The Tethyr Chronicles, part one: The gathering storm (Inactive)

Game Master JohnLocke

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Greetings all! This will be the thread where we discuss issues with the game, rules interpretations, character building and more. Thread will officially open wednesday, october 19th at 5pm (gmt -5), but feel free to post here before then if you've been chosen.

Questions to go with the flavor of Helm I wanted to ask if I could have a helm even though scale mail does not normally come with the set. I will pay for it though I have no idea how much it would cost I tried to look at the piecemeal variant in Ultimate combat to get an idea but just have arm,leg and torso prices there.

Female Moon Elf Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow


@ Mrdarknlight - go ahead and give yourself a helmet, don't worry about the cost. Helmites typically wear open-faced helmets, but you can go ahead and make it closed-face if you think it fits your theme better.

I was thinking of having a visor with the helm so when not fighting it open-faced , when fighting closed face.

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease

Lockjaw Stoneshield reporting for duty! Thank you for the invite, I'm looking forward to heading back into the Realms. Ran games here for many years. Stay out of all forests, that's my motto!

Ok, character sheet is in profile, mostly done. I need to buy gear and great my in-game "macros", then I should be good pending review.

Hey everyone, can't wait to unleash fire and lighting.

It has been a while i didn't play in the realms,the last time was with NWN2

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38

This is a sketch of Alendrethala. I suck at drawing but i like to have some image of my PCs. In case someone recognize it, the initial pose is from a drawing of Lockwood (from the 3rd ed books), but i didn't photocopied it, all free-hand made

Good morning all!

Thanks for joining me in the discussion thread for our upcoming, Realms based game. When you have your characters' sheet ready, please let me know and I'll give it the ol' DM once-over.

For those whose backgrounds might still be up in the air, we can sort those issues out here, as well. I'm still a little unclear about whats going on with the sisters, in terms of who is looking for who and who is questing for what, but I'm sure we can iron that out easily enough.

@ Gandal - nice drawing! Certainly better than what I could do. As an option, if everyone wants to try and find a pic of their character, this would be a good place to post it. If you'd rather just describe and let our imaginations fill in the rest, that's fine as well.

Female Moon Elf Cleric of Sehanine Moonbow

I guess it's possible the Inwe knows of her sister...informed by the church, and it's infamous gift for prophecy, but Alendrethala is not aware of her. Kind of works with the spoiled brat, vs the wise worldly sister thing.

Any thoughts?

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)

Here is profile and character sheet I do believe I have everything.

@ scranford - I don't really know where to take the situation between the two sisters at this point - I'm fine with Inwe knowing where to go to find her sister, and Alendrethala not knowing anything until Inwe reveals herself .... we could, of course, role-play out their initial meeting, which might be a good idea in any case.
EDIT: also, don't forget your heavy armor proficiency under feats - as I noted on page one of recruitment, Realms clerics get that back

@ Vestilet - Just a few questions about your character:
- did you decide not to go with the divine defender archetype? I see that you've got the oath of vengeance, which is fine, but no mention of the other. It's not a problem, of course, just a question about which way you were taking the character
- with regards to the bastard sword situation: I note you've got two feats listed: exotic weapon prof for bastard sword, and power attack. You don't need to put the exotic weapon proficiency there; as previously agreed, you'll be using your ancestral arms for use of the bastard sword one handed, two handed is already included in your martial weapon proficiency
- as for use of the bastard sword - I see that you've got chain mail for armor, but no mention of a shield. I'd recommend that you take a shield, too; using the bastard sword one handed and gaining the ac bonus of the shield is really the point of the exotic proficiency. Note, too, that if you're using the bastard sword two handed that the strength bonus to damage goes up to +6, and the power attack bonus goes to +3; you may wish to note separately on your sheet the stats for one handed and two handed use of your bastard sword, to keep things simple during battle.

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)

I am still thinking about the archetype Divine Defender why I did not put it up on the sheet I figured since the game did not start until the 31st I would have some more time to think. The ancestral arms traits gives me the feat why I listed it. On other characters I did not but than I noticed that line. As for the shield from what I have read and seen of pictures of Helm he just has his sword. The idea for the character is to switch between one handed and two handed fighting with the bastard when such as when I or others need a lay on hands during combat. I was thinking about a shield but than would mess with that idea some. Unless you say lay on hands would work with a shield than I would get one and still switch when needed.

@ Vestilet - you've technically got until 3rd level to decide (the level where your mercies would be replaced by shared defence). Generally the crunch of a character should pretty much be sorted by now, but if you need more time that's fine too.

And no, I need to stick to the RAW in terms of needing a hand free to use lay on hands. You still might wish to have a shield handy, just in case you need to emphasize defense at some point.

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease

In-game macros added. Still need to buy non-combat gear. I also need to brush up on my realms lore for the time period we're in.

Vestilet, one thing to consider is a buckler. -1 to Attack penalties while using it two handed but it's there for AC when you need it. Also Quickdraw shields if you want defense in a situation where Lay On Hands isn't necessary. I also want to say I've seen a Feat that allows a two-handed weapon wielder to take an attack penalty to grant shield bonus to AC? I'll need to look into that.

@ Balodek - just to keep things simple, you might want to generate Lockjaw's stats while raging in order to make referencing his stats easier during combat. He's going to be one mean mound of flesh when raging! (+7 to hit with his waraxe, damage 1d10+9, or +6 to hit and 1d10+12 while power attacking)

EDIT: You read my mind! Excellent :-)

EDIT #2: Combat expertise? Vestilet doesn't have the INT for it.

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease

Yeah I post that block at the beginning of all my combat turns in order to keep things straight.

Round x Init y

Status Example:

HP = 17 + 2
AC = 15
STR 22 CON 22
+8 Fort, +1 Ref, +1 Will
Weapon Equipped = None
Speed = 20'
Rage/Day = 8/8
Status Effects = Raging

He is looking forward to combat, I just have to remember at level 1 everybody is squishy, no matter what their stats say!

@ Balodek - that's great! I was going to talk about status updates during combat posts, perhaps we could use yours as a template? I've seen several PbP games where something similar to that was used, and I liked it a lot.

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease

By all means. I find it really makes things easier to keep straight, my first PbP insisted we use them and it helps a lot. For my casters I throw spells/day or spells memorized, any other usage things like Judgement, Lay on Hands, Cleric Domain powers, etc.

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)
Lockjaw Stoneshield wrote:

In-game macros added. Still need to buy non-combat gear. I also need to brush up on my realms lore for the time period we're in.

Vestilet, one thing to consider is a buckler. -1 to Attack penalties while using it two handed but it's there for AC when you need it. Also Quickdraw shields if you want defense in a situation where Lay On Hands isn't necessary. I also want to say I've seen a Feat that allows a two-handed weapon wielder to take an attack penalty to grant shield bonus to AC? I'll need to look into that.

I did not know bucklers just gave a -1 to attack. I will look into that or quick draw when I get home.

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease


Benefit: You can also use your shield arm to wield a weapon (whether you are using an off-hand weapon or using your off hand to help wield a two-handed weapon), but you take a –1 penalty on attack rolls while doing so. This penalty stacks with those that may apply for fighting with your off hand and for fighting with two weapons. In any case, if you use a weapon in your off hand, you lose the buckler's Armor Class bonus until your next turn. You can cast a spell with somatic components using your shield arm, but you lose the buckler's Armor Class bonus until your next turn. You can't make a shield bash with a buckler.

Quick Draw Light Shield:

Benefit: If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may don or put away a quickdraw shield as a swift action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw a light or one-handed weapon with one hand and a quickdraw shield with the other in the time it would normally take you to draw one weapon. If you have the Quick Draw feat, you may don or put away a quickdraw shield as a free action.

50gp extra for the Quickdraw shields though, so probably out of reach at 1st level.

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

Well damnit, I got picked, that means my patience paid what do I do with my battleaxe?

@ BoggBear - and the only human of the group, as well! There's no way I could have predicted that. Well, in any case, welcome - I've no doubt your character will find many foes to hew with that axe, or to conquer via spell.

Dark Archive

*waves 'hi!'*

*bounces restlessly*

@ Matthew Winn - welcome! Play isn't scheduled to begin until october 31st, though there may be some prologue type scenarios prior to that. I hope you can contain yourself! :-)

Male Half-elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 1

You had me there thinking I was out for a few minutes! Darn if Evenor suffers like that he will lose his naive mentality and become a cynic.

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

Well you know, as my grandpappi always used to say "Son, remember this, if spell and axe fails you, just find a really big rock and dump it on their heads."

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease

I'll be in limited availability mode October 21st through the 23rd due to a bachelor party and October 28th through the 30th due to the wedding.

@ Keddah - my apologies, I didn't truly want to keep anyone waiting, but the number of quality applicant did make my job harder. Having said that, I fear that adventuring in broken Tethyr may make cynics of all of your characters...

@ Balodek - no problems at all, if you have time between the two events then perhaps we can stage a prologue for your character. Perhaps we should start with Lockjaws funeral?

Male Half-elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 1

I have completed the profile (lacking finding an avatar I like) hope it is tidy and to your liking DM Locke.

And no needs for apologies, I was just joking, I actually read your posts when you had already said I was in!

I have left the second favoured class open, right now I don't have any intention to multiclass him but the idea of finding his elven roots and going sorcerer/arcane archer crossed my mind recently. If you want me to define the second favoured class right now I'd choose sorcerer.

Female Halfling Rogue 1
Lockjaw Stoneshield wrote:
I'll be in limited availability mode October 21st through the 23rd due to a bachelor party and October 28th through the 30th due to the wedding.

No way! I'm getting married on the 31st!

Don't worry though. I shouldn't be missing any posting....

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)

Congratulations to everyone that got in.

Male Mazinger-type Fan of Go Nagai level 38
Inwë Lossëhelini wrote:

I guess it's possible the Inwe knows of her sister...informed by the church, and it's infamous gift for prophecy, but Alendrethala is not aware of her. Kind of works with the spoiled brat, vs the wise worldly sister thing.

Any thoughts?

Since i wrote that Alendrethala had a general idea where to find Inwe while the sister was informed by the church it may simply be possible that the two sisters meet along the way, maybe working with different parties.

It may even be possible that they are initially enemies :S

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease

Plenty of time between I hope. The bachelor party is a weekend long LAN party so I'll probably be posting infrequently during that, and the wedding is a low key civil service/BBQ/dance, so I'll have time to check in the morning, it all depends on family and fiancee aggro.

@ Matthew Winn - congratulations on the wedding! I hope many years of marital bliss await you and your special one :-)

@ Balodek - wait, that's YOUR wedding on the 30th? Congratulations! I totally didn't pick up on that. May you and your chosen one have a wonderful future together!

We are going to adventuring with a party of 7? This is really going to be fun ^_^

Edit,sorry didn't notice initially, congratulations Matthew and Balodek

@ Gandal - yes, I couldn't limit myself to six in this case. Too many good characters to pass up! But really big groups tend to get unweildy, especially when combat breaks out.

Female Halfling Rogue 1
Alendrethala Lossëhelini wrote:

We are going to adventuring with a party of 7? This is really going to be fun ^_^

Edit,sorry didn't notice initially, congratulations Matthew and Balodek

Thank you. We've been putting it off for a long time and finally we just said "frak it, let just get it done"

Not the most romantic notion, but when the relationship's closing in on a decade...

And yes, seven of us apparently. Nothing wrong with that, seven's a lucky number. Seven Sisters and whatnot...

Oh Realms... it has been too long...

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)

This will be my first time in the Realms in game that was not a video game.

Just as a test - this is an example of the sort of tactical map I'll be using for the game - each building and character has a tag to identify them and we can use a co-ordinate system to identify target squares for moves. Hopefully I'll get more sophisticated as time goes on.

Map Here

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease

Map looks fine, I don't need fancy as long as I understand who's where and what's what.

For combat, do you roll initiative for us? I've noticed that works better, especially with a larger group, than waiting a day for everyone to roll then post.

Seven is good, if I remember 5 is the unlucky number in the Realms, but it's been a while.

My wedding indeed, after killing off several of her characters we started dating and got engaged in Cancun last January over New Years. She's actually drawing up a sketch of Lockjaw right now should be interesting to see what he looks like! :D

|| CMB +8 | CMD 18 | F +9 | R +3 | W +5 || HP 53/59 AC 21/10/21 || Paladin 5 || SR 10 Immune: Fear, Disease
Vestilet wrote:
This will be my first time in the Realms in game that was not a video game.

I see GoG has Baldur's Gate I and II complete with sound track and other goodies for 10 each, 20 total. Very tempted to pick those up. I have the CDs but a digital download with all the patches and an update to get it working in Win 7 64 bit is worth it IMO.

Male Half-Elf Paladin(Oath of Vengeance)
Lockjaw Stoneshield wrote:
Vestilet wrote:
This will be my first time in the Realms in game that was not a video game.
I see GoG has Baldur's Gate I and II complete with sound track and other goodies for 10 each, 20 total. Very tempted to pick those up. I have the CDs but a digital download with all the patches and an update to get it working in Win 7 64 bit is worth it IMO.

I only ever played the first Baldur's Gate. I did play Neverwinter Nights 2 though. I have read some of the books as well.

Male Halfling Cavalier 1

I'm a sad halfling. =(

j/k, gratz everyone, don't fret around and go save that kingdom!

Male Magus 1 - HP 13/13 AC 15 TAC 12 FF 13 | Ft +4 Rf +2 Wi +2 | Init +2 | Perc +1 |

I resent that! I do NOT have scars on my face.

Map works for me too, just a bit hard telling the numbers on houses (almost same color)

Edit: Important question!!!!!
I've played a wizard some years ago, when 3rd ed fist came out and it was a nightmare. The master ONLY targeted the spellbook, bandits, thieves, cultist, everyone that we met stole the spellbook at least one time. Now i know that is the risk of having to depend on the spellbook, but that is non sense, how do you handle it ?

Male Half-elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 1

Map works for me too.

@Alendrethala: If they take your spellbook we hunt them, pin them, then you beat them to death with it while shouting You made this to yourself, if I had prepared spells it would have been so much easier. *wink*

Evenor wrote:

Map works for me too.

@Alendrethala: If they take your spellbook we hunt them, pin them, then you beat them to death with it while shouting You made this to yourself, if I had prepared spells it would have been so much easier. *wink*

Beating them with the spellbook? NO WAY it could be scratched, and who will clean all those blood splats?

But not bad idea :)

Good morning all! Just a few comments:

@ Balodeks question, but directed to all - when hostilities are about to break out, I will roll initiative for all parties involved (as noted on the 1st page of the recruitment thread, I will also take control of characters who have not taken their turn, when time is of the essence); I do this simply out of expediency, and to make combat flow better. With seven heroes, battles might get rather large, so organization is going to be important. EDIT: one thing I have been considering are the creation of "standing orders" - directions for what your character would do in several situations, if you happen not to be available. I'll try and develop the idea better before the game breaks out; today I woke up with a bit of a migraine starting in my left eye, and it's impairing my ability to put down my thoughts.

@ BoggBear - that's not Ruhk :-P Unless he's taken to wearing a mask and ravaging the countryside in his spare time. Note to all - red usually indicates someone up to no good on those tactical maps, or someone or something who is not a friend ;-)

@ Gandal - To be honest, I can't promise that no-one, during the course of your adventures, would consider separating the wizard from her spellbook a bad idea. If it happens a lot, I understand it can get frustrating. If it happens all the time, it can feel like you're being targeted. My bottom line is, if it's not fun, it shouldn't be happening in the game. If you feel like I'm being a jerk with something that happened in game, let me know, and we can work to fix it. Your fun is my primary goal!

Female Halfling Rogue 1
Lockjaw Stoneshield wrote:

Map looks fine, I don't need fancy as long as I understand who's where and what's what.


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