Garreck |
Human Fighter 1

GM_Jacob wrote:
I hope you don't mind the disease thing. It's what I rolled on my voyage events table. I'm not trying to just be a stinker, but it's a great way to add some tension, especially if you have to enter combat before you feel better.
Everyone is healthy so far. Who wants to bet the sorcerer gets sick?

Fellorin Argthwellis |
Male Human Bard 1

Guys, sorry again for what seems like long absences. I try to check everyday, but sometimes nothing new is up before I need to leave. I'm still here though and I'll just start posting at least once a day in this thread to keep up with ya guys. I wish I could give a time to be around for combats that was regular, but they've been changing my schedule every week at work and we're also shorthanded. But I'm still here, like I said and I'll make a more concerted effort to be around and post.