Wrath of the Runelords

Game Master Nanatsusaya

Sequel to Shattered Star with elements of Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous.

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I am looking to run a campaign set in the aftermath of Shattered Star. This campaign will make use of rules from both Ultimate Campaign and Mythic Adventures, and will draw on elements of the Kingmaker, Rise of the Runelord, Shattered Star, and Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Paths. The Shattered Star Player's Guide may be of use if you're unfamiliar with Magnimar, but please note that I have crafted custom campaign traits for this game. I would like to get started this weekend, so I am leaving applications open until Friday at 5pm PST, at which point I will begin the process of picking the best 4-6 applicants for the game.

Four years ago, a small group of adventurers from the nearby town of Sandpoint managed to discover the lost city of Xin-Shalast and defeated the ancient Runelord known as Karzoug before he could fully reawaken and lead armies of giants to conquer Varisia. The discovery of the lost city set off a competition between Janderhoff, Korvosa, and Magnimar to unearth wealth and relics of ancient Thassilon from that long forgotten mountainous realm, but it also served as a wakeup call. Modern Varisia is built on the ruins of ancient Thassilon, and if one Runelord could have survived the onset of the Age of Darkness ten thousand years ago, perhaps the others did as well. The Pathfinder Society, under the local leadership of Lady Sheila Heidmarch, began searching for lost artifacts of Thassilon and happened upon shards of one of the most powerful artifacts of that lost empire: the Sihedron, the seven-pointed star of Xin.

Far more shocking, however, was the identity of one of the adventurers who helped Lady Heidmarch recover the seven lost shards - one of the very Runelords that the Society was so worried about had returned to life. Sorshen, calling herself the Runelord of Love and professing a redemption from the sinful ways of her past, displayed her magical prowess to all of Magnimar when calamity struck following the ritual to reunite the seven pieces of the shattered Sihedron. Summoning angels from the heavens to hold back the waves of a tsunami created by the rising of the island of Xin far to the west, she saved countless citizens of Magnimar. She then departed with her companions for the newly risen island and defeated the resurrected archmage Xin with the aid of his own Sihedron, returning to Magnimar triumphant and glad for the chance to settle down and found a new school of magic atop the Irespan: The Lyceum.

Though Sorshen's magic prevented a far worse loss of life and untold destruction, Magnimar still suffered greatly, and most blame the Pathfinder Society for the calamity. With the Society now persona non gratis, the Council of Ushers has undertaken to directly finance new expeditions all over Varisia. Magnimar itself is protected by a Runelord, and so the Council sees the opportunity to finally achieve dominance over its rival, Korvosa, and plans to begin new settlements all along the Varisian coast, while seeking out more lost artifacts and lore of Thassilon.

Races: Core races only.

Alignments: No evil characters allowed.

Classes: Anything printed in hardback except gunslingers, gun-based archetypes, and synthesists. (same goes for feat selection and the like)

Point Buy: 20 points - this will be a mythic campaign, but you haven't ascended yet

Starting Gold: 150 gp

Starting HP: Max hp, will advance at 1/2 max + 1 after level 1. (5 hp/level for d8 characters, 6 hp/level for d10 characters, etc.)

Traits: Any two, one of which must be selected from the following list. (I will be accepting one character per trait, so try not to all pick the same trait.)

Campaign Traits:
The Chosen
When the very ground shook and the pounding waves of a tsunami rushed towards Magnimar following the rising of the island of Xin, you were down in Dockway and would surely have been crushed to death or washed out to sea. But a miracle intervened, and though many ships in the harbour were destroyed, you caught a glimpse of a glorious multi-winged angel with outstretched arms warding back the wall of water, saving you and countless others from certain doom. The event reinforced your faith, and you have felt a stronger connection to all things holy ever since. You must have been saved for a reason, and as Magnimar sends out the call for adventurers, you know that this must be that reason: to prevent another calamity like what ensued after the reforming of the Sihedron.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to caster level when casting cure spells to heal others. You start play with a silver holy symbol of your chosen deity for free.

The Foreigner
Drawn to Varisia by tales of ancient Thassilon and the riches adventurers have recovered from the ruins of that fallen empire, you departed your homeland to seek your fortune. Even before you had docked in Magnimar, you had beheld the majesty of the Lady's Light and the grandeur of the Irespan, which only served to reinforce in your mind that this is truly a land of antiquarian wonder. You are a stranger in a strange land, but Magnimar's Council of Ushers posted notice all over the city that they were looking for adventurers to explore ancient ruins, and you signed up without a moment's hesitation.
Benefit: You gain one bonus language from the following list: Hallit, Kelish, Osiriani, Skald. Also, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (history) checks and one of these skills is a class skill for you.

The Merchant
You were born in the dwarven sky citadel of Janderhoff, where you learned your trade from true masters. Though Janderhoff trades primarily with the city of Korvosa, the sky citadel hasn't endured for over nine thousand years by placing all of its gems in one lockbox. You and a small contingent of others from Janderhoff came to Magnimar to maintain positive relations, show off the excellent workmanship of Janderhoff goods, and keep an ear out for new opportunities, much like the one which opened up when the fabled city of Xin-Shalast was rediscovered. Now, as the ruling council of Magnimar sets its sights on exploration and expansion, you see that it is far better to be the one to discover an ancient city than one who shows up later to squabble over what's left.
Benefit: Choose one Craft or Profession skill, you gain a +1 trait bonus with that skill and on all Appraise checks. When selling treasure, you gain 10% more gp than you would normally receive for the item.

The Pariah
When you heard that the adventurers who had recovered the lost shards of the Sihedron were members of the Pathfinder Society, you decided that you were going to join up as well and become a famous explorer. Then calamity struck Magnimar, and the Society was blamed for the death and destruction which followed in the wake of the reconstruction of the Sihedron. The heroes themselves, especially the mighty Sorshen, escaped blame for the disaster, but Venture-captain Heidmarch was not so lucky, and much of the rest of the Society has fallen into disgrace. You hope to reverse the Society's fortunes and remind the people of Magnimar and indeed all of Varisia that the Pathfinder Society can be a powerful force for good in the dark times of the Age of Lost Omens.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Perception and Survival checks and one of these skills is a class skill for you. If you can pen a story worthy of being submitted to the Pathfinder Chronicles, you will be awarded your very own Wayfinder.

The Scion
You are a member of one of Magnimar's wealthiest, most prestigious families. Growing up amidst comfort and luxury, you have never wanted for anything... except the chance to forge your own destiny. As the call goes out for adventurers to explore and settle the far reaches of Varisia, you seize the opportunity, knowing your family cannot afford to miss the chance at being involved in such a potentially lucrative venture, no matter the risks.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility) checks and one of these skills is a class skill for you. You start play with a noble's outfit and signet ring.

The Student
After defeating the ancient wizard Xin with the power of his own legendary artifact, the reformed Runelord of Love, Sorshen, retired from her short-lived career as an adventurer to build a new school of magic atop Magnimar's Irespan. You are one of the first graduates of The Lyceum, having already been a dabbler in the arcane arts before enrolling as one of Sorshen's first apprentices. As a result of her tutelage, you have learned ancient secrets of Thassilonian magic, and are now ready to follow in her footsteps and perhaps even save Varisia as she did.
Benefit: You gain Thassilonian as a bonus language. If you cast arcane spells, pick three spells on your spell list: you gain a +1 trait bonus to Caster Level and Save DCs when casting those spells.

The Wanderer
You are a native Varisian, and have grown up on the road, always moving from one place to another by caravan. A free spirit, you've never been fond of being tied down, and lately you've realized that your life is falling into a predictable pattern, always travelling the same roads between Magnimar, Riddleport, and Korvosa. The poster you spied while stopped in Magnimar promised a chance to explore somewhere truly new, and you've signed up in hopes of seeing far more of the world than you might have from the vantage point of a caravan.
Benefit: You gain a +1 train bonus on Knowledge (local) checks. Additionally, you are proficient with bladed scarves and starknives, and gain a +1 trait bonus to damage with these weapons during the surprise round.

Background: I would appreciate backgrounds of approximately 2-3 paragraphs. You're more than welcome to further embellish if you wish, but keeping things to 2-3 paragraphs will be very helpful when it comes time for me to read through all the applications and decide who to accept.

Dotting for interest.

Dotting for interest as well.

It's rare to see mythic campaigns, very cool. Also, the custom traits all look well done. I'm looking forward to making a character based on this.

Hey, thanks for the recap. Glad to see the recruitment thread up!

The traits look great, I think this will be an awesome campaign. I'll get the wheels turning and see what I can come up with.

Threeshades' Character:

Koriko Honokami, Half-Elf Magus (Kensai)

The background story, is not written yet, what is in there is just what is left from the character this previously was, I just left it in there in case I want to take some passages to the new backstory, (since the character concept is the same, but race and backstory have to change)

Also I wil have to recalculate the Gold.

Dotting. Might post something later, hoping to get into PbP

Nanatsusaya, consider me intrigued. I'm planning on creating some kind of Varisian Rogue/Ninja with The Wanderer trait to put forth for your consideration.

Edit: I'm looking at a Knife Master Rogue. Favored weapon would be the Starknife as well.

I am thinking a bard with the Scion trait off the top of my head. Only have a name for the moment but will work on it and see what I get. ;)

I have a couple of ideas for a wizard with "the student" trait.

How do you feel about crafters? I am vaguely interested in a crafting-focused guy hoping to become a loremaster. Obessed with knowledge, this individual could note lose the chance of learning from an actual runelord! Name needs to be defined

Another idea (if crafting is unnaceptable) would be a void school wizard with the shadowcaster archetype. Part of a "heretical" branch of the umbral court, they see shadows as protection. Name of Selena Starmantle.

I've got builds for both, though I will have to make an alias for them.

Grand Lodge

Here's my character. I've made the char using "Doomed Hero's" Guidelines, as well as your own. Hopefully it is clear. Only 1 thing is lacking: items. They will be added in a few hours.

Selena Starmantle is a human wizard, originally from Nidal, who fled her homeland to join the Lyceum. She uses the "the student" trait. Perceives Shorshen as an inspiration for those of evil origins striving for good.

Almost done here re-working Hagar (who was created earlier for another homebrew campaign), just a short question - since we are low on money (starting funds), are Eastern armors an option (specifically I am reffering to Four-mirror armor) or not?

How much world information will be needed? I am usually involved in home-brew games and am not familiar with the Pathfinder "world".

Nanatsusaya, your campaign description is very interesting to me, and I want to come up with an idea built around one of your excellent campaign traits.

However, you mention that you want to start this weekend. I am moving this Friday, and don't know exactly when my cable will be hooked up, and I'm not sure if I'll have reliable enough cell service to browse these boards on my phone in the meantime. Any chance of the game not actually starting until early next week?

Dot. Thinking about making an inquisitor with the merchant trait.

Presenting A_Deuce's submission.

Short Description (More in the profile): Nundren is an elven magus with a temper problem. His temper has gotten him in trouble in the past and he has ended up in Magnimar where he can blend into the crowds. He has studied at the Lyceum and feels some loyalty/debt to Sorshen for allowing him to finish his magical training after getting kicked out of an elven school.

Campaign Trait: The Student

I will likely refine him slightly between now and the recruitment deadline but I wanted to get Nundren on the radar. All of his major attributes should stay as-is.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Love Varisia, Love Magnimar, Love this campaign's concept.

Question: are you allowing alternate racial traits for the core races? I'm thinking of a half-orc with the bestial and scavenger traits(replacing intimidating and orc ferocity traits.)

Here is Marius Began for consideration, and he has The Merchant trait. Background, and personality are in the profile. (Void Dragon)

I have ideas for use with four of the background traits. However, three of the four would use non-hardback Paizo content, so that narrows me down to just Rinah.

The Foreigner:

A young Andoran Swashbuckler (the rogue archetype, not the ACG class) who (rather suddenly) decided to leave home and explore the world. Like most of his fellow Andorans, he has very strong ideas regarding personal liberty. In his case though, that tends to extend to his ideas about personal property. Which probably has something to do with why he left home. An incorrigible criminal by the standards of his family back home, he's a paragon of virtue in comparison to the criminals in many other nations.

Would be looking to enter the Pathfinder Delver Prestige Class at some point - I forsee him becoming very invested in the idea of being a professional dungeon explorer.

The Merchant:

A trade domain Exarch Inquisitor, this dwarf considers his purpose to be as much ensuring that the other dwarves who are traveling through the human lands remember that they're dwarves first and foremost as it is to encourage trade with those same humans. Doesn't dislike non-dwarves, or non-dwarven culture, per se, and even enjoys working with adventurers of other races. He just wants to ensure that dwarven culture remains dwarven. Assuming that the campaign would develop in a direction where other extraplanar threats - be they other Runelords, denizens of Leng, or other more traditional outsider incursions, he'd eventually be interested in the Riftwarden prestige class so as to improve his ability to keep those outside influences away from Varisia, and thus from Janderhoff.

The Scion:

The relatively unimportant niece of a very important Magnimarian (?) noble. Her parents have been harping about her responsibilities to the family (which mostly amounts to looking pretty, studying the family history, and being quiet) for her entire life, to the point where she can hear their voices even when not at home. She mostly just wants the freedom to watch the skies and travel. Given her own choice, she would have tried to join Desna's clergy. (Haunted Stargazer Lore Oracle) Ideally she'd take all five levels of Desna's Spherewalker PrC (there's a mechanical update on d20pfsrd.com) and, as she learns to fight and stand up for herself, Divine Scion.

The Student (Admixturer Wizard)
Rinah is a Shoanti of the Sklar-Quah. As a child, and even as a teenaged girl, she always assumed her entire life would be lived with the Quah, perhaps to become a Burn Rider herself someday. But several years ago, a Chelaxian Pathfinder interfered with the coming of age trial of Tomast, Rinah's older brother. He was taken prisoner, and eventually rode the trial alongside Tomast when the wind was sufficient to start a new grassfire. In the meantime though, his stories of the cities of the south planted a seed of wanderlust in Rinah. Once she was old enough to choose her own path, she began her journey south.

Her travels continued for nearly two years, during which time she met many strange and wonderful people and learned of the wide array of lives she could choose to lead. She eventually found her way to Magnimar, and to the Lyceum. By this time, she'd learned of the many things that arcane magic could achieve, and that she had a natural affinity for the study that it requires.

Now that she's completed her education, Rinah intends to join the exploration efforts, and use her new abilities to make all of Varisia a safer place. (Or at the very least a slightly more burnt one.)

Grand Lodge

Well, Selena Starmantle (as mentionned before, student) is finished. Currently, she is a conjuration wizard.

If you would allow it, I would be interested in having her as a "Void school " wizard (from the dragon empire primer player companion). I find it fitted with her shadowy background well, but since you specified hardbacks, I wont push the issue. It would be nice, but if not, the character can live on without.

Her familiar Umbrea is also linked to from her page. Hope you like it!

Glad to see how much interest there is in this campaign. Going to try and answer all the questions in one go, my apologies if I missed one:

Crafting: Yes, crafting will absolutely be allowed, and there should be plenty of opportunities for extensive downtime, for crafting, building, forming organizations, etc. After all, Magnimar is looking to not only explore the rest of Varisia, but also to settle it, and that means they'll be having plenty of town charters to grant as reward to any successful expeditions.

Money: I selected 150 gp as starting funds because it's the standard for PFS character creation, and even The Scion, who hails from nobility, is essentially running away from home. (And may have had to sell his/her fine jewelry to buy a longsword and armor.)

Start: If you'd be able to start posting at least by Monday, that shouldn't put you too far behind, but please do at least note that you might be a bit late in getting your first post in, and I can rule that your character came down with some seasickness or something.

Alternative Racial Traits: As long as they're in the ARG, go ahead, but I won't be pulling any punches with regard to racism for characters who look like full-blooded orcs.

'Eastern' Material: Though the Kaijitsu family was from Minkai, their estate in Magnimar was allowed to go into ruin and was recently seized by the Council of Ushers in lieu of back taxes. Similarly, it's been rumored that the last scion of the Kaijitsu line in Sandpoint has departed Varisia, heading north. What very little in the way of weapons and armor the Kaijitsus and their retainers may have brought from distant Tian Xia is almost certainly in poor repair after so many decades.

And, just as a reminder, the RotR Anniversary Addition is a hardback Paizo source, so material from that counts too.

Nice to hear that Natsusaya! I'll be specking mine for CRAFTING!!! Any chance we might get some feedback on our characters?

Nanatsusaya wrote:

Start: If you'd be able to start posting at least by Monday, that shouldn't put you too far behind, but please do at least note that you might be a bit late in getting your first post in, and I can rule that your character came down with some seasickness or something.

And, just as a reminder, the RotR Anniversary Addition is a hardback Paizo source, so material from that counts too.

Sounds good Nanatsusaya. I'm certain that even if I don't have my proper internet up by Monday, I'll certainly be able to post via my phone at least occasionally in the meantime.

There's really not much in the RotR Anniversary Edition for starting characters though. One feat that no PC will want, a few magic items (which of course aren't of importance for 1st level characters), and a few new spells.

Rinah wrote:
Nanatsusaya wrote:

Start: If you'd be able to start posting at least by Monday, that shouldn't put you too far behind, but please do at least note that you might be a bit late in getting your first post in, and I can rule that your character came down with some seasickness or something.

And, just as a reminder, the RotR Anniversary Addition is a hardback Paizo source, so material from that counts too.

Sounds good Nanatsusaya. I'm certain that even if I don't have my proper internet up by Monday, I'll certainly be able to post via my phone at least occasionally in the meantime.

There's really not much in the RotR Anniversary Edition for starting characters though. One feat that no PC will want, a few magic items (which of course aren't of importance for 1st level characters), and a few new spells.

And also the Sin Magic Specialist, although Sorshen would insist on calling the version she teaches at The Lyceum 'Virtue Magic'.

I was seriously considering having Rinah be a Thassilonian Specialist from Inner Sea Magic, but completely losing access to Conjuration and Abjuration would be too painful.

Just to get a feel for how fast this will go. How often are you requiring/want that people post?

Thanks for the clarifications, I will have Hagar finalized tomorrow. He will be taking The Foreigner trait.

Grand Lodge

Ahh, I've got to be careful about the alias I post under. But yeah, any chance we might get some feedback on our characters?

Lantern Lodge

Are gods also restricted to Core (since I think those are the only ones in hardcover)? Or are any Golarion (or perhaps Inner Sea only) acceptable?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Presenting the foreigner, Milva. Went with beast master instead of bestial; also changed a few things since they weren't from hardcovers. Probably the only "non-hardcover" left is the Magnimarian empyreal lord Sinashakti, could be changed to Desna if necessary but Sinashakti is cool too, right?

Edit:oops, Artifact Hunter is a story feat from Quests and Campaigns. Let me know if it;s not kosher and I'll change it. (Thought it was appropriate for this campaign.)

I made a few changes. Only the fluff part should be missing now.

I'll get that done by friday the latest.

A question: could I take the rich parents trait (900 gp starting gold instead of the usual) and reflavor it to high quality equipment given to apprentices by her Dojos masters upon completion of training?


Hagar here completed and ready for review.

Rinah's all finished now; equipment is in place, profile is up to date with complete stat block.

Ach, well this is embarrassing. Sometimes my reading comprehension fails me. I had a character with a background ready to post, but it uses material from the Pathfinder Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends. I might have to rethink things...

Grand Lodge

Mahorfeus wrote:
Ach, well this is embarrassing. Sometimes my reading comprehension fails me. I had a character with a background ready to post, but it uses material from the Pathfinder Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends. I might have to rethink things...

I get ya. I had a few things from the "inner sea primer" for my nidalese self, but it aint hardcover.

Got all the crunch done, working on the background. ;)

Very interested in this campaign. Thinking of playing a cleric of Abadar with the Chosen trait.

Nanatsusaya, is it fine if I hold off on creating the alias (just writing up the background and posting it here, along with relevant crunch details) or do you want it created before choosing?

Background and Description are finished. All that is left is your yes or no on the question about the rich parents trait (and the potential changes to equipment coming from that), then the character is done.

Hm. I figured that I'd post what I have here just in case, even though it's technically illegal. The particular violation is that the bladed scarf dancer is from a softcover book. It's the first thing that came to mind when I saw the "Wanderer" trait. Sorry.


Female human (Varisian) bladed scarf dancer 1
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +0

AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 10 (Dex +3, dodge +2)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1

Speed 30 ft.
Melee bladed scarf +4 (1d6+1/x2)
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20)
Melee starknife +3 (1d4+1/x3)
Ranged dagger +3 (1d4+1/19-20); 10 ft.
Ranged starknife +3 (1d4+1/x3); 20 ft.
Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
1st-shocking grasp
0-detect magic, light, prestidigitation
1st (1/day)- color spray, grease, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, shield, shocking grasp
0 (at will)-all

Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 9, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB ; CMD
Feats Weapon Focus (bladed scarf), Weapon Finesse, Dodge
Skills Craft (tattoos) +7, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (planes) +7, Perception +0, Performance (dance) +6, Spellcraft +7
Traits The Wanderer, Savant (Performance [dance])
Languages Common, Varisian, Giant, Goblin
Combat Gear bladed scarf, daggers (2), starknife,
Other Gear traveler’s outfit, spellbook, mwk backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterproof bag, waterskin
Assets 39 gp 5 sp

Canny Defense (Ex) While wielding a bladed scarf, Mahala adds 1 point of her Intelligence modifier per class level as a dodge bonus to her Armor Class. She loses this bonus if she is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied her Dexterity bonus.
Arcane Pool (Su) 4 arcane pool points per day. Mahala can spend these points to give her weapon an enhancement bonus for one minute. These enhancement bonuses stack with any enhancements the weapon already has.
Spell Comat (Ex) As a full-round action, Mahala can make all attacks with her weapon with a -2 penalty and cast a spell that has a casting time of one standard action. She can take a further penalty on attack rolls up to her Intelligence modifier and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus to concentration checks made to cast defensively.


Mahala was born to a wizard of the Acadamae, who after first laying eyes on her mother, never quite reached the Thassilonian ruins that he sought passage to. She was raised on the caravan just like any proper Varisian, where she grew accustomed to life on the move. Her expanded family provided constant company, ingraining her with their people’s culture. But song and dance were not the only things that Mahala learned of on the caravan. At her father’s insistence, she was tutored on numerous subjects, principle among the study of the arcane. The girl proved a capable mage, but her wanderlust and lack of focus made her a difficult student. She, perhaps, did not have the makings of a dedicated wizard. Mahala did not mind so much, being more preoccupied with practicing her dance technique.

On one particular day, during a routine trip through the mountains, the caravan came upon a group of stone giants. Ever the linguist, Mahala’s father attempted to negotiate on terms of passage with them, knowing that they could be reasoned with. Despite his best efforts however, the situation quickly went awry when he attempted to salvage the situation with compulsion magic. Suddenly turning violent, the giants rained the caravan with boulders, crushing wagons, horses, and ultimately, Mahala’s father. The wizard’s last stand ensured the others survived to tell the tale, but the attack left Mahala guilt-ridden and traumatized. Weakened and downtrodden by the assault, the caravan took no more risks, opting to take a slow, methodical route that touched upon less dangerous territory. At the time, Mahala did not seem to mind.

Long, slow years passed by. Feeling entitled to her father, Mahala renewed her arcane studies, using what she could salvage of his tomes. It would never be the same without a tutor, and she did not have the material to become what her father was, but she felt that she had to try. After more than a few pitfalls, including a handful of failed attempts to join the Acadamae, she succeeded in consolidating her numerous skillsets. Feeling a resurgence of confidence, she resolved to throw away the fear that had plagued her caravan. When the opportunity to travel presented itself in Magnimar, she was all too eager to grasp it.

Sorry, been a bit too busy with my day job to really take a look at anything since my last post. Will try to find some time later tonight in case anyone needs something resolved before the Friday deadline.

Envoy's Alliance

Just dotting this, if this guy doesn't get in to another campaign, which is decided tomorrow or mid-friday, I will move him to here, but I will then have fix him up a little to match this campaign and the buy point rules, etc. Though the backstory will be added a little, like he was in the land of that campaign but was late to the party or they thought he was too weak or they left without him and forgot about him, etc. It will also include him adventuring over to this campaign. Quit isn't in my dictionary, especially when you are going for an AP campaign.

Envoy's Alliance

Koriko Honokami wrote:

I made a few changes. Only the fluff part should be missing now.

I'll get that done by friday the latest.

A question: could I take the rich parents trait (900 gp starting gold instead of the usual) and reflavor it to high quality equipment given to apprentices by her Dojos masters upon completion of training?

If you are going to do that, take chosen child 900 extra starting gold instead of 900 starting gold. Meaning 150+900.

Nundren should be finished now; I removed all of the non-hardback source items.

In short:
drop spire defender archetype
- change feats
- change weapon proficiencies
- change weapons
Changed spell from weaponwand to grease
Removed Boarding Axe

Also put some polish on the background.

Going to go ahead and post this without an alias, as I don't like creating them until I know I'll be using them. Furthermore, I'll try and flesh out the crunch more over lunch and post the full later - below are just a few of the more important bits.

Donovan Dyne
Human Lawful Neutral Cleric of Abadar

The Fluff:
Donovan is a young man who should never have lived to grow old. When the sea came to swallow Magnimar he was upon the piers of Dockway, inspecting cargo for his employer. The wall of water suddenly loomed over the horizon, rushing in to surely drown the entire city – until the angels appeared. Wings outstretched, arms uplifted, they held back the deaths of countless people that day.

All his life Donovan had given his worship to Abadar, in his aspect as a master of commerce. Now, the young man saw a new side to his god. For Abadar was also an armored protector, a savior from ruin and defender of civilization. Donovan felt he had been called to serve this embodiment. He went immediately to a temple of Abadar and tithed half of his belongings, pledging himself to the ways of protection and guidance.

Donovan was accepted into the service of Abadar, and learned the holy mysteries. He learned the ways of arms and armor, learned prayers of warding, healing, and of punishment for the guilty. Now released from his period of cloistered living, Dyne is ready to put his newfound zeal to work furthering the divine authority of Abadar. He has been ordered by his superiors to seek service on one of the expeditions being organized by the Council of Ushers, where he is sure to find opportunities to travel to distant places and spread the light of civilization and good-rule.

The Crunch:

(Relevant details, will post again with full later on)

Domains: Inevitable and Protection
Channels Positive Energy
Trait: Chosen

Hurrah! All done with crunch time at work. Okay then...

1. Yes, other deities are acceptable, so long as they're canonical to Golarion, and the Empyreal Lords are particularly suitable to Magnimar.

2. Selena - Your character sheet looks pretty good, but I can't tell what your second trait is (did you pick one?) and there's a few minor things like Craft: Clockwork not having any actual skill bonus listed, though that's not the sort of thing I would reject an application over. The important thing is that your app shows a complete character and allows me to envision them in my head and see how they would fit into the world, so you're on track. No promises until tomorrow though.

3. Planning to post at least once per day, and possibly more frequently on the weekends. I keep some pretty odd hours though, so that might limit the pace to the simple once/day. (No point posting again until everyone else has a chance to react, after all.)

4. This isn't PFS play, if there's a feat or trait that offers the crunch you're looking for, but not the right flavor, re-skin it and explain the re-skin in your background.

Did I miss anything?

Grand Lodge

Nanatsusaya wrote:


2. Selena - Your character sheet looks pretty good, but I can't tell what your second trait is (did you pick one?) and there's a few minor things like Craft: Clockwork not having any actual skill bonus listed, though that's not the sort of thing I would reject an application over. The important thing is that your app shows a complete character and allows me to envision them in my head and see how they would fit into the world, so you're on track. No promises until tomorrow though.

Did I miss anything?

Thanks! First time trying PbP out, so the comments are necessary. Sorry for that, I'll correct the small things. I will fix what you've noted. I'll be sure to update it with corrections, I always forget something. I hope the character sheet is good? I do them by hand (using a template) so there can be occasional problems.

Edit: I did take a second trait, "resilient", I'll try to mark it more clearly. I wanted to take a regional trait for Nidal, but those are in softcover...

Envoy's Alliance

Wait, just realized this isn't an AP path, this is a creative game. I like created games, but I was signing up thinking this was an AP path. Won't be joining this one, sorry.

The completed crunch for Donovan Dyne:


Male Human Cleric of Abadar 1
Lawful Neutral
Init +0

Perception +3, Sense Motive +7
AC: 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (Armor +4, Shield +2)
HP: 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +5
Speed 30 ft. (In Armor, 20 ft.)
Melee: Long Spear +2 (1d8+2/x3)
Melee: Morningstar +2 (1d8+2)
Melee: Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20)
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats: Cosmopolitan, Persuasive
Skills: Appraise +6, Diplomacy +6, Heal +7, Know(Religion) + 6, Prof(Clerk) + 7, Sense Motive +7
Traits: The Chosen, Dedicated Defender
Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal (2 more, will seek GM advice for background-appropriate choices)
Combat Gear: Long spear, Morningstar, Dagger, Armored Coat, Heavy Wooden Shield
Other Gear: backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles (10), holy text, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, silver holy symbol (Key of Abadar)
Assets 64 gp
Channel Energy(Su) 1d6, Positive Energy

May I play also?

Nanatsusaya wrote:

4. This isn't PFS play, if there's a feat or trait that offers the crunch you're looking for, but not the right flavor, re-skin it and explain the re-skin in your background.

Did I miss anything?

Alright thanks :)

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