Lord Glorio Arkona

Ixius's page

725 posts. Alias of Rimrock.

Full Name

Ixius Kane


Human (Taldan/Osirioni)


Rogue 3/Sorcerer 4







Special Abilities

Sneak Attack, Trapfinding, Claws, Dragon Resistances, evasion








Archer and Bowmaker (when he can find work)

Strength 14
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Ixius

Male Human
Rogue 3 / Sorcerer 4 (Draconic bloodline, Gold)
Favored Class Sorcerer
XP 11010

Init +8; Senses Perception +11


AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12
+4 Dexterity +1 natural (Dragon Resistances) +1 enhancement [natural]
AC (with mage armor) 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16
(+4 Dexterity +1 natural (Dragon Resistances) +4 armor (mage armor) +1 enhancement [natural])

HP 42/42 (2d8 + 4d6 + 6 (Con) + 4 (favored class))
8 (rogue 1st level) + 4 + 4 (1st 2 sorcerer levels) + 6 (roll) + 5 (roll) + 2 (roll) +
1d8=2 + 7 (Con bonus) + 4 (favored class)
Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +6
Fire Resistance 5 (Dragon Resistances)


Speed 30 ft
Base Attack Bonus +4; CMB +6; CMD 19
Melee 2 claw +6 (1d6 + 2) (Claws bloodline power) or masterwork rapier +7 (1d6 + 2/18-20)
Ranged Masterwork composite longbow +9 (1d8 + 2/x3) or Masterwork composite longbow +7/+7 (1d8 + 2/x3) (Rapid shot)
Spells Known (CL 4th, Concentration +7)
2nd (4/4/day) - scorching ray (ranged touch attack +8, 35 ft. range)
1st (4/7/day) - burning hands (DC 15, 17 in Osirion), mage armor (Draconic bonus spell), magic weapon, shocking grasp, true strike
0th (at will) - detect magic, read magic, acid splash, daze (DC 14), light, mending

Human racial traits +2 ability score (Dex), bonus feat

Rogue class abilities sneak attack +2d6, trapfinding, evasion, trap sense +1

Draconic bloodline powers
1st - Claws (Ex): Ixuis can make two claw attacks as a full-attack action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, meaning that Ixius is always considered armed (and dangerous) but he does not gain additional attacks for a high base attack bonus (which he will never have anyway). They deal 1d6 points of damage plus his strength modifier.

3rd - Dragon Resistances (Ex): Ixius has a resistance of 5 against fire (his energy type) and a +1 natural armor bonus.

Draconic Bloodline Arcana: Whenever Ixius casts a spell with the [fire] subtype it deals +1 point of extra damage per die rolled.


Bluff: 1 rank + 3 rogue class skill + 3 Cha = +7
Climb: 1 rank + 3 Rogue class skill + 2 Str = +6
Craft (bowmaking): 4 bonus background ranks + 3 Rogue class skill bonus +1 rank = +8 (+10 with Mwk tools)
Escape Artist: 2 ranks + 3 Rogue class skill bonus +4 Dex = +9
Spellcraft: 7 ranks +3 Sorcerer class skill bonus = +10
Swim: 4 ranks +2 Str bonus = +6
Knowledge (arcana): 2 ranks +3 Sorcerer class skill bonus = +5
Knowledge (dungeoneering): 1 rank +3 rogue class skill = +4
Knowledge (local): 1 rank +3 rogue class skill = +4
Linguistics: 1 rank + 3 rogue class skill + +4
Disable device: 6 ranks + 4 Dex bonus + 3 Rogue class skill bonus = +13 (+15 using Mwk Thieves Tools)
Perception: 7 ranks +3 Rogue class skill bonus +1 Wis= +11
Stealth: 2 ranks + 3 rogue classs skill + 4 Dex = +9
Use Magic Device: 3 ranks + 3 Sorcerer class skill + 3 Cha bonus = +9

Feats Longbow Proficiency (human bonus feat), Point Blank Shot (1st level), Precise Shot (3rd level), Rapid Shot (rogue Combat Trick), Combat Casting (5th level), Improved Initiative (7th level)

Traits The desert heat is awakening more or Ixius' draconic bloodline: +2 to the DC to resist any fire or heat based spells Ixius casts for as long as he remains in Osirion.

Languages Common, Draconic
Combat Gear Masterwork composite longbow +2 Str; Masterwork rapier, 20 normal arrows, 5 cold iron arrows, 5 silver arrows, 2 admantine arrows, 0 thistle arrows, 1 potion of cure moderate wounds, fetish of natural armor +1
Other Gear
Carried: Backpack, Masterwork thieves tools, Masterwork artisan's tools, ring of swimming, ring of counterspells (magic missile), wand of ray of frost (48 charges), wand of false life (3 charges), wand of ghost sound (50 charges), wand of sleep (10 charges), scroll of dispell magic, scroll of web, scroll of enlarge person, scroll of comprehend languages, scroll of silent image,
In locked chest (average lock): Extra composite longbow +2 Str, masterwork longbow, 100 arrows, 70 thistle arrows, 20 days trail rations, flint & steel, explorer's outfit, water skin, bow-making materials (225 gp worth), short sword, +1 morningstar.
Cash About 1200 gp, most of it in platinum and gems, carried in a belt around his waist under his clothing. He also has a few gold, silver and copper coins in his pocket.


Ixius usually prefers to shoot his beloved bow. However, when he gets mad the dragon comes out and he wades into melee with his claws (after casting Mage Armor if he remembers).


Ixius was born in Andoran of an Andoran (Andoranese?) (Andoranish?) ex-ranger father and an Osirioni mother. After his father married and had children he quit rangering and settled down to a simple life of farming, hunting and raising children in the countryside outside of Almas. From his father he learned to be an expert archer and the craft of bowmaking. From his mother he learned that he inherited her family's talent for draconic sorcery. When he was a teenager he left Andora for Absalom to attend one of its prestigious arcane univerities. He learned more sorcerous skills at school, but was caught trying to steal a magic longbow that one of his instructors was crafting. He was then expelled from the university and sent to prison.

After a couple of years of hard time Ixius was released with nothing but hard-earned rougish fighting skills and a bad temper. After living on the streets of Absalom for a couple of months he joined the Absalom navy as an archer and bowmaker for the captain of an Absalom navy ship. He travelled on the navy ship around the inner sea for a couple of months, until the ship was lost in a battle against pirates from the Shackles. Ixius was captured and taken as a slave rower on one of the pirate ships. The ship was caught in a bad storm of the Eye of Abendego and was wrecked on the northern coast of the Shackles. Three of the pirates also survived the wreck. Ixius easily killed all three (blasting one with burning hands and clawing the other two to death). He then raided the shipwreck amassing quite a fortune in stolen goods. He eventually made his way overland to Bloodcove where he is currently seeking work, or even better, well-paying adventure.

Ixius has a rough demeanor but can also be very charming when he wants to. He has a bad temper and sometimes does not use his best judgement. He doesn't advertise that he is a sorcerer and actually takes pains to conceal the fact. He thinks he is the best archer in the world. True Strike is his favorite spell, and it has won him many a bet in archery contests.

Rune of Subjugation
Rune od Desert
Rune of Reckoning