The Road to The Crimson Throne. (A Merger of Road to Revolution by 0one Games and Curse of The Crimson Throne) (Inactive)

Game Master Dread

Can you help steer the course of Korvosa as it suffers under The Curse of The Crimson Throne?

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Tolenn bowls over the guard at the door and charges the other guard stumbling and missing.

Jarrin dances over the prone guards frame and comes the opposite side of the desk from Tolenn and snaps off an arrow which snaps against the wall mark off an arrow. I do ammunition a little different. if you miss its gone. if you hit you recover it. Its easier

Akrem'dar brings the mallet that is s signature Shoanti weapon down on the guard laying in the doorway shattering his rubs, and crushing him.

He then steps in.

Cedric runs to the opposite side of the room, passing Jarrin and brings the sap down on the other guards head, and the guard drops to the floor.

Ashimar and Ellismus both enter, The Wizard shutting the door behind him. The little Hawk on his shoulder blinking its eyes which arent good in the darkness of the exterior trying to adjust to the dim light of the interior.

Yargins Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18 DC 8 giggles perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 DC 10 Bloo Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 DC 10 Hookshanks Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25 DC 15 Lamm's Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 DC 25

suddenly through the door Cedric is standing next to can be heard the loud barking of a dog...and Jarrin hears the sound of someone moving in the room hes standing next to.

We are still in initiative. party has it. bad guys will be moving after you do. we are now in Round 2. It takes 2 5' squares of movement off your move to open a door.

The Fishery Rd 2

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Jarrin quickly motions to the party that sounds can be heard from behind the wall he is next to and points to the NE door. Perhaps we should meet them before they come meet us? Jarrin will ready another arrow, though he suddenly does not like his position.

Which way does the door open? Can I tell?

Akrem'dar grins and nods, putting a finger to his lips as he shows the universal sign for being quiet. The big Shoanti will attempt to get to the NE so that whenever the door does open, there's a good means to take down the individuals on the other side.

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

Ashimar surveys the room around her. Three doors on the west side. One on the east. The majority will likely head west to head off the enemy there. I hope Akrem'dar doesn't get overwhelmed if there are multiple enemies on the other side. He may need my aid... Her eyes widen as she watches Jarrin ready an arrow to fire into the crowd. His aim better improve with that thing or one of us is likely to fall victim to his archery! She debates moving past him but decides the risk isn't worth getting an arrow in the back and stays put ready to ward off any attacks coming her way.

Ashimar will stay put where she is and defend.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

DM i am standing next to 3 doors which one do i hear barking from?

Dam it i told them this would happen. Now he have to go to the ground floor as fast as possible before lamm leave. The alarm has been sounded. This is going to be highly risky.

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

Ellismus hears the barking dog and sees Jarrin's motion. Hmmm. It seems we have been a tad noisy. Hopefully Lamm doesn't flee out of that unsecure door below. Looking around he readies himself to bring his arcane energies to bear upon whoever may appear.

Ready to cast Daze DC 14 at an arriving opponent but wait until after the weapon attacks have gone off (so as to be sure to target a living opponent).

Cedric- all 3? ;) louder through the door due East though.

As you begin to prepare to respond to the noises you've heard, All of you plain as day here a muffled young femaile voice that sounds intoxicated or drugged Help! and a responding Shut up B$+~%! and the crack of a slap across a face coming through the door to your right that Akrem'dar moved to stand next to South Door

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Bah, I didn't see that te top of the map was actually east. I should have said the door in the south wall.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Round 1

Hearing the call for help from the young woman that was captured Cedric will spring into action crap, Lamm can wait, she needs to be rescued , they might slit her throat.

Dropping his sap Cedric will open the door where the call for help came from and will rush inside while drawing one of his short sword.

DM if i can i will engage the closest target. Fighting defensively. Current AC 20

ShortSword: 1d20 + 6 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 6 + 2 - 4 = 211d6 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 4 + 2 = 11

failed your perception check did ya ;)

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)
GMMichael wrote:
failed your perception check did ya ;)

bah... he's not the only one! I've been referring to the top of the map as north since it was posted... sigh.

maybe I should color in The E ;)

Jarrin notice's The south door opens into this room, as do both East Doors. The Big Iron Bound and Oak door on the North wall however opens into that room.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Looks like Cedric has made our move. Jarrin will direct the melee types to quickly follow Cedric to back him up. I will keep watch on the other doors in the event that one opens as everyone moves to help the woman in distress.

Akrem'dar heads along with Cedric, knowing a good series of cracked bones makes any captor consider their stance on captivity.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Tolenn's intent to motion Jarrin and Akrem'dar to see to the woman's plight is thrwarted by Cedric chivalrous charge into the room.

Momentarily nonplussed, Tolenn grins The true Cedric emerges from the shadows.She motions Jarrin and Akrem'dar to follow Cedric, then begins to cross the room herself when the dog barks again.

Realizing that dogs sometime bark for no reason, she nonetheless feels that someone will come to investigate.

A glance at Ashimar and Ellismus verifies that they've safely made it into the room. She moves to the door behind which the dog has been barking.

That's the east door at N9, correct?

Rd 2

The party readies actions hearing the alert go throughout the Fishery, however when they hear a young woman call for Help, As others in the group contemplate what to do, Cedric reacts with deliberate action, dropping the sap to the floor he draws his shortsword on the run as he leaps across the space to the door, grabbing it and throwing it open...the sight he views turns his blood cold. a Young Woman is bent over a bed at the waste and her hands are extended out and tied to the bed posts of the headboard. Her legs are tied in an awkward position to the bed legs and her close are in tatters. She is trying to look over her shoulder through eyes swollen near shut from a beating. Its quite obvious she has been drugged by the way her wobbles on her neck. Her body has been abused.

The man before him is in the process of putting on his pants, obviously already partially dressed. A lantern burns from a hook on the wall behind him. A weapons belt lies on the floor next to the man. A suit of Leather Armor is draped across the bed next to the door.

Cedric finishes his move to get next to the man and jams the shortsword into the mans side, blood pouring out onto the floor. The man screams in agony...if the Fishery wasnt alert. It is now.

Yargin, 2nd Alchemist:
P12-13/2 AC: 11, Touch: 11, Flat-Footed: 10 CMD: 12. Saves- FO: +3 RE: +4 WL: -1

Everyone can post an action except Cedric. Those readying...make to hit and damage rolls and most probably action should someone come through a different door.

The Fishery Rd 2B

Correct but maybe two doors away ;)

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Jarrin calls to Tolenn, I'll watch the doors, see if Cedric and Akrem need any help. Ash, Ell, be ready to help me if anything comes through one of those doors. Combat isn't really my thing.

BP : Careful Teamwork is still active.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Round 2

The scream from the room snaps Tolenn's head around "Ah well, no help for it..."

At Jarrin's call she stops mid-stride. Giving him a nod, she sprints into the room.

Move to O13

Taking in the horrible tableau in a moment, Tolenn steps forward and engages the abuser, her scimitar flashing through the air.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 Critial Threat!
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Critical Confirmation
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Tolenn's scimitar slices deeply into the man's unprotected side, a new gush of lifeblood splashing upon the floor.

Akrem'dar will go a'swingin' with that nasty hammer of his. Using Power Attack on the one standing. And if the guy goes down first, before Akrem'dar can attack, he'll try and get into the other room to give them a hand.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (18) + 5 - 1 = 22
dmg: 2d6 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (2, 6) + 6 + 3 = 17

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

Ashimar's torn between wanting to run and help the woman in distress and Jarrin's request to help watch the doors. She hastens towards the room Cedric, Akrem and Tolenn just ran into and pauses outside the door. She risks a quick glance at Jarrin Not your thing?! I've never used this thing in my life! But perhaps I can confuse whoever walks through these doors long enough for the others to get back!

Move to N10, ready to use Dazing Touch as a touch attack on the first living thing to walk through the doors (at N9/N10 - assuming I'm close enough to cover both?)

Dazing Touch (Touch Attack): 1d20 ⇒ 16

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Jarrin looks at Ashimar and shrugs. That's terrific! Join the club! Me and Ell will just have to manage, go help the woman. She may need your god from the sound of things.

We need to help that woman but I'd rather not be the one out here having to stare down a horde of angry Lammsters. Hopefully they won't come too soon.

Tolenn follows Cedric close behind and entersa a small room, barely large enough for the two of them to fight abreast. She is forced to jump on a bed to engage the man she recognizes as having been an apprentice to Lamm's former drug maker...Yargin Balko. His depravities known to her, back then all the Lamm's feared falling into his hands for what he called...his experiments.

Anger welling, she lopped off his head.

Akrem'dar followed close behind ready to smash something, but there just wasnt enough room. Besides the man was already dead.

Ellismus and Jarrin both stayed where they were, watching the other doors. While Ashimar moved in front of one of the doors to the East.

The barking subsided briefly and a door could be heard opening, then a low growl came from just beyond the other door to the east, that Cedric had been standing in front of, and it opened to bang against the wall and a fierce Half Orc and a dog obviously bread for the fighting rings stood beyond. The Half Orc said Don know who you buggers are, but Giggles will see you don right for causing the boss to lose sleep. Get em Bloo! As he points to the man with the hawk on his shoulder, having the sense to recognize a spell caster.

Bloo charged forward toward Ellismus

The Wizard ready for this, uttered an arcane phrase as the dog bolted into the room and a green nimbus seemed to surround the Mastiff. Bloo will save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

which did not even cause the Fighting dog to hesitate, Ashimar reached a hand out quickly and touched the dog on the shoulder, but the dog was too strong to be affected by her at this point in her career.

Ashimar will also gain an attack of opportunity on Bloo as he charges past, As he is higher hit die than her, the readied dazing touch had no effect. If she has a weapon in her other hand, take the attack vs AC 13. If she does not have a weapon out ignore that. Its doubtful she could do enough damage to kill Bloo, but if she does then Ill reverse the damage on Ellismus

Jarrin had so busy looking around the table and glancing at delivery schedules and scribbled writings on the table he had failed to prepare for any entrance. But had realized the documents on the table were of little use.

Bloo crossed the distance to Ellismus easily and attacked the Wizard bloo's attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 vs AC 13. The massive jaws clamped down on his leg damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6, and he jerked hard trip attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16 vs CMD 13 and down went Ellismus to the ground on top of a pool of blood from the dead guard.

Zephyr flapped her wings and landed on the table with a loud squawk.

Ellismus you may take a full round attack with Zephyr on Bloo before your round 3 actions. So Zephyr could take two rounds worth of actions.

Bloo, Bull Mastiff:
Q9-17/17 AC: 13, Touch: 12, Flat Footed: 11. CMD: 15 (19 vs Trip) Saves: FO- +5, RE- +5, W-:+1

Giggles 2nd Fighter:
N9-23/23 AC: 15, Touch: 13, Flat Footed: 12. CMD: 16 Saves: FO- +5, RE- +1, Wl- +1 Bravery- +1 to Fear Effect Saves.

Fishery Round 3

Remember always look at the map to see space and where you would go, and read each others posts so you know whats happened already. Dont just skim posts. ;)

Remember Ellismus is Prone

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Faster, cedric, you have to move faster, you need to kill faster. its been 6 seconds that the alarm has been sounded. Worst case scenario Lamm is reaching for the door in the room he is occupying. In 12 seconds he will open the doors to the exit downstairs. I told them about this, Lord knows i did. Giggles and the rest are just delaying us till he can escape. Faster Cedric you have to move faster.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Round 3

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 => to move to O9

Short sword: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 2 = 161d6 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 2 = 8 vs Giggles

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

Ashimar swats at the beastly dog as it charges past her towards the mage, hoping to have the momentum of its body do some damage if it connects with the mace gingerly held in front of her.
AoA, light mace: 1d20 ⇒ 14
dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 5

The mace leaves an ugly scrape on the side of the uglier dog but doesn't slow it down in the least as it chomps down on the hapless wizard.

rnd 3 post for move and action incoming later in a bit... Tis a pain posting on mobile

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Round 3

Tolenn had but a moment's satisfaction as with a quick twist of her wrist she detached Balko's head from his shoulders; for as his surprised expression sailed through the air, she heard the comotion of Giggles and Bloo's entrance next door.

Sparing a quick glance at the poor abused woman, she squeezed past Cedris and Akrem'dar and dashed out into the first room.

Move to 0-10

"Back away Ashimar, I have this one!" she says in a level voice.

She then commenced to bring her scimitar around to engage to hulking half-orc.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Her quick footwork easily defeats the half-orc's defenses and she slides her scimitar within his reach and opens a cut on his forearm.

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

Oh crap. I can't believe I forgot to cast mage armour before coming in here. I'm an idiot.

Round 2
Zephyr flies down and claws at the dog as it latches on to his master.

Zephyr attack 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Damage: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
Zephyr attack 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0

Zephyr attack 1 crit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Damage: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1

Round 3
Zephyr attacks again while Ellismus gathers his energies for another spell. Idiot! You knew you were getting into trouble and you didn't prepare?

Zephyr attack 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Damage: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
Zephyr attack 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0

Concentration DC 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Bloo will save DC 14: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

The spell succeeds in dazing the dog, allowing Ellismus to stand and step away from it. (Q11)

Akrem'dar sighs, knowing that these small rooms are going to be a frustration the entire night. Turning about, he heads out of the room. Seeing the two enemies, he curses under his breath.

The fact that Ellismus moves, is a great boon to the giant of a man. As the dog takes down the elementalist, Akrem'dar takes the necessary steps.

move to Q10, if there's room. If not, chance the AoO, and go Q9.

The hammer swings towards the oversized lap dog. "Hey, pup. How about a bigger slab o' meat." He growls at the beast, hoping the action will grab its attention, since the hammer doesn't even connect with flesh.

Swing: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (5) + 5 - 1 = 9
dmg: 2d6 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 + 3 = 12

I hate working on a smart phone, when it comes to combat

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

Heeding Tolenn's command, Ashimar runs to the back of the room beside Jarrin. She watches Ellismus hobble backwards as he gets up and scoots away from Bloo.
If that dog gets at Ellismus again...She leaves the thought unfinished and plants herself at the back of the room, her mace up defensively in front of her.

Round 3 - move: N11-O11; action: total defense +4 to AC, AC improves to 15

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

OK, looks like a lot to catch up with. Since I seem to have room to use the bow I will. I have some iffy wifi set up so I'll post when it allows me.

As the door bursts open and the dog leaps toward the wizard, Jarrin tries his best to line up a shot at the hound, however fearing hitting the wizard in error the shot goes astray.

Attack: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (10) + 2 - 4 = 8
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Cedric turned and ran from the room, pushing past Akrem'dar, and tried to vault over the chair quickly without the imposing Half-Orc reacting, but failed to do so as Giggles reacting with an attack of opportunity swung the flail in his hand at the lithe Ranger attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 VS AC18. The Flail missed however due to Cedric's quickness and it tore a large hole in the fabric of the chair.

Cedric didnt miss however as the shortsword sliced open the Enforcer's thigh.

When Tolenn had cut Yargin's head off, blood had fountained out splashing all over both Cedric and The Paladin, as well as the poor abused young woman. As Tolenn left the room with a quick glance at her, she tried to mouth a scream but the drugs inhibited her and all that came out was a quiet plea in the the form of a harsh guttural cry.

As The Paladin pushed the chair to one side to join the fight with Cedric, her blade slices open his forearm.

Zephyr flapped his wings and flew at the dog, trying to distract it from attacking his companion and master. a flurry of beating wings and slashing talons caused the dog to snap and growl at the avian. and Zephyr caused several scratches on the hound.

This gave Ellismus the break he was looking for as he scrambled backwards on hands and feet, to sit up and cast a quick spell. The same green Nimbus surrounded Bloo as it had in the door, but this time the dog wasn't focus'd and he stopped snapping instantly and his jowls became slack and a loud plop of drool sounded on the floor beneath his head as he stood there dazed.

Ell jumped up and stepped back from the dog.

Ellismus was relieved to see the big man run out and jump between the bleeding mage and the fierce dog. Akrem'dar brought the heavy earthshaker down with a smash, shattering floorboards, but it was obvious he had pulled it for fear of hitting the hawk harassing the mastiff.

As Ashimar backed into the doorway, she could see the poor abused young woman tied up bent over the bed in a very awkward and exposing manner. welts and blood lay on her frame like she had been tortured. Yargins headless body lay next to her. and his lifeless eyes seemed to stare right at the poor woman.

The young womans head wobbled on her neck as she turned it to see Ashimar and their eyes met..and it seemed as if she was begging for help.

Jarrin fired an arrow at the hound, but in the close quarters fear of hitting someone caused it to be high and thunked into the wall.

The Dog stood stock still, drool dripping ion the floor.

Giggles yelled Hooky Tell the boss to beat it then get your little arse up here!

an almost childlike voice responded You got it Giggles me boy Then within a few seconds you heard the same voice yell at the top of its lungs, a little closer but still a few rooms away Beat it Boss!

Giggles glanced at the two facing him, unsure of who to attack. but finally settled on Cedric 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 vs AC 18. The flail smashed into the Ratcatcher damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 with numbing force.

How ye like me now said the half-orc with a toothy maw as he giggled maniacally.

Bloo, Bull Mastiff:

Q9-17/8 AC: 13, Touch: 12, Flat Footed: 11. CMD: 15 (19 vs Trip) Saves: FO- +5, RE- +5, W-:+1

Giggles 2nd Fighter:

N9-23/10 AC: 15, Touch: 13, Flat Footed: 12. CMD: 16 Saves: FO- +5, RE- +1, Wl- +1 Bravery- +1 to Fear Effect Saves.

Fishery Round 4

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Cedric recoils from the pain of the flail and will delay until the other have acted

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Round 4

Shoving the chair out of the way, Tolenn waits for an opportune moment and gets it when the half-orc smashes Cedric with his flail. Her opponent momentarily off-balance, she dances in and skewers the fighter with her scimitar

Attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 Critical Threat!
Damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Confirm Critital 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 Confirmed! extra damage = 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Tolenn's timing was masterful, but what should have been a fatal strike was turned by Giggles' training, sensing Tolenn's attack and turning just at the right moment to dull the impact just enough to survive.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Tolenn you might want to roll your critical damage :)

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3
Cedric Thargayrian wrote:
Tolenn you might want to roll your critical damage :)

Ha, Brain fart! was thinking for some reason to just double it. Thanks. Editing original post !

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

We must move fast, we can't let Lamm leave here!

Jarrin realises that he can not leave the group to battle alone so he tries to eliminate at least one of the threat that remain and chooses to remain on the beast that stands in its own pool of drool. Still fearful of friendly fire the arrow goes astray once more.

Bow: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 2 - 4 = 11
Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2

Unless he is considered flat-footed? If so I do hit.

Akrem'dar growls low "We can't let Lamm escape!" It's a polarizing moment for the big man, as he focuses, knowing now is the time to get things done.

Hit the Doggie!: 1d20 + 5 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 - 1 = 16
Damage: 2d6 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 + 3 = 16

And with that, his hammer shows exactly why it's known as an Earth breaker, crushing bone and destroying flesh as it slams down on the pooch."One mutt down. One mongrel left!

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

By my calculations (could be wrong) but giggles is still alive w/ 1 hp. Going to delay action until after everyone else has acted - *IF* giggles dies, Ashimar will channel positive energy healing every living creature in a 30 ft radius centered around her. DM, I will leave it to you to decide what effect, if any, this has on the drugged/abused victim. If giggles lives after everyone has acted, Ashimar will not channel.

Ashimar watches the brutality of the fight in front of her and the abused woman at her back, almost numb with shock. Watching Cedric recoil in pain and the wizard unsteady on his feat, she clutches her diety's symbol around her neck. He may be rough around the edges but I cannot have another's demeanor change who I am. Shelyn, grant your servant your healing touch to aid those who fight around me for a righteous cause.

Channel Positive Energy - using 1 of 5 daily uses
Everyone is healed: 1d6 ⇒ 1 point. Sheesh - almost pointless.

That brute looks like he's almost down... Lamm might be on the move, but that woman has suffered enough! She makes up her mind and rushes to the woman's side, gingerly stepping around the headless corpse at her feet. Ripping one of the sheets off, she covers her modesty, trying to be as soothing as possible. It's ok sister, we're here to help. Bear your discomfort just a moment longer...

Move to P12. @GM - not sure if Ashimar would have time to release the bonds as that seems like it'd be a standard action.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Round 4

Short Sword: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 2 = 161d6 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 2 = 9 vs Giggles

Move action to go through the corridor giggles used heading as fast as possible to the stairs going down drawing his second weapon along the way.

12 seconds cedric, you have only twelves seconds, you will have to kill the guy coming up the stairs or tumble above him. Faster cedric, you have to move faster, harder cedric you have to kill harder. I'll have to gamble it all...I've warned them about this but they didn't listen and now all we have is twelves seconds. Dam it Jarrin i tough you had my back. Tick tock 12, i can make it, I have to make it.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Jarrin will follow Cedric in the chase for Lamm. We must stop Lamm at all costs. I can not let him escape. He has eluded me for too long. Perhaps Cedric was right, we could have split up. But the woman needed our help. But I must kill Lamm...

I will put my bow away and draw my rapier.

I won't let him get away. If he gets away, he'll hide like a vermin, and he'll keep continuing. Never get a good night's sleep again.

Akrem'dar keeps his hammer drawn, trying to get himself in following range with the rest of those heading down the stairs. If only they could make it quickly.

Akrem'dar is gonna hit whoever he can that's not a Little Lamm with the earth breaker, if they're an enemy.

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

Ellismus takes a step to follow the others then shakes his head. Idiot! Protect yourself first! He then mutters a mystical phrase, his hands moving as the spell is cast. Once completed he will follow the others.

Standard: Mage Armor
Move: 30' the way the others were going.

updated my map, but I think Im gonna have to wait to get the info up til tonight. There's a lot to describe and I dont want to miss anything.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Once Cedric fells the half-orc and the vicious dog is put down by Akrem'dar's hammer, Tolenn takes a quick look around. Seeing Ashimar going to tend the woman, she nods then joins the others in their pursuit of Lamm.

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

Don't forget about traps and such folks. Your cleric can't raise the dead yet! And I'll be at least 30' behind you guys until you stop running so an emergency heal channel will have to wait at least one round.

Giggles and Bloo are dispatched rather quickly and the party makes there way down the hall, all except Ashimar who is doing her best to make the young woman at ease.

As Ashimar goes to pick up the blanket to cover the young womans body, she cant help but notice an odd looking weapons belt that lay on the floor near Yargins lifeless body. A dagger is in a sheath on it, but it has several leather straps on one side from which are suspended round cylinders with holes in the top and a small case that is shut. On the other side are 6 leather straps designed to hold vials. all of those slots hold vials. In addition a wand is in a leather case attached to the belt. Two large belt pouches that appear to be stuffed are also on the belt, as well as a purse and a spell component pouch.

meanwhile Cedric leads the charge out of the hall onto a narrow balcony that moves around to the right along the wall 5 feet from the floor of the Fishery in this room. As the balance of the party moves along the hall all can see the same thing. Th room is filled with Lamms Lambs.

The floor itself is slick with seawater, bits of seaweed, and fish blood. The air is thick with the accompanying scents. Wooden catwalks to the north and south allow access to the western part of the fishery. The floor of the fishery is only 3 feet above the waterline of the river which can be seen through an open loading bay. From the rafters above the bay are amassed an abundance of ropes and pulleys, block and tackles which hold a large basket that appears to be able to be lowered through the open bay. DC 12 Disable device to operate. Take 10 takes 1 round to figure out. take 20 2 rounds. A normal correct check is a free action.

The sloppy muddy water of the river splashes noisily below. While to the North West stands an enormous vat at least 10 feet tall. Its sides caked and waterproofed with tar. Inside the immense vat is a foul looking mixture of chum, seawater, seaweed, and who knows what else. To the east are stacked a good ammount of barrels and crates, each marked with the painting of a fish. Nearly two dozen small hammocks are suspended below the catwalks, swaying from the movement that emptied them recently.

Lamms Lambs are a motley assortment of children that are grabbing up pitchforks, shovels, clubs and knives. One among them looks better armed and stands next to the open bay looking up as you enter....

Hookshanks 2nd Gnome Rogue:
I10-17/17 AC: 17 (21 current from total defense). Touch: 13 (17 current from total defense) Flat Footed: 14. CMD: 12. Saves- FO: +2, RE: +5, WL: +2

Lamms Lambs 1st Human Experts Children:
5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 8/8. AC: 13 Touch: 13 Flat Footed: 11. CMD: 9 Saves- FO: +0, RE: +2, WL: +1

The small man says in his childlike voice so its come to this ehh. Well me Lambs, don't let em down stairs. Protect me and the master. as he pulls his wickedly curved blade.

Fishery Round 5

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Tolenn begins to make her way down the stairs, as she does she directs her gaze at each of the Lamms looking up at her and her companions.

"Master. Yes indeed, we come for the Master. Listen up Lamms, you are not our enemy, you see before you one who was once a slave to Gaedrun Lamm, with the scars to prove it" she says pointing at her face "We are here to put Lamm down once and for all, we are 6 , you are 8, they are 3 less, Giggles, Bloo and the Yargin are dead...they cannot resist us if we work together. "

Diplomacy 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9


Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Jarrin quickly speaks up, taking the lead from the paladin. She is right! You do not have to listen to this man, children! You know that protecting Lamm is the wrong thing to do. He has done nothing but use you. You mean nothing to any of the men in this place. In their eyes you are slaves, nothing more. They do not care if you live or die protecting them. We've come to put an end to Lamm and his schemes. Fight with us if you wish, or leave now and don't look back. We will handle the rest.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Akrem'dar attempts to assist in their explanations, showing the blatant scar tissue on his shoulder. "This is what he did to me when I made him even a small bit angry when I was your side. Don't listen to that idiot man. Let us take them down or help us, but don't stand in the way."

Aid Jarrin: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

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