Wrath of the Righteous

Game Master Vinsomner

Dare you confront the Abyss?


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Female Half Elf AC 15/FF 15/T 11| HP 35 (39)/35 (39)| CMD 16| Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +9 Druid 4

Tobongo is immune to mind affecting affects as he is a plant... so immune to fear.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

Argggh, Welp You all know how this is gunna go, No place for him to be and innocents threatened to be killed.... Wendaug is gunna kill me..

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Verim, i hope you're aware my healing powers are, aside from 1 CLW, spent on you for the day.

Female Half Elf AC 15/FF 15/T 11| HP 35 (39)/35 (39)| CMD 16| Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +9 Druid 4

I have a few CLW to spare, so if you go down I'll stop the bleeding... but that's about it right now. I hope I won't need it.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

You say that as if he made the wrong decision. There are people threatening to be killed and none of you are near enough to do anything at the moment. You ward Hex Maxwell for what I assume is to make his AC about mine when Raging so that he doesnt suffer due to his lower AC unlike Luci who has Lay on Hands or Tobongo and Tallina. Verim is about action and as of yet his action hasnt proved misplaced. With the way he moved they basically are forced to do things not as bad as they would have been or Attack Verim, Who can take it. If one person needs healing as opposed to multiple people and some people dying he would rather have that.

Basically Im saying it'll be fine. I couldnt stand anywhere and attacked anyway without leaving the innocents unguarded. You forgot the part where the GM said he is a Sadist.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Contrary, i didn't forget.

I simply meant to be careful. ;)

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

Sometimes being careful isnt the right choice. But hey if he dies it'd be doing what he believed in. Though it'd be sad. Verim has a.. Reckless Fire burning within.. so to speak.

Male Human Warpriest 3

Verim you've not been careful all game :U

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

EXACTA, aint I a wonderful guy!? Willingly throwing myself into danger for ya? Oh GM, remember that Point Blank Shot applies to damage as well. And I THINK the caster Teifling is the same one Luci Charged.

Male Human Warpriest 3

That +1 to damage from the strength bonus gave me what I needed to gain 2 more damage on that 2 handed power attack.

Also, daaaaaamn.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

A solid hit thats for sure, Maxwell seems to be hit or miss most of the time though. Verim will be a little stronger next level but He's been doing fine so far. Damage will come naturally.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Naturally...or by sheer pressure from Wendaug. ;)

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

The pressure is real. Verim can't mess up as much as that relationship is pretty shaky already with the whole, "Met as enemies" thing. It also doesnt help that besides Verim the rest of the party doesnt really trust her and vice-versa. I swear however, though she might seem on top now, VERIM WILL MAKE HER SQUEE like a fangirl once he's got some time to think about not being in constant danger.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Is the Abyss large enough for such a event?

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

It may shatter under such a momentous occasion.

In other news, we seem to b doing quite well so far; We could take them all out without much damage to us.

Female Half Elf AC 15/FF 15/T 11| HP 35 (39)/35 (39)| CMD 16| Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +9 Druid 4

In related news: Don't jinx it man. Now that you've said it the gm will crit each of us like 5 times. I've seen it happen IRL.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

That'd be fine; If he does no one's gunna die and you all have a free heal each. I'm guessing that same GM also did it with multiple creatures or one with multiple attacks, the guys we are fighting MIGHT have like, two attacks, and the one didn't seem like alot.

Just like the Crusader encounter... Bring it ON! *wiggles Glaive and shield*

Male Human Warpriest 3

Intimidation fighters are rather nifty. A paladin with Intimidating Prowess and full focus on being imposing is rather fun. Shaken doesn't seem like much, but it's a real killer in the earlier levels, and dazzling display is a lovely, yet economy-friendly move in the early rounds of a combat. The only issue is that the enemy obviously isn't in full spec for it...

That said, if he can do that, it means he's got weapon focus and some fighter levels, and with all of us sitting here as Level 3's, we can expect him to be, at minimum, level 4, which means easily more than 30 hit points to burn through. The mooks are probably just as strong as the crusaders and they still managed to stab down Verim, but that was due to his own in-character "Tanking"

I think it's going to be an interesting fight, really. Say, would anyone be interested in reading the background story for a homebrew mission boss I'm throwing at my players tomorrow? I'm wondering if they'll feel any bit remorseful after they've killed him.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

Thats assuming he is a Fighter He could just as easily be a screamer Barbarian or A cavalier, especially since one of the Orders can get Dazzling Display early (I'm playing a Samurai/Magus in a game who uses this method quite well) The issue here is that when the mooks finally do fall it'll be 5 or so against one and he was already injured by Wendaug.. Who has a nice to hit and is ranged.

And as you said there was a specific reason why Verim was even hurt by the Crusaders. The situation. He couldnt be bothered to to walk up and bash on them because of the girl being threatened. Even then it took them having Combat Reflexes, rolling high on damage and to hit and Verim's AC being the rest of the party's normal AC for him to drop after 2 rounds and 7 some odd attacks. We've already seen an instance of what happens when he isnt pressured. He wrecks face and walks through enemies. Verim just has the flaw where he will make those suicidal decisions if it overall helps.

Anyway, I'll read the story for your guy; Though there really isnt a guarantee I'll feel sorry.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Sure, i'm not one for very short backgrounds unless i have to.
Post the link and i'll read.

Female Half Elf AC 15/FF 15/T 11| HP 35 (39)/35 (39)| CMD 16| Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +9 Druid 4

Happy Talk Like a Pirate day everyone!

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

Yarharhar! I be thinkin' Verim talks like already don't ye?! *You now imagine Verim with an eyepatch, you cannot unsee* ((Which with his wounds he might actually get))

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Yarrr! We be killing the land lobbin' crusaders, yarr!

Speaking of pirates..isn't it ridiculous when you think about it.
My group has finished fending off a large amount of pirates with help, which lasted 14 rounds. That in itself lasts little more than a minute?

You'd have the idea something like that would lasts half an hour or more.

Female Half Elf AC 15/FF 15/T 11| HP 35 (39)/35 (39)| CMD 16| Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +9 Druid 4

Ah, my IRL Skull and Shackles game fell apart when several players had some time constraint issues. :(

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

That's too bad.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

THIS was literally my group... I was the guy with the Hat.. Weapons Master Taylor Gray. Fighter/Gunslinger. I was basically a Heavier Guns version of Mihawk.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

Hrmm I wonder what this human is gunna do in darkness... Well, Dim Light.

Female Demon-Blooded Tiefling | AC16 FF15 T11 CMD15 | HP 18/18 | F7 R4 W7 Paladin 2

Damnit - everytime someone mentions pirates, I keep thinking of this. Found it on the Onyx Path forums in a thread for Exalted-esque media.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft


Verim Pharae wrote:
Hrmm I wonder what this human is gunna do in darkness... Well, Dim Light.

I believe Luciana is the only one in the group unaffected.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

Her and Wendaug... I mean the Man.. The leader here.

Female Demon-Blooded Tiefling | AC16 FF15 T11 CMD15 | HP 18/18 | F7 R4 W7 Paladin 2
Mia Rumsfield wrote:


It's really one of those threads that is just full of so much awesome stuff. As much from established media as fan-made stuff like that pirate video. Here's the thread itself and this is a very cool 3D animated short I found from it. And this pic of Sun Wukong just looks badass.

Verim Pharae wrote:
THIS was literally my group... I was the guy with the Hat.. Weapons Master Taylor Gray. Fighter/Gunslinger. I was basically a Heavier Guns version of Mihawk.

Awesome video, I enjoyed it.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

As no one else can make AoO's anyway because the Unharmed one was Verim's original target Are we assuming he got away or is he in his position now? I mean I guess Wendaug could shoot him with her bow or people could hunt him down.

That is his current position. I was going to leave it open to the group if you want spend one last round attempting to kill him, or allow him to go.

Female Half Elf AC 15/FF 15/T 11| HP 35 (39)/35 (39)| CMD 16| Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +9 Druid 4

I know that myself and my animal companion can go get him. We need to stop all the demons and their allies. Plus if one gets away the fact that reinforcements are here might throw off any plans we make.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

Oh Verim is alright with killing them, He just wanted to release his anger into the man who would kill a helpless person when there were other things to fight. A coward in many ways. This is one of the few times Verim isnt nice.

Tallina Kapok wrote:
I know that myself and my animal companion can go get him. We need to stop all the demons and their allies. Plus if one gets away the fact that reinforcements are here might throw off any plans we make.

If you chase the tiefling too far, you may wind up with additional encounters. If he survives until his next action and you pursue on the main streets, I start checking random encounters. Those demonic vultures circling overhead may notice.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

^ Did I just hear "Additional XP's?" XD

But it seems we dont even have to worry about that. Now to see whats all going on with this Library.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

Darnit, Why am I hearing a powerful barbarian voice from Conan.. the Librarian XD.

Female Half Elf AC 15/FF 15/T 11| HP 35 (39)/35 (39)| CMD 16| Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +9 Druid 4

If anybody takes leadership they better take him as an arcane bloodline bloodrager

Verim Pharae wrote:
Darnit, Why am I hearing a powerful barbarian voice from Conan.. the Librarian XD.

Twas not always a librarian laddy. Twenty years ago Id've been right beside you.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions
Conan_the_Librarian wrote:
Verim Pharae wrote:
Darnit, Why am I hearing a powerful barbarian voice from Conan.. the Librarian XD.
Twas not always a librarian laddy. Twenty years ago Id've been right beside you.

" Then I guess I'll have to do your share of the work too. Eh, Old Man? A Librarian though? I can't see me ever being to books for long. "

A New title 'Verim the Barbarian' Unlocked

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Though admit, Darth Verim has a ring to it.

Btw, did you know there is a "Darth..[name here]" generator?

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

I did, its glorious. And yes I admit Darth Verim rolls of the tongue pleasantly. I'm just wondering what would have to happen to make him that way.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Oh...loss of a loved one, some old evil guy making a promise of power/service to return said loved one to life.

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

It'd have to be like.. my wife though or maybe if Mia died? The person has to have a strong bond to him. It wouldnt really work well for his family because as Mercs, Death is something that happens.

Verim Pharae wrote:
It'd have to be like.. my wife though or maybe if Mia died? The person has to have a strong bond to him. It wouldnt really work well for his family because as Mercs, Death is something that happens.

If that is all it takes to turn Verim, I can manage it by the time he's 12th level.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

You're asking for things now Verim XD

Human Fighter 2/Titan Mauler 2 (Lvl 4) HP 38(46)[50]/38(46)[50]| AC 23(21) T 12(10) FF 21(19) | Fort +8(+10)[+11] Ref +2 Will +1(+3)| CMD 19 | Init +2 | Perception +8 : Conditions

Well it takes a bit more than that but basically it'd have to be a STRONG case of " You lost something and can't get it back except by this clearly corrupt way ". Your other option is "Sacrifice self for more power in someone else stead. " I find it odd that you specifically call out 12th level. *inquisitive eyes* Anyway, we'll see what happens.

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