The Road to The Crimson Throne. (A Merger of Road to Revolution by 0one Games and Curse of The Crimson Throne) (Inactive)

Game Master Dread

Can you help steer the course of Korvosa as it suffers under The Curse of The Crimson Throne?

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Poor Tolenn.. Fish food.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

I don't believe I stated one way or the other but I will take-10 so I do not fall into the water. Jarrin sees the paladin slip and fall into the water. Damn, we don't have time to assist her. We must catch Lamm and all costs!

Jarrin points to the door. She's a big girl, she'll be fine! Open the door! Find Lamm! Looking at Tolenn he says You're OK, right? We're going to continue after Lamm. Jarrin then proceeds to the door with Akrem.

Akrem'dar heads towards the door, looking back at Tolenn and praying that whatever gods out there can protect her will. His big hammer is ready for the swinging.

A Light rain begins to fall and in the distance you can hear the rolling boom of thunder as a storm is coming.

Akrem'dar stands before the door, ready to enter.

Ellisum holds out his arm offering Zephyr a place to find solace from the screeches in the night air.

Jarrin slowly and carefully exits the basket to stand before Ellisum.

Tolenn tries to cross over but the unsteady basket swaying in the air tipped and she fell into the water, grabbing the edge of the walkway with her hand. It bobbed unsteadily beneath the sudden movement and all on it rocked.

Quickly Cedric ratcheted the handle of the block and tackle up for Ashimar to crawl in and then down.

A movement in the water as quickly, efficiently a Jigsaw Shark came gliding in near Tolenn bite: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 Vs AC 17 (flat footed dangling in the water off the walkway) damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 Teeth as strong as a swords edge sliced into her legs as she felt something chomp down hard on her in the water and glancing down saw the shark latching onto her.

Jigsaw Shark:
J-11 19/19 AC: 15 Touch: 13 Flat Footed: 12 CMD: 17 Saves: FO- +5 RE- +7 WL- +2

Fighting in the water will receive a -2 circumstance penalty against your attacks

Fishery Rd 8

of course you can take a full round action and a strength check of Dc 12 to climb out of the water instead of fighting. Sharks cant fly...or jump (well not without a good distance of swimming start); as opposed to what you may see in movies

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Once Ashimar has been lowered Cedric will grab the rope and climb down

Climb: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

wow that is some mean shark attack !

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Holding onto the slippery walkway, Tolenn shakes her head at her own clumsiness. Calling out to the others, "Go...before Lamm escapes. I'll be fine. "

Gathering her strength, Tolenn scrabbles at the slimy wood, trying to gain some purchase when a searing pain erupts in her leg, almost causing her to lose her grip and slip entirely into the water.

Gritting her teeth to avoid crying out, she sees the shark worrying her leg, just under the surface.

Wasn't I the one warning all who would hear of the fearsome animals that dwelt beneath the fishery... Tolenn thought , a wry smile cracking her lips, despite the pain.

Her concentration fierce, she grips the sodden planks of the walkway and begins to pull herself out of the water.

Strength DC12 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

She manages to lever herself up to the point where her torso was entirely flat on the walkway , when a thrash of the shark's powerful tail unbalanced her and she slid back into the chummy water.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Upon seeing the shark make its appearance, Jarrin finds himself uncertain as to his course of action. The others will be able to help her, right? And Lamm, he can't escape this time, it may be months before he is found again.

The bard starts waving and calling to the shark, as if it were a long lost pet of some type. Hey now! Over here! You don't wanna be causing that lady any trouble now, do you? No, of course you don't! Just settle down and let her get out of that nasty water, ok?

Attempting to use Bardic Performacnce : Fascinate so that the shark will not attack this upcoming round and allow Tolenn time to get back out of the water, hopefully with aid from one of the others. It dies affect creatures and has a DC of 14 vs. Will.

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

The basket rocks unsteadily as Cedric lowers it down with Ashimar clinging to a side. Horrified, she watches the shark tussle with her new-found paladin friend. There's no time to lose... but I don't want to fall in and compound the situation. Shelyn, help me - dare I take that risk to help her?
Gritting her teeth, a quick prayer to her diety on her lips, Ashimar tries to get out of the basket as fast as she can.

Dex Check to get out and have an action left: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

With a resolve she didn't know was in her, she nimbly hops out of the basket and on to the walkway. She's trying to climb out but all that weight isn't helping... I just hope I'm strong enough for her to grab on to!
Aid Another for Tolenn's efforts to get back out of the water: 1d20 ⇒ 10

I think a 10 or higher is what's required to add 2 to Tolenn's roll yes? Does that make her strength check a success now? On the assumption that it does:

Ashimar takes the weapons belt around her shoulders and wraps it around one of the posts next to Tolenn, hanging on to it with one hand to give her some leverage. Tolenn! Use my hand and pull yourself up extending an arm out to the struggling warrior. Her feet slide out a few inches but then take hold as Tolenn grabs a hold of her hand and uses the extra leverage to make it on to the walkway.

Ill allow the aid another roll. Tolenn youre out of the water. behind Akrem'dar. Jarrin, if you want to adjust your post feel free. basically you started hooting and hollering and jumping up and down and then Ashimar grabbed her hand as she was slipping back in the water. You cant stop the fascinate and do an action and not use one of your rounds for bardic performance.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Grasping Ashimar's outstretched hand, Tolenn pulls herself from the water and rolls over on the walkway.

Sitting up, she winces at the cuts on her leg but manages to stand unaided.

"Thank you, my friend" she says to Ashimar, dripping smelly water all over the walkway.

"Let's continue , shall we?" she says as if nothing untoward had happened.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

I would prefer to just keep my original performance of Careful Teamwork active then if Ashimar can help Tolenn. That's really all I'd want to accomplish.

Yes, let's move. Quickly now.

A flash of lightning splits the night sky as the rain begins to come down heavier now.

Cedric slides down the rope to come to rest standing in the basket as it sways to and fro. The rest of the group is gathered on the walkway looking at the thick door.

Drops of blood from Tolenn's leg drip onto the walkway.

The Jigsaw Shark swims away, watching, waiting... and begins to turn back drawn by the blood.

Still the twin voices screech in far greater numbers than ever before.
Old Fishery Rd 9

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

They appear ready to barge in... if Lamm does happen to be in there, I hope we're all ready. Atleast, Tolenn and that big Shoanti are leading the charge rather than those two bloodthirsty death-mongers. The amulet around Ashimar's neck seems to shine with a light of its own, reflecting the lightning in the night sky as Ashimar's hand strays to Shelyn's symbol for her diety's support. A wave of warmth surges over the group, washing away their minor cuts and bruises.

Action - Channel Positive Energy (heal all living in 30' for 1d6) - using 2nd of 5 per day

Everyone is healed for: 1d6 ⇒ 2 points.

Bah... 2 is better than 1 I guess... next one ought to be 3... :)
Delaying Move until Akrem or Tolenn barge in to the room.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

round 10

open the door and lets go in now

cedric gets off the basket (taking 10)

Akrem'dar roughly pushes the door, earth breaker at the ready, prepared to swing at the first sign of non-Little Lamm aggression.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

"My thanks Ashimar, Sheyln's gentle touch is a boon at any time." Tolenn murmurs softly to Ashimar.

She then hitches her sodden tunic higher on her shoulder, draws her scimitar, gives her wrist a flex to flick water from its bright blade and stands ready at Akrem'dar's shoulder.


tomorrow morn Ill get that map up.

Woohoo! Time to squish the Lamm!

Round 9 continued

Ashimar prays for healing energies and a burst of white light bathes everyone and brings about minor healing from the Goddess Shelyn. Move action remaining

Akrem'dar grabs the door handle and pushes, wondering if the door is locked or unlocked, but is relieved to have it open at his urgings, he grabs the handle and steps into the room pushing the door open as he goes. 15' of move taken

Cedric you came down the rope on round 8 so round 9 you'll step out of the basket taking 10. Akrem'dar you have 15 ' left on move action then either another move or a standard. Ashimnar you have a move action. Everyone else has both move and standard.

The air in this large room is somewhat chilly and stinks of the river., no doubt thanks to the huge opening in the floor that drops away to the river shore 5 feet below. Several pilings emerge from the waters and come through the opening up to the roof above providing support, with mossy ropes hung between them. In two places rusty manacles hang from the ropes over the water, providing mute testimony to why the ropes have enough slack that they could be lowered to the water.

Two five foot walkwayscross the the holes edge to the other side of the chamber where a collection of old cabinets, lockboxes, and piles of clutter are strewn about. Chipped porcelain plates, a cracked goblet, badly rusted silverware, an old wooden shield with a crossbow bolt imbedded in it, the odd dinged helm, and other 'treasures' litter the floor of this entire chamber. Three tables, their tops heaped with additional clutter stand against the far wall. While an open door provides access to a walled off section.

Yes Zellara's intelligence was correct. Gaedran Lamm is here.

Two additional guards are present as well. One holds a lantern and stands near the Eastern Walkway finishing his C'mon lets go urgings. The second has a bag and is grabbing things off a table and dropping them in the bag. Coming out of the room is Lamm, a loaded crossbow clutched in one hand, a thick length of chain in the other.

Your memory of Lamm is jarred here. What is remembered is a virile bitter angry abusive man. What has been replaced is a stooped, aging, man who you wouldnt give second notice to on the street. His visage is clearly Lamm's, but his body is not.

The length of chain ends around the spiked collar of a Gator who walks calmly next to Lamm.

Guards 1st Rogues:
L8- 7/7, M6- 7/7. AC 16. Touch 13. Flat Footed 13. CMD: 15 Fo: -1/Re: +3, Wl: -3.

Gobblegut Alligator:
Q8- 21/21 AC 15, Touch 13 Flat Footed 12 CMD 17 (21 vs trip) Saves: FO- +4 RE- +6 WL- +2

Gaedran Lamm 4th Expert/2nd Rogue:
Q7- 33/33 AC 13 Touch 11 Flat Footed 12 CMD 14 Saves: FO- +1 RE- +5 WL- +4

Gaedrans Playground

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Jarrin will step up to the door (or past Akrem if I must) and speak. Looking at Lamm but pointing at the guards, Our business is with the old man, fellas. Just stay out of our business and you'll won't end up dead. As for you, pointing at Lamm now, You, on the other hand, you will end up dead. You know why.

Intimidate, not sure if we have enter a combat encounter yet: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Now that's a roll!

They appear to hesitate at Jarrin's words. But behind them the old man says Don]t listen to him boys. Hes just a con artist turned vigilante. Aint that right boy. You been living in the bottle still? or have you sobered up enough to recall what I did to your family. *hehehehehe* Never found your kids body didja? what was her name then...Eleeza right? Cause I made her a Lamb boy. Surprised you didn't recognize her tonight....

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

On mobile - Ashimar's move action for rnd 9 will be to N13 (hopefully the front liners will move ahead of her). I can use luck on the front liners that way. Fluff post for rnd 9/10 later tonight if required.

Akrem'dar will oblige and head down to P13 (or Q13 if he can make it)

"Good to see you again, Lamm. Remember me?" He hefts the earth breaker with both hands, the motion measured and even, preparing for the most important moment of his life thus far."I think it's about time I return the favor for my shoulder."

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

Ellismus will move to M13.

Ellismus steps into the room and looks at Lamm. "It seems, Lamm, that you have wronged enough people that some of us decided to come together to hunt you down. You have much to answer for. Before this justice falls upon you, however, I would like to know why? Why kill my colleague and frame me for it?"

Lamm sized Akrem'dar up and grinned Oh I remember ya alright punk. You haven't shunned yur Shoanti background Like I thought though. You'll make a fine meal for Gobblegut.

then as Ellismus steps in the old man breaks out laughing when hes asked why...No reason really. Just seemed like a fun distraction at the time. I enjoyed whatching you squirm for the court. If the barrister there hadn't come to your rescue, you'd have hung. That would have been fun to watch.

"Oh no, Lamm. Gobblegut's gonna be a new pair of boots! And you're gonna wish you got the hangman's noose when I get through with you!" And to illustrate that very point, plucks a red chew from his pocket, chomping fiercely down on it. Yay for barbarian chew!

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

Since we're all making grandiose speeches for the villain...

Lamm! You have failed this city. You have failed Korvosa and justice comes for you tonight. Saranrae herself has sent her warrior points to Tolenn to show her displeasure. Look around you Lamm, these are but a few of the ones you wronged in your life. You have but one chance to surrender and cleanse your ugly soul.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

My turn :)

Limping a little from her injured leg, Tolenn walks along the eastern most walkway. Seeing Lamm again after so many years and looking about his current lair, Tolenn feels a frisson of emotion surge within her...was it anger? No. Fear? No. It was pity.

Move to L10

Holding her scimitar at the ready at her side, she spares the two rogues a glance then fixes Lamm with her righteous gaze.

"The barrister is mostly correct. In fact that which you have failed the most is yourself, Lamm. Your crimes are many, the lives you've taken or ruined legion, the injuries you made to the people in this room vicious... but for all that, here you are, hiding in a stinking abandoned fishery, counting your worthless baubles. For these scars " her hand touches her face " you gifted to me so many years ago....I forgive you. But, as with any mad dog, the animal must be put down. Surrender this day and face the justice you've avoided so long; the Dawnflower posits that all men are redeemable, you have it in you to prove her right. "

Diplomacy 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Perception to catch a bluff? Regarding my daughter: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 9 + 1 = 26

No Gaedran, two bodies were indeed found. Too many lies to keep track of? You've lost your touch. Looking at the two guards he addresses them further. As you can plainly see, we have the numbers and the might. Do you really want to die serving the losing side? Last warning. Drop your weapons and you'll survive the night.

Intimidate, if needed again: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

Quick note, my background does say two burnt bodies were recovered... now if my daughter was actually one of them, weeelllll.... I guess I can't say that!

ahh yes The fiesty red head. I remember you Tolenn. I hadnt heard you were back in town. Care to take up where we left off? Itd be my pleasure to mar the other side of that pretty face. He says as he leans over and unhooks the chain from Gobblegut's collar, then took a step forward.

Jarrin, please next time you make an intimidate check tell me the type of response you are looking for get them to act friendly? or demoralize? Im using the demoralize this time

Its quite obvious Gaedrans Thugs are shaken by the presence of the group and Jarrins bold words.

Gaedran Lamm & Gobblegutt

Lambs reaction. 01-20 stay put do nothing. 21-50 Kill Hookshanks. 51-85 flee into the night. 86-100 free Hookshanks: 1d100 ⇒ 36

Upstairs as Hookshanks attempted to escape his bonds the children fell upon him with a vengeance, only stopping when he was no longer moving...or screaming.

Down below Cedric was the only one to be able to hear the dieing screams of The gnome ....

Gaedrans Playground

Rd 11

Just thought Id dangle that plot line and let you take where you wanted ;) Could make things interesting, but on the other hand if youd rather not try and find a street urchin :D Then it can be a bluff....

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

As combat seems inevitable, Ashimar focuses on the people around her. They go forth in a righteous cause Shelyn. Heed thy servant's plea and grant them your gentle touch.

Channel PositiveEnergy provided it is BEFORE combat starts so I can heal Tolenn and Ell for 1d6 ⇒ 6 points. Used 3 of 5 so far.

Move action delayed until others move

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Ok, I figured to be friendly that would be Diplomacy, to demoralize Intimidate. Sorry about that. As far as the bluff thing? Ummm, not really sure. Of course, I didn't think we'd face Lamm so soon.

Once the prep is done, Akrem'dar spreads out, bellowing out. "Your reign ends now!" His muscles ripple momentarily, as the anger flows through him. His skin flushes slightly, and he rushes over to the gator, knowing it was going to end quickly. The archaic weapon falls down heavily on the skull of the gator, crushing the life out of it in one blow.

Heading down to P9, if that is the one right in front of the gator, starting the rage, and power attacking Gobblegut.

PA: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (13) + 6 - 1 = 18
Dmg: 2d6 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (6, 5) + 7 + 3 = 21

There is an Intimidate affect that is getting opponents to act friendly for several minutes out of fear. There are far bigger fish to fry than Lamm in this campaign...its just the motivation to gather the group me....

edit---holy crap. Akrem'dar just turnd this fight into a push over. He just one shotted the Gator.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Tolenn breaths deep as the pulse of healing flows over her, flexing her leg as the pain recedes. A quick glance and smile at Ashimar, then she turned to the now confused rogues.

Pointing her scimitar at the nearest rogue "Begone, or you will face the same fate as your leader's pet."

Diplomacy 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Oops? Apparently that hammer is heavier than I thought. ^_^;;

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

round 10 cedric will move to K11 drawing his 2 short swords

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

for round 11 cedric will delay after the rogues to see if they respond to Tolenn's diplomacy

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

I assume my Intimidate was my action for round 11, right? If I still have a move action I'll move to P13 after Akrem makes a new pair of boots.

Hope someone's got a big knife for it.

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

Ellismus blinks at Lamm's response, No reason? Just a distraction?
He shakes his head to bring himself back to the present and moves forward, following Akrem'dar. He then stops and mutters a mystical phrase while drawing a pattern in the air.

Move action: Move to P12 (25' from Lamm)
Standard action: Cast Daze on Lamm - DC 14 Will save

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

Ashimar watches the big Shoanti bring the hammer down on the reptile - it's trashing death throes threatening to send it right through the floor. I don't think he needs any help to handle himself...She follows after Tolenn as they approach the guards her hand ready on her mace in case she needs to defend herself.

Move Action - stay behind Tolenn so Ashimar can support next round with Bit of Luck or CLW if need be.

Cedric runs into the room drawing his swords and crosses behind Tolenn eyeing the thugs with menace...

Another burst of pure white light from Ashimar and Cedric, Ellismus and Tolenn all feel their wounds wash away.

Akrem'dar's eyes glaze over and a bit of spittle forms at his mouth as he slips into a rage induced haze and he yells as he runs forward bringing his mallet like weapon down in a smash, crusing the Gator beneath its weight and cracking a few floor boards as well.

Tolenn tells the sord for hire thugs in Lamms employ to beat it and between being shaken by Jarrins words and the fear from seeing The Shoanti crush the gator in one fell swing, they glance at each other and turn and dive into the shallow water, crawling under the fishery towards the loading dock.

Cowards! yells Lamm as they run. Ill spread the word that you arent to be hired in this town ever again.

from beneath the building one of them could be heard saying Not bloody likely Lamm. I think they have it in for you!

Jarrin turns and follows Akrem'dar part way down the walkway.

Ellismus follows Lamm and casts a spell to fog his mind. will save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Remember gang. Ill roll your saves vs the bad guys and you roll the bad guys saves vs your spells. itll help things move quicker..thats why I put the stats there. vs DC 14

and Lamm's head bobs on his shoulders affected by Ellismus' magic. He is unable to react to the oncoming onslaught.

The crossbow in Lamm's hand points to the ground, and without thinking he pulls the trigger and the bolt fires harmlessly into the floor of the Fishery.

Cedric has a full round of actions.... and then everyone can Ced, take 2 rounds in a row.

The Fishery Round 12

Round 12

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Jarrin, with rapier drawn and tears rolling down his cheeks from the fiend hinting that his daughter was actually alive and serving as a Lamb, rushes up to strike the dazed rogue. I may not be a warrior but I will strike this man down for what he did to my family!

Rapier: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Jarrin's wild stab hits his target in the shoulder, almost causing the bard to stumble as his blade hits home. You couldn't possibly have my sweet Eva... she's dead! And so are you!

I'll go ahead and post Akrem'dar's action, since I'll likely be asleep when my turn comes around. If there's no enemy for him to take down, he'll just delay, in the case an enemy shows up. If not within a round and everyone else has put away weapons, Akrem'dar will too.

Akrem'dar growls low, his eyes showing the fires of the places that men like Lamm will dwell for eternity. And it is with that desire to send the being no longer worthy to be called human that the Shoanti strikes down again. "You...are...DEAD!!!!

PA: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 6 - 1 = 21
Dmg: 2d6 + 7 + 3 ⇒ (3, 1) + 7 + 3 = 14

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