The Splatterman- (a human male mage of some sort, real name Professor Hean Faramin one of the groups first captures was actually one of the Professors and Doctors friends that after a encounter with a Demon became obsessed with names and how that they have power over people, slowly writing their name in blood then killing them. currently the Professor believes he is having psychotic episodes in the prison.)
Mosswater mauler- (male Dwarf Ispan was a renown master smith that caught his wife in infidelity and smashed her skull with a hammer, when he realized his mistake he tried to bring her back by reconstructing her skull but could not find a piece, so he went around killing people trying to find a perfect piece to fit in hers.)
The Drummer of Spinecastle- (human male Bard that with his rhythm playing the drums much like a slaver on board a boat caused people to fall into a almost trance like state. he took over a castle that many people died trying to get into by walking into the moat, falling off upper stories, etc.)
Duke Trath Illborn (a male half-elf that started a cult worshiping him as a reborn hero called The Order, that practiced black magic and summoning the other leaders were not found)
Maragore Twins- (two brothers that look just alike that had a terror spree on is a Mage of some sort and the other a Ranger, that many believe a lycanthopes with some of the ways their victims were found torn apart as if fed on.) Rufus- mage , Mardigan- slayer
(twins capture- When the group captured the twin they fought back for only a moment or two before giving up. the torn up remains of a Farmer was found at the scene. the rumor that caused you to investigate and find them was they went house to house on a farming road taking everyone but the wife. including kids and husbands.) Mardigan is dead.