The Past Returns (Inactive)

Game Master sunshadow21

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I have decided to run a game of Rise of the Runelords with a party of 5 or 6 while I develop my homebrewed world a bit more.

Allowed material: Paizo products, and any 3PP material that can be linked so I can read it
Attributes: Just to keep things simple, 20 point buy; much as I personally prefer rolling most of the time, point buy works well for this particular campaign
Races: Core preferred, but will consider others with sufficient backstory; just be forewarned, unusual races will get a properly unusual response from the NPCs as warranted
Classes: No real restrictions, but will be trying to make a reasonably balanced party.
Traits: 2 + 1 campaign trait; I do have some that I have made alterations to, so I would like to see these in the app
Gold: Max starting gold for class
HP: Max at first level; every level beyond that, either roll or take avg+1, with the decision made anew at each level

What I am not looking for at this time: a full blown character sheet and alias; having this will not hurt you, but it not absolutely necessary for this stage

What I am looking for: a paragraph or two (or more, if you want to) of backstory, basic personality, physical description, and why you find yourself in Sandpoint for the festival, along with a quick list of key mechanics, such as traits, feats, notable skills, languages, important gear, etc., that help flesh out the overall picture of the character. Again, I am not worried about the mechanics and gear themselves at this point; I am just trying to get a feel for the character.

Feel free to interact with each other in character. I will take apps until Friday the 21st, make my selection the following Monday, and hope to have the game up and running by the 28th. Posting for the game I would like to be steady, typically once per day during the week, and at least once a weekend, but I don't expect you to be tied to you computer all day, every day. I myself will generally stick to the schedule listed above, though sometimes might be a bit faster or slower depending on real life and in game events. Initiative will be rolled all at once by myself to speed things up, as will other reactive rolls as appropriate, and the order posted in the initial combat post. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask, and I will do my best to answer them.

Shadow Lodge

Im interested. I tend to play Clerics, but may try out another Oracle. I tend to like playing good characters with a dark background favor a mix of combat, mystery, and RP. Ill put up some more once others post some ideas.

I'd like to play this character in your game... Traits and background modified slightly to suit the campaign.

I'm interested.

I'd be playing a Shoanti thundercaller bard.

The Exchange

I'm going to apply with Cruven Tallcrippler, a halfling rogue that I played for a short while in an IRL Rise campaign. If it's allowed, though, I'm going to rekit him as a ninja, as it fits him better, and he wasn't all that good with traps anyway. I'll have information concerning him up probably in the next few days.

Something I'd like to know beforehand, what is the point-buy/generation method we'll be using? The way I intend to build him, (towards arcane trickster) can be somewhat difficult on a low point-buy.

Are you using the Anniversary Edition one, or the original OGL one?

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
Something I'd like to know beforehand, what is the point-buy/generation method we'll be using? The way I intend to build him, (towards arcane trickster) can be somewhat difficult on a low point-buy.

He said 20 point buy right at the top there.

The Exchange

Somehow, I skipped right over it. Thanks.

I have the anniversary edition. Not lucky enough to own the original release.

I've had an idea of a Shoanti witch come down off the plateau. She'd have the mystique of the barbarian about her and she'd get by by telling fortunes using a harrow deck she picked up on her travels. No intentional divinatory talent, ( or interest in pursuing Harrower prestige class), she's just learnt how to tell people what they want to hear.

Will work on crunch and more background

I'd like to be considered. I have a paladin of Erastil that was in a prior Runlords pbp that broke down shortly after the initial encounter in Sandpoint.

Vors Malcroft

Male human (Taldan) paladin 1, age 18, 6'2", 230lbs., auburn hair, green eyes.

Vors is the son of Amaldis and Celestine Malcroft. His father was once a knight in Andoran, but a scandal drove their family out of the country when Vors was still a small boy. They traveled far, finally settling in the communal farming area of Whistler’s Grange, about a day’s ride south of Sandpoint. There the family started over. For Vors, Andoran was half dream, half memory; his main reminders were the nights his father spent drinking and his mother’s distant sadness when she stared out the eastern window of their cottage. The only thing Vors knows for certain is that he once had two older brothers, both of whom are dead. A sister, Evelina, was born to his parents a few years after settling at the grange.

Three major forces have shaped Vors’ life in the last sixteen years. First, there were his daily drills with the members of the grange militia, from the time he was twelve. At times, after drinking enough spirits to lighten his mood but not wallow in misery, Vors’ father would critique his son’s progress. Then he would tell him tales of the battles in Andoran. Or he’d read books brought with them from their former homeland—lineages of gentle houses—and show the various coats of arms and maps of famous battle sites.

Then there was Kyras. He was an old half-elf and itinerant priest of Erastil. During the times he visited the grange, Vors would listen intently as he read from the Parables of Erastil. It was not the moral lessons that interested him at that age, but rather the tales and the skill with which Kyras told them. In time Vors saw the grange as a gift from Erastil to his family.

Finally, there are the recent unfortunate events in his family. His father lost a leg three winters ago, when a carthorse bolted. Amaldis was knocked down and the wagon went over him. Vors and the rest of the community took over the share of the work he could no longer do, of course, but Amaldis became embittered. A year later, at midwinter, he took up his crutch and hobbled out into the night during a snowstorm. The grangers found him the following evening, sitting frozen against a tree, clutching an empty jug. Celestine took fever the next spring and followed her husband into death, leaving Evelina in Vors’ care.

“Adversity is the kiln that fires the clay, the forge that heats the iron for shaping. Only under its heat are we tempered to hold firm.” – from the Parables of Erastil. Vors knows now that the grange truly is a gift from Old Deadeye. They are an extended family that supports him and his sister, as they support the family in turn. During this time of grief and healing, Vors has had his calling. He will be one to fight for tradition, for family, for community. Like the knights of his birth land, he will take up arms when needed to defend the common good. In times of peace, however, he will take up the plow, the hoe, the hammer and nail, and continue to work for the betterment of all.

Why are you in Sandpoint?:
Vors has come to Sandpoint with his twelve year old sister, Evelina. He wants to be there for the opening of the new cathedral, hoping that perhaps Kyras will attend. Also, he feels Evie could use a bit of fun and that the celebration will be just the thing.

Basic Mechanics:
Skills: Diplomacy +6, Knowledge(religion) +4, Profession(farmer)+5, Ride +5

Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow)

Traits: Armor Expert, Favored Son (allowed by prior GM, easily changed if you don't want it)

Equipment: studded leather, buckler, longbow & 20 arrows, longsword, dagger, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, 3 torches, small steel mirror, wooden holy symbol of Erastil, whetstone, soap, vial of ink, inkpen, journal, waterskin; 4gp, 1sp, 6cp (Don't recall the exact gp amount, but it was definitely much less than max. Easily adjusted if I'm chosen for the roster.

In the old version they had specific bonus feats players could take for their characters (an idea that evolved into the traits mechanic). I'm guessing they might have tweaked some of those for the campaign traits.

Alright, I'm building an archer ranger right now with the Giant Slayer bonus trait, working on the background right now. Will take Favored Enemy- Goblinoid, because they're just smaller giant-like creatures.

I'm thinking Titan Mauler Barbarian. I've been wanting to play one, and I have an awesome (hopefully) idea. I'll have something up in a bit.

Late so I'm keeping this brief.

Background: Magnhildr is from the Land of the Linnorm Kings, a bowshot north of Grungir Forest. She's a member of a small, but ancient clan that act as trackers and guides through the forest. She grew up walking the woods with her momma and poppa (mother and father), and learned a good deal about dealing with the fey that inhabit the wood.

She trained as a fighter while growing up in the keep, and joined one of her uncles when he rushed off to aid a group of black ravens being raided from across the Irrisen border. The raiders turned out to be a couple of frost trolls. During that fight, she learned two things. First she was not like the rest of the clan, able to summon a halo of divine light about her head. The second, had a knack for reading the trolls' movements. She dodged and weaved around their blows and even managed to get a couple of licks in as well. As the adrenaline from teh fight died away, she felt tired, but her face was flush with victory. Even better, everybody was pretty much okay and songs rang out in the night as troll corpses burned.

A year after that started getting a case of wanderlust. Her parents bade her luck and safe travels. Her uncle, the one that she had fought trolls with, gave her a delicate, silver, holy symbol of Desna, saying it was payment for her aid with the trolls. She took it with a quiet thank you and was off. To where? Well she would figure that out later. The journey, after all was the best part of the adventure.

Personality: Magnhildr is a follower of Desna, and does not suffer bullies or tyrants lightly. She particularly hates goblins and other followers of Lamashtu, often manifesting as divine rage.

She enjoys festive occasions and loves to star-gaze when the sky is cool and clear. She enjoys story telling and becomes very animated when telling tales, especially to children.

Appearance: Magnhildr is nearly six feet tall with coppery red hair and fair skin that shines in moonlight. Her eyes are the color of a cold winter sky and shine like twin blue stars in the dark or when her halo appears. She wears her hair in simple styles, preferring to tie it back with a leather thong most of the time. Her clothes are plain and rugged, obviously chosen for their durability over their looks.

There's a character sheet in this profile for her. I'll probably be changing some stuff around, but it's pretty close to how I want it.

Friend of the Fey
Reactionary (May replace with Faithful Artist)
Sandpoint Faithful

I'll get a more detailed write up done tomorrow.

Good Evening VoW!

This will be the fourth time I have tried to get into a RotR campaign so I'm crossing my fingers... I am currently active in 5 pbp's but I post daily in each, so I should be able to meet your requirements.

What I am looking for: a paragraph or two (or more, if you want to) of backstory, basic personality, physical description, and why you find yourself in Sandpoint for the festival, along with a quick list of key mechanics, such as traits, feats, notable skills, languages, important gear, etc., that help flesh out the overall picture of the character

Ravin Duboe was born as the second son to Viggo Duboe of House Duboe and he was raised in moderate luxury within the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar. Everything was provided for Ravin, from tutors and servants to even his toy musket.

During the early years of his life Ravin would frequently go hunting with his father and their entourage out into the Mana-Wastes, and it was there under the tutelage of his fathers guides that Ravin first found his love for the hunt and kill of strange and rare game. Mana Wastes Survivalist Shortly after Ravin turned twenty, his father Conte Viggo Duboe died from heart failure. In the blink of an eye Ravin's life was changed. Andre’s elder brother Ellard assumed the title of Conte. Ellard had always harbored a jealously of the special relationship between his father and his brother, and once he was firmly in control of their house, he cut Ravin out of any control or power that he might have shared. Shocked and hurt Ravin confronted his brother, only to be told to pack his things and leave. Exiled

That was the last night that Ravin spent within Alkenstar. He gathered what belongings he could call his own, including the musket that his father gave him on his eighteenth birthday Heirloom Weapon and left the house that turned its back on him.

Quiet, patient and calm. Ravin is a gentleman hunter knows how to bide his time until the right moment as all true hunters do. He prefers his actions to speak for him, but he is not afraid to speak his mind if necessary. None the less Ravin knows that even when speaking his mind, as a gentleman it is correct and proper to hedge his words. Since his exiled from the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar, Ravin's trust has suffered a terrible blow, but a core of goodness remains. Neutral Good

Physical description
Slight of build and of moderate height Ravin wears his hair under a traditional gentlemen cap. Despite falling on hard times he attempts to maintain a proper attire and appearance, even if that means having to sew his own garments. Ravin is fastidiously shaves each morning with a silver straight razor that he will sharpen in his free time.

Reason for being in Sandpoint
Since leaving Alkenstar, Ravin has continued to practice his skill in hunting and tracking. Perhaps is a desperate gamble, or some suicidal wish, but Ravin has to prove his brother wrong and show that he is the better man. Recalling the stories that were told to him as a boy of strange and unique beasts, Ravin has spent all of his remaining funds to travel to Sandpoint so that he can track and hunt the Sandpoint Devil and be known throughout the Inner Sea as one of the worlds greatest trophy hunters.

Key Mechanic
Ravin is a Ranger (Trophy Hunter) Archetype. His traits will include, Exile, Mana Wastes Survivalist and Heirloom Weapon. Skills will include Stealth, Survival, Knw (Nature), Knw (Geography), Perception, Intimidate and Profession (Hunter). Feats depend on how you would rule on the use of Firearms with this Archetype. Trophy Hunter is HUGE on roleplay favor, but there are some errors in the Archetype, such as proficiency in Firearms as missing (waiting on errata). In the end I'll probably go with Rapid Reload and Point Blank Shot. For equipment, I would have the stander items, notable gear I would like to include would be a musket via Heirloom weapon. I know it doesn't precisely meet RAW, so inorder to mitigate it I would like to treat the musket as if the starting weapon is battered, and only he knows how to use it properly. All other creatures treat her gun as if it had the broken condition. He would also have his fathers signet ring.

Voice, I appreciate any feedback or suggestions. I know this is not the most "optimized" build for a Ranger, however I wanted something that was very full on flavor. I think this concept really meshes well withing the campaign premise. Let me know what you think.

Lantern Lodge

What level?

I will need to look at the players guide later, but for now I am thinking a magic student in magnimar who makes magic items (mostly single use braclets and 1/day "spellcards") and is at the festival to sell some, particularly fireworks spells and such.

Will flesh in more after looking at the guide, and if I choose a weird race I would be (again) very dissappointed if you [i]didn't[/i ] treat me differently. Though I figure I would at least be somewhat known in magnimar and sandpoint as making beautifully artistic spellcards.

Note; spellcards is just the form I chose for my 1/day magic items, nothing otherwise special about them. The single use braclets are like feather fall and such, and are activated on the wearer by being broken. Assuming you don't change that fluff.

@Marrada she also sells sets of spellcards that look like normal harrow cards.

Ravin, I'll have to look at the trophy hunter archetype to figure out how to handle fire arms with it. Heirloom Weapon is the primary trait I was watching for in terms of personal revision. I understand that it needed adjustment, but I personally think the official revision went too far the other way, so I developed one that falls in between. In my version, you get the free masterwork weapon of your choice from the original version, and you choose one of the benefits from the revised version.

DarkLightHitomi wrote:

What level?

I will need to look at the players guide later, but for now I am thinking a magic student in magnimar who makes magic items (mostly single use braclets and 1/day "spellcards") and is at the festival to sell some, particularly fireworks spells and such.

Will flesh in more after looking at the guide, and if I choose a weird race I would be (again) very dissappointed if you [i]didn't[/i ] treat me differently. Though I figure I would at least be somewhat known in magnimar and sandpoint as making beautifully artistic spellcards.

Note; spellcards is just the form I chose for my 1/day magic items, nothing otherwise special about them. The single use braclets are like feather fall and such, and are activated on the wearer by being broken. Assuming you don't change that fluff.

@Marrada she also sells sets of spellcards that look like normal harrow cards.

Level 1; I just included the HP rules for later levels so everything would be in one place for future reference.

The "spellcards" and bracelets sound cool; would have to look at specifics of them if chosen, but I definitely don't mind refluffing of core concepts like potions and one off magic items.

Submitting Dherisan Shiarzik, a hedge witch raised by Varisians. I've left a few details in his backstory deliberately vague in case you wanted to play with any of it in the story of the campaign. For the most part a generally good-natured character who helps people when and where he can, and is studying ancient Thassilon to try and better understand the nature of his witch patron.

Appearance, backstory, and personality are all detailed on the alias profile, but I can put them here if you'd prefer.

Hi, I'd like to put Thandion forward. Please not I am running this AP for my home group but will be careful not to use OOC info.

Lantern Lodge

I have settled on catfolf if acceptable, backstory for that is,

I was taken prisoner from by a raiding party of orcs, but was saved when the raiding party ran into a group of adventurers. One of the adventurers was the wizard, Garret, who took me with him to Magnimar to be healed. I was left with his sister, Marianna, who teaches magic at the tower in Magnimar. I was thus able to attend the school when I became old enough, and I display a knack for magic. This is my third year selling at Sandpoint festival so the guards and some of the locals know me, though not many others.

May I use the learned sorcerer archtype?

I just use the rules in the back of the book, nothing there says only potions can be single use, so I use the braclets so I only need craft wondrous (besides I never really liked the idea of spellcasters making potions, seems to me that non-casters would go that route instead of learning actual spellcasting)

Was actually working on a cardcrafter class, but I switched to making my game system instead.

This character has been through 4 rise games that have all died, so I'm really hoping that the 5th time is a charm. He is a summoner who is hoping to be a dragon disciple one day. If you care enough to check out past posts, you'll notice that Rohan is the quiet one while Copper is the talkative one who generally everyone likes.

Definitely dotting! Thinking of either a time thief (a very flavorful 3rd party class by SGG) or a gunslinger, if they are allowed in this campaign :)

I failed to mention it the first time but my character background, description, etc are all in this alias.

dotting this for sure.

I am submitting this character, Elspeth Luren. She was built for a homebrew PbP I did not get selected for, but I am rather enamored with the character. Her background and crunch are all on this alias.

She's an Urban Barbarian built with an eye at being effective at fighting multiple opponents at once. This will be accomplished mainly through the Urban archetype and the Spirit Totem rage power chain as well as Cleave feats. She's also got a bit of interaction skill. She was built on 15 points, and with the higher point buy for this game I will likely invest in her Strength and Charisma (for Spirit Totem potency).

The homebrew was set in Varisia, so a great majority of her background and fluff will be unchanged as it is tied very strongly to the region. I'll just have to change some location names, such as the small town she's from. As for impetus to travel to Sandpoint/campaign trait selection, I am probably going to to take Giant Hunter and say that the village she's from was destroyed by marauding giants. As to the mystery of her parents, I have their sad tail written up and can PM it to you if you like.

Thank you for your consideration.

The Voice of Wisdom wrote:
Ravin, I'll have to look at the trophy hunter archetype to figure out how to handle fire arms with it. Heirloom Weapon is the primary trait I was watching for in terms of personal revision. I understand that it needed adjustment, but I personally think the official revision went too far the other way, so I developed one that falls in between. In my version, you get the free masterwork weapon of your choice from the original version, and you choose one of the benefits from the revised version.

I think that's very fair. I though that the old Heirloom trait was too powerful as well, and I think that's a good compromise. This would be my first experience with playing around with black power. Overall I don't think it's too overpowered, especially when you see the DPR that archers are putting up. Thanks for the feedback, I'll be standing by/

Presenting Morstralla Fullvault
Female Dwarven Cleric of Abadar

Morstralla Fullvault was born in Magnimar, but raised in Sandpoint. Her mother brought her and her brother to Sandpoint when they were young. They lived with Morstralla's uncle, Volioker Briskalberd, initially, but eventually acquired the shop/house on the corner of High Street and Tower Street (across from Savah's) and her mother opened Fullvault's Boots and Shoes. Morstralla learned to haggle while working for her mother out front. She knew early on that she didn't want to be a cobbler by trade. She decided to pursue a career in the clergy. The chapel was plainly visible from her upstairs bedroom and she became enamoured with its goings on (weddings, celebrations, etc.). She offered to help rebuild after Highpriest Tobyn died in the fire and she was accepted as an acolyte under Highpriest Zantus.
Morstralla is charming, but feisty. She typically dresses in a reserved manner. She often wears pants. She prefers clothes of muted colour. She has a disarming smile. She smells faintly of patchouli. She has a tendency to observe a situation and then weigh in with her opinion or solution. Her vice is fresh baked goods and she can often be found on her way to or from the bakery.
Height: 4'0" Weight: 155lbs. Age: 68
Morstralla Fullvault
Female Dwarf Cleric 1
LG Medium Humanoid (Dwarf)
Init +2; Senses Darkvision; Perception +2
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +4
Defensive Abilities Defensive Training
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Warhammer +0 (1d8/x3)
Ranged Light Crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities Inspiring Word (5/day)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1, 0 melee touch, 2 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Divine Favor, Command (DC 13), Bless
0 (at will) Mending, Create Water, Stabilize
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Point Blank Shot
Traits Ease of Faith, Fast-Talker, Student of Faith
Skills Acrobatics -2, Bluff +7, Climb -4, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Ride -2, Sense Motive +6, Stealth -2, Swim -4 Modifiers Silver-Tongued Haggler (+1) (5/day)
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ Aura, Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 12), Cleric Domain: Nobility, Cleric Domain: Trade, Greed, Hardy +2, Hatred +1, Slow and Steady, Spontaneous Casting, Stability +4, Stonecunning +2
Combat Gear Light Crossbow, Scale Mail Armor, Warhammer;
Special Abilities
Aura (Ex) You have an aura of lawful good.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day) (DC 12) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead.
Cleric Domain: Nobility Granted Powers: You are a great leader, an inspiration to all who follow the teachings of your faith.
Cleric Domain: Trade Associated Domain: Travel
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs monsters of the Giant subtype.
Greed +2 to Appraise checks to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
Hardy +2 You gain a racial bonus to saves vs Poison, Spells and Spell-Like effects.
Hatred +1 You gain a racial bonus to attacks vs Goblinoids/Orcs.
Inspiring Word (5/day) (Sp) Target receives +2 on attack, skill checks, ability checks and saving throws for 1 round.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Silver-Tongued Haggler (+1) (5/day) (Su) You get +1 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Sense Motive checks.
Slow and Steady Your base speed is never modified by encumbrance.
Spontaneous Casting You can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.
Stability +4 Gain bonus to CMD vs bull rush/trip while standing on ground.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Student of Faith You cast all cure spells at +1 caster level, and whenever you channel energy, you gain a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of your channeled energy.

Tossing my hat into the ring. Everything should be in the profile. I have only selected my campaign trait, not the others.

Presenting Pavro Deverin, son of Sandpoint's former late Mayor, Fenchus Deverin, and nephew to its current Mayor Kendra Deverin. Suffice to say he is not likely to follow in their footsteps ;)

Mechanically he is a Summoner with a Sphinx eidolon. I would like to take the Ease of Faith, Favored Son, and Fast Talker traits. Feat wise I will probably go Extra Evolution and Spell Focus Conjuration.


“Pavro, oh he's a right a!@@*!##, I mean he's a good laugh and everything, good drinking buddy. Its like he is a spoiled little Prince who always gets his own way, but at least he owns it, and takes the piss out of himself as much as he does everyone else. He's going to get himself killed by some angry father though, you mark my words. Although, old Jamerson was going to kick his teeth in the other day and just came back covered in scratches... Mind you he'll need to get a job soon, or the Mayor's gonna kick him out of that Mansion.”


Pavro stands just shy of six feet, with a lean build just shy of skinny. When women tell him he is handsome, and they do, he replies,

“Handsome? Oh come now, just because a fellow has the deepest blue eyes - with just the right gleam of mischief - hair like bronze silk, and a disarming smile, hardly makes him handsome. Hmm, wait, you know what, it does! Gods I am gorgeous, once again you are right and I am wrong how can I ever repay you lovely lady?”

Famed for his modesty Pavro Deverin.


“The Deverins are a fine family, well except for that Pavro Deverin, he is a bad apple and no mistake,” the people of Sandpoint would say, but they would be smiling as they did – it's hard not to like Pavro, despite yourself.

Its pretty easy to see why Pavro falls so far from the hard working tree, after his father the former Mayor, Fenchus Deverin, was killed by a snake bite when he was hardly more than a toddler he became his Mother's little Prince. His Aunt Kendra, now Sandpoint's Mayor, tried to let him know he wasn't the centre of the world, but faced an uphill struggle – he was such a charming little bugger. She has tried to put him to work several times, but his excuses are always so darn plausible, even though he's grinning like a fox as he gives them.

Pavro grew up confined to the Deverin Manor, with every servant wrapped around his little finger, but no real friends. So he invented a playmate named Aressa, modelling her after a picture of a Sphinx in his favorite book of tales. Pavro himself is not quite sure when Aressa actually started showing up, but the “your eidolon must wear a bra,” debacle is the first time he recalls anyone else interacting with the uppity Sphinx – he was around ten at the time. It remains the only time anyone had the temerity to spank him – non recreationally.

Once he was deemed old enough to leave the Manor, at thirteen, Pavro was firmly admonished to keep Aressa out of sight of Sandpoint's populace. He did this begrudgingly, though he has shown the eidolon to several of Sandpoint's prettier girls, generally after a bet along the lines of, “If I can show you a real life Sphinx you have to give me a kiss, if not I have to give you a kiss” - he is a handsome lad.

Now at nineteen years old, despite the efforts of his Aunt, Pavro is essentially a wastrel. He is frequently involved in any drunken high-jinks, and the bane of any man of the town with an attractive daughter. He is finding that even his devoted Mother now wants him to get some form of career, she still believes he is destined to be the town's next Mayor – not a belief shared by anyone else.

Presenting Ariadne Ornelos
Female Human Rogue (Knife Master)



Ariadne Ornelos is the daughter of the House of Ornelos, a very prominent noble family in Korvosa. She is currently on the run from her family under the assumed name, "Selena Nox."

Ariadne was the youngest daughter of Lord Ornelos, and her father treated her like a princess growing up. Ariadne envied her three older brothers though, who were allowed to pursue their own interests growing up. Her two older brothers, Hugo and Steven were given tutoring in magical theory, and other important lessons to prepare them to enter the Acadamae. Her favorite brother Thom, was interested in music and performance, and Lord Ornelos spared no expense paying tutors to teach him to play the Lute and sing Chelish opera. Ariadne on the other hand, was taught all of the traditional skills of being a good noble wife. She reluctantly learned how to be a gracious hostess, to embroider and weave.

Now, the Ornelos children are almost all grown. Hugo and Stephen entered the Acadamae in Korvosa, four and three years ago respectably. Her brother Thom was scheduled to enter the Chelish Opera at Korvosa, last fall, but he ran away the night before he was scheduled to depart from the family home. Her parents spent a fortune trying to track him down, but almost a whole year later, they haven't found him any where. Just recently, though while purchasing food in the markey, Ariadne heard two merchants from Sandpoint talking about a bard, "Thom Renault" who had played at the Rusty Dragon Inn the night before they set out from Sandpoint. She didn't mention this to her parents, but Ariadne suspects that her brother is travelling as a wandering minstrel in the Varisian frontier, and she is in Sandpoint looking for clues as to her brother's whereabouts.

The push that finally got Ariadne to set off after her brother though was her recent betrothal to Lord Arkona, a fat boorish greedy man of equal age with her father. Ariadne hopes to amass a fortune so that she can make her own way in the world.

Will you allow 3PP classes from

I'm thinking of a human bounty hunter from Tripod Machine's Adventuring Classes. I'll see if its approved before I make up a character backstory. I am also leaning a little towards the scholar class. (Not to dual-class, but one or the other.)

Severus Aldenhyne.

Scholar of ancient cultures and knowledge.

Traits: Scholar of the Ancients (obviously), History of Heresy (Severus Aldenhyne is an Atheist or possibly worse, an Antitheist, and rebels against divine authority), Magical Talent (detect magic).

Knowledge Focus
History: Severus Aldenhyne has researched the Thassilonian ruins since he first discovered them as a young adolescent. He has begun to understand quite a bit about their magical nature, however, and has learned that many of the secrets of the Thassilonians are bound up in magic.

That's all for now, until approval of the class. :P

@ Pavro: Oh boy I hope we both make it. Pavro seems like a fun character to have around

Stats are in the alias profile. I know you said you didn't need a full character, but it helps me flesh them out some.

Friend of the Fey
Faithful Artist (Perform [oratory])
Sandpoint Faithful

Home for Magnhildr was just to the north of the Grungir Forest, in a grey walled keep that has stood for two thousand winters. There she learned to wield a sword and hold a shield. She grew up much like many of the others in the clan, learning, growing, and playing. She noticed something was different about her though. Her skin was fair like every other ulfen's, but she was sure that it wasn't normal for it glow in the moonlight. Her hair began to shine like red copper, and she was a little surprised to found out that her cousins and siblings couldn't see in the dark.

Her parents were concerned for her, neither understood what was happening to their daughter, and her brothers and sister wondered why she was different. A couple of rangers staying the night offered to take the child to Moonwing's Bough. "Perhaps the Starsong will show us something there," they reasoned. Her parents agreed and at the age of twelve, the young girl set off with the rangers to the hallowed ground.

The rangers, old hands at navigating the forest, took Magnhildr between them. Despite the dangers of the forest, they couldn't help but laugh when she first met a tiny fey sentry (an Atomie), and was challenged to a duel. As the trio marched on the wood grew quieter and quieter until a serene peace had fallen over the trees and branches. They had made it to Moonwing's Bough.

That night, as she slept, dreams of walking the stars and the heavens filled her mind. A butterfly lead her into the spaces between worlds and showed her the majesty of the starry sky. Her feet moved with the steady beat of days and nights. Mountains, plains, cities and forests blurred past and appeared in detail too real to be imaginary. Finally, her journey ended before two figures. An elf maiden clothed in gossamer and sprouting sapphire butterfly wings from her back and a tall woman clad in silver armor with the wings of a dragon growing from her back.

The next morning she awoke knowing that she was not human, not entirely anyway. She told the two rangers guiding her what she saw, but they didn't know what to make of it. They recognized the description of the elf as Desna, but the other eluded them, though one of them guessed it might be an angel. The trip back was uneventful, well as uneventful as the mischievous fey would allow.

Magnhildr learned all she could about the tenants and philosophies of Desna's faith. She honed her skills with the blade and with words. She became an adept storyteller, weaving words as easily as she swung a sword. She spent hours wandering the forest listening to stories and telling them. Her dreams seemed more real. Often seeing the silver clad woman again and again, speaking softly in a language that rang with the song of the shperes. One of her uncles returned from adventures far off a short time after her trip to Monnwing's Bough and told her if fantastic beasts, exotic warriors, and cunning villains. After hearing this for four years, she jumped at the chance to join him in aiding a small group of Black Ravens to stop raiding along the Irrisen border.

The raiders turned out to be a pair of frost trolls, terrible servants of the White Witch. The battle was harrowing, but the young warrior found she could read and react to the brutes' movements just a little easier. She dodged and weaved, righteous fury flared in her eyes and a halo of blue fire appeared above her head as she helped land the killing blow on one of the fell beasts.

Songs and tales were swapped that night as troll corpses burned in the moonlight. She returned with her uncle no longer a young girl, but a young warrior tempered in combat. She found that she could summon the halo at will, and that she could speak the tongue she had heard in her dreams, but never understood until then. Her dreams changed as well. She saw herself on a journey to a town on the coast shrouded in a living cloud of butterflies. For a year she had this dream. For a year the wanderlust built until she thought that she couldn't stay in place ever again.

Feeling that the dreams and her feelings were telling her something, she decided to head to Kalsgard and take a ship south until she found a place that felt right. Her parents wished her luck and safe travels, and the clan elders gave her their blessings. Her uncle, however, worked hard at the forge. On the day she was to leave, her came to her with a gift. A delicate silver butterfly with sapphire wings on a thin silver chain.

"Never understood why you Desnans always had to travel, but I figured you would appreciate this. A little something to guide you and remind you of me." He told her. She hugged him tightly and thanked him a dozen times for the beautiful gift.

With a holy symbol blessed by the cleric of Desna tending the clan's shrine about her neck, a full pack across her back, and a sharp sword at her side, she left for Kalsgard. A week later she was bound for Riddleport and its famous Cyphergate. While she made her way through the crowded and rough market (hiding her coin and holy symbol out of sight at the suggestion of one of the sailors), she heard about the cathedral in Sandpoint opening soon, during the Swallowtail Festival, no less. Never one to miss a chance for a festive occasion, she was bound for Sandpoint that night on a small ship filled with minor goods and perishable items. Her excitement growing with every passing hour.

Magnhildr is like many of her clan. She is loyal, honest, and doesn't suffer tyrants lightly. She is also fond of stories, celebrations, and loves nothing more than to play with little kids and tell them stories she has gathered in her mind over the years.

She takes her oaths and promises very seriously, and expects others to do the same. To her a broken oath is as bad as a knife in the back. She pledged her life to defending the weak and innocent however she can, and will die for a stranger if need be.

Magnhildr is about five feet eleven inches. Her body is toned from hours of practice with her weapons, a bastard sword and a longspear. She wears her coppery-red hair in a simple braid that ends halfway down her back. Her eyes are icy blue and seem to glow that color in the dark. Her skin glows faintly in moonlight but is otherwise fair like every other Ulfen. She smiles easily and has a way of putting people at ease.

Key Mechanics:

  • Friend of the Fey - She wandered around the edges of Grungir Forest in her adolescence listening to the fey tell stories and telling them a few in return.
  • Faithful Aritst - She enjoys telling stories and has always loved listening to them. Her faith seems to have heightened her skill.
  • Sandpoint Faithful - Since her trip to Moonwing's Bough, her faith in the Starsong has only grown, the holy symbol was crafted by her uncle (Follower of Torag) and blessed by one of the other Whitescales (A cleric of Desna). She hid it in Riddleport, for fear of having it stolen, but otherwise wears it where it can be easily seen.

1st - Exotic Weapon Profeciency: Bastard Sword
3rd - Power Attack
5th - Weapon Focus (B. Sword)

Core Gear:
Chain Shirt
Heavy Shield
Bastard Sword

Manifest Halo (Will be used in conjunction with intimidate probably)
Big Game Hunter (+1 to attack and damage rolls vs. Large and larger creatures)
Rage (+4 STR and CON, +2 WILL, -2 AC)

-Shield is mainly there to keep her out of Rage AC up. It is dropped when it's clobbering time
-One hands sword while not raging and has shield
-Two hands sword while raging and without shield

Plan is to play her slightly more tactically minded than the average barbarian.

I think I may have gone a wee bit overboard...

Not at all, I think its a really good entry!

@Magnhlidr, lol, yes I think Pavro would ensure me met Magn very shortly after she arrived in Sandpoint..

"Hello, I am sorry to inform you that due to your beauty, you have attracted the attentions of Sandpoint's premier wastrel - myself, Pavro Deverin. I shall now say nice things and pretend to pay wrapped attention to everything you say in a blatant attempt to seduce you. Hmm, was that too much? My back up was, hello I am Pavro Deverin, terrible person, excellent lover - but it seemed a little forward."

Lantern Lodge

I would be interested in playing. How would you feel about a Kapenia Dancer Magus?

I'm going to do things a little differently, in that I'm going to offer up two characters: one that is either totally awesome or completely ridiculous, I'm not sure which, and the other is a character that I enjoyed playing on a RotR campaign that just ended in the middle of the fight with goblins.

If you are intrigued by this character, let me know, and I will elaborate more.

Cawin is a Strix Gunslinger. He is in Sandpoint as a performer in something similar to a freak show. Cawin has made a name for himself as something of a trickshooter, as well as advertising himself as 'the tamed strix'. He is performing his tricks for the Sandpoint Festival, but he hopes to gain noteriety as the one who conquered the Hagfish's challenge, which is his campain trait. He was raised by humans, the man who became his father stole his egg out of the nest to raise as a pet, but they apparently adopted him as a son when they realized he was more than an animal. He is friendly and helpful, even if not overly charismatic.

The other character is a little less out there:

Averin's Background:
Averin Cadash was raised by his mother in Riddleport, where she worked as a cook for the Riddleport Gendarmes, the mercenaries employed by Gaston Cromarcky to keep order and enforce his rule. Averin didn't much care for the lawlessness in town, mainly because he suffered from it. Averin's father had spoken out against Gaston's capricious enforcement of his laws, and was dragged out of his house, never to be seen again for his trouble. Averin's mother went to work for the Gendarmes to secure protection for her and her son. He never tried to stop Cromarcky because his mother's association with the Gendarmes ensured that, while not free from justice, they were at least free from persecution. The second reason was that Averin's mother continually reminded him that as unjust as things might be under Cromarchy, the city had existed in a state of near complete anarchy before he gained power.

When he was old enough, Averin decided to join the Gendarmes, as lawless as they might be, they were still better than piracy. He began training with an old adventurer with a cruel streak: they trained with real swords, and Averin got cut when he did something wrong. He regarded his time in the Gendarmes as little more than training, his true ambition was to join the Hellknights and remake Riddleport as he would have it. He came to Sandpoint as a caravan guard, after hearing stories of the Sandpoint Devil, he intended to find it and slay it, believing that finding and slaying abberations from all around would help him to pass the trial of the Hellknights. He is a monster hunter.

Averin's Personality:

Averin is somewhat arrogant, some of it is intentional, some not. He views himself as a leader, and a protector of the weak. He has something of a dismissive attitude of Varisians and Shoanti, though it is out of ignorance, and he is legitimately curious about them.

I'll have more when I hear back.

Pavro Deverin wrote:

@Magnhlidr, lol, yes I think Pavro would ensure me met Magn very shortly after she arrived in Sandpoint..

"Hello, I am sorry to inform you that due to your beauty, you have attracted the attentions of Sandpoint's premier wastrel - myself, Pavro Deverin. I shall now say nice things and pretend to pay wrapped attention to everything you say in a blatant attempt to seduce you. Hmm, was that too much? My back up was, hello I am Pavro Deverin, terrible person, excellent lover - but it seemed a little forward."

The ulfen looks at you for a moment, looking puzzled. She then busts out the brightest grin you've ever seen and exclaims, "Oh wait, I know how this one goes! A wastrel walks up to the tall pretty girl, using his roguish charms to bed her. Unfortunately for him, said girl is far from impressed and now the poor man sings soprano at the opera. Hehe, lucky you I'm not my aunt."

Hehe, I can't resist a bit of RP, and I don't imagine meeting at the festival would do any harm.

"I'm not sure you are supposed to call yourself pretty... People often compalin about it when I do it, but we both know we are lovely, I don't understand why we are supposed to pretend otherwise. My sopranity aside us beautiful people ought to stick together, can I buy you a toffee apple? This is a festival afterall, you are probably supposed to be kind to hopeless cases like myself." Pavro replies, the corners of his mouth twitching as he proffers an arm with a crooked eyebrow.

Same here!

Krojun rumbles with bass laughter as the skirt-chaser is spurned.

"Hunt smaller prey little man", the big Shoanti warns. "This wild cat has claws you're ill prepared for."

I was actually planning on having her arrive the day of the festival, so I guess no harm done.

"Oooo, perhaps I need to make something clear. My Aunt Bera once met a young, foppish man who found her pretty. He tried woo her and bed her, thinking of making Aunt Bera just another notch in his bedpost. Unfortunately My aunt's name is very apt, and was thoroughly unimpressed with his advances. When he ignored her attempts to ignore him, she took the butt of her spear and, well, I hope I needn't explain why the poor man sings soprano now."

She begins a bit bashfully, but by the end she's giving Pavro an impish smile. The grin becomes much friendlier when she continues.

"So now that you know that the women in my family have a history of emasculating ones such as yourself, does your offer to treat me to a toffee apple still stand? I've only had an apple once, and I'm pretty sure that it wasn't a toffee one."

Pavro looks round and grins at the big Shoanti,

"Oh I've always enjoyed biteing off more than I could chew. What fun is life without a little danger? And believe me I am prepared for claws, if there is anything I am well versed in its claws - if you had ever met my friend Aressa you would undestand. By the way has anyone ever told you are enormous! Do you have one of those nifty word names... Is it Horse Bane?" The young man looks thoughtful for a moment, and then snaps his fingers.

"I bet you've never even seen a toffee apple. Join me and the lovely, um? Bera's niece here, its on me - apples all round!"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

ooh this looks fun:

Ariadne has been eavesdropping from around the corner. She didn't expect the festival, with all of the out of town guests, in Sandpoint and has been looking for a native who could possibly give news about her brother. When Pavro mentions that he's from Sandpoint, her ears perk up.

"You remind me of my brother, did you meet a bard named 'Thom Renault' a few weeks ago? I heard a few merchants in Korvosa talking about a bard they heard singing here in the Rusty Dragon a month ago or so?"

Krojun gives another deep warm laugh.

"No, Horse-Bane is not what I'm called. Among my people I'm called Krojun-Speaks-With-Thunder. It is a name I wear proudly", the big man says pressing a fist to his barrel-chest.

The Shoanti studies the assembled individuals briefly.

"I've been through Sandpoint a few times, but I must admit I've ever seen any of you. What shall I know you as?"

"Oh hello there, where the bloody hell did you come from? Nevermind, you to are toffee apple worthy! Pavro Deverin is my name, self appointed official greeter of Sandpoint. But you asked about, Thom Renault was it? I can't say it rings a bell, but if your brother is a bard you would want to ask Cyrdak Drokkus, runs the theatre, he'll be around here somewhere... Probably at the toffee apple stand. You know once this is all done there is a charming little tavern called the Hagfish, they have this drink you all simply must try..." Pavro says winking at the newcomer,

"Oh dear, my large friend, we have just hit one of my many weaknesses - two pretty ladies! What is a fellow to do. Did I mention I live in a mansion by the way ladies, I mean its my Aunts house, but I pretty much have my own wing."

Pavro ushers the group along happily for a moment looking thoughtful, before prodding Krojun's arm,

"Do they call you Speaks with Thunder becuase you are all, "No, Horse-Bane is not what I'm called," or because you like to chat with storms?"

Pavro does have +10 Knowledge Local so I think I can be fairly safe here - I'm using a rather nice spoiler free guide to Sandpoint for reference.

"It is hardly surprising, though. That is certain."

The unassuming gentleman speaks in clipped syllables.

"I do not think the lady cares to be so arrogantly manipulated. Without any offense intended, my lord. Truth should hardly be offensive, but sadly it is to many people."

Any suggestions for languages? That's always a hard one for me.

"My name's... Selena

bluff check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

"I've long ago given up being surprised at just what the ladies like manipulated and how. I'm not sure if they are the fairer sex, but they are certainly the more inventive, in my brief experience." Pavro shoots back, clearly enjoying himself immensly.

"But come no need to be so formal this is a festival, a religious festival, its practically a divine madate to have a good time! And I am very currently exceedingly religious!"

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7

"Ah Selena, I feel obliged to make a lovely name comment, but truth be told its not really a ladies name I'm interested in. Except Gertrudes, just cannot imagine myself falling for a Gertrude."

Shadowborn wrote:
In the old version they had specific bonus feats players could take for their characters (an idea that evolved into the traits mechanic). I'm guessing they might have tweaked some of those for the campaign traits.

Some of them perhaps, but I'd go ahead and allow them just because not all of them were, and I don't feel like trying to go through them individually and figure out which ones may or may not have been redone as traits.

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