The Road to The Crimson Throne. (A Merger of Road to Revolution by 0one Games and Curse of The Crimson Throne) (Inactive)

Game Master Dread

Can you help steer the course of Korvosa as it suffers under The Curse of The Crimson Throne?

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Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Cedric just shrugs his shoulders seing Ashimar leave like that

Ashimar glances at the tracks in the street, but the blood wears off after a few feet. and she realizes in 5 minutes she could be Korvosa.

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)


Ashimar looks up and down the street - no sign of the woman who wandered away. I guess sometimes you just can't save everyone Ashi. I hope she makes out ok, wherever she may be. Another soul touched by the harsh and ugly realities of this city.

She offers up a quick prayer for the woman and heads back in the fishery to wait on the others to leave. Seeing Jarrin's somber mood and remembering the comment he made after killing Lamm, she nonchalantly approaches him when she has a chance and rests a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. You asked me to be a moral compass before we came in here... what happened - what was done - both by Lamm and by yourself, regardless of whether it was right or wrong - is already done. One cannot change what has happened Jarrin. Revenge was your motivation - you had it. He's dead, you still live... but do you feel alive right now? Does your soul sing with joy at justice being done? She smiles sadly, already knowing the answer but hoping to give the bard something to live for.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Tolenn steps off the basket and walks to the gnome's remains.

Her face is impassive not revealing the turmoil within her Another death, another legacy for Lamm; I thought to prevent it but failed , children driven to murder.... ah, Lamm I think your reach will continue to affect many long after your death.

She doesn't notice Ashimar's hurried departure,so lost she is in her reverie.

With a sigh, she turns to the others as Ashimar returns. She nods her approval of her words to Jannin "Ashimar speaks true. I sought to prevent Lamm's and this unfortunate's indicating the gnome's corpse "death, but your passions proved too strong. I do not judge...I only try to provide an example of Sarenae's light. In that I failed this night, I only have tomorrow to make amends."

She pauses then, somehow looking more the Paladin covered in bits of chum and seaweed than she did when clean.

"But back to more practical matters. There may be more clues to be found, we should check all of the rooms for information and anything that may aid us."

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Agreed, so what and whee should we start ?

i am tempted to say that we could take the time to thoroughly search the place but i sens our dm wants more specific stuff :(

only because theres some difficulty getting to the ship and there may be ...inhabitants. ;) and theres two rooms Im ok handwaving some stuff. the only ways to the ship are back down the basket to the lower dock and to the rowboat (which can hold 6) and row around to the rope ladder by the other tethered boat and then up the rope ladder to the ship's plank. or walk around the building and down the rickety walkway to the plank leading to the ship. in both cases a few checks have to be made to avoid falling into the drink with Sharkie...In the case of the two rooms and searching Giggles. this could be done easily by just saying we go if you said like so and so and so and so would search XX room. and then him and her this and this one would go over giggles body...that way when Im posting I can reference the person lol

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

After a brief conversation with Jarrin, Ashimar heeds Tolenn's command on searching the fishery. Now there's one who understands the importance of leaving no stone unturned. If this was Lamm's base of operations, there has to be more information here to tell us what he was up to...

Surveying the room, Ashimar approaches the east door beside the passageway where they fought the half-orc and enters the room - one hand ready on her mace in case any rats decide to jump out of corners...

Move through the door at M10 (latest map didn't have coordinates so it's the door right beside the hallway the dog came though, beside the room where we found the woman) and make an initial survey of the room.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Cedric will start with searching the body of Giggles and then the room in the first floor starting with the one on the opposite side of the room where the girl was tied down...

All right you asked for it then i am getting to it :)

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Jarrin listens to the words of his female companions. When they have finished he pauses, as if deciding whether or not he should reply.

Does my soul sing? Of course not. I got my revenge, yes, but Lamm may still be winning. If what he said is true, and I can't say that it is, then he still has my daughter. She could be heading for a life that could be worse than death. Finding that truth my be my only true revenge now.

He turns to Tolenn and speaks again, pointing at what is left of the gnome. Don't put this on me. I didn't tell those kids to kill him. I didn't tie him up either. My passion for revenge was for Lamm, not the gnome. The life the children had here is more to blame. Put that on the evil that resided here. I'd go as far as to say it was his own fault.

Jarrin stops and collects his thoughts. Now it does seem that there was much more going on behind the scenes as even I had thought. Perhaps I owe it to my daughter, those children, and maybe even to everyone here, to continue on and discover what other injustices Lamm may have been or still is responsible for. I won't praise your gods or claim his light will guide me but I won't ignore further advice either.

With that, the bard turns and looks about the building again. Seems someone is searching poor Giggles there, and the woman has fled. Hmmm. Has anyone searched the room we found the woman in, other than the body?

If no one has done so Jarrin will search said room. Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Fisery during Search

The party splits up turning the fishery on its side looking in every nook and cranny.

Tolenn down stairs checks 26 different hammocks that are obviously where the Lambs slept. Though there werent that many here then....She finds various toys and things left over from children..perhaps reminders of a kinder time. In one Hammock was a scrap of paper that said

Eleeza. Never forget
scrawled in a childs writing. Besides that and the gear obtained from Hookshanks there is nothing of note here.

Akrem'dar and Ellismus made their way upstairs along the stairs to the room they hadnt been in. The stink in this room, a mixture of fish and sweat is enough to make the eyes water. To the east, a large wooden trough holds a hideous mound of rancid fish, seaweed and brine. Filthy seawater and fish blood stain the floor around the trough. A pair of wooden chutes lead from this trough through the holes in the eastern wall into the fishery floor's large vat.

To the west a desk and a chair sit in the corner while a tall cabinet sits on the other. The Cabinet is locked. The desk has a variety of ledgers and strewn with paper. Theres an inkwell and an inkpen.

Giggles had on him a suit of studded leather that has seen better days, a light steel shield, now dented and abused. A flail made of steel instead of the normal bronze. and a light crossbow with a quiver of bolts.

Cedric moves into an office, with Ashimar following. A wooden Desk sits in one corner, its die preventing the western door from opening all the way. The table by the odoor to the Fishery Floor has what appears to be a portable alchemy lab. Slate boards hold formulae for something....on one it says 'Eureka' with an exclamation point in chalk. The east wall holds a cabinet that is shut, but when opened provides a look at many an alchemical component. In the desk drawers are a set of formulae books. The outer door is nailed shut with boards.

Jarrin goes into the room where Yargin was slain and looks over the rest of the gear within. He finds an amulet with a garnet inset in it draped over one of the bed posts. a crossbow and a quiver of bolts.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

As Tolenn searches through the Lamb's meager possessions, careful to place the makeshift toys back where she found them, fighting the melancholy that threatened to overcome her; her own memories of her time as a Lamb flooding back.

Finding the scrap of paper and reading it, her face lights up and her head turns to look up to the rest of the fishery where Jarrin and the others searched.

Gathering up Hookshanks's gear, she hurries up the stairs , going from room to room until she finds Jarrin.

"Jarrin....please, look at this" she says holding out the scrap of paper.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Jarrin hands the crossbow he just found to Tolenn as he takes the paper from the lady. Upon reading it, his eyes light up but then slowly fade. I'm not sure if this is good news or bad news. Is someone telling her to remember, or is someone telling someone else to remember her? Jarrin pockets the note and nods a solemn thank you to Tolenn. He then scoops up the amulet and casts Detect Magic on the area. He will then examine the amulet in more detail, wondering if it belonged to the woman. Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

I would not know what to roll or if I would even have to, but can I tell if the handwriting belongs to my daughter?

The crossbow is a simple crossbow, nothing special. The Amulet is finely crafted Gold and Garnet. But not finely enough to belong to anyone of wealth. more likely it was stolen and Yargin just took it for his own. Its a mans medallion...too bulky to belong to a woman.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Cedric will gather the formulae book as right down exactly what was on the slate board then erase it.

Asimar and i have cleared this room. anywhere left were we haven't search he yells?

anything from any of these rooms youre taking with you? I dont assume you take anything. ;) Also there are the ledgers and locked the room with Ellismus and Akrem'dar

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Cedric will take the ledgers for later study and will unlock the cabinet
Disable device: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Cedric moves into the room Ell and Akrem are in and pulls a set of picks out and goes to work on the locked cabinet, quickly unlocking it.

opening it he sees a disguise kit, 10 purses of coins, and vial with a creamy white liquid and holy symbol of Desna.

(since I know Ellismus will do it...) The Holy symbol glows from a magical aura under Ellismus' eyes.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Cedric will put everything in the bag for later review and dispatch.

Anywhere else i need to look for stuff? cedric yells again

Akrem'dar, under Ellismus' direction moves into the lab and begins collecting everything that Ellismus points out, becoming burdened by the weight (two items a Craft Alchemy Kit and a. Alchemists Lab. Wt for both- 90 lbs). But fortunately the journey to Zellara's is short.

Once outside the fishery, the rain begins to pelt the group severely and the aerial battle that has been going on for better than a half hour is amazing to see...

The Aerial Battle over The Heights Near Castle Korvosa and The Grand Mastaba

Not only is there a horrible aerial battle going on, but smoke can be seen rising over several places in the city and flames can be seen flickering a few spots in the city. You can hear shouts and running feet down alleyways. Something has happened while you were inside.

Somewhere in the night the sound of steel on steel rings out.

Normally confined to the Great Tower during the night, a few Sable Company Marines on their Hippogriff steeds wing their way past you over head, drops of blood showering the group as they pass.

You see a reveler come out of the Bailer's Retreat, just a block away from Zellara's and he shouts The King is Dead! Long Live Queen Ileosa! From inside the Tavern a few shouts follow Hang the Whore Queen! A fight breaks out and a mtwo men wrestling burst through the doors into the street....

Zellara's is only a few doors down.

A voice that sounds like its coming from the grave booms out behind the party Move along Citizen! By Royal Decree Curfew is enacted. All citizens must go inside and stay there til Dawn

Spinning you make out a Hellknight Sergeant and a patrol of 5 Armiger's

Zellara's is only a few doors down.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

We head to Zella's place on the double

Akrem'dar stares up at the sight above them, not exactly enjoying the sights up above once a drop of blood just about lands in his eye. It is the mention of curfew that he ruffles slightly at but begins booking it to the woman's house, making sure not to break any of the delicate equipment. Expensive, expensive, don't break it, you buy it.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

No problem, no trouble here. We are just a few doors down.

Jarrin, like Akrem, stares up at the raging battle in the sky. He can't imagine what could have started such an event but upon hearing that the king is dead he can't help but wonder if the two are related. A dead Zellara, sending us to kill Lamm. At the same time the king dies and a war in the sky breaks out? Can that really be coincidence?

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

Ellismus regards the aerial battle with an academic air, as he unconsciously strokes Zephyr's beak. This is indeed unprecedented! Fascinating... A battle to this scale! Incredible! What could have...? His thoughts were interrupted by the drunken reveler.

"The king is dead? Oh my..." Could that be the reason for this? And there seems to be some division. How did the king die, and why would some speak against the Queen? Could we be seeing the beginnings of a civil war or rebellion? Against what? Why?

"We may want to stay in Zellara's until this... dies down a bit."

Quickly the group goes into Zellara's. It is quite different this time. Gone are the trappings and appearance that it is lived in. It is cold and dark and obviously no one has been here in at least a week.

Cedric sets to dumping the contents of his backpack on the table in the front room and unwrapping the many items he found in Lamm's strongbox

Ashimar moves to light the two oil lamps on the wall.

Ellismus moves into the next room, the study after calling for Zellara a few times, not really excpecting her to be here, but none-the-less. and he and Akrem'dar proceed in unloading the Alchemy Lab's items they brought over.

Ellismus notices a letter in an envelope addressed to

To whom this may concern:
If you are reading this then what I feared has come to pass. Last week The foul creature Gaedren Lamm captured my son when he went to bargain for my Harrow Deck, which had been stolen. Why he had his Lambs creep into my place and steal my deck when I was at bath, I do not know. Except it would be of some value to some. I have received a package from Lamm today, one of my son's fingers in a small box. I have enacted the last rites of my people, except for the final act. If what I expect occurs that will start in action events to bring righteous vengeance upon Lamm. If have this in your hand please know I regret involving you and not informing you of the whole truth, for really who would have wanted to work for a lost spirit seeking vengeance...Thank you.
a second letter is behind the first.
This is the last will and testement. The bearer of this letter is hereby bequeathed my home and all of my worldly possessions.

signed Zellara Kreanga
witnessed by Marcellano Andros

Tolenn sets the hatbox with Zellara's head down on the stove in the kitchen/workroom downstairs before following Jarrin upstairs to have a look see. A washtub is in a small alcove behind the stairs, and a small hall runs from the top of the stairs connecting it to two rooms with doors. Both bedrooms. In one are a young mans clothing who is obviously of Varisian Culture. In the other the clothing of a middle aged woman of Varisian culture. The womans room has several books and scrolls strewn about that have to do with Varisian Lore.

laying on the table in the front room are:

Masterwork Fail (Giggles)
Light Crossbow with 20 bolts (Yargin)
Garnet Amulet (Yargin)

DC12 Appraise:
100 Gold

Wand of Acid Splash 13 Charges (Yargin)
2 Creamy White Potions (Yargin)
1 Gray and Red banded Potion (Yargin)
Alchemists Formulae Book (Yargin)
Crafters Fortune, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Directions on how to make bombs, mutagens, poisons, smoke bombs.
Formula for ????
3 vials of clear liquid (Yargin)
2 fist sized bags that smell earthy (Yargin)
1 brittle stone that smells of sulpher (Yargin)
Disguise Kit (Hookshanks)
Thieves Tools (Hookshanks)
Masterwork Sword Cane/Rapier (Lamm)
masterwork Silver Dagger (Lamm)
Masterwork Light Crossbow (Lamm)
Bracers of Armor +2 (Lamm)
Thieves Tools (Lamm)
Creamy White Potion (Lamm)
10 purses of coins (7 with 50 Copper each 3 with 50 silver)
Creamy White Potion (Hookshanks),
Magical Holy Symbol of Desna. Divination magic
Teak Cigar Case inlaid with Jade
DC 8 Appraise:
25 Gold

2 lb Gold Trade Ingot stamped with Cheliax symbol worth 100 Gold
Miniature Gold Crown
DC 18 Appraisal:
350 Gold

Fist sized scrimshaw of a Kraken with Garnets for eyes.
DC 15 appraisal:
200 Gold

Silver Ring with inscription 'For Emmah, The light in my nights'
DC 13 Appraisal:
150 Gold

A highly realistic and scandalous ivory figurine of two entwined succubi
DC 20 appraisal:
450 Gold

Masterwork Starknife
Masterwork Adamantine Dagger
Abalone Shell Holy Symbol of Shelyn
DC 16 appraisal:
300 Gold

Glass vial of some silvery liquid
Glass Vial of a silver and gray liquid
Obsidian Wand (magical- Evocation. 28 charges)
A Bejewelled Brooch of Gold and Amethyst/Emerald with a yin and yang patterened Imp and Psuedo-Dragon coiled around the central eye of the Amethyst. The eyes of the two are small Emerald chips. *this looks very valuable and
DC 15 Knowledge Nobility/Royalty:
Its a Brooch owned by Queen Ileosa bought for her by King Arabasti
DC 25 Appraisal:
1000 Gold

Zellara's Harrow Deck- Magical Aura of Divination

1 appraisal roll with any who want to aid another adding +2 to the roll. whatever is rolled allows access to all lesser DC's

In the other room

Craft Alchemy Kit
Alchemy Lab

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Quite a lot of interesting stuff here. As for myself i don't need any of these. sell and cash will be my share says cedric after a few minutes.

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

So is this why Eodred wasn't at the parade today - yesterday? Korvosa's troubles seem never-ending... first the economy in shambles, people leaving the city and now this? And here I am... with a motley group of strangers in the home of someone who's been dead for at least some time - and I saw her just a few hours ago!

Ashimar wanders through Zellara's home looking over the changed surroundings for anything unusual.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 specifically, to notice if there's any sign of anyone other than us having been here after it was 'abandoned' due to Zellara's death I'm assuming?

Peering over Ellismus' shoulder at the note left by Zellara, she notices the witnessing arbiter Marcellano? I wonder if he witnessed this before or after he gave me all the leads on Lamm... As an arbiter he couldn't directly get involved so was this his way to set me off on the right track and ferret out what's really going on? Musing out loud I know Marcellano - perhaps he remembers her? I don't know if he's back in town or not however...

With the group's haul laid out before them, Ashimar's eyes spy the Harrow deck. More out of curiousity than anything, she looks through the deck for her now-missing owl card to see if it had indeed 'made its way home eventually' as Zellara had told her it would.

re. Appraise skills etc., I do have a +6 in knowledge, nobility. My appraise is only +2 though so not sure if anyone else's is higher? If so, switch my roll to aid another. I'll use Bit of Luck for both rolls since the night is almost done with an interlude on the way to refresh our spells (I hope!) and didn't need it at the fishery.

Appraise (or Aid Another) Roll 1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Appraise (or Aid Another) Roll 2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 edit: <- This one

Knowledge, Nobility Roll 1: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Knowledge, Nobility Roll 2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 edit: <- This one

crappy appraise... bah - even with bit of luck. Hope the rest of you fare better. Does the Knowledge, Nobility give me any other info beyond what's in the spoiler?

Edit 2: I mis-read GM's post in discussion as to how we're appraising. Since I do not have the highest skill, mine would be an aid another roll anyway. Ellismus has +4 in appraise from what I can see in his statblock - anyone else higher than that?

Cedric Thargayrian wrote:
Quite a lot of interesting stuff here. As for myself i don't need any of these. sell and cash will be my share says cedric after a few minutes.

don't be so quick to dismiss things ;) Im sure theres a potion/alchemical item or two you could use and I can think of one of those magic items that could be useful. and both a silver dagger and adamantine dagger have uses as well. :D

I did forget to put down that the masterwork starknife has the sigil on the hilt of the exiled house Porphyria

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

Ellismus reads the letter and whistles. "She... seemed to plan for this eventuality. Somehow she made it so her spirit could act to gather the lot of us in order to exact her, and by extension our own, vengeance upon Lamm... This is incredible. I'll have to discuss these 'last rites' with Zriorica some time. Fascinating," he says absently before looking at the second page.

"And it seems she has willed us her home. That may come in handy if the events outside compromise our own residences," he says before looking over his shoulder at Ashimar. "Yes, perhaps, once the external events have subsided, we can visit Marcellano regarding Zellara and her will."

He folds the letters, returning them to the envelope and places it in an interior pocket of his outfit before looking at the items acquired from Lamm and his lackeys. Once again he mutters a phrase and touches his eyes to allow his vision to accept magical emanations.

I don't recall if these were all things he had used Detect Magic on. I notice a couple of things not identified (like the deck, the second wand, the holy symbol, and the vials).
Spellcraft Take 10: 10 + 10 = 20

Appraise (aid another): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Jarrin has a +6 to appraise. If he's allowed to take 10 on appraise, he'll have a 20 with just Ashimar and my aid rolls which nets us everything except the brooch.

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

If it's a royal brooch, pretty sure we don't wanna be fencing it anyway so the appraisal would be moot no? Unless the appraise roll reveals it's a fake that was meant to be substituted for the real brooch in a heist or something?

Or we could sell it, since really, nobody it was bought for will use it. Or we could attempt to return it. Good money either way. I agree that having the daggers could be really useful. I say keep both until we find a better way to get past DR.

Aid Another Appraise: 1d20 ⇒ 8

and once we know about the potions, those could have a great effect. Masterwork weapons are also a vast improvement

Ell comes in and looks over the items and has an idea of the value of each, except the Brooch. which Ashimar has seen before in court when Queen Ileosa visited once... The successful K-Nobility roll gives a +2 circumstance bonus to the brooch so that's a 22. 2 more aid anothers and you will have it.

now a reminder on how we will liquidate whatever you want to liquidate. Once what youre selling has been decided you will match up whos selling what and that person will decide to whom, although theres one item you may want to return to its rightful owner ;) That person will do some minor role playing and make an appropriate roll. The result will be 75% of face value to 125% of face value depending on all 4 corners of that situation...Who selling/who buying/role playing/roll

I still have not heard from everyone on how you want to divvy items either. So far Im gathering some modified version of choosing in turn. Although some items may just be chosen.

Ashimar reaches out and touches the deck , fanning the cards to look for her owl card..and indeed it is there, as are the other cards the allies had. She senses something within the deck though..a warmth..a loving presence. it unnerves her.

Ellismus reaches out asks for permission to look over the deck and then he blinks his eyes rapidly. The item is far to powerful for him to figure out its usage, but he too can sense something. Perhaps his heritage? perhaps his affinity to magic? But

He can sense Zellara's spirit is somehow ties to the deck. The Harrow Deck was magical before, but now its truly a unique item. Powerful Divinations are tied to this deck. It would take someone knowledgeable about Harrow to truly unlock its potential.

The other items are fairly easy to tell what they are.

Masterwork Fail
Light Crossbow with 20 bolts
Garnet Amulet 100 Gold
Wand of Acid Splash 13 Charges
4 Creamy White Potions (Cure Light Wounds 1d8+2)
Gray and Red banded Potion (Endure Elements CL2)
Alchemists Formulae Book (Yargin)
Crafters Fortune, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Directions on how to make bombs, mutagens, poisons, smoke bombs.
Formula for Shivers
3 vials of clear liquid (Acid)
2 fist sized bags that smell earthy (Tanglefoot Bags)
1 brittle stone that smells of sulpher (Thunderstone)
Disguise Kit
2 sets of Thieves Tools
Masterwork Sword Cane/Rapier
Masterwork Silver Dagger
Masterwork Light Crossbow
Bracers of Armor +2
Ledgers documenting shivers sales and trade.
350 CP
150 SP
Magical Holy Symbol of Desna. (Provides 'Guidance' 3xday to a believer of Desna or Varisian)
Teak Cigar Case inlaid with Jade 25 Gold
2 lb Gold Trade Ingot stamped with Cheliax symbol worth 100 Gold
Miniature Gold Crown 350 Gold
Fist sized scrimshaw of a Kraken with Garnets for eyes. 200 Gold
Silver Ring with inscription 'For Emmah, The light in my nights' 150 Gold
A highly realistic and scandalous ivory figurine of two entwined succubi 450 Gold
Masterwork Starknife woth House Porphyria Symbol on hilt
Masterwork Adamantine Dagger
Abalone Shell Holy Symbol of Shelyn 300 Gold
Glass vial of some silvery liquid (Silversheen)
Glass Vial of a silver and gray liquid (Keen Edge)
Obsidian Wand Magic Missile 28 charges)
A Bejewelled Brooch of Gold and Amethyst/Emerald with a yin and yang patterened Imp and Psuedo-Dragon coiled around the central eye of the Amethyst. The eyes of the two are small Emerald chips. *this looks very valuable and
(Its a Brooch owned by Queen Ileosa bought for her by King Arabasti)

DC 25 Appraisal:
1000 Gold

Zellara's Harrow Deck- Magical Aura of Divination
Alchemy Lab
Craft Alchemy Kit

Come on aid anothers! Also, we might want to take a look at connections each member has and see who would buy each item we want to sell. The CLW potions would be best to keep, and I think the keen edge liquid. Possibly silver sheen. The deck should be kept, for sure. Way too powerful to sell. Bracers of armor would be useful to our caster. ;) masterwork is nice, but nothing too useful for Akrem'dar in the weaponry, so -shrugs-. Not sure who people should try selling to, though.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

The scene in the street gets Tolenn thinking An unprecedented battle in the skies, the death of a King, the elements of the start of a civil war and Hellknights policing the streets of Korvosa....

She joins the others in hurrying to Zellara's.

Once inside she joins the others in looking through the now normal household.

Perception 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

As she does she murmurs "A most puissant "last rites" to have contacted each of us and concealed the nature of this home...."

Returning to the front room , where some of he companions were sorting through the items they had collected. Knowing her knowledge did not match those of the others, Tolenn nonetheless attempts to help

Appraise ( Assist ) 1d20 ⇒ 20

so we are up to DC24 on the Brooches value

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Appraisal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

well we could figure out once we sold everything the total value, add in what each is keeping and deduct that from their share.

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

"This... deck... is remarkable," Ellismus says, holding it up and turning it over as he examines it. "I cannot determine its precise effect, but it seems to have a portion of Zellaria's essence invested into it. It is indeed magical, but this interaction has made it something... more than it may have been before. All that I can discern is that powerful divinations are associated with it. It will take someone with knowledge of the Harrowing to be able to truly determine its potential."

EDIT: We could give Jarrin (being Varisian) the holy symbol for one use of the Guidance ability which would bump the appraise to 25 on a take 10.

Good move! Does anyone have K. nobility?

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)
Akrem'dar wrote:
Good move! Does anyone have K. nobility?

really? REALLY?! I'm starting to think you just skim our posts don'tcha? lol

Ellismus Rayne wrote:
EDIT: We could give Jarrin (being Varisian) the holy symbol for one use of the Guidance ability which would bump the appraise to 25 on a take 10.
Jarrin wrote:
"I won't praise your gods or claim his light will guide me"

I second that! Simply because I want to see how he works on this with his character... haha ;)

lol ok, let me rephrase and say anyone else. :p and hey, I'm recovering from a ton of bloodwork, so I have a right to be out of it :p

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Looking to Ellismus, Tolenn says "That doesn't surprise me, her powers were obviously potent; not the least that they were so effective after her death. My primary concern thought is this " she says indicating Ileosa's brooch "brooch. Why was it in the possession of Lamm? Was its theft the incident mentioned in the letter....Who is S.M? I find it more than convenient that we come into possession of this item just as the King dies and its former owner becomes Queen. Momentous events are happening, and I think we've just become part of them."

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

@GM can Ashimar roll K:Nobility to IC speculate on the identity of S.M? ;)

You can. Ashimar. Though Speculation is just that speculation. For the speculation you inquired about in PM with me that would be a DC 15

Akrem'dar speaks slowly, taking several deep breaths, as he looks over the weapons, seeing how sharp each and every weapon is, and the weight of the flail. Hearing Tolenn, he nods along. "It makes me wonder what we got pulled into. It's like stepping into a rat's nest. You deal with one thing, and then suddenly a thousand more."

The shoanti opens his pack, pulling out a few tools of his trade and smelling the various inks as he looks them over, contemplating more to himself than anyone. "So...which fits best to capture the night my tormentor met his end..."

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

Knowledge: Nobility: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

I-I wonder... Ashimar starts as she looks down at the ground. That brooch belongs to the queen - and Tolenn - you just mentioned the note... Ashimar looks at the paladin and frowns as if focusing on something she's not entirely sure of... I *may* know of someone who's initials are S.M., and that individual has a connection to the queen.

She pauses, entirely unsure of herself, debating whether to continue or not before finally voicing her opinion in a small voice - Could S.M stand for 'Sabina Merrin'? She's the queen's bodyguard and we found the jewelry that belongs to the queen. But - maybe it's just a coincidence... She shrugs and falls silent again.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

OK wow, a ton of stuff to shift thru. I'm sure I'm gonna either forget or not calculate some things that have happened. I'm not even sure where I am right now. I'll just do my best and feel free to adjust or add or subtract from it.

Jarrin wanders up the stairs and ends up in the bedroom of the late owner, now clutching the scrap of paper that Tolenn had given him in the fishery. Sitting down on the bed, he simply closes his eyes as if to take all of the events of the evening in. After a few moments, he stands up and takes a closer look at the books and scrolls on the desk, then will look in any closets, the mattress and such. Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

The bard then takes a few minutes to look around the other bedroom, trying to learn more about the young man that lived here. He will look in desks or books or closets, whatever he can find, even under the bed and mattress as he did in the harrower's room. Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

Coming downstairs, Jarrin notices the impressive pile of loot the party had hauled off from the fishery. He takes notice of the rapier cane, remembering that it belonged to Lamm. Any objections? Jarrin will ask the group as he picks up the cane. He will then start to look at all of the items, mentally trying to place where they came from and form some idea of their value.

When told of the suggestion of holding the holy symbol while examining some of the more fascinating objects, he pauses before answering. Looking at Ashimar and Tolenn while recalling someone mentioning that a spirit or ghost of Zellara was the one that had summoned them here, he asks Do you really think that to be true? A lot has happened tonight. We have a dead king, a dead villian, and a dead harrower. We have war in he sky and a bunch of other questions. Perhaps I should keep an open mind about some things. Jarrin takes the symbol as suggested. Don't expect me to join the choir, however.

After examining all the items on the table he then asks about the harrow deck. May I? If permitted, Jarrin will look thru the deck and examine it as a harrower himself. Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18 If the group does not object (and neither does its magic or whatever else) Jarrin would like to keep the deck. Maybe I could use it for something.

As to the brooch, Jarrin asks So, where was this brooch found, exactly? Was it among Lamm's effects? Like it was given to him, or he stole it? Jarrin sits at the table, picking up the brooch and nimbly turning it over in his fingers. It does seem as if we have been brought here by some unknown force. The events of the evening have been quite remarkable, both on a personal and political level it seems. I admit, it makes me doubt that such mystical forces do not exist.

The bard closes his eyes, leans back in his chair, and asks one last question before he tries to rest his mind. Any sign of the woman's body?

If I forgot something, let me know and I'll try to comment in the morning if I need to.

Liberty's Edge


In Zellara's room he looks over the paperwork there. Books. Scrolls. All have to do with how Varisian Witches could use their mystical powers for one last great feat when they were going to die. Some called it A Death Curse. Some The Evil Eye. Some called it A Death Hex. But whatever the case, Zellara was researching how to harness this power. However Amid all the paperwork was a paper she must have been doodling on as she researched. It said simply. How did they find out?!

In her sons room. A young mans room. no weapons no armor. only clothing. All of Varisian Origin. It was quite obvious the place had been searched though. Because things were slightly out of place. Someone had gone through this room

The Brooch's clasp has been snapped, leading you to believe maybe sleight of hand hand been at work to gain it.

Jarrin and Harrow Deck:
As he sits and touch the cards, a flood of memories on how best to use harrow enters his mind. he find himself having a greater skill than he would using his own deck. Instinctively he knows what its powers have become. Its like he can sense Zellara even though she is no longer around. Augury 1xday. Identify 3xday. Can conduct Harrow 1xweek surrounding an event that will give the party the benefits of Bless while the event is occurring. Events have to follow these guidelines: A) Be something specific that will happen B) be able to happen in the span of an hour. C) Not be conditional. D) The event must be specified by the Reader. and is a masterwork deck.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Because we are under curfew and soon martial law i am going to relax a bit i have a long day in front of me says cedric.

he wil look around the house for a place to lye down.

On the map. I put letters in each room. There are two beds and plenty of floor space. Just let me know what room and a general description of your designated sleeping area. Probably wont matter a lot now, but in the future. ....

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