The Road to The Crimson Throne. (A Merger of Road to Revolution by 0one Games and Curse of The Crimson Throne) (Inactive)

Game Master Dread

Can you help steer the course of Korvosa as it suffers under The Curse of The Crimson Throne?

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Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13

Jarrin will just shrug his shoulders at the wizardly guy and keep on eating.

Jarrin Fayne wrote:

Addressing the woman again, he looks at Ellismus and then at his bread that evidently isn't really bread. Illusions? Is that what you two are speaking of? You are one that has much more to see than meets the eye, aren't you, madam? What else are you hiding?

She turns to look at jarrin. I would not call it hiding. I would rather call it not informing you of. Your friend there Ashimar already asked that question, but in a more polite manner. I do indeed have something that I am not telling you. But it is of no import to the mission and is of personal nature. You will discover it in time, of that I am assured. But for not Id rather it nor color what I ask you to do. It honestly has no bearing on what you are asked to do. which is to bring Gaedran Lamm to justice.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Seems like hiding to me. I have no secrets. Everyone knows why I want to kill Lamm. Jarrin sits back down at the table. So are we to be your mercenaries? Are you hiring us?

She smiles Not really, more sharing a vendetta.However if payment is neeeded, Im sure when this is all over I will have something you would find well received Jarrin Fayne.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Turning his head toward the young woman cedric replied I am cedric, and in this occasion i am a rat catcher, for the rat called Lamm has been preying too long on children. after that he resume watching through the window in order to spot if anything is amiss.

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

Shifting without magic... Perhaps something akin to the abilities of Zriorica... Ellismus ponders the woman's reply as the others speak. "True. The manipulation of perception and reality has it's place, even to put others at ease, but, as you have seen," he motions towards Jarrin before lowering his hand to caress his hawk, "it also raises suspicion in others."

"Still... As previously mentioned, it seems we all have something against Lamm and so joining forces is, by extension, a reasonable action that we all seem amenable to. It also seems that time is of the essence and that we must strike soon if we hope to find him. Is there any other information you can share on the location or Lamm and his lackeys?"

"How about you others?" he says turning to the rest of the visitors. "Do any of you know about the fishery at Westpier 17, or its environs?"

What Akrem'dar be familiar with that area at all?

"We definitely all have our uses against Lamm. If we're going to go soft-handed against the Lamms, I'm going to need something like that sap, Cedric. I definitely am not used to soft touch, as you can see."

Hearing all these words about illusions and such, the big Shoanti attempts to wrap his mind around what they're saying.

Will save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Lamm will have a bunch of childrens with him and they will try to defend him for fear of reprisal. There is not need to gut them out. If you want i can lend you one. Or you can strike with the blunt part of your weapon you know.

"Probably best for that sap. If I hit them, even with the blunt end...they're gonna die. Not from being gutted, but from sheer broken bones." He shakes his head slowly.

"There's gotta be a way to scare them down from combat, though. Give them a chance to run in fear, and they probably will."

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

Ashimar looks down at the floor upon hearing her name mentioned by Zellara. Whatever your true reasons may be fortune-teller, in my heart, I think you do wish to aid us. And if Lamm is indeed hiding out at this fishery, these people have enough muscle amongst them to handle him... but what of the innocents? Do we dare risk getting them caught in the middle if things turn ugly?

She turns to Ellismus as he asks about the fishery. I... I might be able to look into it where I work... She glances around quickly at the rest of the group before falling silent again. Time... we need more time. Their thirst for revenge is so great that if I tell them how Lamm operates, they're bound to go charging in to this building in the dead of night... we need eyes on it to determine their weak areas, to determine what rat-holes Gaedran might have in place to slip out of law's reach. The last thing we need is to meet him head-on, only to have him scamper down some rabbit-hole and out of our reach...

@GM - assuming it's late into the night by now, and assuming the group decided to wait until sometime next day to barge into this fishery, would Ashimar be able to confirm if the fishery is indeed one of the abandoned/disputed buildings that meets Lamm's criteria as per his method of operation and dig up any more relevant info than what she already knows off the top of her head as Lamm's modus operandi using her profession?

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

It may be wise to move now, before there is a chance that word somehow gets out that we are a step ahead of him. For all we know, someone is watching us right now. If we are to act we should do so tonight.

Jarrin listens to the others as they show concern of the children involved. I'll see if I can't convince any innocents to just leave Lamm to us. No one would want any child to get hurt in any of this and we will see to it that they are unharmed as best we can. I can't make any promises but I'm confident we'll be able to save any child under Lamm's influence.

Knowledge/Geography, to see if I have any knowledge of this fishery: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

I can't be sure until we arrive but I may have some idea of the area around this place. Fayne looks to their hostess for any additional bits of information. Anything else we should know before we go?

Ashimar- you also know any inquiries will likely reach his ears. A good percentage of the Guard are on the take to someone, and even some clerks at Longacre. You can always try to recall it. DC 20 profession check

It would be a knowledge local. Geography is for the lay of the land, places in a general sense, distances, roads etc...

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

@GM so the first barrister profession check I did was for Lamm's modus operandi I take it? And the fact that he usually has 5-6 safe-houses in abandoned building that are in dispute etc...?
I'll give it a shot... recalling if I know anything of said fishery from local knowledge, +2 int mod

Knowledge, local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Tolenn hears the word Westpier, and thinks back to her own time running the streets, trying to remember any details of the area.

Knowledge (local) 1d20 ⇒ 20

She remembers it was a Fishery that hung out over the bay/river and had a wharf running along side where boats could be tied up. Sharks used to swim in that area to get the chum that was discarded there. Noone dared swim in it., There was the main fishery and a lower part of it that could only be accessed from inside, or jumping from one walkway to the other.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Cedric will take out a sap and will handed to akrem'dar

Akrem'dar will keep a hold of the sap to make sure he doesn't lose it.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

I'll let you guys do most of the fighting. I'm not much for physical confrontation. Jarrin looks at the two men exchanging weaponry and gives a nod of approval. Turning to the one called Tolenn he says, You seem to be remembering something, something that might help us in our quest I hope? You look the leader type, I'm thinking you should be making the calls here.

Addressing the hostess, Well, looks like our meet and greet has run its course. A pleasure to have met you, Zellara. We will report back to you, assuming we all live to tell about it. Be well. Jarrin will head for the door.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

i make my own decision grumble cedric in a low voice probably ony akrem'dar can hear.

Yes if we are done here lets be on our way.

Akrem'dar nods to Cedric, seeing a good mind in him. "Let's see how well we all do in vermin removal."

The Shoanti looks to Cedric. "I'll be pocketing this after the kids are out of the way, so don't be surprised if there are a few smashed skulls afterwards. I make no claims for peaceful solutions."

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

And who am I to stop you? As long as Lamm ends up dead after all this I really don't care what you do or your reasons for doing it. Fayne looks at Cedric as he finishes his sentence. You do have a reason or you wouldn't be here. I'm just not sure if your reason is personal or mercenary.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3
Jarrin Fayne wrote:

I'll let you guys do most of the fighting. I'm not much for physical confrontation. Jarrin looks at the two men exchanging weaponry and gives a nod of approval. Turning to the one called Tolenn he says, You seem to be remembering something, something that might help us in our quest I hope? You look the leader type, I'm thinking you should be making the calls here.

"You are correct, Jarrin. In my younger days I remember the fishery; build out over the water with wharf along side. Lots of fish guts in the water, so there were always sharks or other large predatory fish nearby. Not the neighborhood swimming hole. If i remember correctly, there was the main fishery , with a secondary structure lowerdown, accessible only from the main area or rickety walkways."

Shaking her head at the rush of memories , she then smiles "As for taking leadership of our little band, I would be honored to take on a such a role, provided you lend me your guidance and opinion freely. I would never presume to take on such a role without the acceptance of all concerned." Tolenn looks to each of the invited in turn.

"As time is of the essence, I suggest we adjourn and make ready. I need to return to the Temple to fetch the rest of my gear. Let us each make what preparations are needed, and meet in one hour in Jeggare Circle. "

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

Looks like it's going to be a long night Ashi. At least with the paladin in charge, there's hope this won't turn into a full scale slaughter. I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my entire life... is this how da felt the first time he went on patrol? The anticipation of trouble ahead? Shelyn, protect your servant and guide her with your graceful hands. Your faithful seeks to do her part to cleanse the ugliness in the world.

Ashimar turns to leave the building and pauses with a thoughtful look on her face. She went to great lengths to bring us together. Whatever her reasons are, she seems sincere and kind... She crosses the room and approaches Zellara. Though some might not express it openly Zellara, I'm sure we're all grateful in our own way for the information you've given us tonight. I believe this belongs to you... holding out the owl harrow card. Has it served its purpose or will we need it where we go? I wouldn't want to deprive you of your livelihood.

Turning back to Tolenn, she nods. One hour, Jeggare Circle. I will be there to help any way I can.

Zellara smiles at Ashimar. Keep it my dear. It will find its way home eventually. Once again Ashimar is taken aback by the great sadness she see's in Zellara's eyes.

Feel free to do any additional role playing. I will advance it to the Fishery come tomorrow morning. Game Time: 10PM

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Well, that came together nicely it seems. Jeggare Circle, one hour. OK. That could have gone worse I suppose. I guess I'll need to run back and get that armor and rapier that I hoped I'd never need. With luck, these guys keep me alive until I can get to Lamm and finish this.

Jarrin walks up to the woman and places a gentle hand on her shoulder. In a soft tone he whispers, As you know, the pain of burying your child is one that a parent should never experience. I still struggle with that reality. Revenge may not be the purest way of settling the emptiness that Lamm has given us, however I do feel it will at least give us closure and the ability to move on. Thank you for this opportunity to give our souls at least some chance for peace.

After speaking in hushed tones with Zellara, Jarrin Fayne leaves the room and walks quickly back to his flat under the cover of night.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Well then i'll be off. cedric goes straight to the rally point and will patiently wait in there in the shadows.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Tolenn rises and and waits at the door until the others have left. Turning to face Zellara, she raises her harrow card in salute to the sad figure and says "Farewell, Zellara. Thank you for this, your actions may heal some very old wounds this day."

Tolenn pauses, her head bows a bit and whispers "Why do I feel this is the last time we will meet?"

Raising her head, she smiles "May the Dawnflower guide your way." and slips out the door.

With a quick pace, Tolenn returns to the Temple of Sarenae and gathers her gear. Stopping for a moment , she kneels in prayer in the transept "Dear mother, guide your servant this evening in this noble endeavour; not for me but for all those touched by this most vile of creatures."

Staying still in meditation for some moments, Tolenn rises and leaves the temple, taking a direct path to Jaggare Circle.

Akrem'dar will head along to the rendezvous site at about the same time as Cedric, feeling no real need to prepare, beyond storing the hammer on his back and keeping the sap in his hand.

The few heading straight to Jeggare circle notice a Hellknight Patrol marching towards Citadel Hill a few blocks away, whats odd is they dont even look the way of the disparate group. But maybe fortune was smiling on you so you did not have to answer questions.

Jarrin goes with the others to Jeggare Circle, and then turns to cross High Bridge to East Shore. His trip to and from is quick and nothing causes him to tarry.

Tolenn goes up the hill towards The Temple of Sarenrae. When she gets there she notices instead of a dark Temple as she was expecting, Everything is lit and it is a hive of activity. Lord Valdur Bromathan IV himself was all dressed in finery and moving about scowling. When she asked one of the Acolytes what was going on, she was told that Lord Bromathan was summoned to Castle Korvosa. Not wanting to get drawn into being an escort and missing her opportunity with Lamm,she retrieved her gear and prepared herself quickly and headed back to Jeggare Circle.

Anyone else heading back to get gear has a quick trip albeit on messy parade routes that have yet to be cleaned.

The hour of 11PM comes and everyone is gathered in Jeggare square and begins to make the way down the alleyways and side streets of Midland and into West Dock.

The trip to the Fishery is quick, Its only a few blocks from Zelarra's

Stopping a few blocks away, Cedric moves like a wraith up and down alleys and around corners before coming back after a a Recon of the area.

The Old Fishery

when reading the map, the main thing to note is The Ground level is 10' above the lower level. The Lower Level is at the waterline. So the walway on the Ground Level alongside the Fishery is supported up in their air by pylons and is 10' above the waterline. A rope ladder goes down from the walkway to the small boat tied off to it. The Ship, is nonfunctional, it is tied off and lashed to the walkways and looks in bad state of repair. There are two guards that appear to have been drinking standing on the outside of the fishery on the Loading Dock. The various windows are boarded up. Still Light does peek through the boards on the lower level windows, which are much to small for a human to squeeze through.

The party is a few blocks away where they can see the Fishery to make observations. and plan how they will approach.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

So what was that plan again, just go up and sap the guards? Is that still your plan or do we have something more elaborate in mind?

Unfortunately I do have to work today so I won't be able to post until lunch at the earliest.

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)
GMMichael wrote:
There are two guards that appear to have been drinking standing on the outside of the fishery on the Loading Dock.

@GM - clarification? guards as in Korvosan Guards or private guards potentially in employ of Lamm?

Ashimar takes in her surroundings doing her best not to look too conspicuous. Seems like Zellara's lead might beat fruit after all. Lights in an abandoned building and guards? Perhaps it's not as abandoned as one would think...

@GM Any other signs (signs of cooking, smells from a potential meth lab) indicating there may be activity going on in/around the building beyond what we see at the current hour? I realize we may be too far to see some details (footprints, fresh tracks) and that its dark right now so apply penalties to the roll as you see fit if necessary.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Private Guards. Guarding an abandoned fishery...hmmm smells fishy to me hehe. and yes it looks 'inhabited' Cedric would've een a good deal of tracks coming and going, booted man size feet. 1 set of very large feet (half Orc) and about 20-30 small child size feet...oh and a dogs tracks. By the bank, a set of reptilian tracks. Generally associated with a Gobblegut, Lamms Pet.

You know, Akrem'dar was needing a new pair of boots.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Are these guards armed with ranged weapons?

Just swords. no shields. light armor.

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

"Interesting," Ellismus mutters before looking to the others. "Do you think they are out there 'at work' or just getting some air? It is strange that they would guard one side of the building and not the others. Locks? Traps?"

He then takes a longer look at the fishery. Too many points of egress... "Does anyone know of a reliable and quiet way to block or jam a door so that it could not be used for escape?" Ellismus asks. "Doing such to the other doors may be useful to prevent our prey from escaping. Or at least slow him down."

The Shoanti shrugs. "Big rocks work. Or tree limbs through the doors."

Male Human Wizard (runesage, scroll scholar) 2

Ellismus snorts, "I'd probably prefer to have our presence known after the doors were blocked."

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

Hmm. If we even get to those doors, why not just go in that way? Either that or we'll need to lure these two thugs out to us. They have no ranged weaponry from what I see so if they wished to threaten us they'd have to step closer.

Jarrin looks at the group. Then again, I'm not a field general. But we could split up into two groups and try to infiltrate the den from two direction. I'd go with the Cedric and Arkem here and see if we can't get the saps to them and come in this way while you lot form the other group and come in from the bottom.

Jarrin looks toward the building and then back to the group with a smile. Or, we can just rush the place. Personally, I'm not a fan of that option.

Akrem'dar grins wide, grasping the sap in his fist. "First option sounds good."

He looks down towards den. "Strike fast, strike hard, but with brains."

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

"I agree. You three attempt to subdue the guards, we will observe to ensure your plan is going well, then we'll attempt entry through the side door? "

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

One step at a time, yes. Let's make sure we subdue them first, then if we succeed without raising the alarm then we can decide on a course of action.

Jarrin ruffles himself up a little to better look the part of a drunken reveler. Does anyone have any wine or such? If they do he will take a swig and also sprinkle a little of it on himself for a scent. Tolenn, hold my rapier for me. I need to look as harmless as I can. Don't worry, I am still armed. Fayne demonstrates his spring loaded sheath. Hopefully I won't need it. Jarrin looks at Cedric and Arkem knowingly.

Alright you two, once I get between them and the doors, take them out. If things look as if they will end badly for me, don't hesitate to take more drastic action... I'd rather live. If there is a place for Cedric to stealth up a bit closer ahead of time, I'll allow im that option before we initiate our gambit.

Harrowing: The Survivor, 2/2 Tolenn Human Paladin of Sarenae 8
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP 48/67 NL:56/67 AC:25 T: 14 /FF: 22 Perception +8 Initative +6 F:+10/ R:+9/ W:+10 CMB:+11 CMD:25/22FF Speed:30 Harrow:2/2 LoH:9/9 (4d6) SE:3/3 Channel:4/4, 4d6, DC 17
Other Skills:
Acrobatics -3, Bluff +3 , Climb -,3 Diplomacy +13, Disguise +3,Fly -3, Handle Animal -, Heal:+6,Ride -3, Sense Motive +12, Stealth -3, Survival +1, Swim -3

Tolenn nods and accepts Jarrin's rapier, thrusting it through her belt beside her scimitar.

We will be alert in case your subterfuge is ineffective."

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

OK, assuming that there is no objections to what are attempting, this is how I am going to try and get this to play out. Mike, feel free to make any necessary skill checks for me as you see fit.

I will use Prestidigitation to give my clothes the appearance of one that has had a few too many by giving them a slight soiled look and a smell of cheap alcohol (assuming it can do that).

I will stumble up toward the building quietly so I can make it as far as I can before being noticed. Once I get within about 6-8 feet of the double doors at K/L4, however he will stop suddenly as if I was startled the two men standing guard. Oohh, Hi fellas... this is where da after-party thingy is at for that guy, um, Bral... eh, Brimer, oh, it doesn't matta, ya know 'im amirite? Here I am hoping that they will start to come toward me. As they do, I will back off toward the SE corner of the deck, as if in a bit of a stuper. Hey, you guys need somethin' more ta drink? I will act like I am trying to reach something in my backpack, but keep failing and just spin around a couple of times and then act dizzy from it. If they get too close to fast I'll try to delay them by more conversation. Hey, wayaminut pal, no need ta get... hey, ya know, you have the same color eyes as me gurly has..., turning toward the other guard, Dontcha think so? Look fer yaself and tell me imma lyin'! I think I gotta drawin' of her, wana see?

By my actions I am attempting to use Bardic Performance - Fascinate on one of the guards as they come close enough to me to where their backs are facing the way I came in. In this way, Cedric can sneak up on the guard not affected and sap him, while Arkem can come up behind him and get the one that was affected. If I need to position the men I will use Acrobatics or some like skill to position myself if the guards try to manhandle me. If for some reason one of the guards turns his back to me and the timing is good with Cedric's approach, I will use my dagger's hilt and attempt to subdue him, but this is only if somebody is detected or things go poorly.

A fifteen Foot wide Loading Dockabuts the side of the building here. A few carts sit nearby off the dock. A few carelessly dropped fish lay on the dock itself. Double Doors to the immediate south of the landing provide access to the building's interior, while a rickety flight of stairs descends nearly to the rivers surface to the east., where a second door provides a secondary entrance. The dock is 8' above the water. The second door is 3' above the water

Jarrin makes his way up the couple steps humming a ditty and then goes into his act. Ill make your rolls this time. but please dont make me roll your rolls all the time,It takes a good ammount of time to post combat related/map related stuff and adding the extra minutes for each character as well can make a 20 minute post turn into a 30 or longer ;) jarrins perform: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 guards sense motive: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (6) - 3 = 3

The two Guards turn and grin and one says in slightly inebriated voices as he holds a jug marked xxx on the side. Hey Buddy. Nosh shupposed to be up here. The boss would have our hides *hiccup*. Youse beeter go back down afore Giggles hears you, or he'll sic Bloo on ya.

The Loading Dock

1st Rogues AC 16. Touch 13. Flat Footed 13. CMD: 15 (location-HP/current)J3- 7/7, J4- 7/7. Fo: -1/Re: +3, Wl: -3.

Hp 14/22 AC 22 / T 14 / FF 18 (+5 Perc; +3 Init; Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1)

Cedric (a sap hidden in his left hand and left hand is trying to stay either in rapid movement or behind his back) goes a little behind jarrin.

(cedric smell a bit of booze having perfumed himself with it)

hoy, Teme, you bastard i feel drunk, don't leave me here i can hardly remember how to get home, hoy Teme, you found that after party yet?

Bluff: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Cedric is hoping to get within 5ft of the closest guard in order to go Sap.

Sap: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 2 = 201d4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 2 = 9 adding +2 for favorite enemy.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard (Detective)/1

I would have rolled, but wasn't sure if I would need multiple things to roll for so I left the option for you Mike, sorry about that.

Oooh heeey, these guys here were I think tellin' me that a guy named Bubbles is hostin'... no, Giggles! Ya, Giggles! Jarrin does a drunken giggle noise and slaps Cedric on the shoulder as he moves toward the double doors that I mentioned earlier. I think you go in thisaway?

Hopefully the Fascinate is leaving one guard to where Akrem can just walk up and sap him. The other guard is being drawn to stop me from going to the doors and effectively exposing his backside to Cedric as we pass. At least that's how I have it pictured in my head from looking at the map.

If I need a skill check to Bluff or Performance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26, add one to that for Bluff.

Akrem'dar is definitely not as stealthy as the others but he does smell of booze. He attempts to silently walk behind the fascinated one, striking the ugly bugger with the sap.

1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 2 = 10
1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Cedric pretending to be drunk comes up on the Loading Dock. and The guard not holding the jug says Hey now. Youse guys are notsh shupposed to be up here. Now Get gone afore I call for help. Giggles aint no fun guy. Git Ya here me.

Then Jarrin puts on an act and begins to move back towards the Fisher doors and the two guards stumble forward on wobbly legs and that quick Cedric pulls out his sap from behind his back and with a well placed blow drops the one not holding the jug.

Akrem'dar rushes up the steps and swings the sap at the other while he is off guard, but he slips on a fish and the strike is wild.

Jarrin Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11, Cedric Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8, Akrem'dar Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10, Guard Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

1. Bad Guys
2. Good guys

The Guard shocked from seeing his partner felled by Cedric and seeing the Shoanti run up there, trys to back away from The Shoanti, because hes the big guy, as he drops his jug which bounces on the wooden slats and slips on its side, and the home made moonshine begins to pour out, from between the slats onto the bushes beneath the dock.

Withdraw From Akrem'dar. AoO for Cedric with the sap and Jarrin- with a fist

If he withdraws without being knocked out he will end movement at H5 and have his sword and dagger drawn.

Loading Dock

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cleric (1) HP 8/8 (AC 11 Tch 11 FF 10 ) (F +2, R +1, W +5) (Init +3, Perc +9)

My apologies if I am incorrect about this but I think we were given opponent stats in spoilers so we could actually post the fluff results post-crunch/rolls too so as to keep things moving along rather than have Mike write the results, and the opponent actions and any new scenario info... that's how I interpreted the 'how I do combat' bit in campaign info.
Again, I could be totally off-base here so don't take this as gospel by any means! So assuming my original interpretation, I would suggest Cedric's sap was successful and knocked one of the guards out (9 dmg and he has 7 hp). Akrem whiffs empty air with the sap and we have one rather surprised guard left on our hands... Feel free to correct me as necessary! lol

Ashimar watches the three men turn the corner and approach the guards. I hope they don't make too much of a ruckus... I had better keep my eyes on the front door to raise an alarm in case someone comes through there.

Ashimar is going to hug the south wall at Q8 facing the front door so she can alert if it opens but stay out of sight of the folks on the loading dock. If fighting escalates, she can be close enough to help next round.

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