Tomb of the Emperor Gods -- PbP

Game Master Tarren Dei

This PbP started with Entombed with the Pharaohs and continues with The Pact Stone Pyramid. Many of the characters travelled to Osirion after completing a PbP based on River into Darkness.

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No frustration on my part.

Dropping a rock on him was a clever move and I just didn't want you guys to think I was sneaking one past you. I wanted to make it clear this guy could legitimately get out of that situation.

He's a pretty tough adversary so I want to make sure I play him above board.

Ok, understood and sounds good. I definitely do think he is tough! Ready to continue but rest is sooooo much needed guys :)

Oh, as a side question then, did the boulder of rock burst through the already damaged (by the elemental) sandwall or do we still have to deal with that?

The falling boulder kicked up a huge cloud of sand in the tunnel. You might want to breathe through your nose for a while.

Male Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 6 (but Drained 2 levels)

Hey Korian didn't depress everyone too much or anything did he??

I'm not saying that [I]I[/o] want to stop playing, just trying to RP how I honesdtly feel my poor your mage would be feeling about now. It seems pretty clear to him at this point that he's led his companions into a death trap and he truly doubts his ability to get them out safely again. Thus his proposal.

Sorry if my post put anyone in a difficult position??

I can imagine that Korian would feel depressed. He's been drained of a portion of his powers and there's something powerful playing with him and his companions.

There are some things you guys have on your side, but you'll have to figure out what those are.

No Korian, have been suffering from the stomach flu for the past few days. Might be until after this weekend before I am up to posting much again. Sorry for my absence.

Male Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 6 (but Drained 2 levels)

Ok, FINALLY got around to leveling down Korian. Here are the changes made:

-1 Int (lvl 6 ability score bump)
-1 Fort, Ref & Will
-1 BAB
-14 Skill Points
-3 Feats (lvl 5,7 & lvl 5 bonus)
-2 3rd lvl spells (none available)
-1 2nd lvl spell

Jinx needed some significant changes as well (and he's no longer celestial...not sure how that works out though, game-wise, as he is a celestial weasel, not a weasel who was made celestial) but I didn't bother to change his stats. If you need me too though, I will.

If I'm missing anything else, please let me know

Fighter (Shield) 3 / Rogue 4

You got an ability score bump at 6th level?

Dark Archive

I could be wrong but I was under the impression you simply took minuses from negative lvl's in pathfinder (no removing of feats spells stat boosts or anything like that)

Male Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 6 (but Drained 2 levels)

@Ovirid: Oh, right, the bumps are every 4 levels yes? Didn't take anything extra on the way up, just remembered when we got them wrong. So ok, he doesn't take the -1 to Int I guess then.

@Kevin: Is that right? Well that would be much easier. I was under the impression that being reserected made him lose two permanent levels. (unless Restored) Anyone know for sure?

Korian, no need to rework your character. Negative levels just give you minuses to rolls and 5 less hitpoints per level. You memorize at the lower level too. Specifics are on page 562 of the core rulebook.

Male Human Rogue 1/ Wizard 6 (but Drained 2 levels)

Really? Wow, wish I'd know that weeks ago and saved myself all the angst about having to re-work him (plus the few minutes of work it only actually took too ; )

Luckily I was at least bright enough to save a copy of the original character sheet. So restoring him (to his proper reduced state) is no problem.

Don't have the books but I'll look up the proper section.

Thanks all!

Male Human (Taldan/Osirioni) Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4

I am on vacation until Thursday and may not have internet access, so please DMPC Ixius as necessary.

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