Whisper in the Mists Epic 6 (Inactive)

Game Master Davachido

Current combat map

Initiative order: Rybal, Variel, Kopru , Malthu, Drak

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Short update as I'm off to bed: Passages are 10ft wide, Spirit sense gives off a faint undead aura everywhere. I will assume you are keeping spirit sense up so I'll tell you as soon as you detect anything.

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

Unsettling... very unsettling

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"I'll say. Worst case scenario, we're inside a very large and very weak undead."

So which corridor would you guys like to go down or is there something more you wish to inspect?

I'll vote for the passage that was recently traveled. I also think we should determine marching order. I think Trogg should go in front to detect undead/follow tracks. I can go with him up front (10 ft wide passages) since I have a reach weapon. Malthu should be close up front too, since he can smite whatever the big bad is. I'm thinking he and Clarence behind me and Trogg. Next is Variel and Rikaku so the casters are protected. Then Drak and Jazz as a rearguard, since they can invis an come up front quickly if needed. Good? Did I forget anyone?

Male Human Ninja (6) HPs 51/51 AC 17 (19 when invisible) FF 14 T 13 CMD 17 Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3, Init +4 Per +10

We are dealing with tricky halflings right? Any chance this is just an illusion?

Sounds good to me.

Spellcraft 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

"I've never heard of an illusion that strong, but I wouldn't rule it out based on my judgment of the matter..."


Fine by me.

Malthu gives the walls a good slap with his hands, taking in the feel and the sound. "Feels pretty solid to me," he says. "Let's keep following these tracks."

Male Kobold Sorcerer 6

Fine with marching order and fine with the recently travelled passage.

"Illusion possible - Rikaku can make ghost sounds too. But Rikaku or Trogg probably sense if magic."

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"Speaking of which..." Trogg casts detect magic and has another look around.

OK with both

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

Variel draws his rapier and falls in at the rear of the group.

Jazz doesn't believe this is an illusion. At Rikaku's suggestion Trogg detects magic, down the corridor they are about to follow there is residual magic left behind. As they all fall in line the group follows the most recent tracks. The magic signature slowly gets stronger and stronger as they move through the corridors. Every so often the whole group hears the sound of hoof beats and then nothing. The party gets the feeling they are being followed, from horseback seems very strange at this point.

At the end of the tracks the group finds a doorway which they open, inside is a magic atelier. Something like a lot of what they are finding doesn't seem right about this place. The tiles that make up the floor are completely different to the ones outside. The wood of the threshold changes halfway through the door frame. Around here there lacks the many different books you'd see in such a place. There is a singular book on a lectern.

Rikaku also smells something very familiar to him, something he feels he should hold dear.


There is a faint smell of the pages of the white book, somewhere in this room.

In the centre of the room is something Variel, Trogg, Rikaku and Jazz recognize. It is the same magic circle they found next Varis in the tower. The 4 then look about and see that there are boxes behind some of the bookshelves and around the corners in this room. Again they are filled with clothes and personally belongings. These ones clearly fit halflings though. What is the significance of these boxes you wonder.

Male Human Ninja (6) HPs 51/51 AC 17 (19 when invisible) FF 14 T 13 CMD 17 Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3, Init +4 Per +10

What the hell kind of sorcery is this

Drak looks around, trying to get a sense of what is going on here. Although 'true' magic might be beyond him he still has his abilities which are magical and maybe, just maybe they will give him an edge and hopefully not be fried into a cinder.

Preception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Jazz approaches the lectern and inspects the book, feeling something a little bit creepy in the air around them. "That circle... those boxes... the disappearances. Something's just not right, and it's been wrong ever since we arrived in this town."

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"Each question we answer births two more questions. Did the man in white do this on his own initiative, or someone else's, perhaps someone who wished for subjects or power? To what end does this whole scheme aim? What has been done to the disappeared, are they still alive, safe and sound, or have they all been turned into golems, mistfiends, and alchemical experiments? Are the disappeared's personal belongings being returned to them, wherever they are now, or are they being sold or the like?"

Drak can see the circle is inactive, seeing friends of his using magical spells and rituals he knows at least this much. Though it has been used recently. The boxes seem to have been put away in a hurry, Drak can tell it seems like someone is hiding the fact that they might still be active here.

Jazz opens the book and finds that it is an empty spellbook. Having trained with Variel for a bit he does recognize the parchment and binding used to hold magical spells. There is however one page written in halfling. The language seems similar to those you know so you try to read it anyway taking a minute to do so.

linguistics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

Page of halfling script:

Take my hand
and I will close my eyes
guide me home
and as a child
I will eagerly fantasize

It's been a long time since I've been home
and I hope I am nearly there
no matter how far you are, they say
home knows no race, no distance
home is fair

home is at the end of war
home is in the peaceful sun
home is in the mornings breeze
home is where it all began

Home is as unique as man
Beyond color and beyond dime
so Similar in different ways
beyond brick and beyond time

home is in a lover's arms
home is in between those doors
home is in a child's laughter
home is where you make it yours


Male Kobold Sorcerer 6

Immediately upon entering the room, Rikaku freezes, sniffing the air frantically. "Rikaku smell it... smell Snow diary in here!"

Taken by apparent mania, the kobold begins searching around the bookshelves, looking desperately for that familiar smell.

Perception 16 for finding the source of that smell, or he'll take 20 (for 26) if he doesn't come up with anything immediately.

Do people want to move on from this room as I can see people don't want to do much or discuss it? I can move things along if so!

Also Jazz that is indeed an empty spellbook you can use for your Magus spells you picked up.

Rikaku takes some time to look until underneath some of the clothing he finds a few pages that have the same handwriting he saw in the diary he is holding. Most of them are just day to day recounts but one page in particular catches your eye.

Diary Entry:

Day 541

Some guys with swords came around today. Dragash hid me away from them I don't know why he did at first. They were yelling at him to give them the abomination. Whatever that was, when he wouldn't do it they beat him up until Klaus came downstairs. I had never seen Klaus so angry, he picked the men with swords up with nothing but magic. Flung them to the far side of the room and had another spell ready to blast them before they knew what hit them.

Klaus threatened to kill them or at least report them to the Regent if they did not leave immediately. Once they left, Klaus sat Dragash and I down to talk about the research he has been doing here. I wasn't listening too much, it was something about immortality. I was more worried about Dragash, his arm was broken...

Tonight I rest but tomorrow ... those men won't see another sunrise, no one hurts my family!

The entry ends with some illegible angry scribbles. Doodles of a lizard eating two stick figure men are adjacent to the entry.

Trogg also hears a bit of scribbling in his pocket before the whiny of the horse sounds out again, in then cries in pain before the party hears a loud thud somewhere in the corridor.


Trogg, I sense a friend of mine nearby though it feels like she is .. ill or wrong .. something happened to her.

Male Human Ninja (6) HPs 51/51 AC 17 (19 when invisible) FF 14 T 13 CMD 17 Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3, Init +4 Per +10

I'm still interested in this room if that makes a difference :). What kind of boxes are they - Boxes that can be opened? Or are they just more like blocks?

"Something seems wrong about the boxes. Does anyone else see it?

If they can be opened Drak will go over to one, examine it then open it, seeing what is inside.

Preception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Cool! I should apologize for being quiet lately: looking for work has been preoccupying.

"Curious little ditty: the person who wrote this must have been a home body. This was written by the missing Halfling? Hopefully she'll get to return home someday..."

Jazz tucks the empty spellbook away into his backpack, tapping it affectionately as he imagines filling it with all the confusing arcane calculations floating around in his head.


Malthu will take a close look at the area between the room and the tunnels, to see how the wood and tile changes so abruptly. Take 20 on perception for 21.

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

Trogg pulls out the book, reads the latest note, then scrawls a response.

"Is your friend a unicorn or other horse-like creature?"

Male Kobold Sorcerer 6

Rikaku carefully reads through all the pages and files them away in the diary in chronological order. He does linger somewhat longer on Day 541, both curious and amused by Snow's antics described therein. Calling to the group, he reads out a translation of the diary entry, before looking around with a frown on his face. Everyone can read that diary spoiler.

"Immortality? Very very strong magic too. Rikaku worry... if man in white is Klaus from diary... he maybe too strong for us..."

"Do anyone know regent?" he asks the group. "Rikaku no interest in leaders of man."

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

what knowledge roll would be required?

Variel seems on edge and poised for attack.

This may not be the heart of the Foes power but its definetely close to his bones... be wary of traps and enemies

Any of you bookish types know who was in charge here 200 years ago?

I'd imagine that would be Knowledge (History). Anybody have ranks in that? If not, you can make Knowledge checks untrained fr DC 10 checks and below. If the regent ofthe time was extremely well-known or legendary we might be able to get it with no ranks (like a child knowing who George Washington is, you know?)

@Drak: The boxes are wooden boxes filled with personal effects for the most part. Looking about you find a bangle, that you are pretty sure is magical. It doesn't seem to have a keyword to activate like you are used to but these are rare enough that you know how to identify something this valuable.

You find a painted picture of the Autard family, Betina however has been rubbed out and parts of it are ripped. Written in ink all over the picture is just the word "Desire" written in common.

@Malthu: Taking a fine look at the area Malthu can see the cave seems to have been cut. Be it magically or physical there is a clean cut of the cave to 'slot' in this room. This room is too jarring to be here, this had to be brought here from someplace out. Since this is underground there are only a few options to how it got here.


"She was a pegasus yes... why?"

@Variel: As Rybal says it would be knowledge (History), given that you aren't pressed you can take 10

Variel knows that the regent was a man called 'Endiko Cordova', he was a very long lived half-elf. He was put in place as the Regent as the bloodline of Kings for the country had been lost. Instead a new bloodline took over in the King's absence, the Regent's bloodline, starting with Endiko. Many believe that Endiko made the King disappear but no-one could prove that accusation. The current Regent is Endiko's son, Haizea Kordova. The courts believe that the royal bloodline is hidden in the country which is why they haven't chosen a new king but no-one has stated why they believe that.

Male Human Ninja (6) HPs 51/51 AC 17 (19 when invisible) FF 14 T 13 CMD 17 Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3, Init +4 Per +10

Drak will go up to the wizardy types.

Variel, I have something for you to examine. Drak will show him the dongle that was found.

I also think the objects in these crates were used in whatever ritual was done here.

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"We keep hearing horsy noises. I fear your friend may have been turned into some sort of undead abomination."

"By the way, do you know any sirens?"

"Those sounds we've been hearing just might be an undead pegasus. We should be wary."

Jazz turns and raises an eyebrow at Trogg incredulously, but seeing the dwarf's serious face, steels his brow and faces their duty. Looking down at the painting, Jazz closely inspects the scratched-out face of Betina. "Desire, desire... she's caught up in a messy, messy world. Doesn't the man in white ask his victims what they desire most?"

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

I know that the regent was a man called 'Endiko Cordova', he was a very long lived half-elf. He was put in place as the Regent as the bloodline of Kings for the country had been lost. Instead a new bloodline took over in the King's absence, the Regent's bloodline, starting with Endiko. Many believe that Endiko made the King disappear but no-one could prove that accusation. The current Regent is Endiko's son, Haizea Kordova. The courts believe that the royal bloodline is hidden in the country which is why they haven't chosen a new king but no-one has stated why they believe that.

What is this thing you need me to look at Drak?.

He examines the object.

Sorry father's day yesterday so late on posting this.

spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Variel inspects the bangle and finds that it is an un-keyed item. By that it has a blank slate on it, it will bond to the user and enhance that person but until it does so has no real effect.

Basically it's a +2 attribute item, it has no bonus yet but whomever takes it gets to choose the attribute boost. When they have chosen, the item stays locked to that attribute boost. This particular one is a bangle so takes up your arm slot.


That's terrible! I know this is asking a lot but if you do see her like that. Can you make sure she is destroyed? I don't think she'd want her body to be used in such a way...

Just realized that's really funny now with your image being Durkon :P

I once knew some but I fear they were killed or captured by the mistfiends.

Down the corridor a hacking noise can be heard of an axe continually hitting flesh echoing down the hallways.

Male Human Ninja (6) HPs 51/51 AC 17 (19 when invisible) FF 14 T 13 CMD 17 Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3, Init +4 Per +10

Nice. Can Drak keep it since he found it :D

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"It sounds like someone may be in trouble. Shouldn't we help them out?"

Trogg moves to the entrance of the room and peers down the corridor, trying to see if he can figure out what's going on. Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12


"Yes. Let's go." Malthu begins to head down the corridor. Perhaps instead of just echoes, they would find something to fight.

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

Variel advises the party as to what he found out about the item.

I have already received this sword, so I feel that it best go to either the finder or someone else

I am happy with my magic rapier... I like Gish characters. Mind you if we find a few more of these, I'd not say no

Male Kobold Sorcerer 6

Hearing the noise and not really caring to debate the ownership of the fancy bangle (...although it was quite shiny...), Rikaku hurries down the hallways behind Trogg and Clarence, trying to follow the noise and get the gist of what's going on.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

Doesn't bother me who gets it. Although probably not Variel because, yeah, he did get that sword before. Spread the love around. :)

So people have said basically we don't mind just not Variel to get the bangle as he already has an item. So who is going to take it? Once a decision has been made in the discussion thread then whoever got it can add it to their inventory

The group goes down the corridor back tracking a little and they find a dead winged horse lying in the middle of the corridor. It has no head currently, it seems to have recently been severed off. Blood is seeping out into the stonework from its gaping head wound. There are feathers from its wings strewn across the tunnel from a recent fight. There is a blood trail from the pool of blood at its neck stump further back the way you came from the house. They appear to be drag marks.


Concentrating for a few seconds your spirit sense shows that the horse on the ground is undead. A stronger undead aura passed through this area very recently.

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

"An undead something or other hacks off the head of an undead pegasus and drags it out of sight. Can this quest get any weirder?"

Trogg examines the neck wound. I may not know anything about the various types of undead, but perhaps the wound will tell me something about what we are up against. Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 Mainly to answer the question "what sort of weapon did this?"


"Is it possible that this pegasus is Snow? It does have wings."

Male Human Ninja (6) HPs 51/51 AC 17 (19 when invisible) FF 14 T 13 CMD 17 Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +3, Init +4 Per +10

The golem was talking about the man in white. With a name like snow do you think it's related?

Trogg kneels down in front of the pegasus to inspect it's severed stump. He reacts quite quickly stepping up and away from it as he sees black shadows appear from it's neck as it tries to butt at him. From behind them the group sees a headless woman with black shadows coming out of her stump. Underneath one of her arms she carries her head, she raises it up in the air and out of her feet shadows engulf the party as she seeks to terrify the group.

Stump attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Trogg narrowly avoids the incoming attack from the undead pegasus. Thankfully he saw that it wasn't dead just before it tried to strike him.

DC 16 Will or be paralysed in fear for the first round of combat.

Map updated

Will saves:

Drak: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Malthu is fearless. Provides +4 to everyone.
Trogg: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
Clarence: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Rikaku: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Variel: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Jazz: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Rybal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Clarence, Drak and Jazz are frozen in fear when they see these headless creature approach them. Unable to take theirs eyes off the head that has bits of flesh dropping to the floor.


Drak: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Malthu: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Trogg: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Clarence: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Rikaku: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Variel: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Jazz: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Rybal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Woman: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
pegasus: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Order: Variel, Clarence, Drak, Trogg, Malthu, Jazz, Enemy, Rikaku, Rybal.

Trogg you may make take a single standard action before initiative starts.

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

Trogg backs rapidly but warily away from the creature, mentally kicking himself for assuming that a creature that moves without life would still need a head. Five foot step back, total defense for AC 20. He has neither sword nor shield out at the moment.

Male Kobold Sorcerer 6
Malthu the Redeemed wrote:
"Is it possible that this pegasus is Snow? It does have wings."

Rikaku shakes his head emphatically. "Snow no pegasus. Rikaku know for sure! She said she had sharp shiny teeth and also draw self as liza--dragon, no horse. Besides--Snow no die!"

Clearly, even if Snow was the pegasus, one would be hard-pressed to convince Rikaku of the alternative...

Busy convincing the paladin of his point of view, Rikaku is slow to react when a strange spectre arises from within the pegasus corpse...

Waiting until my turn in initiative to otherwise act.

AC13(17)*/Touch13/Flatfoot10/CMD 16||HP30/[30]| Fort:+2 ;Ref:+4 ;Wil+5|Percept +8/Sense Motive +0|Init+7| Elvish Male Witch 6

Variel is left gaping at the creature in front of him.

Blood of the gods!, he breathes.

Ah jeez, the numbers were completely different than the preview.. Okay let's try this again! Sorry for any confusion this might have caused!

Frozen fear: Variel and Drak for one round

Initiatve: Rikaku, Pegasus Trogg, Drak, Variel, Malthu, Rybal, Woman , Jazz, Clarence.

I will put this in the campaign info so it can constantly be seen instead of sifting through the thread for the initiative.

Male Kobold Sorcerer 6

Apparently Rikaku is quicker than he thought! Seeing Drak paralysed with fear and Jazz having barely noticed the enemy coming from behind, the little kobold feels briefly that he must be brave! And so he ducks underneath Drak's legs and opens his mouth, spewing forth a real breath weapon, of chilling arctic winds and uttercold.

Cold damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6 DC 16 Reflex for half.

I'm not sure if my bloodline bonus or my favoured class bonus applies to this ability - it's not technically a spell after all. If yes, +2 to that damage; otherwise it's just 6.

reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
I don't mind the damage applying as you have sacrificed a lot for the flavour of your character. Adding those to your breath won't make you overpowered so 8 damage it is.

The woman doesn't even try to dodge the breath that Rikaku throws at her. The frost forming between the cracks of her armour dampening her movement. The dead skin rupturing as ice breaks it off and flaking off around her.

The pegasus attacks the animal in front of it bringing its hooves and head stump down onto poor Clarence.

stump attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
hoof 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
hoof 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

stump attack: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
hoof 1: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
hoof 2: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Rybal freezes, unsure of what to do against such foes until a rallying cry from Malthu spurs him to action. The scarred soldier advances next to the kobold and swings his weapon at the woman's legs.

Move 2 squares to the right

Trip attempt vs her CMD 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

If that hits, here's my AoO against her when she stands up. If allowed, I'll target the head instead of the body. 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Damage 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6


Quickly assessing the headless creatures, Malthu decides the one holding the head is the greater threat.

"Focus on the woman," he barks. He charges up and past the shadowy creature, leaving himself vulnerable as he attempts to take a flanking position. He then brings his blade down mightily against the creature.

Move behind the woman - she gets an AOO.
Power Attack, flanking: 1d20 + 7 - 1 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 7 - 1 + 2 = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 3 = 15

If by chance he is struck by the AOO, he will use Lay on Hands on himself.

Lay on Hands?:
2d6 + 2 ⇒ (2, 6) + 2 = 10

Male Dwarf Druid 4 (HP 32/32)

Trogg backs further from the headless horse, a ball of fire appearing in his hand and launching itself at the pegasus. Casting produce flame, boosted with place magic. 3 minutes left on the spell.

Ranged touch attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Damage (fire): 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

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