help with creating the luckiest sun of a gun alive.......


with Traits, a dip in a class, Alternate Racial Traits, Racial Feats, and feats, who would make the luckiest son of a b~$+!? human or halfling or did i miss another lucky race?

this is what i have so far. but because i don't know the race stuff very well and i will be looking through the feats for some luck related stuff but i doubt there will be anything.

traits i would go with

Paragon of Speed that's a +2 to Initiative.
Second Chance gives you a once a day re-roll on saving rolls to save.

i would take one dip in wizard and go all out foresight.that would give

Forewarned a +1 to initiative.and you always act in a surprise round
Prescience which gives you a free d20 roll at the beginning of your turn to be used for what you want before the beginning of your next turn 3 + your Intelligence per times a day.

that gives a +3 to initiative and 3+ chances to succeed at bat s#@% insane things and one chance to survive if you did not succeed at doing one of those crazy things.

the help i would like is selecting the race. i normally go with human. they get that extra feat and skilled and all those racial feats that are luck based. what would you chose human or halfling?

can a human take Racial Heritage (Human)to get a halfling's Adaptable Luck which is a Racial Trait?

Liberty's Edge

Well, the archaeologist Bard gets Luck Bonuses to just about everything. The Fate's Favored Trait makes those bonuses all one point higher.

Archaeologists also gets Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, and some other 'lucky' stuff.

So I'd definitely go with that as your primary Class.

zainale wrote:
can a human take Racial Heritage (Human)to get a halfling's Adaptable Luck which is a Racial Trait?

No. You could select halfling race traits, but not racial traits.

I'll second Deadmanwalking's suggestions for both the Archaeologist Bard and for the Fate's Favored trait. Fate's Favored is something no luck-based build should be without.

Instead of human or halfling, you might want to look into half-orcs and their Sacred Tattoo alternate racial trait. It's +1 luck bonus to all saving throws and it becomes +2 when combined with Fate's Favored. That's like getting luck-based versions of three feats: Iron Will, Great Fortitude, and Lightning Reflexes! And since half-orcs count as human for the purpose of taking feats, the human-only feats you wanted (I'm guessing Defiant Luck, Inexplicable Luck, and Bestow Luck) would all be on the table.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

If your campaign uses Hero Points you could also take all the feats that go with those to simulate extra luckiness.

Liberty's Edge

It's worth noting that the Half Orc Sacred Tattoo trick, while awesome, doesn't stack with Archaeologist's other luck bonuses, and combining the two is thus a bit iffy.

If going Archaeologist, I'd go Halfling (for a weapon finesse or casting focused build) or Human (for an archery or Str-based melee build).

Deadmanwalking wrote:
It's worth noting that the Half Orc Sacred Tattoo trick, while awesome, doesn't stack with Archaeologist's other luck bonuses, and combining the two is thus a bit iffy.

It's true that the save bonuses don't stack, but Archeaologist's Luck grants luck bonuses for a lot of other things so it would still be useful even when its bonus isn't the larger. And Sacred Tattoo is on all of the time so I think that would be useful even after the Archeaologist's Luck bonus surpasses it. Combined with access to human feats, I think it makes half-orcs a decent option. I thought it was worth mentioning because zainale said he wasn't very familiar with racial options.

That said, I think your halfling and human builds would work nicely. Bards are pretty feat-starved, but since the Archaeologist can get a few feats through Rogue Talents they can manage feat-intensive paths like archery builds or finesse builds a little better. Obviously, the human bonus feat is also incredibly useful for such designs.

i am currently playing an alchemist that is in full plate battle armor. so i am playing Alphonse Elric. if i decided to bring an Archaeologist no matter how i wanted my character i would end up with a whip, cowboy hat, and a compact six shooter crossbow.and my dm might make me sing the tune to Indianan Jones. i don't wana do that i already hate being in the full plate battle armor. >.> that said i don't the half-orc with the human luck based feats would fly because he or she is not human enough. if you can point out in the books where it says an orc can let me know. but rule lawyers are what they are they will find away to say no.

so Indianan Jones is not a viable option for me.

zainale wrote:
i am currently playing an alchemist that is in full plate battle armor. so i am playing Alphonse Elric. if i decided to bring an Archaeologist no matter how i wanted my character i would end up with a whip, cowboy hat, and a compact six shooter crossbow.and my dm might make me sing the tune to Indianan Jones. i don't wana do that i already hate being in the full plate battle armor. >.> that said i don't the half-orc with the human luck based feats would fly because he or she is not human enough. if you can point out in the books where it says an orc can let me know. but rule lawyers are what they are they will find away to say no.

Ok, so, I know I'm not supposed to derail threads and all that but... Well, I'll risk it just this once because... WTF! DM's have tons of authority when it comes to their games but they really shouldn't force your characters into silly popculture references. Its your character, not his! I mean, a DM can, and sometimes should, try to enforce the theme, genre or story by excluding, introducing or incentivizing certain options but they should never violate a players' agency over their own concept for their own enjoyment at the cost of their players' enjoyment. You shouldn't tolerate this sort of disrespectful behavior, nor should you enable it.

Your lucky character can just as easily be turned into a lame reference. Lucky characters abound in popculture. Would you enjoy playing Gladstone Gander?
If you don't want to be Alphonse Elric, tell him. Same goes for Indy, Dora the Explorer, House, Gladstone Gander or whathaveyou! If he says 'screw you' or anything to that effect just walk away. I would not negotiate or compromise. No game is better than a bad game, in my opinion anyway. Don't let your DM walk all over you like this!
Should you wish to continue this particular conversation either PM me or start a thread about it (I'm sure others here would like to chime in and sometimes peerpressure does help to curb bad behavior).

Once again, I'm sorry for derailing your thread. Please, by all means, get back on track!

Oh, and about the Half-Orc taking Human feats. Its right there in their write-up, if I recall correctly. Same as Half-Elves. It also applies to FCB's, Archetypes, Prestige Classes, basically anything with a racial prerequisite you could apply for, btw.
Rules Lawyers shouldn't be able to deny it. They shouldn't try. Ruleslawyers are good for one thing and that is making sure the game is run smoothly and fairly. Anything else and they stop being ruleslawyers and turn into rulesrats.

i am thinking a halfling with Adaptable Luck and that build i presented in my first post and replacing paragon of speed with fate's favored.

zainale wrote:
i am currently playing an alchemist that is in full plate battle armor. so i am playing Alphonse Elric. if i decided to bring an Archaeologist no matter how i wanted my character i would end up with a whip, cowboy hat, and a compact six shooter crossbow.and my dm might make me sing the tune to Indianan Jones. i don't wana do that i already hate being in the full plate battle armor. >.> that said i don't the half-orc with the human luck based feats would fly because he or she is not human enough. if you can point out in the books where it says an orc can let me know. but rule lawyers are what they are they will find away to say no.

Here it is.

CRB and ARG wrote:
Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.

Here is the FAQ clarifying that half-orcs count as fully human for the purpose of selecting human-only rules elements.

FAQ wrote:

Half-Elf or Half-Orc: Can a character of either of these races select human racial archetypes (such as from Advanced Race Guide?

Yes. Half-elves and half-orcs may select racial favored class options, archetypes, traits, and so on, as if they were a full member of both races (a half-elf can select elf and human rules elements, a half-orc can select human and orc rules elements).

Edit 9/26/13: This is a reversal of an earlier ruling. This resolves a discrepancy between this FAQ and two Advanced Player's Guide FAQs.

Its not actually printed in the books?! Or in the PRD? Thats... odd. I mean, technically Orc Blood does state 'any effect' but if I didn't know any better I too would probably think it wouldn't count for several things. I mean 'effect' is an odd term. I don't think of feats as effects, for instance. Its not intuitive so I would choose to spell it out, maybe throw a 'select' (the verb, not the adjective) in there somewhere (or add the requisite text to EVERY feat, prestige class, fcb or whathaveyou. Obviously thats a waste of space and wordcount soooo...)

i might be able get that to fly but since that FAQ is not in a book it could go either way

a dual cursed oracle of time can get tons of rerolls. Plus you can make others reroll.

I thought you fell in that hole, nope I got lucky and fell ouf falling into that hole.

I thought that monster critted you? Nope I got lucky and after all he missed.

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