The World's Most Interesting GM |

The world of Golarion, Southern Avistan, Isle of Kortos, City of Absalom, Grand Lodge of the Pathfinder Society, the Grand Hall's Eastern Mezzanine meeting lounge, early Sunday morning.

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A muscular, burly, middle-aged 3' 8" gnome is with you. He has a blue beard and raggedy blue hair, although you can clearly see some white strands among the blue. He has a greatsword and gnome hooked hammer ready for unsheathe for action. While small in stature, he still packs a pretty prominent presence amongst the taller members.
In a gruff voice, "Monterey reporting. Former member of the Andoran army and wanted to get back into working out and adventuring out. Quite a different training regiment in the Pathfinder Society, what with all the brain exercises and all. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I prefer something a little more physical, if you catch my drift. Trust your instincts and you'll do fine, I say."
"As for my skills, well, you can expect me to get up and dirty with my greatsword if anyone opposes us. Of course, I mean to protect, not destroy. A lot of soldiers I worked with never got that..."
With that, the gnome drops down and does a couple push-ups. "So, what's your story, everyone?"

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Squat and stout would be the words to describe your half-orc companion. Not to say that he is short, but the stereotype of tall, burly green skin would judge him to be a small example at five and a half. Leanly muscled arms speak to long hours practicing with the falchion carried in his sheathe, as well as the ease in which he bears the fine breastplate encasing his torso.
"Name's Banon." he responds, laconic and deep voiced. "Had a bad run in with an ogre in backwater Taldor. Would have been dead but for a crew of Pathfinders rescued me. Eking it out with peat cutters in the swamp didn't seem a better idea than a ship fare to Absalom and putting my woodcraft to use for the Society." Thick, black brows furrow slightly as he considers a moment before adding. "I know a bit about nature, enough to know not to mess with it, and I know a bit about Taldans, mainly not to trust them too much. I can swing a blade and I can take a hit."

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A young, well muscled human with a spear on his back enters into the room. He is Taldan by birthright and apperance.
I am Theodic. Magic is my ability though I tend to be a bit more combat oriented as the magic in my blood manifests itself. he says.

The World's Most Interesting GM |

The mezzanine lounge overlooks the east entrance hall, a magnificent, multistory, arched, marble gallery. The lounge itself is reminiscent of a 19th century London gentleman's club complete with the sumptuous leather seats, heavy, antique wood furniture, a games table, and the stuffed and mounted heads of a chimera, disenchanter and a yeti scattered along the patterned, red-velvet-wallpapered wall.
It is not quite dawn and the space it lit by magical lamps set into the walls. No one has summoned you. (And why would they? It's Sunday.) You are either up very earlier or have been up very, very late.

Anando Veresisi, the Exacting |

A menial arrives, a halfling in formal butler wear. He stands there for a moment regarding the men nonplussed by their braggadocios, non-sequitur-laced dialogue, the assorted deadly weaponry upon their persons, nor the fact that Monterey is doing calisthenics in the lounge, and not in the gymnasium.
"Might the gentlemen care for some breakfast? Eggs and toast or biscuits? Perhaps a dry towel?" he says in a tone that is both obsequious and aloof.

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A stout man lumbers into the room, his eyes a bit too close together, but a broad grin gleams over his blond, fluffy beard. An overstuff pack seems to weigh him down, though he doesn't appear the least bit bothered. An odd birthmark resembling a closed fist stands out against his pale features
Looking around the room, he speaks "'Ello der. Tis be a fine mornin, eh? Blessed by Irori we's given anutter day ter enjoy!"
Nodding towards the little gnome, "Eggs n biscuits be good fer me, tanks!"

Anando Veresisi, the Exacting |

What color is the dragon head of the chimera?
1d5 ⇒ 5
"'Ello der. Tis be a fine mornin, eh? Blessed by Irori we's given anutter day ter enjoy!"
"Quite, sir."
The small butler takes everyone's order, commiting them to memory like a Vancian conjuror.
"And how would the gentlemen like their eggs prepared?"
Hard boiled, soft boiled, scrambled, sunny side up, over easy, poached? Role-playing is all about making choices. ;)

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"Ooo my! Been while since bin in a place wit more an one option." remarks the dwarf cheerfully. Scratching his beard as he considers the options, his smile broadens.
"Fer me...Kin ya cut them biscuits in half? Yeah? After scrambled the ponies outta dem egs and poor it o'er them biscuits! Got any spicy peppas to toss on? That'd be great!"

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"That's something." Banon mutters, pondering the unexpected choice. "Scrambled, on toast." comes the final decision.

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"Scrambled since that's what everyone else is doing. Eggs are a superfood, good choice men." Monterey gets up and stops doing pushups as it is clearly making the butler here uneasy.

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"Oiy! Hmm...no needen fancy stuffs er nuttin. Jus a bit o water fer me, sir." answers Durvak, with a deep bow to the butler.

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"Water, agreed. Great way to start and continue the day."

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"Uh, water, yeah. And maybe some juice?"

Anando Veresisi, the Exacting |

"Juice, sir? We carry: apple juice, lemonade, pink lemonade, blueberry, strawberry, pineapple, fruit punch, white grape, cranberry, cranberry-apple, raspberry, grapefruit, mosambi, tomato, banana-pineapple, mango, peach, citrus, carrot, aloe vera with apple, aloe vera with white grape, apricot, guava, orange, lemon-lime, pomegranate, pomegranate-lemonade, mixed-vegetable, black currant, plum, and prune. Which would you care for, sir?"

The World's Most Interesting GM |

Another man sidles into view, creeping along like a lame stage villain. His hands and balding head are scarred and misshapen, and he is dressed in all black with a shabby black overcoat thrown over his hunched form. Moving over to the mounted chimera heads he removes the red dragon's head and replaces it with a mounted moose's head.
We officially start in a little over a week, so please finalize anything you need to on your characters.

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Understood. Will doublecheck mine

The World's Most Interesting GM |

The hideous, slouched man scuttles away with his prize.
The small butler too retires, most likely to fetch the party's food.

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Volar arrives as the others leave.
"So i see everyone else is already here. Did i miss much? I've left my companion outside so i hope the briefing won't take too long. He gets restless when he's on his own."

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Bits of egg caught in his beard and a mouth full of food, Druvak smiles at the newcomer. "Naf. Yous juss miffen bweakfast 'sall."
Wiping his hand on his britches, he stands and offers it to the man. With a quick swallow, he beams "Durvak Stoutheart atcher services."

The World's Most Interesting GM |

Volar arrives as the others leave.
"So i see everyone else is already here. Did i miss much? I've left my companion outside so i hope the briefing won't take too long. He gets restless when he's on his own."
Briefing? What briefing? Did anyone (besides Volar) expect a briefing at six in the morning on a Sunday in an open lounge? I think Smiler's been pulling his partner's leg (which might explain why it smells of banana, and is occasionally out of its socket).
In the stooped man's wake there scuttles a small aberration of some sort. It seems to be a crudely sewn together pastiche of every creature ever put in an bestiary, a sort of collected crib note of fauna-kind. If ever you needed a remembrance of some mammal, insect, reptile, or cephalopod you need only look at this thing for a hint.
"Ppppprrrrrrrrrrtttt." It squelches wetly as it replaces the chimera's goat's head with a mounted bass.

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Monterey side-eyes the shambling mess that walks in. "Uhhh... what is that?"

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"It'th mine. Do you like it." The dark-cloaked skulker says with an air of parental pride. "The bipedal anthropomorphouth conthtruct--not the goat head. It'th a functional conthept piethe. I call it Thcrapth."
I'm Igor. Igor throws back his high collar and reveals his surgically scarred self. He smiles horribly.

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Turning away from the vomit-inducing beast, he thinks I hope that water gets here soon. The hangover is going to be bad enough with it.

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Pssst...Igor is the GMs character. :P

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Unable to look away from the beast, Durvak remarks "Tis a terrible strangeness. Creature o nightmares. Through Irori all kin does right though."

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"I know it'th great ithn't it, even if I do thay tho mythelf. Oh, pardon me." He dabs at Durvak's forehead with a handkerchief.

The World's Most Interesting GM |

Loud thudding boots can be heard booming from the grand gallery below. They stomp on the marble floor as if it were personal.

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Igor's little monster tugs on its master's overcoat with one lobster-like appendage.
"You will have to ecthcuthe uth. It ith getting late and we thhould be on our way."

The World's Most Interesting GM |

The boots draw nearer, and are now pounding up the wide marble stairs.
1,200th post, WOOT!

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"Very well." Does this person just wander around randomly scaring locals?

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Offering the retreating man a slight bow, he turns to his companions. "What nice persons. Me tinks be most interestingly creature mes met so fer." ;-)
"Toos bad he had ter leave so soons."

Adril Hestram, Venture-Captain |
"You there!" Says a large, mountain of a man with spiky blondish hair and beard coming up the stairs. "Yes, you lot. What are you doing here so early, on a Sunday no less? You don't look the part of a field of Dawnflowers."
You recognize the man as Venture-Captain Adril Hestram.
Venture-Captain Adril Hestram Lore - Roll one Knowledge (local) check and open all the following that apply. You gain a +1 competence bonus for each of the following Pathfinder RPG articles you own: 00-01 Silent Tide, 00-04 Frozen Fingers of Midnight, Inner Sea Combat, Seekers of Secrets: A Guide to the Pathfinder Society. Remember you can attempt a DC 10 Knowledge check untrained, but you are limited to a max 10 result.
While his large girth might be deceiving, his bulk is mostly muscle, and he can frequently be found sparring and arm-wrestling with other members of the Society to further develop his strength.
The venture-captain is also known for his bizarre sense of gallows humor.

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Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Oh Gozreh preserve me, it's Hestram. Banon winces at the loud timbre of the Venture Captain's voice. "Good morning, Venture Captain. Just a long night of studying the chronicles."
Bluff: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Adril Hestram, Venture-Captain |
The venture-captain rounds on Banon. "Oh yeah? What's the weakest form of lurking ray?"

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K Local (Max 10): 1d20 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) - 2 + 1 = 5
"Dawnflower? No gud sir. I's of Irori's flock. Through his g-eye-dance alls possible. I is a lifecoach, yea see? I spend me time heppen society witch matters an I hep udders improve theys lifes." replies Durvak, giving the man a large, gap-toothed smile. Bits of egg still hang in his beard.

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Knowledge Dungeoneering: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Red-rimmed eyes scrunch up in a squint. "Er...the manta?"