The Root of All Evil
Game Master
Edward Sobel
current combat map
Current party location
Dairoo's map all assembled
Female Human Weapon Specialist | Wounds 10/15 | Insanity 10 | Armor 4 | WS 29;BS 52;S 35;T 39;AG 50;INT 31;PER 31;WP 35;FEL 34;Awareness 41
Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1
Female Kitsune Gestalt Oracle (Lore)/Sorcerer (Psychic) 3 | AC 17, T 11, F 16, CMD 17 | F 3 R 4 W 4 | hp 21/21 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Effects:
Busy, busy. I'm trying (again) to find that work/life balance I've heard so much about. ;)
Means I obsess less about reading and responding to posts here, but it also means (so far this semester) that I keep up better with my classwork. Here's hoping I can maintain the current state of affairs.
Female Human Weapon Specialist | Wounds 10/15 | Insanity 10 | Armor 4 | WS 29;BS 52;S 35;T 39;AG 50;INT 31;PER 31;WP 35;FEL 34;Awareness 41
Two kids. There is no work/life balance :)
Human Gestalt Archaeologist/Fighter 3 | HP 26/26 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | Per +6 | Init +5
three kids......what is this "balance" you speak of??
current combat map group 1
Hi guys, got busy with stuff, I go away to the Caribbean in about a week and been trying to find what summer type clothes I have that still fit.
I am sorry to have been sluffling off.
Female Kitsune Gestalt Oracle (Lore)/Sorcerer (Psychic) 3 | AC 17, T 11, F 16, CMD 17 | F 3 R 4 W 4 | hp 21/21 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Effects:
Aw, you're getting ready to go the land of sun and sand and you thought enough to stop and give us a status update? You must really like us!
Or it's a subtle brag for us to stew over while he's enjoying himself...
Being an eternal optimist, I choose #1!
current combat map group 1
actually its because I like you guys.... I find the fact that you are all patient with me and the pace of the game very positive about all of you.
I am glad to have all of you guys in this game and would hate to lose any of you.
M (male) Aasimar (anglekin) paladin 3 /bard (arcane duelist) 3
I want to know how the story will end, I'm hooked
Also it helps that when I have the RP itch, I can satisfy it here
Improbable Island
Female Human Weapon Specialist | Wounds 10/15 | Insanity 10 | Armor 4 | WS 29;BS 52;S 35;T 39;AG 50;INT 31;PER 31;WP 35;FEL 34;Awareness 41
Don't apologize for having a much better idea about work life balance than the rest of us :)
Human Gestalt Archaeologist/Fighter 3 | HP 26/26 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | Per +6 | Init +5
^ exactly. I shoveled snow all weekend, definitely a bit jealous....
M (male) Aasimar (anglekin) paladin 3 /bard (arcane duelist) 3
Tatsuo, you were right. I'm sorry
The ability specifies "weapon" damage rolls (spells with attack rolls are weapon like spells but burning hands is not)
current combat map group 1
hey guys, you waiting on me? if so sorry, I may have missed that.
Female Kitsune Gestalt Oracle (Lore)/Sorcerer (Psychic) 3 | AC 17, T 11, F 16, CMD 17 | F 3 R 4 W 4 | hp 21/21 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Effects:
I believe we are. It's cool.
Male Human (Tien-Min) Sorceror 8 (HP 35/35 Resist Elec 5| AC 18, T 13, FF 11 | F 5 R 7 W 6 | Init +7 | Percept 13)
Oh, I was actually waiting to see if the other characters spoke gnoll, but I suppose I could have just checked their character sheets.
M (male) Aasimar (anglekin) paladin 3 /bard (arcane duelist) 3
I know one of us did, but I forget which.
annoyingly enough I put down my languages with
+1 and haven't updated it to read "gnoll" if that someone was me....
Male Human (Tien-Min) Sorceror 8 (HP 35/35 Resist Elec 5| AC 18, T 13, FF 11 | F 5 R 7 W 6 | Init +7 | Percept 13)
Just a heads up that I'm going to be traveling Saturday through Tuesday. Bot me as necessary.
current combat map group 1
no problem, not much for Easter weekend anyway.
Female Human Weapon Specialist | Wounds 10/15 | Insanity 10 | Armor 4 | WS 29;BS 52;S 35;T 39;AG 50;INT 31;PER 31;WP 35;FEL 34;Awareness 41
Hey guys. I'm starting to cut back on some of my campaigns and I think I should back out of this one :). It's been a good time while it lasted and hope there are no hard feelings from me bowing out!
Female Kitsune Gestalt Oracle (Lore)/Sorcerer (Psychic) 3 | AC 17, T 11, F 16, CMD 17 | F 3 R 4 W 4 | hp 21/21 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Effects:
None here. I can completely understand the need to step back. All the best in your future adventures!
Male. Vaguely humanoid Ninja 3/Bard 1/Ranger 2/Scholar 1
Have fun and be sure to donate your stuff to the party XD
Human Gestalt Archaeologist/Fighter 3 | HP 26/26 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | Per +6 | Init +5
current combat map group 1
all is good, I myself have been a little overwhelmed with work. so much so that I am struggling to keep up with most of my games.
I need a small hiatus from this game till the end of May.
Male Human (Tien-Min) Sorceror 8 (HP 35/35 Resist Elec 5| AC 18, T 13, FF 11 | F 5 R 7 W 6 | Init +7 | Percept 13)
If we're going to be on hiatus until the end of May, I should give a heads up that I'm going to be traveling/on vacation from the end of May until around the 7th-ish of June. So if I'm not responding when we come back, that's why.
Female Kitsune Gestalt Oracle (Lore)/Sorcerer (Psychic) 3 | AC 17, T 11, F 16, CMD 17 | F 3 R 4 W 4 | hp 21/21 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Effects:
D'oh! Now that you say that, so am I! Wait, you're not stowing away in my trunk, are you?
Male Human (Tien-Min) Sorceror 8 (HP 35/35 Resist Elec 5| AC 18, T 13, FF 11 | F 5 R 7 W 6 | Init +7 | Percept 13)
Curses! I shouldn't have said anything. I've been found out. :-(
current combat map group 1
I am looking to spend my extra money on a trip to the Bahamas
Female Human Weapon Specialist | Wounds 10/15 | Insanity 10 | Armor 4 | WS 29;BS 52;S 35;T 39;AG 50;INT 31;PER 31;WP 35;FEL 34;Awareness 41
Oh yeah. Definitely feel free to go through my items :)
Female Human Weapon Specialist | Wounds 10/15 | Insanity 10 | Armor 4 | WS 29;BS 52;S 35;T 39;AG 50;INT 31;PER 31;WP 35;FEL 34;Awareness 41
Hey DM, could you inactivate the character and player from the game? Thanks.
Female Kitsune Gestalt Oracle (Lore)/Sorcerer (Psychic) 3 | AC 17, T 11, F 16, CMD 17 | F 3 R 4 W 4 | hp 21/21 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Effects:
In the USA, it is Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to any of you that have achieved that distinction and to the men in your life that have earned it, as well.
M (male) Aasimar (anglekin) paladin 3 /bard (arcane duelist) 3
Human Gestalt Archaeologist/Fighter 3 | HP 26/26 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | Per +6 | Init +5
thanks, and belated Fathers Day to all
M (male) Aasimar (anglekin) paladin 3 /bard (arcane duelist) 3
... this appears to be dead.
This makes me sad
Female Kitsune Gestalt Oracle (Lore)/Sorcerer (Psychic) 3 | AC 17, T 11, F 16, CMD 17 | F 3 R 4 W 4 | hp 21/21 | Init +2 | Perc +8 | Effects:
Human Gestalt Archaeologist/Fighter 3 | HP 26/26 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2 | Per +6 | Init +5
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