DM Xyro |

Reeking of dust, this ransacked room appears to have been some sort of scriptorium. Slate-topped tables and cedar-wood stools lie overturned and broken amid the cracked remains of scroll cases and rolls. Three wings lead to the east. In them, decrepit scroll racks of dry-rotted cedar lean haphazardly against the walls, their contents dumped out. Flecks of papyrus carpet the floor, a library of ancient lore laid to waste.
A massive basalt plaque, looming like a portal into another room, dominates the southern wall of the chamber, surrounded by images of the god-king Nethys on the deck of a river barque. All over the plaque are odd inscriptions.

DM Xyro |

Faysal's curiosity overcomes his good judgment, and he hurries to the plaque.
"Wow, what do these runes say?"Know(History)1d20+7
Linguistics 1d20+7
Persception 1d20+7

DM Xyro |

'Let's have a look-see, check for valuables.'
Perception 1d20+7

DM Xyro |

Makin tries to unlock the secret door behind the plaque.
1d20+9 with Disable Device
The portal has no discernible mechanism to open it

Numair Alazario |

Numair pulls himself away from examing the scraps of paper about the room, disgust on his face obvious at the destruction of so much knowledge (perception on that part of the room 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20). "Such a waste," he exclaims. "Now, what have we here with this portal?" he says, using detect magic and trying to read the inscriptions. He goes over every inch, trying to learn what he can.
knowledge arcana 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18
knowledge history 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
linguistics 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
spellcraft 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29

DM Xyro |

Numair pulls himself away from examing the scraps of paper about the room, disgust on his face obvious at the destruction of so much knowledge (perception on that part of the room 1d20+4). "Such a waste," he exclaims. "Now, what have we here with this portal?" he says, using detect magic and trying to read the inscriptions. He goes over every inch, trying to learn what he can.
knowledge arcana 1d20+11
knowledge history 1d20+10
linguistics 1d20+9
spellcraft 1d20+11

Numair Alazario |

"I think that perhaps magic itself might open the door." Suddenly, his eyes grow bright as he seems to possibly remember something...

DM Xyro |

"I think that perhaps magic itself might open the door." Suddenly, his eyes grow bright as he seems to possibly remember something...
DM ** spoiler omitted **
[ooc]yes you have one. Faysal were you reading the spoilers or just thinking alike?

Numair Alazario |

Numair reaches into his belt pouch and retrieves the chime discovered back in the old monastery. He points it towards the door, and taps it lightly to ring it. "Hopefully, this will do the trick!"

DM Xyro |

The door now being targeted by magic slides up and opens a way to a raw stone cavern with clouded with a grey mist.

DM Xyro |

A winding corridor stretches ahead, clouded with phosphorescent gray mist. Statues stand rigidly along the meandering hallway, each clad in the trappings of a powerful mage or priest. Thick tendrils of pearlescent vapor hiss forth from their open mouths, weaving through the air like translucent alien vines before reluctantly dispersing. A susurrus of whispers can faintly be heard from the statues, the sounds of forgotten tongues trapped in time.

Numair Alazario |

"Yes, I understand some. They spoke 'Where is your power?' to me in the Draconic tongue. I'm not quite certain I understand, though. And I don't know if this is a magical effect, or something more ... supernatural." Numair begins scanning the area with detect magic as he goes along.

DM Xyro |

"Yes, I understand some. They spoke 'Where is your power?' to me in the Draconic tongue. I'm not quite certain I understand, though. And I don't know if this is a magical effect, or something more ... supernatural." Numair begins scanning the area with detect magic as he goes along.

DM Xyro |

Faysal Ibn Ahmad Ibn Aziz |

Faysal grabs Makin's hand and guides him behind the others.
"Come lad, let's get out of here quickly."
Since characters know when they save v spells, can I spellcraft it to see what it was? SC 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23. Don't think I can counter it at all, just feel better knowing what the problem is :)

DM Xyro |

I cannot find where it says that you know you failed a save, but either way spellcraft does not help you this time.
Ahead of you a vast cavern looms, its outlines obscured by eerie vapors. Foul with the scent of ancient decay, these noisome mists crawl unnaturally along the chamber’s irregular floor. Unnerving outlines rise among the strange miasma, then fade back into nothingness as quickly as they appeared. An ancient barge dominates the chamber, hanging unsupported in the air. Little more than a skeleton of scorched spars and torn planks, portions of the ancient vessel flicker and fade, almost as unstable as the shifting vapors around it.

Faysal Ibn Ahmad Ibn Aziz |

I cannot find where it says that you know you failed a save, but either way spellcraft does not help you this time.
Which is to say Faysal would know SOMETHING had happened, and given other factors, ie Makin acting like a loon, talking statues, etc, him falling back on his training in magic seems like an obvious recourse. There is no "you don't know that a spell was cast" caveat- if Faysal was a target, he would know.
Faysal attempts to disarm Makin, for his own good!!!
"Makin!! Give me that!!!"
CMB 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

DM Xyro |

DM Xyro wrote:I cannot find where it says that you know you failed a save, but either way spellcraft does not help you this time.
** spoiler omitted **
Faysal snatches Makin's Rapier from him as he looks at his foot in pain.

Numair Alazario |

"And now I hear voices asking 'What is his task". I wonder what this ... what now?!" Numair exclaims as Makin begins acting nuts. He looks the rogue up and down, trying to see if this is some sort of magical effect.
spellcraft 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
knowledge arcana 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

DM Xyro |

"And now I hear voices asking 'What is his task". I wonder what this ... what now?!" Numair exclaims as Makin begins acting nuts. He looks the rogue up and down, trying to see if this is some sort of magical effect.
spellcraft 1d20+11
knowledge arcana 1d20+11

DM Xyro |

A man peers around the corner and asks, "Who are you, Why are you here?"

Makin ibn Fahd |

Makin tries to keep his head straight as the strange morphing creatures galavant around his feet, he struggles to keep his eyes forward and mouth shut, letting the otheres, who seem unthreatened by the wee beasts do the talking.

Faysal Ibn Ahmad Ibn Aziz |

Faysal steps away from Makin, towards the man. He drops Makin's sword where he can easily recover it, and advances with empty hands out stretched in a sign of peace.
"Greetings!! We come at the behest of one who would free this area from the gnollish oppression. My name is Faysal, and these are my boon companions. Pray ye, what be thy name?"
Cha check 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Hope this works!!

DM Xyro |

The man looks nervous and responds, "My name is Haidar, there are no Gnolls here please leave now."

Numair Alazario |

"Yes, we are well aware there are no gnolls here. Not now. But this shrine is holy to Nethys, and I seek to reclaim it in his name. What are you doing here?"
Does he bear any holy symbols or signs of Nethys? Or does he have of the trappings of a sorcerer or wizard?
perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15