DM Voice |

"Ahh, my dear, you would be one that I would never forget," Tenoch says, responding with his own smirk.
He takes the veil and looks at it, turning it around to look at both sides. "Although I shall treasure your tears always, does your ability with the sergeant extend beyond him? Or does our friend not permit you to offer more assistance than this cloth?"
She offers you a no-nonsense look and a terse reply.
Tiadora: "I've done to him what I can, besides I've already helped you more than you realize."

DM Voice |

The sounds of punches and laughter stirred Aramil from his sleep. He slowly opens his eyes, in time to see the final punch landing to the prisoner's face.
Sigh... Another fine day at Branderscar...
He lifts himself to a standing position, facing the rest of the prisoners, observing them for some time, noticing the fresh bruises on the dhampir, but remains silent.
Well at least the scars didn't make him any uglier.
He feels out the chains binding him, at the same time observing the cell and the surroundings, trying to calm his mind enough for his keen senses to give him an accurate vision of his situation.
Assuming most of you have at least 60' darkvision or so, as the lighting isn't very good being in a stale basement and all...PCs are chained (save 1) in red. Guards are posted in blue across the way.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

"Perhaps you would care to enlighten me as to the aid provided? Presumably this veil is more than it seems? Care to explain it's function? Ott perhaps I'll need to do stop myself..." Tenoch looks around before muttering a few words and looking upon the veil. Once he finishes examining it, he turns his gaze on the woman. "Is there anything further?
Detect magic on the veil (and then T). Also, if T has nothing further, you can FF things to take me back to the cell.

Adria, the Red Witch |

Adria had withdrawn into her head upon hearing that there were only three days before their respective executions. She noted the offer of a quicker death by the needle-toothed man, the identification of the half-elf woman as a fellow witch, and even the shape-shifting man's extrication from his chains, but resolved for the moment to remain silent - all could be useful, but they would be squandered if used prematurely.
She was meditating deeply - considering the limited resources she had available to her and how they might be applied to any escape attempt - when the guards arrived to take the second half-elf away. A visitor... Curious. Who would pay a visit to one of the condemned in this place?
Adria would certainly be interested in what the half-elf had to say, when and if he returned. Perhaps, once the guards were gone, it would be time to get to know her fellow prisoners a bit better. It was plainly obvious she would never be free of this place alone.
No point in Sense Motive check on the guard for me...

DM Voice |

Holding area with Tenoch and Tiadora:
There is no time to cast the spell.
Her message delivered, she rises and the guards return. Immediately, her demeanor once more changes and she is again a perfect picture of grief.
Tiadora: “No, I can’t bear to leave you!” She gives the PC a kiss on the cheek. The kiss is ice-cold and feels somehow alien and inhuman.
Tomas shakes his head. “I’m afraid it’s time, miss.”
Tiadora looks deep in Tomas’ eyes and says, “Thank you for letting me say good-bye. There’s no need to search my dearest. You are such a good friend for letting me see my dearest one more time.”
“Such a good friend,” Tomas repeats his voice almost mechanical. Then the watch sergeant seems to snap out of it and bows politely. “A pleasure, madam,” She leaves unveiled.
Her eyes meet the PCs one last time and she briefly gives them a wicked smile.
“Three days,” telepathically echoes in Tenoch's mind. “Don’t disappoint me, dearest”.
The visitation concluded, You are taken back to your cell by a cadre of guards and
shackled once more.

Alicia d'Kouzra |

Curiosity resides on Alicia's face as the half-elf is brought back shortly after leaving. He did not look beaten. Indeed, he almost looked smug. The alert guards were back as well, and Alicia was the picture of innocence, remaining as still as she could and offering not a sound.
Once the guards leave, her gaze drifts to Tenoch, settling on him expectantly.

Alaric Morgain |

Alaric also turns his attention to Tenoch, glancing at him sidelong, and doing his best not to attract any attention. Finally, after a long silence, when the guards seem to be at their least attentiveness, he whispers softly to Tenoch, "Well, what was that about?"
While waiting for an answer, he looks about for anything in the cell that he might be able to use to unlock the cell door or use to open the manacles of the others... perhaps a spare bit of metal, a nail or anything...

Aramil Ertane |

Aramil waits for the guards to start leaving the cell for their post, then tries to unshackle himself. He will also try to hide himself somewhat by positioning himself in the cell, so that it is harder for anyone to notice what he's doing.
Stealth: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Disable device: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
If the disable device check fails, is it possible to take 20 on this, seeing as my char is not in imminent danger more or less?

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

Once the guards leave Tenoch writhes around in his chains, in an attempt to silently pull out the gift he received so that he and the others could view it. "It seems we have a 'friend' in high places. They could not give much assistance, but they offered this, whatever it is. We have three days to get out of here and go pay a visit."

Alicia d'Kouzra |

Alicia quietly chants some words of magic, focusing on the 'gifts'.
Cast Detect Magic.
Her pale eyebrow arches, amusement and interest expressed openly. "It seems our friend is a bit of a cryptic, or should we know what to do with that?" She asks softly. Now that escape was at least a faint option, she will ensure that no plans go awry from attentive guards.

DM Voice |

Aramil waits for the guards to start leaving the cell for their post, then tries to unshackle himself. He will also try to hide himself somewhat by positioning himself in the cell, so that it is harder for anyone to notice what he's doing.
[dice=Disable device]1d20+8
If the disable device check fails, is it possible to take 20 on this, seeing as my char is not in imminent danger more or less?
The lock doesn't open, it is VERY difficult to do this without tools, and sadly even if you took 20 you find no way to open these locks without tools in hand.
DM Voice |

Alicia quietly chants some words of magic, focusing on the 'gifts'.
Cast Detect Magic.
Her pale eyebrow arches, amusement and interest expressed openly. "It seems our friend is a bit of a cryptic, or should we know what to do with that?" She asks softly. Now that escape was at least a faint option, she will ensure that no plans go awry from attentive guards.
You don't have the freedom of movement to perform the required somantic component to cast a spell right now. You are still shackled currently./evil laugh

DM Voice |

Alaric also turns his attention to Tenoch, glancing at him sidelong, and doing his best not to attract any attention. Finally, after a long silence, when the guards seem to be at their least attentiveness, he whispers softly to Tenoch, "Well, what was that about?"
While waiting for an answer, he looks about for anything in the cell that he might be able to use to unlock the cell door or use to open the manacles of the others... perhaps a spare bit of metal, a nail or anything...
Nothing at hand, the guards left nothing of use inside the cell.

Aramil Ertane |

After trying to use his locksmith skills to break his bonds without success, Aramil sighs for a moment, cursing his luck.
"I hope your friend's gift is more than it seems, otherwise we might be in for a long vacation."

Adria, the Red Witch |

Obviously not a plea for his release, Adria thought to herself as the half-elf returned to the cell. Not a successful one at any rate.
"Might I take a look at that?" she asked in a hushed tone, indicating the gift with a tilt of her head and extending her hands as best she could.
Assuming the others will allow her to do so, Adria will examine the gift in detail. Don't have Detect Magic prepared (and couldn't cast it in chains anyway), so a Spellcraft check to identify is impossible, but perhaps we can puzzle it out with a more exacting description.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

I don't see Tenoch giving it up at this point. Not until he's determined what it is for himself and whether he feels it would be best in his hands. I'm kind of waiting on a description, myself.

DM Voice |

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

Tenoch does his best, given the chains, to show to the others the veil and the patterns sewn inside. See link from GM above "Pretty pictures. Unless our guest was some morbid prankster, I expect this has some level of magic to it. Perhaps the images mean something, particularly since the symbol of Asmodeus is so prominent."

Alicia d'Kouzra |

Alicia does her best, squinting in the dim light to look at the patterns. The symbol of Asmodeus WAS prominent, and gave her another ray of hope. Perhaps the Prince of Darkness was not through with her yet. If only they knew how to utilize it.

Adria, the Red Witch |

On the off chance that a simple Knowledge (arcana) check will reveal anything pertenant...
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
If helpful, I will share the details with everyone else. But in any case, let's try logic.
"I enjoy debating symbolism as much as anyone, but we're running out of time and need something practical rather than metaphorical at the moment," Adria said, leaning back against the wall, eyes firmly onthe veil. "More to the point, someone supposedly trying to help us - not that I trust this woman, mind you - would know that. Those embroideries don't seem to serve any sensible decorative purpose to my eyes, but they are far too detailed to be unimportant. I suspect something might happen if you were to interact with them."
Adria smirked at the half-elf.
"Of course, if you're afraid the thing is cursed, I'd be willing to try in your stead."

Alaric Morgain |

Alaric speaks softly so as not to be overheard by the guards. "The witch speaks rightly. If the symbols can be utilized... one of them looks like lockpicks... perhaps somehow the symbol can be used as such. My hands are free. Maybe I can try to free the rest of you with such?"

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

Tenoch glances down at the veil, finding the image that was likely what Alaric meant as the lockpicks. "I suppose it can't hurt to try."
The pale half-elf touches the image to see if anything happens and, should nothing occur, continue to interact with it, tracing the lines, pulling a thread, anything to get some kind of reaction out of the cloth.

DM Voice |

Tenoch glances down at the veil, finding the image that was likely what Alaric meant as the lockpicks. "I suppose it can't hurt to try."
The pale half-elf touches the image to see if anything happens and, should nothing occur, continue to interact with it, tracing the lines, pulling a thread, anything to get some kind of reaction out of the cloth.
Q: Touches or pulls at which image specifically?

Alicia d'Kouzra |

The blond woman looks on with interest as the half-elf fiddles with the piece of cloth. Muscles flex at the thought of freedom, and she goes over her current spell repertoire, in the event they are able to escape.

Alicia d'Kouzra |

Alicia's eyes widen as in the dim light she makes out the metal implements being pulled from the cloth. Squinting, she tries to make out the other shapes, but the only one that stands out to her is the large symbol of Asmodeus.

Alaric Morgain |

Alaric withholds a smile as he sees the lockpicks become real as Tenoch pulls them by magic from the cloth, though perhaps the slightest twitch at the corner of his mouth gives away his pleasure at the thought of a potential for escape. He watches/listens for the guards to assure that they are not paying attention and then slips over silently toward Tenoch, holding out his hand to take the lockpicks from him.
Assuming Tenoch releases the picks, he whispers softly. "Let me try to release you, but be cautious, make no noise."
perceptions: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
disable device: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
if that doesn't work he'll try again, taking 20 if possible, giving him a 28 to disable, but it will take more time

Alicia d'Kouzra |

The inquisitor watches the man fiddling with the locks eagerly, silently willing the man to succeed, and quickly. It would be rotten luck to receive such a boon, only to have the guards come upon them at this time. At least she could claim innocence. She chuckles slightly at the thought.

DM Voice |

DM: You will need to make a DC 20 disable check for each prisoner.
Tenoch is now free.
It's a full round action each attempt. But the locks seemed to be fairly easy to pick with tools in hand. As far as locks go anyway.
Roll as much as you like, however if you fail I will roll a perception check for the guards, so follow up that failed roll with a stealth roll. I doubt the guards will hear you if you are quiet, but there is always a fluke chance.
DM Hint: Don't forget the masterwork tool bonus of +2.
I don't think you can take 20 on an open lock roll, at least I don't see it allowing it via the skill write up. I only see a take 10 option for explosives, which Sykes may enjoy, but sadly no one has any of that, at the moment.

Alaric Morgain |

as Alicia said, if i take 10 with my 8+2 for mw tools will give me a 20,will you allow that? if so,I will take 10 with each set of locks, if not, here come my rolls:
disable: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 8 + 2 = 16
stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
disable: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 8 + 2 = 23
disable: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 2 = 24
disable: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 2 = 20
disable: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 2 = 12
stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
disable: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 2 = 29
hope that's enough rolls... if it's too many, use the last one on the door to the cell.

Aramil Ertane |

Aramil smiles at the sight of locks being picked, the thought of escaping the cursed prison so clear in his mind, then whispers:
"Well, well, it seems we will be leaving soon, thanks to our new friend. But even though we will be free from our shackles, we need a plan how to deal with the guards. We are unarmed and ill prepared, one wrong move and the whole damn prison will be upon us."

Alicia d'Kouzra |

"What else might be in that cloth, do you think? If they included picks, surely they included other items."Unable to see well in the gloom, she can't make out the smaller patterns, only the star.

Tenoch Itzcoatl |

Tenoch rubs his wrists, and then looks at the patterns on the veil again. "I see two... daggers, I presume. Anyone interested in getting close and personal to those guards?" he proceeds to 'pull' the two bladed weapons from the veil and offer them to any who would use them in a likely up and coming battle.
"A lantern, I expect, a bag or pouch of who knows what, a vial, a coil of rope... or a whip? A pyramid, and the symbol of Asmodeus which may actually become something considering the picks and blades...," he says before proceeding to 'pull' out the inverted pentagram.

DM Voice |

The rolls where enough to free you all.
What has been so far pulled from the cloth:
Two medium sized daggers.
A solid silver holy symbol of Asmodeous.
Masterwork Thieves tools
The manacles may be off, and with no alarm caused just yet to the guards outside the door, but you are still locked in the cell.
That will require it's own disable device roll.

Alaric Morgain |

We have a dedicated rogue in the party yes? If so, Alaric will defer to him.. Aramil, right?... to unlock the cell door before trying it himself. If I'm mistaken about that, he'll give it a try. He will offer assistance to Aramil in the form of advice and holding spare tools and handing them over as needed.
aid disable device, dc 10: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Alicia d'Kouzra |

Alicia comes forth eagerly to claim one of the daggers. She almost sighs in relief, the feel of the steel in her hands giving her a sense of empowerment she has lost since being locked up. She says nothing, just moves to near the cell door, waiting for Alaric to open it, as well.
The muscles in her legs and arms flex and relax, flex and relax, as she gets the blood flowing through them again. Her look is almost feral as she looks at the guards, preparing for violence.

Alaric Morgain |

Alaric whispers, while he's waiting for Aramil to get to the unlocking, "If this doesn't work, maybe we can lure the two guards here with a feigned illness for one of us, then take them by surprise."

Alicia d'Kouzra |

Alicia shakes her head at Alaric's suggestion. All of them trying to feign like they were still chained up would be disaster. Better to try multiple times to unlock the door than bring any attention to their situation.
She croaks out, "They wouldn't care, and it would only draw attention to us. Just don't fail." She grins at the man, baring her teeth in the darkness.

Alaric Morgain |

Alaric nods to Alicia and acknowledges his agreement with her assessment of the situation with a low grunt. He waits for Aramil to pick the lock...
If Aramil doesn't chime in soon with a die roll, Alaric will make the attempt himself:
disable: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 8 + 2 = 23

DM Voice |

Alaric nods to Alicia and acknowledges his agreement with her assessment of the situation with a low grunt. He waits for Aramil to pick the lock...
If Aramil doesn't chime in soon with a die roll, Alaric will make the attempt himself:
The locked cell door opens with a click.