Pirate Rob |

Greetings! My name is Robert and I'm a PFS addict.
I'm currently looking for 4-6 people with level 1-2 PFS characters to play the Accursed Halls. As a note we will only be running the Halls and not Thornkeep or the surrounding area.
While I would prefer players whom are unfamiliar with the details of the Accursed Halls, knowing such is not a deal breaker, just please make it clear how much you know.
Warning: There are some particularly lethal challenges for level 1 characters, so apply at your own risk.
Once I pick a team and check stats, I'll start the scenario within a week or so, with text here on the Paizo boards, and simple maps through Google Docs. I am hoping to be done before my trip to China on March 15th. To accomplish this, I'm expecting people to be able to post daily during the work week. (More frequently is welcome, of course.)
So, what am I asking you to do here?
1) Introduce your character -- if you have one -- or your intended concept. While I do not need a full stat block yet, I will need one before the start of the game.
2) Tell me how much you know about Thornkeep.
This recruitment is not first-come, first-serve. In few days, I'll draw straws, looking to build a well-balanced party. I'll let you know now that I'm likely to be capricious, and I'll apologize in advance to those who won't make the cut.
I am, of course, happy to answer any questions.

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Hey it's Hawkwen, after rereading your intro, I'm guessing that a week will be too long, so I would like to submit Jarlgur Flamnord, Wildblooded, Sorcerer Seeker. He is an Uflen male that grew up in Taldor, his father being part of the Ulfen Guard. He carries the Linormn bloodline and in always intrigued by puzzles and mysteries.
I am a PFS addict myself and know nothing of Thornkeep. If you don't start by the weekend, I had planned on running Jarlgur through First Steps II this Sat. afternoon in RL. If that would work, that would be great, so he could get a little extra gold and PP purchase.

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I'd like to apply with Barrin Ironhite, a dwarven fighter out of Janderhoff in Varisia.
He's 1st level, but has played through First Steps II and has a GM credit Chronicle from First Steps I.
I'll update his profile with complete character sheet information tomorrow.
I like to play and run PFS, but know next to nothing about Thornkeep beyond the fact that it had something to do with the online Kickstarters.

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Hello Rob. We are here to support your addiction.
A quick question.
I have seen this scenario/module scheduled as a 2 rounder at a local convention. I know nothing of this series, but it causes me concern if you are trying to squeeze it into a 6 week timeline. If my concerns are unfounded, awesome. I have some GM credits that can be put to good use.
If we don't finish before the Ides of March, how long are you going to be in China?

Pirate Rob |

Hello Rob. We are here to support your addiction.
A quick question.
I have seen this scenario/module scheduled as a 2 rounder at a local convention. I know nothing of this series, but it causes me concern if you are trying to squeeze it into a 6 week timeline. If my concerns are unfounded, awesome. I have some GM credits that can be put to good use.
If we don't finish before the Ides of March, how long are you going to be in China?
I think my timeline is a bit ambitious and it's possible we won't finish before my trip, but I think The Accursed Halls runs much closer to 5 hours than 8 hours, although it could easily stretch to 8 if Thornkeep flavor and random encounters on the road were added (which we are not doing in this case)
I will be in China from the 15th to 23rd. So in case we don't finish by then I'll be out of contact for about a week

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Application for Arryn - I'm in multiple PbP games and maintain a good daily post tempo as a rule of thumb (my GMing of Hawkrens aforementioned Master of the Fallen Tower being the exception)
PFS# 38110-14
Angel Born Aasimar Paladin (Oath of Vengence) Level 1
S 18 D 12 C 14 I 10 W 8 Ch 16
HP 12 AC 17 Touch AC 11, Flatfood AC 16 CMD 16
BAB +1 CMB +6 Fort +4, Reflex +1, Will +1
Discovered as a babe in the wild by a handful of traveling Pilgrims of Ragathiel, Arryn was considered something unusual right from the first - his appearance is definetely unusual, possibly Fey or Elvish - definetely he has the pupiless eyes and pointed ears common to Elvenkind and he has always had a talent for learning things common to nature and the First World, as if remembering old memories rather than learning something new.
As a child of about 4 or 5 years he given into the care of the Clergy to raise - something unusual as this is not the normal practice of his followers, acknowledging that other faiths and organisations are better suited to childcare but Arryn was growing at an unusual rate and was especially strong and focused for his tender age.
After hitting puberty, he was taken on as a squire to another Paladin and through travel and service has ended up in Absolom. His Knight-Master, on the basis of a dream, has knighted the young man and recommended that he take up service with the Society, not knowing the reason but trusting that this was Ragathiel's will.
While Arryn looks Elvish in some respects, he is atypical in others - he stands nearly seven feet tall and is very well muscled. His size and his personality radiates a presence that can be intimating to some.

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Born in the dwarf-fast of Janderhoff in Varisia's forbidding Mindspin Mountains over half a century ago, it wasn't uncommon for Barrin Ironhite to go years at a time in his youth without seeing the sun. The son of a long line of guardsmen and women, Barrin was trained from birth to fight those enemies of the city who approached the Sky Citadel from below.
But it was the stories of an old adventuring great-aunt that compelled the dwarf to eventually seek his fortune, and his fate, outside Janderhoff. A retired Pathfinder herself, Luanna Ironhite spent two years as a slave on a Qadiran galley before being freed in a raid by the navy of Andoran. While all of her youthful nephews and nieces took the old woman's fierce hatred of slavery to heart, Barrin in particular was impressed by her rescuers, and when he left the mountains, he promised Luanna he would always side with the oppressed.
Making his way to the City at the Center of the World was an adventure in itself, but once he presented himself beneath the Glyph of the Open Road at the Grand Lodge in Absalom, Barrin knew he had made the right decision. He has gone on a few missions for the Society in the city or nearby, and is now eager to begin his career as a Pathfinder for true.

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Jarlgur lived a rather easy life growing up in Opara. His father was one the elite mercenary Ulfen Guard protecting the office of the Grand Prince. This position had been in the family for generations, each Flamnord son following in his father’s footsteps. Such was not the case for Jarlgur. Growing up, he early on realized his gift for sorcery, though in the beginning he hid it from his father.
As he matured and investigated his sorcerous powers, he came to realize his power stemmed from the ancient Linnorms of his peoples homeland. Eventually Jarlgur told his father of his powers, his father was not pleased and forbid Jarlgur’s use of magic. Jarlgur rebelled against his father’s wishes and took many a beating for the rebellion. His father insisted on Jarlgur joining the Ulfen Guard. With no avenues left before him, when he come of age Jarlgur stole out in the middle of the night and ran away. He took what money he had and purchased passage on a ship bound for Absalom.
When he arrived in Absalom he was awestruck by the sheer multiethnic culture of the teeming metropolis. He spent a few weeks doing odd job and occasionally begging to get food and lodging. I t was in Absalom that he learned of the Pathfinder Society. The Society seemed like just the organization that would be accepting of someone of his talents. He presented himself at the Gates and was accepted. It was during his time as an Initiate that he discovered his knack for disabling locks and traps and an understanding of things of a mechanical nature. He does love the adventuring life and feels completely at home within the Society

Pirate Rob |

Barrin Ironhite's character sheet is now complete in his profile. I'll work up an in-character introductory post here in a bit, but I do have a question. Do you need us to e-mail or post to google docs (or somewhere) our Chronicle sheets?
If you had something particularly unusual I would like to see it, but I have no need to review your normal chronicle sheets.

Pirate Rob |

Alright, here's what there seems to be so far:
Alice Margatroid ???
Jarlgur: Ulfen/Taldan Sorcerer 1
Barrin Ironhite: Varisian Dwarf Beefcake 1
Aleister Marlowe: Taldan Witch 2
Kardak the Feared: Half-orc Scarry Cavalier 2
Arryn Wildblood: Aasimar Paladin of Ragathiel 1
Lecky: Gunslinger/Summoner 1
Nebten: ???
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
It'll take a few days to get started after I select the group to go over character sheets and get things settled so you should be fine to play first steps on Saturday Hawk.
As a reminder while your character is in this game it is effectively locked in until the end of the adventure and unavailable for other adventures.
Question for Alice Margatroid/Arryn Wildblood/Lecky Have you previously read/played/GMed The Accursed Halls. (As a note as a tier 1-2 module it is replayable by 1st level characters)

Pirate Rob |

Some other notes:
As a module there are no faction missions and upon completion you will receive 3xp/4pp. For every 3rd of the adventure you miss each of these rewards will be reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1xp/2pp as well as gp earned reduced by 1/3rd.
So for example if after completing ~1/2 the adventure you decided to drag your companion's corpses back to the Grand Lodge in Absalom and call it quits, those of you who survived/were able to be raised would earn 2xp/3pp+ 2/3rds gp.
Once the adventure is complete I will be emailing people their chronicle sheets to print at their leisure.

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Toren Still reportin' fer duty! Friends can call me "Stand" Still on account o' me an my shield Tessa here! We're looking fer some work, the gemcraftin' business ain't so good and the Pathfinder's been generous enough in the past with givin' me something ta do.
I don't really know anythin' bout Accursed Halls, but I'd gladly put Tessa and my trust Bec de Corbin to the group's protection! 'Specially if'n there's some sparklies I can take back to sell.
Toren "Stand" Still - Dwarf Phalanx Soldier Fighter 2. The profile has all the updated level 2 info! Thanks for your consideration.

Pirate Rob |

Adventure Blurb:
Beneath Brokenhelm Hill and the weathered walls of Thornkeep lies an ancient maze of magic and madness. Once the workrooms and summoning chamber of a rebel Azlanti lord, these subterranean chambers were forgotten thousands of years ago after the eradication of the evil lord and his followers. Over the centuries, adventurers have found their way into these twisting passages and magnificent chambers, only to discover that the fading magic of the ancient Azlanti still lingers here. The people of Thornkeep call this dungeon the Halls Under the Hill, but those heroes who have dared its depths know this place by a different name: the Accursed Halls.

Lecky |

"I heard among the villagers that there's a group of pathfinders willing to navigate the passages of the Accursed Halls " says Florence to the bartender. "I don't think you're capable enough to hande that mi'lady says the bartender while giving her a drink. "We'll see 'bout that" . Florence turned her back and walked away towards a group of seasoned adventurers. The bartender dropped the glass that he was holding for he was shocked to see a dim figure of an eidolon following her. Florence gave him a mischievous smile as she sits on the table beside the group.
That would be my entry, description on my profile, I probably should start posting as Florence right?

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I'll likely do some changes on weaponry and finish equipping if I am selected as its a module and not a single session game. Its a longer period between equipping/re-arming
Arryn stands lost in thought in front of the fire, damp cloak steaming. Unusually tall, and massive of build he blocks most of the light from the inn's fireplace, casting shadows around the around the room.
Muttering from the locals snaps him back into focus and he turns from the fire and sits awkwardly on the benches facing the fire.
He smiles at the locals - again, somewhat awkwardly, as he tries to put them at easy but his alien appearance makes it more difficult.
Apologies Goodfolk... I merely sought to dry myself. May I join you in a mug of ale?

Pirate Rob |

Alright, thank you all for your interest.
I'm going to be taking:
Jarlgur: Ulfen/Taldan Sorcerer 1
Barrin Ironhite: Varisian Dwarf Beefcake 1
Aleister Marlowe: Taldan Witch 2
Kardak the Feared: Half-orc Scarry Cavalier 2
Arryn Wildblood: Aasimar Paladin of Ragathiel 1
Toren "Stand" Still: Dwarven Phalanx 2
I'll see you guys in the discussion thread.
Thank you everybody else for your interest, and best of luck in the future.