Rev DM |

Thom and Arishat pore over the map. It is clear that the Skullbreakers cartography skills are lapsed here. The area marked as the pool chamber bears little resemblence to the area they visited.
Now that the arcane mist as ceased and battle is no longer raging, Thom senses a further arcane barrier to the north, but can see no way of breaking through it at this time.
Because I know he can take 10 and get a 30 any time he likes.

Rev DM |

Thom prods and pokes at the ground and has a revelation. This is merely the first floor. Somewhere below more chambers exist. The shallowness of the pool room is explained - any deeper and it would have intruded on what lies beneath. Thinking back, he wonders if the chapel may not be a likely spot. The illusions surrounding the area were particularly strong.

Rev DM |

Making your way back through the laboratory to the chapel, you see that Thom's hunch is correct. Unnoticed and unnoticeable before, you now see that between the pews lies a shallow depression. Looked at more closely, it wriggles slightly before becoming a shadowly flight of stairs leading downwards.

Arishat |

She considers the ritual used upon them, "So..combat tends to negate it temporarily. Interesting. I would think the Skullbreakers would have great use for this sort of magic."
"We traded it to them in exchange for certain considerations. They seemed quite pleased by the exchange."

Rev DM |

Took a guess on Barel's position, but reckoned he'd be front line with the short legs and all.
At the bottom of the stairs, the passage widens into a pillar lined hallway. Staring at you is the all-too familiar greenstone face of the Devourer. The green face is set in a mass of fractured rock, seemingly ripped wholesale from some other location. It is disfigured with black scorch marks and roughly carved glyphs.

Arishat |

Once Arishat has both keys, she advances on the face. Before attempting anything, she takes a closer look at the door. Perception check, 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20+4 for traps. If she sees nothing amiss, she inserts both keys into the keyholes at the same time, and then turns them.

Rev DM |

Arishat just has time to register that as expected, this was a trap before necrotic energy engulfs her and tries to take over her mind.
Devourer v Arishat
1d20+20=36. Hits. 3d8=13
13 damage to Arishat and she is dominated (se)
Close burst 5 v Ref.
On hit, target is dominated (se). Dominated targets make at-will attacks against allies.
Aftereffect - a hazy eldritch simulacrum of of the target appears in a square adjacent to the target. Apart from being immune to the effect of the trap, it is functionally identical to the target. It rolls init and attacks the following round.
As an immediate interrupt, a character in the burst can make a DC27 Acrobatics check to minimise the effects of the Devourer's attack. On success, target takes half damage and is not dominated .
Disablement: 6 successes before 3 failures.
Characters must be adjacent to the trap.
DC22 Arcana or Thievery.
Destruction: Trap can be destroyed. AC29,F22,R29, W29
Arishat - dominated (se)

Lynore |

Move to E14, stealth 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (10) + 20 = 30
Assassin's Shroud on Trap just in case
Shade Form:
minor action, you assume a shadowy form that lasts until you make an attack roll or until the end of your next turn. While in this form, you are insubstantial, and you gain vulnerable 5 radiant. In addition, you can make Stealth checks to become hidden if you have any cover or concealment, and you can use cover granted by your allies both to become hidden and to remain hidden. sustain minor,
Lynore stalks behind a pillar and seems to fade away.

Rev DM |

Lynore ducks prudently behind a pillar in a blur of shadows while Raya heads down the hallway towards Arishat, gauntlet at the ready once more.
Close burst 5 v Ref.
On hit, target is dominated (se). Dominated targets make at-will attacks against allies.
Aftereffect - a hazy eldritch simulacrum of of the target appears in a square adjacent to the target. Apart from being immune to the effect of the trap, it is functionally identical to the target. It rolls init and attacks the following round.
As an immediate interrupt, a character in the burst can make a DC27 Acrobatics check to minimise the effects of the Devourer's attack. On success, target takes half damage and is not dominated .
Disablement: 6 successes before 3 failures.
Characters must be adjacent to the trap.
DC22 Arcana or Thievery.
Destruction: Trap can be destroyed. AC29,F33,R29, W29
Arishat - dominated (se)
Devourer - one shroud
Lynore - hidden

Rev DM |

Keeping a wary eye on their satanically smiling warlord, the companions advance.
Close burst 5 v Ref.
On hit, target is dominated (se). Dominated targets make at-will attacks against allies.
Aftereffect - a hazy eldritch simulacrum of of the target appears in a square adjacent to the target. Apart from being immune to the effect of the trap, it is functionally identical to the target. It rolls init and attacks the following round.
As an immediate interrupt, a character in the burst can make a DC27 Acrobatics check to minimise the effects of the Devourer's attack. On success, target takes half damage and is not dominated .
Disablement: 6 successes before 3 failures.
Characters must be adjacent to the trap.
DC22 Arcana or Thievery.
Destruction: Trap can be destroyed. AC29,F33,R29, W29
Arishat - dominated (se)
Devourer - one shroud
Lynore - hidden

Rev DM |

Barel plods stoically towards the Devourer and plants himself between the smirking greenstone face and Thom. Devil fires leaping in her eyes, Arishat thunders towards Raya.
Arishat - charge Raya. I've moved you.
The trapped face unleashes itself once more on the only available target and misses as Lynore keeps behind her pillar.
It rolled a 3.
Close burst 5 v Ref.
On hit, target is dominated (se). Dominated targets make at-will attacks against allies.
Aftereffect - a hazy eldritch simulacrum of of the target appears in a square adjacent to the target. Apart from being immune to the effect of the trap, it is functionally identical to the target. It rolls init and attacks the following round.
As an immediate interrupt, a character in the burst can make a DC27 Acrobatics check to minimise the effects of the Devourer's attack. On success, target takes half damage and is not dominated .
Disablement: 6 successes before 3 failures.
Characters must be adjacent to the trap.
DC22 Arcana or Thievery.
Destruction: Trap can be destroyed. AC29,F33,R29, W29
Lynore - hidden
Arishat - dominated (se)
Devourer - one shroud

Lynore |

Shroud 2 on Devourer
I cannot see the map from work :( move up to an adjacent square
Thievery 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20+6 more if it is considered a trap, so hopefully a trap and it turns to a 26
AP burned Thievery1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35+6 if a trap
Lynore sneaks up to the face and goes to work on the arcane device with fervor.

Rev DM |

Arishat's attack misses the paladin, but not for want of trying and her eyes remain alight with jovial hellfire.
Lynore heads for the door and does her best, starting the process of disabling. In response, the trap triggers again, and misses again.
As is likely to happen with a majestic 4.
Close burst 5 v Ref.
On hit, target is dominated (se). Dominated targets make at-will attacks against allies.
Aftereffect - a hazy eldritch simulacrum of of the target appears in a square adjacent to the target. Apart from being immune to the effect of the trap, it is functionally identical to the target. It rolls init and attacks the following round.
As an immediate interrupt, a character in the burst can make a DC27 Acrobatics check to minimise the effects of the Devourer's attack. On success, target takes half damage and is not dominated.
Disablement: 6 successes before 3 failures.
Characters must be adjacent to the trap.
DC22 Arcana or Thievery.
Destruction: Trap can be destroyed. AC29,F33,R29, W29
Arishat - dominated (se)
Devourer - two shrouds
Lynore - used AP
2 successes/0 failures - 6 before 3 needed.

![]() |

Guardian Iatos raises her shield in time, "Saw it coming that time at least. Well then..."
"Not quite enough time to ring her bell...the trap's the issue anyway."
Raya steps past Arishat and Barel, as she rushes the devourer's trap, her sword gleaming behind her.
Move to I13, then charging the trap at I18. This probably provokes from Arishat, but she needs to get anger issues worked on anyway.
Ardent Strike vs AC 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (19) + 22 = 41 damage 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Nice! Trap is marked by Divine Sanction.
Raya then invokes her holy symbol to ensure she has the trap's complete attention.
Minor: Daily Item: Symbol of the Champion's Code, the trap cannot attack anyone else but me its next turn, this means no blasts that can hit more than one person also.
She gives a weak smile to Lynore, "Don't worry..." She drops her blade, "I'll be unarmed."
Free action: drop mah blade.

Rev DM |

Raya - no OA from Arishat. She's dominated and can't make them.
Thom - you can keep the roll, but you can't use it until you're adjacent to the Devourer.
Ignoring Arishat's sinister smile the companions huddle around the trap. Raya chops a chunk of stonework loose and offers herself up as a tempting target while Lanthair gets to work trying to disarm the menace. Hard on his heels, and eager to break the enchantment, Thom hops enthusiastically, looking for space.
Close burst 5 v Ref.
On hit, target is dominated (se). Dominated targets make at-will attacks against allies.
Aftereffect - a hazy eldritch simulacrum of of the target appears in a square adjacent to the target. Apart from being immune to the effect of the trap, it is functionally identical to the target. It rolls init and attacks the following round.
As an immediate interrupt, a character in the burst can make a DC27 Acrobatics check to minimise the effects of the Devourer's attack. On success, target takes half damage and is not dominated.
Disablement: 6 successes before 3 failures.
Characters must be adjacent to the trap.
DC22 Arcana or Thievery.
Destruction: Trap can be destroyed. AC29,F33,R29, W29
Arishat - dominated (se)
Devourer - two shrouds
Lynore - used AP
3 successes/0 failures - 6 before 3 needed.

Barel Dlode |

Barel looks hard at Arishat and then calls her out, "Come get me if you dare!" and then rolls his eyes towards the others in the group and says (slightly more quietly), "I will keep Arishat in check, you keep working on that altar."
free action: mark Arishat.
For now, that is all...I am not attacking her, but will defend myself against her.