The Past Returns (Inactive)

Game Master sunshadow21

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I'll give him until tonight. That'll get me past what going to be a long day that will be no where near my computer.

Half-Elven Rogue Lvl 3 HP 19/19 INIT+6 AC 16 CMB+4 CMD+16 MW Rapier/MW S. Sword (+6,+4/+2) 1d6+2/18-20x2/19-20x2 S. Bow (+5) 1d6+2/x3 (F:1 R:9 W:1)

Sorry guys, goy backed up IRL, getting caught up now, sorry to slow things down right when the pace picked up!

My family and I are going to be on vacation from Monday, March 4 through Saturday, March 9. I do not expect to have a reliable internet connection, so please run Elton as necessary for that week.


Just letting DM know I'm back from vacation. I assume Elton was just following the group around while they investigated the shed.

Welcome back Mr. Thistledown.

I hope your vacation was pleasant.

I apologize for the stilted response times lately. I'm in the middle of dealing with two rather large projects that not only take a fair bit of time in and of themselves, but also a fair bit of thought, concern, and worry in general. Hopefully, by the end of this month, both will have been dealt with, and I will be back to dealing with only my regularly scheduled two job excitement.

After reviewing the next section of the AP and my schedule, I am sorry to say that I don't have the time to do it proper justice, and will be suspending the campaign at the end of this dungeon. I thank you all for a very enjoyable experience, and look forward to a fun finish; it was a difficult decision to make, but life is just to topsy-turvy right now, and I just don't have the time to devote to chapter 2 that it deserves.

On another note, I will be moving in the next couple weeks, so at some point, I will likely be unable to post for a day or two due to the transition.


Thanks for the heads up. I know you've been dealing with some real-life struggles lately.

1st Level Spells - 2/2 Summon Monster 1 - 5/5
Summoner 1 (HP 14/14; AC:14, T:11, FF:13; Fort:+2 Ref:+1 Will:+1; Init+3; Perception -1)

Well that's Rise game #5 that's dead. :(

Thank you for telling us atleast.

I'll at least get you through chapter 1; it sounds like that's farther than you've gotten before.

Half-Elven Rogue Lvl 3 HP 19/19 INIT+6 AC 16 CMB+4 CMD+16 MW Rapier/MW S. Sword (+6,+4/+2) 1d6+2/18-20x2/19-20x2 S. Bow (+5) 1d6+2/x3 (F:1 R:9 W:1)
Rohan Drake wrote:

Well that's Rise game #5 that's dead. :(

Thank you for telling us atleast.

I think we have been through most of them together - maybe we ought to split up?

Ha ha,

Hey no hard feelings, thanks for your efforts thus far GM, its been a great time. Good luck to all.

I won't be continuing given the imminent demise. Take care.

I am moving this week, and you are about to hit the last major battle of this section, so rather than starting it and disappearing for a week, I am going to start the battle next Monday. I apologize for the delay, but complications in the moving process don't leave me much choice.

I need to get some sleep and I work all day today, but I will have something up by tomorrow morning.

Well thanks for the game Voice. It's been fun.

1st Level Spells - 2/2 Summon Monster 1 - 5/5
Summoner 1 (HP 14/14; AC:14, T:11, FF:13; Fort:+2 Ref:+1 Will:+1; Init+3; Perception -1)

Yes, thank you for running.

Sorry about the anti-climatic ending; I would have like to end it a little better, but too many people left before I could do so. Thank you for your patience in playing.

Voice, can you move this game to inactive?

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