Jim the barkeep |

Hollin and Mary show up to prepare for the expected patrons. "Hollin, run over to the Goose and Gander and bring me back a large pot of stew, two loaves of bread, and large bone for my large dog." He hands Hollin some coins as the boy sprints out of the tavern. "I've been working on that kitchen for weeks now. It should be done in a few more. That will be so nice for everyone."

Tharfynn |

Tharfynn notices you as he begins setting up his instruments around a stool. "Greetings, heroes of the hollow. 'Tis good to see you again. Up to more adventuring, I am certain thereof. When you have the time, I would like to hear more of your adventures in detail. I could use that illumination to write tales and sing songs of your great deeds." He moves to his stool and addresses the patrons. " "I will be taking requests this evening, and I do work for no more than your gratitude." He flips his hat to the ground. It lands on the floor upside down.
"This one is in honor of our newfound heros. They spend much time traveling, as do I."

Vors Aman |

A well dressed man of medium build and height makes his way to your table. A masterwork rapier is sheathed to his waist.
"Good evening. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Vors Aman, currently employed by Thuldrin Kreed. I believe you met Mr. Kreed when he so graciously rewarded you for the return of his son some time back.
Mr. Kreed has kept himself informed of your activities since you impressed him with your valor in locating and rescuing Jurin.
He wishes to express his gratitude yet another time. He offers to transport and board you on a trip to Almas. He believes adventurers as yourselves may be in need of more advanced supplies than can be found in Falcon's Hollow. Almas is our capital and one of the largest cities in the Inner Sea. Business there calls me and we set out in the morning.
If you have interest, we will be departing mid morning tomorrow. Mr. Kreed mans his keelboat so that she can continue to move 24 hours a day. It is more than 200 miles to Almas and it will take us nine days to get there. My business in Almas should be complete in two days and that is when the keelboat will return."
Vors looks at each of you with a friendly smile as he gathers your reception to his offer.

Bulgard Merkenkin |

Bulgard orders two pints of the dark ale. He begins quaffing one, then sets the other on the floor. The wolf begins lapping it up.
He looks to Jim.
"Can you tell me more of this "Vors Aman" fellow. And the city, Almas?"
I'm going to assume that Grokar and Zevon are in the tavern with me. Bulgard speaks to them.
"I got some good stuff from the dead goat. I have:
-pipes of sounding, zevon should take this
-bracers of armor, grokar or Rhen?
-Ring of protection, I'll keep for myself
-CMW potion: I'll keep one, who wants the other?
-elixirs of love?
-arrows- I'll keep
-masterwork rapier?
-masterwork shortbow?
... anything you don't want we can sell.

Jim the barkeep |

"Well, Bulgard, it is not so much about Vors Aman as it is who he works for. That would be Thuldrin Kreed. Thuldrin is by far the most powerful and wealthiest man in these parts. The lumber consortium has but three gavels in all of Andoran and Thuldrin is one of them. His influence is recognized throughout Andoran and his connections are with the most powerful people of the nation.
Almas is the capital of our nation. One of the largest cities in the entire Inner Sea. Thuldrin's keelboat continually moves up and down the river delivering lumber and bringing back supplies and who knows what. There is more to those deliveries than lumber. Men like Vors make that trip and he is not a deckhand.
Regarding Vors, I know little of him. He is not a regular here. He speaks the truth in that he does work for Thuldrin Kreed."

Grokar |

Grokar grunts and lifts his head from the table. A pool of drool is left behind on the wood. "Almas, Never been. Is there pay?" Grokar asks drowsily. It is clear that he had one too many and may have spent the night there.

Rhen Vemsa |

we can go with he is there
Rhen listens to the man in the stuff coat talk, once he is gone though....
"Ye thinkin' he be tellin' o' us the truth? Mightin' we can be gettin' some new stuff done in that big city. Mind ye I be there are no dwarven craftsmen."

Igar The Terrible |

The month is Rova, the day is Wealday. It is a new moon.
Sunrise: 6:35am, Sunset: 6:49pm, Moonrise: 6:52am, Moonset: 7:23pm
Bulgard predicts a high around 80 degrees, a low near 60, and no rain.
Mid morning at the docks, all of the activity is around a keelboat fully laden with timber. The name Jurin Kreed is painted on the side of it. The crew appears to be be making final preparations for departure. Vors is about 50 yards away next to some luggage. He has a fishing rod and is breaking it down. He picks up his luggage and tackle and boards the Jurin Kreed.
The keelboat is quite large, but all of the room is intended for cargo. The crew quarters and galley is very tight, but contained within a structure that gives shelter from the elements. Your home for the next 9 days

Vors Aman |

The Jurin Kreed is unleashed and the oars begin their work. You begin to move southeast down the river. It is a beautiful day and the view will only get better as you move through the untamed wilderness. Vors takes out his fishing tackle and tosses an artificial lure into the river. He begins reeling it back in. He will spend the next 9 days taking his catch to the galley. "I purchased this tackle in Oppara years ago. Nice little shop with the finest equipment. Can't recall the name of it now. Perhaps it will come back to me when it so chooses. Many an hour has it given me pleasure and then a meal. Are you familiar with Almas? Ever been there? Have you any questions?"

Vors Aman |

Vors smiles when he hears Rhen's question. "It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Rhen. Unfortunately, there is no work for you on this boat. You are Mr. Kreed's guests. All expenses are paid for until we return to Falcon's Hollow. He is truly grateful to you for the rescue and return of his son."

Grokar |

Excited to be on the water, Grokar immediately approaches Vors "I help fish?" he asks flexing his newly polished armor. That's one thing he was able to do before leaving other than get drunk. Most people would remove heavy armor aboard a ship, but not Grokar.
does this boat have sides or is it more like a raft?

Rhen Vemsa |

Rhen nods at the free ride, "Free hmph, nothing err be free" Rhen goes and finds a spot to sit and watch the woods and such.
Perception taking 20: 20 + 9 = 29 31 to notice unusual stone work haha

Vors Aman |

Sides, like a barge.
The month is Rova, the day is Fireday. It is two days past the first quarter moon, waxing gibbous
Sunrise: 6:41am, Sunset: 6:36pm, Moonrise: 2:55pm, Moonset: 12:40am
It is actually a little cooler as you approach the coast. There is a nice breeze. Bulgard predicts no rain, a high in the upper 70s, low around 55.
Mid morning The Jurin Kreed makes the final bend to Almas. You get a view of its skyline behind the high walls with guard towers placed at fixed intervals. This is one big city. The skyline is dominated by a 500ft spire. There are many tall cathedral domes and other large buildings that appear more layman in nature. As you get closer, you notice the spire is an enormous circular building from which rises a five-hundred foot tall whitewashed tower crowned with a copper dome and an enormous gold-plated statue of an eagle in flight. Balconies ring the tower and banners depicting the seals of Almas and Andoran as well as others you do not recognize hang down its length. Pointing at the spire, Vors tells you "That structure is the heart of the Eagle Knights of Andoran where members of all branches of the knights are trained. The Aerie serves as both a garrison and command outpost for the Eagle Knights and is the home of the Knight-General, commander of all Eagle Knights of Andoran." You pass under two extremely high bridges that would allow passage for the tallest of sailboats. You see a shipyard to your starboard. The Jurrin Kreed is gracefully oared into place.
"You are welcome to lodge on the boat. There is a tavern named The Grog Stop nearby and the mercantile district is not too far away. I do have more comfortable boarding in mind for you, however. It is an upscale residence that has been converted into a lodge. It is on the Avenue of the Gods. That, my friends, is a sight you shall never forget. As for the wolf, Bulgard, I know he is well mannered. I am not sure how receptive the people in this large coastal city will be to him." Vors waits for your decision on lodging.

Vors Aman |

Bulgard indicates he will take his chances with the wolf in town.
Vors leads you from the shipyard across one of the high bridges. He points out the mercantile district as you pass by it. Eventually you turn onto the Avenue of the Gods. The Avenue of the Gods is a quarter-mile stretch of road cutting east to west through the northern side of the Embassy District. Lining the street on both sides are twenty foot tall marble statues of Abdar, Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Desna, Erastil, Gorum, Gozreh, Iomedae, Irori, Nethys, Pharasma, Sarenrae and Shelyn. Shrines and smaller statues of other more minor gods of good and neutral alignment can be found interspersed between the oldest and largest of the statuary.
"Pilgrims from all across Andoran flock to the Avenue of the Gods to pay their honor. These statues were constructed over the centuries since Andoran was liberated from Cheliax, the newest of which is seventy-eight years old."
Churches, chapels and cathedrals line this long street, along with upscale residences and privately owned complexes dedicated to housing traveling members of the different faiths welcomed openly in Almas; all such property is church-owned. As you pass Cayden's Hall, Vors points to it. "My favorite church, I recommend you pay her a visit. If it can be brewed, it can be found there. Dedicated to the accidental god." You follow him into a rather large residence where he speaks with the attendant, making certain you will have board and lodging for the duration of his visit. He points to a dining room in the back of the residence. "Meals are served there three times a day. Help yourselves to any vacant bedrooms upstairs. Meet me back at The Jurin Kreed day after tomorrow, as early as possible. At that time we will depart for Falcon's Hollow. I hope you find all that you need here in Almas. Mr. Kreed has provided for your lodging, boarding, and even the tips. Enjoy your stay, gentlemen." Vors hands the attendant a small coin pouch. He exits the residence and tends to his task at hand.

Rhen Vemsa |

"O' I be tryin' out that Church there boy, drinkin' be me third clan name." Rhen says
Rhen goes to this manor that is being talked about
"I wanna be tryin' this o' high life these Humans always be talkin' boutt."
Finding a room that suits his needs Rhen settles in dumping his pack on the floor and trying out the bed.

Igar The Terrible |

If you decide to go to Cayden's Hall, please read this spoiler at that time
This antechamber serves as the Hall’s main entrance. It consists of a long hallway flanked on either side by rows of barstools facing parallel oaken bars that run the length of the hall. Massive kegs set into the walls behind the bar allow clergy members to quickly address the needs of their patrons and petitioners. About half the taproom’s stools already seat drunken revelers at the long oaken bars. The boisterous patrons hoist their tankards, raising slurred toasts and praises amid the tall tales of wild adventure. A single temple guard stands at the front door and politely asks you what business you have at Cayden’s Hall.

Bulgard Merkenkin |

Bulgard invites his companions, along with the the crew of Jurin Kreed to worship at his newfound religious center. He has already settled into his room and bids Khador, the wolf to stay there.
He tells the guard at the temple his business is,
"Wh-Why, worship, of course!"

Igar The Terrible |

The guard raises his mug and allows you entry.
Cayden’s Hall is a massive, open fest hall of rough-hewn timbers. The latter have been replaced many times over the years thanks to their predecessors being burnt to cinders when the large, celebratory bonfires often burning within the wooden structure mixed badly with the very large and very inebriated crowds frequenting the establishment.

Zevon Vierding |

The spires and bustle of the city sparks Zevon's wanderlust. Your companion who as seemingly been somber and lost in his thoughts since the encounter with the fey seems to finally have come around.
He joins you at the table.
Well lads, look at us. Once know-nothing souls from a backwater carousing the big city. I have been thinking much about what i want out of this life, I suppose having your identity stolen and returned to you can have that effect. it is as if I have gotten to know myself all over. What I discovered is I have no intention of being beholden to an employer. This city and all its glory and secrets are mine to uncover. I bid you go, make your fortune, but I shall remain here. Inquire after me should you return this way. Until your departure, however, let us share drink and stories of our past glories!
He hands the cure moderate wand to Rhen.
While I hope you will not need it, I imagine your road holds greater odds of that than mine.

Bulgard Merkenkin |

"Wh-what's a stutter, Rhen?
He raises his mug to Zevon.
"B-been good to know you, Z. You saved my arse a time or two... Thank you for that. A friendly word of wisdom for you to consider as you go, and may you c-carry it with you all your days...
The drink is getting to Bulgard. He caresses his mug, and clears his throat, preparing for his most eloquent delivery
"In the p-path of life, you may find many trials and tribulations. If dung lies in your path, walk around it. If a woman lies in your path, bed her. If you find yourself in a room of sleeping savage skeletons, for God's sake, L-LET THEM SLEEP!"
Then Bulgard lowers his mug and scans the room. He looks about for something to start their next adventure.
perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Bulgard Merkenkin |

”could have g-g-GONE, Z. The correct verbiage is “c-could have gone, not could have went”. Eloquent d-d-delivery was never your strong ssss.... your strong ssss... your st-st...”
He gives up and drains his mug.
fare well, then
He whispers to Rhen
Always gave me the creeps, anyway. Weird voice and all. ‘N-nother Ale? he says as he inspects his empty mug.

Grokar |

Never one with words Grokar drains a mug while the others say their good byes. Half way through another he grunts and then over his mug he speaks. "You were good in the fight. A town like this. Big, lots of people. It is good for you." with a grunt he turns to the others.
"Well what we do now? I keep traveling with you two, if you let me.

Grokar |

mmhmm, I need to spend a bit of this coin first. Hope big city has more than that little town.
Purchase limits here? I saved a bit of gold so I could grab a couple items that were out of reach in the last town.

Igar The Terrible |

After final farewells to Zevon, you realize you will never drain all the kegs in this hall. You get the items you were seeking and board the Jurin Kreed at the designated hour.
Your adventures continue here. The Pallid Plague