Amandine Santon |

I can chip in on the wand too.
Oh how I wish I could afford a Sipping Jacket. The hijinks that would be possible...

Photinè Michèle |

I'll also chip in on the Wand of CLW. Also getting a Wand of Mage Armor for Photinè since I'll be using the spell in just about every combat, and looking at a Mulberry (Cracked) Ioun Stone...

Photinè Michèle |

Oh, realized I never posted Photinè's final purchases from back in Oppara. Here they are.
Wand of Mage Armor (750gp)
Mulberry Pentacle (Cracked) Ioun Stone (400gp)
Noble's Outfit (x2) + Jewelry (250gp)
Chipping in for the Wand of CLW (150gp)
Total: 1550gp

Amandine Santon |

Ah yes, the purchase list:
Ring of Resistance +1
Wand of Remove Fear
Sleeves of many Garments
False Coin
Traveler's Any Tool
I also picked up the standard clothing, jewelry and such, and a an assortment of alchemical items. Listing them out would get fairly long though. Looks like Amandine is the party MacGyver.

Amandine Santon |

I'm currently in hectic work project mode. I'll be back in action on the boards Thursday. Please bot as needed.

Chiara "Chana" Durante |

I'd want to use that as a last resort. I'm imagining that there might be a use for this room later (maybe as a safe room when the very angry local nobles come to raze the manor down!), and breaking the entrance would make that use impossible.
Still, if we don't see any other ways to access it, I'd be OK with you breaking in. We can always fix it later :>

Greenly Baerdóttir |

I'll do it if invited to, that way it's a shared decision. Greenly's getting ready anyhow so the girls would hafta be pretty loud about the door for her to just overhear

Amandine Santon |

Sorry for the spottiness of my posting lately. I've started the process of hunting for and buying a house. It's crazy how much time it eats up. I'll do my best to keep my posting on schedule, but if I'm holding things up, go ahead and bot me to keep things moving.

Photinè Michèle |

Starting hurricane preparations here. It's looking like it will hit Florida this weekend. Depending on how bad it is, we may evacuate on Friday or Saturday, and even if not, internet could be out for a few days. Hopefully I'll get another few posts up before any of that though.

DM Vayelan |

Starting hurricane preparations here. It's looking like it will hit Florida this weekend. Depending on how bad it is, we may evacuate on Friday or Saturday, and even if not, internet could be out for a few days. Hopefully I'll get another few posts up before any of that though.
Yikes. Good luck, Photinè.

Chiara "Chana" Durante |

Good to hear Photine! Now fingers crossed that your property is in perfect shape when you get back.

Photinè Michèle |

Thanks, I hope so! Everything is as battened down as it can be. It’s only the fifth year in a row my wife and I have had to evacuate, so I’d like to think we’re getting pretty good at hurricane prep.

Amandine Santon |

I case any of you are wondering at this point. No, Amandine isn't meant to be a terribly popular member of the party. :)

Greenly Baerdóttir |

I am all for drama and petty b!!@+%## and catty infighting, let me know if I ever go too far, but Greenly is a mean girl when poked, or just if she wants to be. We are gonna be holed up in that house together for a whiiiiile, and it might get stifling.

Amandine Santon |

I'm loving it myself. I think a bit of inter-party conflict is the salt in the stew. So as long as nobody else is bothered, I know it's all in fun.
Amandine's just the opposite of Greenly. She's a schemer. She plans everything. She probably has not just a plan B, but all the way to a plan E worked up in her head for any given situation. She will be taking the Brilliant Planner feat as soon as I can get to it.
Amandine can also be pretty mean, but in a snottier way.
Hey, at least they both love Calix!

Greenly Baerdóttir |

I know it's a fantasy game and not a period drama, but if it's okay with people, Greenly's outfits for the Gala are all gonna be haute couture modern fashions because she's an iconoclast.
A few questions; if I recall correctly, any skill can be used to influence any person, it just has a higher DC if you guess wrong and use the wrong ones, is that right? Or do you waste the round if you try to engage in a show of Acrobatics a la Tanglefoot impressing Wyssilka but Acrobatics is not one of the NPC's listed skills?
Secondly, is there a menagerie at the Birdsong Palace?
Lastly, would we know ahead of time what the tournament is? Because I the player have some knowledge and want Greenly to compete, but I can't recall if it's been said and I'm debating whether or not she would be prepared.
Also, posting is gonna be weird for me for the next week at least, my computer broke coming back from evacuation, so I'm depending on my phone and my wife's laptop to get any posting done, also the wife and I are going on a road trip starting Monday and while it shouldn't heavily conflict with my posting (because I'll still have my phone and occasional access to my wife's laptop) it does mean my computer won't get fixed at least until that's over.

DM Vayelan |

Firstly, each NPC only has certain skills that can be used to influence them. Sense Motive (and in some cases, a second skill) can be used to identify these influence skills. This is similar to how you can discover their strengths, weaknesses, and biases.
Secondly, the Lotheeds maintain an array of exotic birds in cages on the back veranda, but they do not keep other animals.
Lastly, we can assume that either from Martella's briefing or from asking the servants attending upon guests, you know that the tournament will be a traditional joust.

Greenly Baerdóttir |

Greenly would also like to joust; I imagine she would tell Purple Finch as soon as the Baroness explained who the woman was

Greenly Baerdóttir |

Greenly's offer is genuine, but if it's accepted, honestly like 50/50 chance she'll realize Olivia is gonna be acting the part of the perfect gentleman and so she'll break her word. Don't know how I'll decide there, just keep that in mind.

Chiara "Chana" Durante |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've got to say Vayelan, you're giving a heck of a lot of life to these NPCs. Really loving it.

Greenly Baerdóttir |

F#~&ing I know it was just a cantrip but Greenly like used magic in front of everyone and he still is like "that chica could never master magic, not even a wand," meanwhile she knows two spells and has ranks in UMD what a nightmarish horrible self centered man.

DM Vayelan |

I've got to say Vayelan, you're giving a heck of a lot of life to these NPCs. Really loving it.
Agreeeeeed. Both that Bartelby is a bastard and that I’m loving all these interactions. ;)
Thank so much for the positive feedback.
It makes my job very rewarding and encourages me to work even harder to make the game enjoyable for everyone.
Chiara "Chana" Durante |

I GM a bunch on the boards, so I know how much time and creative energy goes into writing good dialogue and carefully considering reactions to PC behavior. It's serious work!

Amandine Santon |

Hi everyone, I'm so sorry about my extended absence! As I mentioned before I've been in the process of buying a house and the list of chores associated hasn't seemed to get any shorter. It's been eating up all the free time I have. I close on the house tomorrow though so expect to be getting back to regular posting within a couple of days now. Thanks for your patience!

Photinè Michèle |

Just checking in to apologize and say I’m still here. Going through some big stuff IRL right now, including helping move my family out of state, so I’ve been very mentally and emotionally drained with little time to catch up here. I’ll check in when I can, but will most likely be absent for another week or two.
Feel free to not me if need be; Photinè will focus most of her attention on influencing Bartelby.

DM Vayelan |

Just checking in to apologize and say I’m still here. Going through some big stuff IRL right now, including helping move my family out of state, so I’ve been very mentally and emotionally drained with little time to catch up here. I’ll check in when I can, but will most likely be absent for another week or two.
Feel free to not me if need be; Photinè will focus most of her attention on influencing Bartelby.
Thank you for the update and botting instructions, Photinè.
Good luck with the move and the other IRL stuff. I hope all goes well!
Amandine Santon |

Well I'm finally moved and things have returned to normal. Very sorry everyone for the long absence. Thank you for your patience!
Since quite a bit has happened since I last posted, I'm not going to try to catch up with everything that happened, but it also seems like a bad idea to not try to use the social rounds that have passed since they affect this part of the campaign overall. I'll do a quick pastiche of Amandine's activities and make at least some of the rolls if you don't mind retconning those in Vayelan.

Greenly Baerdóttir |

Sorry for my unexpected absence, been gone for similar reasons to Photinè, posting will remain spotty but should resume.

Greenly Baerdóttir |

@ DM, thanks for the explanation, I had entirely forgotten the tournament damage was nonlethal, and I suppose so did Greenly
@ Amandine, I was being dramatic, Greenly would also share info and help with Amandine, but she'd pass word along thru another party member first. My concern was primarily that I falsely remembered the damage I had taken as lethal, so with Okerra offering one spell, I would at best have 15 health for the day

Photinè Michèle |

Hey all, I’m sorry for my absence here. The last few weeks have been hard on my wife and I and the holidays are keeping us busy now too. I’m still here though and still invested, gonna really try to find time to catch up in the next few days.

Chiara "Chana" Durante |

Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving!

Chiara "Chana" Durante |

Looks like we've lost the small amount of gameplay momentum we had. :<
No posts from Greenly in a month and no Photine posts in the gameplay thread for the same time. I'd love to continue, but it looks like the group might've run out of steam. Vayelan, how are you doing?