![]() About Kain Ardent Brandt10min background and other:
Step 1 1- Kain was a member of a frontier town in the wildlands 2- He was just accepted into an elite unit of Calvary whose job was to run down any orc raiding parties, and rapid maneuvering to keep giants from being able to stone the town. 3- Kain is rough and practical but Kind-hearted to many. 4-One day, not long after he was accepted into the Calvary unit a small raiding party was sighted and drew him, 2 other members, and a senior member off from the main town. They easily rode down the 10 or so orcs on a nearby hill. It was then they saw boulders raining down on the area of the town. They rode fast and hard, but by the time they got to the town half of it was flattened. Kain was 18 at the time 5-Kain is the son of Rydell and Anna, 6-Views on life- Life is precious, spend it well and do not waste it, any life is worth protecting. Hard work, will, and dedication can overcome anything. Glory is for fools, the only true glorious death is a death in which you defend something you love. If something is a threat to his loved ones/friends he won’t hesitate to kill them, if he is labeled bloodthirsty for protecting those he loves he will happily accept their scorn over mourning their death. 7- He doesn’t give himself the title of hero, no matter what he does, he merely would respond with “just doing what I can” 8- Holds an underlying hate for giants, he rarely loses his temper, but when he does it is usually around giants as it brings up painful memories of his home town. 9- Kain is 6’2”, 225lbs, Black hair, Green eyes, with handsome features. He usually keeps a rough 8 O’clock shadow, his hair is long. 10- He has recently taken to working as a mercenary, be it a caravan guard, solider for hire, or even a bounty hunter. He has heard of dire straits in Trunau and comes to offer his services. 11- Knows when to keep his mouth shut, disciplined from training. 12- While he may not be open about it, he forms bonds of friendship quickly with those he deems worthy and just, and would sacrifice himself for those friends, even if he never says so openly. 13- Kain had a brother and a sister, their bodies were never found at the site of the town’s destruction he keeps eyes and ears out for rumors for them, but holds little hope knowing they were most likely taken captive. Step 2- Goals
2- Seeks only to make a living protecting people he deems worth of protecting. 3- He has always loved riding, the wind in his hair, one of his dreams is to ride on the back of a Pegasus, not as a mere mount, but as a friend and ally. 4- He wants to find the creature that lead the assault on his town, and slay him once and for all. Step 3- Secrets
Step 4
- Kain’s sister was 10 when the giants leveled the entire community she would be 13 now if she is still alive. She had always been helpless, unable to do anything for herself. Perhaps that changed now, perhaps not. It doesn’t matter, Kain would still do everything for her. -An orc boss that lost most of his warband to a counter-assault by the few remaining dragoons. The orc boss rode a warg and faced off against Kain, Neither landed a lethal blow, but Kain managed to come out ahead, knocking the orc off his steed and down the side of a steep hill. The orc warboss, having been humiliated, and losing his warg and his warband has sense sought revenge on the mounted warrior. - The Creature that lead the attack that destroyed the frontier town has no real interest in the rider known as Kain, but he will one day. He sees kain, and any dragoon from the town as lesser, and unworthy of his time.
Step 5-
- Kain is often a quiet man, but when he speaks, he speaks with purpose and meaning. He often prefers to speak with his action, rather than his words and often judges’ man based on their actions alone. For good or ill. - I remember my family, in the summer when the sun warmed the valley and the mountain I and my brother and sister would often enjoy the day in the fields, after I was old enough to ride a horse I would often take them horseback riding, letting them experience what I loved so much. How I wish for those days back… -I remember the pride I felt at finally being accepted into the dragoons, I remember the pride of my family, and my brother when I came home, wielding the spear of the dragoons. A spear I still wield to this day, both in honor, and for its remarkable make. -Kain has developed a habit of speaking to his horse, whether or not the horse understands, or even listens no one, not even Kain knows. But he enjoys it, and enjoys the humorous discussions he has with the longtime friend and companion who he has named Valere, (valor). ------------------------------- - Bit of story from the day everything he knew fell to ruin.
Small spiel from Kain in 1st person- Kain speaks in a rather deep voice, with a slight hint of gravel to it. Hmph, fine. If you so wish to know my story, I will tell you. I remember back when I first got accepted into the dragoons of my town. The prestigious honor of what was our elite guard. The training had been hard, long hours with spear, mounted and unmounted. Stories and legends of the dragoons of long past kept kids like me going, whether it was of slaying a dragon, or driving back a charging giant with a single charge at the cost of his life. What a naive fool I was. Glory, legend, I wanted it all back then, life was cheap to me then. I had craved for orc raids to come. Well not long after I was accepted, about a little under two years I got my wish. More than I wanted.... He grows quiet, then moves on. Anyway, an extremely organized attack against my town demolished it. Buildings, walls, everything was crushed under a rain of boulders, The only reason I am here now is because we had been out on patrol, hunting a scouting party of orcs. We ran them down. When we got back, it was all but over. I sat on a hill and watched as a rain of death leveled my entire life. Rage overtook me, fueled by grief, A lot happened then, we managed to kill some more orcs, but the pain was still their, no matter how many I killed, the hallow, empty pain burned ever brighter. Until I eventually exhausted myself. I woke several days later in the care of a ranger. He, he helped me, made sure I didn't do anything stupid. He even managed to heal Valere after I had nearly driven the best to exhaustion and death. Something I still remind myself of today.. Anyway, I become a wanderer, a mercenary in a way. I have helped a town more often than once with problems of beast, by blade, or by merely ousting a false rumor. Crunch for Kain:
Male, Half-elf, Cavalier (beast rider)1 Init +2; Senses Perception +X -------------------- Defense: -------------------- AC: 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19[7Armor+2Dex+2shield] HP: 13 (1d10+3) Fort:+5 Ref: +5 Will:+2 +2 vs enchantment -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee Thorn(lance): +6 (+7 vs medium or smaller) damage: 1d8+8 On charge: +8 (+9 vs medium or smaller)
Cold Iron longsword: +6
Magic Items: N/A Misc Items: Backpack, belt pouch, waterskinx2, 150 silk rope, grappling hook, flint and steel, in progress Potions: 1 CLW potions
Valere, Kains Valiant Steed:
Horse, Charger archetype animal companion Init +2; Senses: Low light, scent, Perception +5 -------------------- Defense: -------------------- AC:18, touch 12, flat-footed 16(2 armor, 2dex, 4Natural armor) hp: 10(1d8+2) Fort: +5 Ref: +4 Will: +2 -------------------- Offense: -------------------- Speed 50 ft. Melee Bite: +7 Damage: 1d4+6 Hooves: +0
Languages Horse --------------------