each is going to have a large amount of work when it's their turn, simply because they have to read everything that happened.

It's something that I'd be interested in trying at some point, but for me to be comfortable with it, I'd have to know the other DM, preferably by having played in one of his games, and I'd have to think that we were compatible storytellers.

In other news: 9 More Hours until Submissions Close!

Yeah, I can see how it would be pretty difficult. I had thought, because I believe this adventure is done in chapters, each could take a chapter and run it, or something like that...or each runs their own separate game..like I said just trying to think of how to include all the wonderful characters that were made :-)
Oooo..I am very excited and nervous..only 5 hours left!!!

I ran this adventure a long time ago I may still have some supplimental files as player aids but when I ran it it was set in Greyhawk setting as that was my setting of choice back then.

never finished it though

Edward Sobel wrote:

I ran this adventure a long time ago I may still have some supplimental files as player aids but when I ran it it was set in Greyhawk setting as that was my setting of choice back then.

never finished it though

Greyhawk? Interesting. I've mostly heard of it being run in The Forgotten Realms (where it fits in perfectly), or even entirely self-contained. I know a few groups have run it in Pathfinder before, but I don't know if anyone has sandwiched it into an area of Golarion as thoroughly / haphazardly as I have.

Eclis wrote:

Yeah, I can see how it would be pretty difficult. I had thought, because I believe this adventure is done in chapters, each could take a chapter and run it, or something like that...or each runs their own separate game..like I said just trying to think of how to include all the wonderful characters that were made :-)

Oooo..I am very excited and nervous..only 5 hours left!!!

Doing it as Chapters could work, with someone taking 1 and 3, and someone taking 2 and 4, and then both of them doing 5. The only problem that could arise from this is that it actually is chapters. It's very much all part of the same story, and the GMs would still have to communicate a lot between chapters about what was done, how it was done, what wasn't done, and so on and so forth. I think it would be a lot of work.

I recall hearing, and I forget if it was on these forums or elsewhere, about a group that ran with 3 DMs. What they did was each DM had a different plane / reality that they were in charge of, complete with its own cast and its own story. And each DM also had their own player character. No DM knew what the other DMs were doing for a story, so when it wasn't his realm, he was very much playing. I forget how they justified being short a player depending on who was actively running the game, but I'd assume a "Someone has to stay behind to keep the portal open" sort of thing. I thought that would be a pretty neat way to keep people involved, keep DMs from getting burned out, and make it interesting and fun for everyone.

It certainly wouldn't work for this, but I've noticed a lot of talk lately about games running with multiple DMs, and I think something like that would be a really fun/awesome way to do it. It removes most (all?) of the potential problems that come from having multiple DMs.

PS One more hour!

I can't wait. I won't lie though, it looks like a lot of people have put tons of effort into this so even if I don't get picked I don't think I'll feel bad.

In retrospect, I kind of wish I had made my character more martial, but when I made him there were pretty much no primary spellcasters on the list (I think we had a ranger and maybe a summoner).

In a game on here at the moment which is supposed to swap out DMs every encounter. Of course I went first, finished my encounter and and now its been ages and the second DM is talking about handing off to someone else because he's not ready, and the guy that originally started it has gone on a hiatus for a month, etc., etc., *sigh*

DetectiveKatana wrote:

I can't wait. I won't lie though, it looks like a lot of people have put tons of effort into this so even if I don't get picked I don't think I'll feel bad.

In retrospect, I kind of wish I had made my character more martial, but when I made him there were pretty much no primary spellcasters on the list (I think we had a ranger and maybe a summoner).

To be fair, there were not a ton of classes submitted with the ability to heal, either. And Edgar does have a lot of knowledge and skills, which is always useful.

Rellen Marn wrote:
In a game on here at the moment which is supposed to swap out DMs every encounter. Of course I went first, finished my encounter and and now its been ages and the second DM is talking about handing off to someone else because he's not ready, and the guy that originally started it has gone on a hiatus for a month, etc., etc., *sigh*

Ugh that sounds lousy. Yeah, I think it would have to be more frequently than that. When I spoke of my last one, having the 3 DMs who would play in each other's games, I think you could probably do the switch every two weeks.

Annnd submissions are now closed. I'll have the characters selected within a few hours!

YoricksRequiem wrote:

Annnd submissions are now closed. I'll have the characters selected within a few hours!

Yes! I can't wait. Well there are a lot of great characters so i don't know if I gonna get chosen but here I am hoping.

Well. The decisions weren't at all easy, but they have been made. I want to thank everyone who submitted. There is literally not one single character in here that I would not be thrilled to have in one of my games. Unfortunately, it’s juuuuust a little outside of my capabilities to run enough campaigns for 25+ people.

With that in mind, I have decided that running ten is something that I can do, so I will be running a second group for this! In order to not become overwhelmed immediately, the first group will begin tonight (or as soon as people check in), and the second group will begin a week from tomorrow, on the 28th. I would have loved to run a third group, but I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew, and would prefer to make a really great game for 10 people, instead of a mediocre game for 15.

Anyway, without further ado, here are the characters/people that I have selected:

Group 1
Edgar Ripley (Human Cleric) - DetectiveKatana
Kibrenest (Kobold Alchemist / Rogue) - Darkmeer
Rellen Marn (Human Ranger) - DM Carpe
Shishka (Gnome Bard / Gunslinger) - Edward Sobel
Sznek (Goblin Barbarian) - Alex Mack

Group 2
Arbiter Deimos (Aasimar Summoner) - Twilsemail
Evril (Dhampir Paladin) - Arknight
Krazzix (Kobold Rogue) - Daynen
Maldrek Voren (Tiefling Sorcerer) - Padawan09
Mogsleze/Moxxie (Goblin Oracle) - Tie My Shoelace

Again, thank you so very much to everyone who applied. You were all absolutely brilliant, and I look forward to playing with every one of you, whether in this campaign or another.

Liberty's Edge

Wow. Did not make either group. :-( Best of luck to those chosen and maybe this will inspire someone else to run a game...

Daniel Stewart wrote:
Wow. Did not make either group. :-(

Statistically speaking, most people didn't. :(

I really wish I could have taken everyone.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, I understand...was just a bit disappointed is all...looks like it will be a great game!!! And like I said maybe it will spark someone else to start a 'Red Hand' game as well. Maybe I should have played a goblin or kobold.

I wish you all a great game!

Excellent, where is the thread for the main game?

Haven't made it yet, check in here - Discussion

My gold is on Group 1 maybe surviving the adventure. RHoD is a meat grinder - good luck folks.

If I need to, I can play for a grinder, I don't think that's what Yorick really wants to do though.

The Exchange

Congrats all. Good choices.

Congratulations all

Time for MISCHIEF!!!

I take it group 2 will have a separate thread up, all in good time?

Oooh. Tiefling and Aasimar in the same party... Well be interesting when group 2 comes around ;)

Krazzix wrote:
I take it group 2 will have a separate thread up, all in good time?

Yes indeed, I am planning to private message everyone in Group 2.

Awesome! Finally I get to play a Goblin what fun! So when do we get started?

Alex Mack wrote:
Awesome! Finally I get to play a Goblin what fun! So when do we get started?

We have! Join us! http://paizo.com/campaigns/YoricksRedHandOfDoom

Greetings and Salutations Group2!

It looks like we don't have a discussion thread yet, so I'll ask this here. Do you have any suggestions / requests for gear? The part of Pathfinder I struggle with most is spending my cash, so I'd love some suggestions on where to spend the rest of my gold. I can always hold on to it and hope for a chance to buy something cooler later.

For a summoner? hmm. Never really played a summoner yet, though I made one for my first forum alias. Your starting choices suggest more of a banner general type, who increases battlefield numbers and bolsters large groups of allies and summons to control territory and win the day, yes? Maybe some alchemical gear like tanglefoot bags to lock down enemies? Or a low level wand for some crowd control spells? You've got a decent UMD score, might be able to get away with a wand of entangle or something. If you plan to actually melee with that spear, you might consider some light armor to boost that 11 AC.

Dark Archive

He's actually got a +1 breastplate, I just wasn't smart enough to equip it in Herolab...

I'll get on that.

The breastplate will interfere with any actual spells you cast though. Maybe bracers of armor instead? Though I've never played a Summoner, so idk how important actual spells are compared to eidolon/summon spell-like abilities.

For a summoner you can never go wrong with a charisma boosting item, I would also say a wand of shield is great - provided your DM believes wands can use share spell as I do.

You seem to have five fears though Deimos, shouldn't it be only 3?

Augment Summoning and Superior Summoning are bonus feats via the Archetype.

Hmmm, isn't that a third party archetype though and thus specifically banned by the character creation rules?

Rellen Marn wrote:
Hmmm, isn't that a third party archetype though and thus specifically banned by the character creation rules?

We spoke and I agreed to make an exception. I was hesitant to allow the Summoner at all, but I think the Archetype adjusts it in a way that works within the campaign.

Ah, fair enough, as long as its cleared, I know I don't know all the archetypes and it sometimes hard to tell if you are referencing the sites. I think its going to prove very powerful personally, its not really giving anything up to become a better spellcaster and a far better summoner because the eidolon and summons are mutually exclusive - its like giving up punching with your right hand to become really good at stabbing with it, win win since you could not punch anyway. I'll be interested to see how you find it in action.

At third level you have gained 4 free feats, I'm counting Spell Focus Conjuration even though you don't actually get it just avoid having to take it, and the ability to grant your summons an effective 1d6 of sneak attack. With Superior and Augment Summoning I think you should easily put most barbarians damage to shame.

Rellen Marn wrote:
I think its going to prove very powerful personally, its not really giving anything up to become a better spellcaster and a far better summoner because the eidolon and summons are mutually exclusive - its like giving up punching with your right hand to become really good at stabbing with it, win win since you could not punch anyway.

It actually gives up the eidolon completely.

Rellen Marn wrote:
With Superior and Augment Summoning I think you should easily put most barbarians damage to shame.

Another thing to consider is the make up of the party. There is no barbarian or fighter. It's the Summoner, a Paladin, a Rogue, a Sorcerer, and an Oracle.

Not suggesting you ban something you've allowed, but see the spoiler to see my thoughts on it.

I am aware of that, the eidolon being the punch you give up in my analogy. I'd put it up there with the almost always banned Master Summoner in power, which also gives up some of his eidolon's abilities to be a better summoner. Honestly I'd say this is more powerful since at 2nd level you could potentially summon four eagles flanking around a creature and do 12d4+12d6+16+12 damage in a single round! So a potential 52-148 damage without crits, and against many foes requiring only a small amount of luck to get off at 3rd level! And they are around for minutes per level! That of course requires 12 hits, but they would have a decent chance of hitting at +7 with flank and overcome any DR of an evil creature with smite.

I like having a Summoner... of course I'm biased by the fact I like as many bodies between me and the enemy as possible when I play glass canons ;)

Rellen Marn wrote:

Not suggesting you ban something you've allowed, but see the spoiler to see my thoughts on it.

** spoiler omitted **

Yeah, I see what you mean now. And to be honest, that's part of why Group 1 is Group 1 and Group 2 is Group 2. I have no idea how anything in this adventure is going to go over. Each group has a character that might be something of a problem, but rest assured that there will be situations where they are completely useless.

Awww, enemy put up an antimagic field? no summons for you.

sit tight and I'll go steal his spellbook. lol.

Friendly reminder that Group #2 will be starting on Sunday, even though I didn't get Group #1 nearly as far ahead as I wanted to. I'll be PMing you guys with the urls and such.

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