DM Thron |

Welcome, to all ye who were selected!
A few further tidbits as we get this game off the ground:
1) I like reference images. If you do not already have one posted for your character, please add one to your alias. I will use this image in creating tokens for your character on Roll20.
2) Check in to the Roll 20 Campaign I have created for the game. This is where all combat maps will be posted.
3) Check yourselves into the RP thread as soon as you can. I will be updating that later on so as to give all the players a moment to get situated at the scene.

Dragos Vaako |

hey, i just caught the stuff on background skills and alignment.
i'll adjust the skills for background skills tonightl, and i'd like to switch from CE to LE for alignment

Dragos Vaako |

i found a mistake when i was calculating my Perception. I corrected the error. I'll log in to Roll20 when I get honme. Work tends to frown on me logging into these types of things

Steth |

I missed background skills too; I'll get them on there in short order.
Edit: Are you using Lore, and would an appropriate subject be either Tar-Baphon or the Whispering Way?

Dragos Vaako |

also, what languages are we speaking? Is Taldane assumed to be common or.. something else?

Dragos Vaako |

Plain old Common is considered Taldane. Otherwise, your dialect needs to be noted.
do we get the dialect for free?
Like, guy from ustalav would get Varisian for free? Or do i need to pay for that through linguistics and brains?

Steth |

Just want to say that Aleksei is probably going to be an a-hole most of the time, but that I'm not. Please keep in mind I'm RPing his character, but that I'll try to make it as unannoying as possible.
Steth is a CE Cleric of Rovagug; I'm an administrator for a chain of medical offices.
I think it's safe to say, neither of us are playing ourselves this game.

Steth |

Heh. Wouldn't happen to be said administrator in my neck of the woods, would ya? I could use a promotion.
I'm over the insurance people, so if you want to move to rural Ohio and get authorizations all day, come on down. We lose staff all the time, lol.

Dragos Vaako |

DM Jelani wrote:Just want to say that Aleksei is probably going to be an a-hole most of the time, but that I'm not. Please keep in mind I'm RPing his character, but that I'll try to make it as unannoying as possible.Steth is a CE Cleric of Rovagug; I'm an administrator for a chain of medical offices.
I think it's safe to say, neither of us are playing ourselves this game.
heh.. I don't know what you guys are talking about. I wear spiked plate armor all day and try to contact Cenobites for a living.

DM Thron |

Okay, the game is now live!
Everyone, I've assigned what tokens I know for sure in Roll20 to their player. I still need to know which alias belongs to Paynne and Steth. Everyone else should be all set. If you sign onto Roll20 and see only blackness, then let me know and I will try to fix it ASAP so you can see the scene I have prepared for you, as well as so you can begin to grow accustomed to Roll20.
Also, please generate a stat-line as Dragos has done. It is extremely helpful for me when running any combats.
Finally: from time to time, you may see me post into the Discussion thread saying "lurking." That means I'm just hanging out on roll20, and available for chat. If you are free and would like to join me, sign on there and we can discuss whatever nonsense comes up.
On that note: lurking!

Steth |

Okay, the game is now live!
Everyone, I've assigned what tokens I know for sure in Roll20 to their player. I still need to know which alias belongs to Paynne and Steth. (...)
I'm Josh; made a post on the roll20 campaign but you may have missed it.

Ialo Darkfang |

Ialo Darkfang |

Believe me I looked but leather helmets seem to be hard to find. Anyways Ialo will upgrade him first chance he gets. If those bloody skeletons in the room were weak enough he would snatch one, if that graveknight was not controlling them that is. xD

Dragos Vaako |

Dragos is in love with the grave knight. Seriously, wants to ask for pointers.

Xin-steth al-A'aqool |

Howdy party; meet the real Steth. He's undercover as the Steth you know and love for various political reasons.
After just one post, I can see how tedious it's going to get to maintain this guise mechanically, so I figured I'd just dispense with it OOC. Please try and keep the meta out until he makes his "dramatic reveal." But now I can post my actual checks without having to secretly PM Thron every time I bluff. Let's not even get started on how bad combat would get...
Up to Thron, but I think I'll edit the Steth alias to match the stats on this guy, and keep using it while I stay under cover. That way we keep the ruse from the game but remove the baloney that goes with it.

Steth |

On a completely unrelated to our game note, did anyone else play D&D?
Remember Vecna, who began as just a BBEG and grew increasingly more powerful with each edition, such that by the time 3.X was out he was a full-on deity? I always liked that.
I also liked their description of Asmodeus from the Manual of the Planes. Since a number of the WotC people came to PF, I've adopted the mindset that, like Vecna, Asmodeus grew more powerful, and helped remake the multiverse to his design. He's now full-on deity, too, and arguably one of the oldest and most powerful. I hope that's what they did there.
Edit: It was not what they did there. Oh well, doesn't stop me from believing it anyway!

Dragos Vaako |

ya.. i played DND 2e-3.5.
loved the heck out of Vecna and Asmodeus.
Shar was one of my favorite vilalins, while we're talking about evil gods. HEr and Moander for some reason.

Ialo Darkfang |

I only got into dnd around 3e. Loved the forgotten realms before they nuked it. Was a big fan of the drow and Vhaeraun. Man I miss Sshamath and the adventures that used to get run there by a group I was in. xD

DM Jelani |

I only got into dnd around 3e. Loved the forgotten realms before they nuked it. Was a big fan of the drow and Vhaeraun. Man I miss Sshamath and the adventures that used to get run there by a group I was in. xD
Doesn't DnD/5e bring back the Realms largely as they were pre-4e? You might want to check it out again.

Ialo Darkfang |

When 4e came around I pretty much ignored DnD for PF, so I don't know jack about it sense then. Sorry to say but PF keeps me busy enough and has done nothing to lose my interest. So unless it is a slow day I may never get around to it, that's what WotC gets for being greedy. Fickle we are. >:)

Ialo Darkfang |

Personally I think of people who are driven or consumed by revenge or vengeance to be a type of insane. Ialo reflects that, but don't worry he is logical in all respects and it's not a main attribute.
Not stepping on your toes Steth. ;)

Dragos Vaako |

Ya, ion about halfway. I need to consider feats, skills, and gear

Steth |

I apologize, we had a bit of an emergency this week. I did have some speech involved, of course, but Steth would have little choice but to accept.
I'll be caught up and posted by the morning!

Ialo Darkfang |

I have never used ABP, but from reading it. I don't like it if we are expected to have access to greater resources in the future. If we are not granted greater resources in the future, I am fine with it.
Really don't like that set up for casters, the opponents better be following it to or it's going to get ugly, not in a good way. xP
P.S. Should have my guy complete by the end of today.

Steth |

Ialo - I'm kind of with you, and kind of not.
I tend to not like it when we have a Transmutation specialist with Maximize and plenty of time to Scribe Scrolls. Bye bye perfect ability buffs. But no one in the party is built like that this game
The weapon bonuses are likewise usually iffy for me, but as Steth will primarily also have a shield, this time I don't mind.
And on the note of money, I'm likewise torn. Sure, we don't have to buy the "big six" items, but I oftentimes don't anyway, opting instead for the "odd" items. Cutting wealth in half hurts that. I also keep thinking you mentioned us establishing a base, but I'm 90% sure that was a different campaign, as I can't see peons like us having to deal with that. If it was you though, then ABP also severely cuts into what we can deposit into oir fort to make it better.

Ialo Darkfang |

Working on my gear and wanted to run this by you. Wanted to know if their was a way to change it to reduce the price and toss the intimidate aspect while keeping the hex part, not to mention make it a tunic sense Ialo is a dude. :)