
Zan-Lee's page

14 posts. Alias of TheIronGiant6.


Zan-Lee is a utility based wizard as well, but since only four people will be accepted, I'm unsure if I'll make the cut. Lots of arcane casters coming in all of the sudden. Even if not, this is definitely going to be interesting to watch.

ScegfOd wrote:
does no summoner mean no summon monster spells at all?


Already done with the changes. He's a bit more utility now, and can deal with a variety of threats in ways other than pure damage.

The Morphling wrote:
Note that the GM did mention "No summoners" as a character creation rule. Since the summoner isn't a core class, I presume he means summoning wizards or clerics and the like - something having to do with the dungeon itself interfering with summoning magic, I suspect.

That's true, forgot the summoner wasn't a core class. Well, I only have one or two summoning spells, so I can switch them out pretty easy. Thanks for telling me.

Zan-Lee, or just 'Zan' is also an elf, but is a wizard. He has heard of the mud sorcerers (either firsthand or from an older elf.) He's much more passive than the paladin, feeling neither strongly for or against any race. He wishes to be the most powerful wizard in the world, and while he does seek out danger, he knows that he needs to be careful and stay with any other adventurers he comes across.

His typical strategy is to attempt to go at least before our biggest melee fighter. He will cast a quickened enlarge person (if he isn't already permanently) and telekinetically charge the fighter into the nearest enemy. He is a buffer and a summoner, typically staying in the back of both marching order and encounters. He also has a lot of mobility and can deal a lot of direct, non-AoE damage.

Maybe a worm that walks, but the race version of that. Like a planet devoured by a hive mind of creatures similar to fire ants. As well, I don't see anyone with super high intelligence, so maybe I could go wizard, and handle paperwork, cargo, and scheduling?

Yeah, the more I think about it, the less a drake holding a longbow nmakes sense, lol. I'll look through the races I guess and maybe make a ranged fighter or something. What do we have so far? A rogue bard, a dragon, a pitborn, and an insectoid. So, uh, I'll look later xD

I'd prefer if guns just attack AC instead of touch AC, since armor is basically bulletproof armor.

Here's my Character Sheet.

I'll go into more specific detail with the GM if I'm picked, so I hope I did everything right, I nearly flubbed when I though deadly agility applied to ranged attacks, so I may have made a mistake.

I have my character sheet done as well, I'll send it over in a bit.

Anyway, Drakes are an evolutionary offshoot of the larger dragons. They evolved alongside the dragons long before the technology for interplanetary travel was possible. Faster Than Light travel was discovered millennia later. Once it was, the feud between the larger (and much more common) dragons and the small, weaker drakes rose incredibly fast. Dragons nearly wiped out the drakes after a few centuries, and the draconic empire had become intergalactic. The remaining drakes had repopulated in the Solar System refered to as MDXXI by the empire, and Moxxi by the inhabitants. Moxxi IV and V are the two habitable planets of this system, but they were polar opposites, both figuratively and literally.
Moxxi IV is a water planet, with small landmasses interconnected by land-bridges. The drakes of this planet had become very aquatic, with those that stayed on land becoming amphibian, as large wetlands dotted the landscape. Moxxi V is a very strange planet, its axis tipped almost perpendicular to its sibling planet. Moxxi V is either always day, or always night. This made the planet behave normally during two seasons, and act incredibly dangerously the other two, with one half baked in sunlight, and the other cloaked in darkness. The drakes of this planet lived underground, in huge cities. Since the planet acted normally half the year, the drakes would leave the darkness and live in villages just above the entrances to the underground. This cycle created a harmony between the inhabitants, a sort of holiday every time they left or reentered the caverns. One large group, however, disliked the sunlight, and refused to leave. Eventually, this group became a separate species altogether, a species of drakes that hid in the darkness, and shied from the sun. Though both planets had access to interplanetary travel, they had not mastered FTL travel. When they did, they quickly reentered the galaxy, with an intense dislike for Dragonkind. Ch'Rdili is one of the small number of drakes, and a part of an even smaller species of shadowy drakes. Though born on the planet, he was raised aboard a ship, and quickly took a liking to it.
A few years later, and Shadow had recieved his first job as a bounty hunter. He could pilot a ship, but his job mainly took place onboard stations or large ships, tracking down and stopping pirates, black market dealers, and other scum. He was a small creature, that many simply called a baby dragon. Many had never seen a drake before, as the race was so incredibly rare, and few believed the genocidal tales.

Woah... Is the Soul Hunter stalker archetype okay? I am so becoming a space bounty hunter.

Yeah, I'm switching over to a ranged stalker, so deadly agility is big for me too.

Well crap. I forgot about the rule that you can't flank in range... I don't do much damage, so I kinda rely on sneak attack damage. Maybe I should go ranger instead?

Shadow isn't going to use guns, he'll mainly use a bow since they don't make guns small enough for him, and bows are easier to use for him.

I plan on playing a Shadow Drake ninja, just to mix things up. I can set up a sheet today and send it to you with the background. Let me know if there are any issues!