Sykala |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Since it seems this PBP is not going anywhere I just wanted to take the opportunity to say how much I have enjoyed playing with this incredible group throughout our adventures. I have many many fond memories and feel like I had a fantastic run with Sykala. Hopefully, you all are still periodically checking and will see this.
Tarren: A straight up fantastic DM. Raises a glass in toast.
Ixius: you have been there since the beginning and we had some incredible times floating down the jungle rivers on Esteban's pleasure cruise.
Korian and Jinx: I can't tell you how much fun it has been watching Korian try and stem the Chelaxian tide while discussing (and laughing) about his antics with Jinx behind his back (Thank the gods you had the little animal to set you straight so often!).
Ovirid: You always made me laugh with your matter-a-fact observations and the dwarven accent was done perfectly. The unassuming dwarf will always remain a truly fond memory always getting himself in over his head (with this group how could you avoid it?!) but coming out of it through sheer dwarven toughness in the end.
Refina: I felt our religious similarities and differences had a lot of mileage left in them and am just sorry we didn't have more time to explore them. You, however, seemed often to be a sole voice of reason reining in some of the more hot-headed members of our lil party (I am not counting myself out of that group).
I feel I must give an honorable mention to Asim. ::moment of silence::
and to Esteban, that snake would have outlived us all...
::Her hair being tussled by an unfelt breeze the druidess gives you all big hugs before slowly dissolving into little cloudy wisps of wind that slowly disappear into up the sky and sunset...::
P.S. don't worry she got you all out of the pyramid with her burrow spells ;)

Ovirid Thorvirson |

Ah dinnae 'at yer sayin' 'bout bein' over me 'ead. 'r ye callin' me short?
I seem to have a knack for playing suboptimal characters - or designing them. Probably would have been better as either a fighter or a rogue. As it was, being the only one without magic, he contributed most of the time as a speed bump or - wonder of wonders - as a historian. This has been a great ride and I appreciate all of you for letting me come along and putting up with my attempt at an accent.

Ixius |

This game lasted over 3 years (or was it four?), and is the first PbP I ever joined. And you are not alone in building suboptimal characters Ovirid, I'm not sure what Ixius was worse at, being a sorcerer or being a rogue. And I loved the accent, although IC Ixius could rarely understand a word Ovirid said.
Good gaming everyone and I hope Trevor is OK.

Ovirid Thorvirson |

I loved the build of each of the characters in the party, actually. Sykala rocked - I don't know how much of that was because she was a single-class character, because she had the right skills for the adventures she was involved in, or because we had a savant in our midst playing her exceptionally well - but she always seemed to be a step or three ahead of the rest of us when things got nasty.
I second your concern for Trevor. I have his email somewhere, I need to see if he's reachable there...

Ovirid Thorvirson |

And he was!! And a quick response, too! He said all is well, but he has had some significant life changes recently. Mostly for the better, sounds like, but they have kept him off the boards (as we've noticed). I said I would let folks know he's OK, but he wasn't sure when he would be able to regain his old posting habits.

Korian Allande |

Thanks for letting us know about Trevor, Pixie.
It's been a great and awesome time playing with you All.
Seems this AP slowed us down for some reason but it certainly was not for lack of skill or creative talent of anyone in this game, IMHO.
I'd be thrilled should this game come back some time, but if not, I'll warm myself with the many fond memories of adventures shared here.
Thanks so much y'all! : )

Tarren the Dungeon Master |

Hello all,
I'd like to apologize for disappearing without any notice. I've been out of it for some time but not entirely in a bad way. Something came over me last year and I'm not sure what it was. It led to some changes in how I spent my time.
I appreciate the YEARS of friendship and camaraderie in these PbPs.
It's been a blast.
Happy New Year all.