Wizard's Competition
Game Master
Cherished Zero
It's not super easy to run the magic out, it takes multiple casters heavily doing magic, but it is possible.
Will forward us to the teleport wednesday, unless there are new questions for torrel, or actions within the prep room.
Male Human Paladin 6 // Incanter 6 HP 78/78 ||| AC 22 TAC 12 FF 20 | CMB +9 CMD 21 | F+15 R+12 W+13 | INIT +2 | PERC +0
No other questions here, just waiting. I don't need much to prepare
Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)
I've asked my last question and it was answered.
Male Sheet | HP 90/90 | SP 20/20 | AC 29 T 15 FF 25 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | F +10 R +9 W +2 | Init +4 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60ft)
M Human Mageknight 6//Incanter 6
Mheral Ayazral wrote: donion rings. Ask not for whom the onion rings—it rings for thee.
Male Sheet | HP 90/90 | SP 20/20 | AC 29 T 15 FF 25 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | F +10 R +9 W +2 | Init +4 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60ft)
that made me laugh far too much.
Skinwalker Kineticist 5 | HP 48/53 | AC 22, T 11, FF 21 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 | CMB +6, CMD 17 | Perc +13 | Init +1 | Burn 6/7 | DR 3 / Adamantium
Now I want onions rings...
Male Sheet | HP 90/90 | SP 20/20 | AC 29 T 15 FF 25 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | F +10 R +9 W +2 | Init +4 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60ft)
Howling Dan
I noticed you still don't got your basic combat stats on the bar below your name, while not required, I can attest to how much easier this makes the job for the GM. You can do this by putting the stats in the class section of your profile.
my favorite part is being able to easy tell people's perception modifier and senses so that they don't need to ask us to make perception checks and can roll them for us(in secret if need be).
Male Sheet | HP 90/90 | SP 20/20 | AC 29 T 15 FF 25 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | F +10 R +9 W +2 | Init +4 | Perc +9 (Darkvision 60ft)
I feel the need to quote these Mojo rules so they don't go missed.
Quote: Floating Inventory: As long as your total amount
of permanent gear is above minimum but under par,
you can declare the difference to be a “floating
inventory” of mundane (and possibly minor magical)
items, without bothering to record their exact nature.
Instead, you can simply assume you have any
needed item as long as it’s portable and within the
cost limit remaining to you. The item must be one that
you could reasonably have picked up in your travels.
Skinwalker Kineticist 5 | HP 48/53 | AC 22, T 11, FF 21 | Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2 | CMB +6, CMD 17 | Perc +13 | Init +1 | Burn 6/7 | DR 3 / Adamantium
Yeah, those are why I didn't do my usual trick of listing all the foods I've picked up...I can make the best sandwiches.
M Humanborn
I had never heard of the mojo rules before these two games amd i gotta say, i love them. Much less picking over book/webpages for gear
M Humanborn
Tomorrow I will be traveling outside the US on vacation and will return on October 6th. During such time, I will likely be very sparing on the boards, and I imagine connectivity may be an issue. Please bot me as necessary. I will still try to get some posts in or at least keep up with games while in my hotel, if wifi-allows.
Thanks for the heads up Tenro, I'll make a note of it.
I'm letting you guys RP it out right now, unless you insist I throw some priority into something :P
Hey, I just want to apologize. I've been kind of, lacking, in the posting department. I had someone pass away in my family last Tuesday and it's taken a huge toll on me. So I think I may need a hiatus to recover.
I'll try to post between things, but I lack motivation and enthusiasm right now and I'd rather post content and updates when I want to be engaged.
Again, I apologize about my sporadicness and my absence, I'll get back on track as soon as I can.
Male Gnome Fey Adept 6 // Incanter 6 ||| HP 60/60 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | CMB +1 | CMD 14* | MSB +6* | MSD 17 | F +4 R +5 W +7* | Init +3 | Perc +13* (Darkvision 60ft)
I'll be here when you get back
M Humanborn
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