About Tatsuo ArashiBasic Crunch:
Human (Tian-Min)
Sorcerer (Crossblooded, Tattooed Sorcerer) 8 LN Medium humanoid (human) Init +7 [3 Dex + 4 familiar] Speed: 30 ft Offense/Defense:
CMB +1 BAB +4 Melee [-2 Str] - Tanto (dagger) +2 (1d4-2/19-20/×2) Ranged [3 Dex] - Sling +7 (1d4-2/×2) Defense
Class Abilities:
Sorcerer Cross-blooded
1a) Familiar Tattoo: Gain a familiar 1b) Arcane Familiar Nearby: Gain Alertness while familiar is within arm's reach 1c) Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) 3) Deliver Touch Spells through Familiar 7) Spell tattoo (1/day) Bloodlines (bronze dragon, elemental air)
Feats and Traits:
- Elemental Pupil (Regional): Electricity - Exchange Agent (Linguistics) Feats
To Consider
* = Class skill
Adventuring Skills Acrobatics +3 [3 Dex] *Bluff +11 [7 Cha + 1 rank + 3 class] Climb -2 [-2 Str] Diplomacy +7 [7 Cha] Disguise +7 [7 Cha] Escape Artist +3 [3 Dex] *Fly +7 [3 Dex + 1 rank + 3 class] Heal +0 [0 Wis] *Intimidate +11 [7 Cha + 1 rank + 3 class] *K(Arcana) +6 [0 Int + 3 ranks + 3 class] *K(Planes) +6 [0 Int + 3 ranks + 3 class] *Perception +13 [0 Wis + 8 ranks + 3 class + 2 Alert] *Ride +3 [3 Dex] Sense Motive +2 [0 Wis + 2 Alert] *Spellcraft +11 [0 Int + 8 ranks + 3 class] Stealth +3 [3 Dex] Survival +0 [0 Wis] Swim -2 [-2 Str] *UMD +12 [+7 Cha + 2 rank + 3 class] Background Skills
Spell Effects: - Mage's Tattoo: Evocation and bloodline spells +1 CL - Greater/Spell Focus (evocation): +2 DC evocation spells - Elemental Spell Focus (electricity): +1 DC electricity spells 0th
1st (8/day)
2nd (7/day)
3rd (4/day)
- Headband of alluring charisma +2 - Handy haversack - Wand of Acid Arrow (11 charges) - Wand of dimension door (14 charges) - Cloak of Resistance +2 Weapons/Armor
166 gp, 8 sp, 5 cp
Favored Class:
1-3: +1 skill 4-5: +1 1st level spell known 6-7: +1 2nd level spell known 8: +1 3rd level spell known Sora:
Arcane Familiar CR –
Compsognatus (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 90) LG Tiny magical beast (animal) Init +6; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +7 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +3 natural, +2 size) hp 11 (1d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4 Defensive Abilities improved evasion -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft. Melee bite +3 (1d3-1 plus poison) Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. Special Attacks deliver touch spells -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 11, Cha 5 Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 11 Feats Improved Initiative Skills Acrobatics +2 (+6 to jump), Intimidate -2, Linguistics -1, Perception +7, Spellcraft +2, Swim +10, Use Magic Device -2 SQ empathic link -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Deliver Touch Spells (Su) Deliever master's touch spells. Empathic Link (Su) You have an empathic link with your master. Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save. Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail. Poison (DC 14) (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 14; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based. Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ ft. by sense of smell. Share Spells Spells with a target of "You" can be delivered by a familiar with a range of touch. Swim (20 feet) You have a Swim speed. -------------------------- Bright scar in the sky
Boy in man's body
Not quite as he seems
- From Tatsuo's Genpuku. A representation of his past, present, and future. Images:
Sora in tattoo form (but she's normally on the left shoulder rather than the right) Tattoo on Tatsuo's hands (but without the actual lightning strike; that only appears when casting burning hands in which case the strike appears to come out of his hands from the clouds. If he ever casts shocking grasp, it will also look like this except that the clouds will be full of lightning arcs) Some images of Tatsuo Background:
In a secluded area of the mountains near Varisea is a small village called Kakure Kenshou. The village is split into four main clans, each said to be desended from a great warrior or mage whose heroics and honor earned them the blessing of a different dragon, who mixed its blood with theirs. The members of Kakure Kenshou all seek to perfect a single art, although their philosophy on how to approach perfection varies from one clan to the next.
When he was born, the Arashi clan elder noted his unusual blue-gray eyes, and, remembering stories of the light eyes of the clan founder Raikou, named the child Tatsuo. Tatsuo was raised much the same as other members of the village with long days full of training and meditation. Unlike their Cousins of the Ooyama clan, who believe that they should remain unflinching in the face of any blow, the Arashi clan's philosophy is that it is better to avoid getting hit in the first place. As such, Tatsuo spent a great deal of time learning to read and avoid the strikes of his opponents. While still considered frail and weak by the Ooyamas, like the rest of the villagers, long exposure to the oxygen-thin air and many hours spent meditating under cold waterfalls has left Tatsuo more hardy than those living on the flatlands. The Arashi for their part view the Ooyamas as large, lumbering brutes who rely too much on sheer power to make up for their lack of skill and precision. The Arashi believe a well-aimed, weaker strike (or several) is better than a single powerful yet unfocused blow. Tatsuo has now reached his 16th year of life. He has shown a basic proficiency with his chosen path to his teachers, and now the true test of his manhood has begun. Like all other youths of the village, now that he has come of age, Tatsuo must go out into the wider world to seek his True Name. The path to the truth is different for all, and none know how their ancestors might test their worth ahead of time. Tatsuo has completed the first stage of his coming of age ceremony. He has meditated in the sacred shrine under the cold, clear stream of the ever-flowing Kami Nagare. During his meditations he was visited by a hooded wise man who spoke in riddles of things to come and handed him a single, simple, silver key, charging him to find the truth. Tatsuo has now descended down from his high mountain home, prepared to discover the secrets of this mysterious key and earn his True Name. The meeting of Tatsuo and Sora:
Tatsuo was a little more than halfway down the mountain when they met. It was a chilly, misty morning, and he was preparing himself for the day with a moment of quiet meditation when he heard a sound from the forest off to his right. More than aware of the stories of honorless dogs present in the wider world, without opening his eyes, he focused on the sound.
Skitter. Skitter skatter. Skitter skitter. The footsteps sounded too quick and too light to be a person. More like a woodland creature of some sort. But wouldn't an animal move away from him rather than towards? Unless it more than just a simple woodland resident. He waited until he judged the creature was probably at the edge of the clearing where he had made camp the previous night, careful to give the appearance of blissful ignorance to the other's presence. Then he jumped up onto his feet, balanced and ready to leap in any direction and electric sparks dancing across his hands. He frowned. It looked like a small black lizard. Or rather, a fairly large lizard by lizard standards. A movement caught the corner of his eye, and he spun to face it. He was just in time to see what appeared to be a humanoid figure disappearing into the mist. His frown deepened still further. The figure seemed to be wearing a sugegasa. The wise man...? Remembering where he was, Tatsuo spun back to the black lizard only to see...empty space. He remained tense and alert for several more moments, but nothing stirred. Still wary of his surroundings, he broke camp and continued his way down the mountain. Could that truly have been the wise man he saw? Surely not; what reason would he have to follow Tatsuo? It was most likely the mists playing a trick on his eyes as he doubted anyone could move that quietly or disappear so suddenly. But then, Tatsuo suspected that the man was far more than he appeared. And the kami work in mysterious ways. He had only been traveling for 10 minutes or so when he noticed he was being followed. He didn't seem to be in any immediate danger; who or whatever it was kept their distance, so he continued walking. A short time later, under the guise of stopping to get something from his bag and stretching, he casually turned to look behind him. There, at the edge of the forest, maybe 50 feet or so away, was the black lizard again. It seemed to be resting part way up the trunk of a tree, watching him. If it weren't for his keen vision, Tatsuo never would have seen the black scales against the dark bark of the tree through the still present mist. But the creature hadn't yet done anything threatening towards him, so he left it alone. To his surprise, and occasional amusement, the creature followed him all day, at one point managing to fall into the small stream Tatsuo crossed with a loud splash. The creature appeared harmless enough. It was now night, and the simple meal he had prepared for himself appeared done. Before he sat down to enjoy it, however, he found a flat rock, put a small portion of his meat upon it, and set it down a safe distance from his camp. As he ate his meal, he watched for the small creature. As if materializing from the darkness, it came out of the night and circled the offering. It sniffed the meat a few times and sneezed, causing Tatsuo to give a short bark of laughter. Upon hearing the noise, the creature looked up. It seemed almost...annoyed at Tatsuo's amusement. In a very dignified, regal manner, it started to eat the food. Once it was done, it crept closer, finally settling just on the other side of the fire from Tatsuo. Now that he could take a better look, Tatsuo was surprised to see that the creature wasn't a lizard, but instead appeared to be a small dragon! Fire light glinted off its silver talons and its black scales almost seemed to have a blue-ish sheen. Its eyes, however, were its most striking feature. They were bright blue and almost appeared to stare directly into Tatsuo's soul. "What brings you so far from the dragon lands? Surely you have better things to do than bring a poor traveler like me good luck." The dragon blinked slowly at him. "Seeing as we have broken bread together, it seems only fitting that we at least know each others' name. I am called Tatsuo of the Arashi clan. How might I address you?" The dragon continued to stare at him. Perhaps he is not yet old enough to communicate with simple mortals. She. The thought seemed to jump into his head. It wasn't so much in words so much as it was an impression of female-ness. The dragon snorted in annoyance. "She. My apologizies, little one." A few sparks appeared, dancing across the dragon's scales. She apparently didn't like being referred to as 'little'. "My apologizes again, great lady, but I must have something to call you." He paused, waiting for a response. When none came, he continued, "Very well then, I shall have to think up a name for you." Tatsuo frowned in concentration. Suddenly, he remembered the scene at the bridge earlier that day. The little dragon had taken a great leap, almost seeming to fly for an instant before crashing into the cold mountain spring. Tatsuo smiled to himself. An air dragon that can't fly. "How about Sora?" More sparks flew. The dragon seemed annoyed at Tatsuo's joke. With a straight face, Tatsuo attempted to appease the creature. "I mean no disrespect, great lady, but I think the name suits you, as I am certain that one day you will soar amongst the clouds so gracefully that all will have no choice but to call you mistress of the skies." The dragon continued to glare at Tatsuo for a moment longer before lowering her head and curling up to sleep. Tatsuo's explanation seemed to have gained the dragon's acceptance. He smiled. "Sora it is then. May your ancestors guard your dreams." Tatsuo pulled out his bedroll and settled down. Not only an air dragon, but a storm one at that! The gods have triply blessed me. This is a good omen. And with that, he joined his new companion in sleep. Clan details:
Element: Air/Electricity Defensive Philosophy: The strength of a blow doesn't matter if it never lands. Offensive Philosophy: The timing and location of a strike, not the force behind it, determines its strength. View of other clans:
Language details:
Please excuse any mistranslations. I went for pleasing phonetics rather than trying to be grammatically correct.
Tatsuo: Sign of the dragon
Some names taken from here |