The Great (Pathfinder) Magnimar! (Inactive)

Game Master Eric Swanson

Shattered Star AP...undertaken by a roving band of misfits...errr scholars...errr...heroes, he he.

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Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

"Captain Brast," Yamyra interjects, before their concealed conversant has opportunity to retort. "As I and my companions have rather indelicately indicated, up to now, with very few exceptions, the inhabitants of this...
environment have exhibited little interest or even awareness of the greater world beyond the confines of these walls. Yours is the first 'favor' we have been asked which does not involve violence or degradation to ourselves or others."
Pausing for a moment, she muses, briefly. "Although I am uncertain what that blue fellow wanted..."
"We are several while you seem to be singular. It would be quite indelicate of us not to recognize a very real concern on your part. Might a lesser compromise be made, as a kind of, of...
initial step towards a more mutual regard?"

Grand Lodge

Lockerbie is silent for a moment as he tries to follow Yamyra's reasoning. Then you hear him reply, "Look, I told you some of the dangers you will run into to show my trust in you. Take it for that at least. I could have let you blunder around here and let you discover that on your own. Have you ever seen green slime devour someone? Not a pretty picture!"

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Horven sighs. "Well, let's get to work. Arguing with our shadowy host isn't conducive to any of our goals."

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Gared nodded to Horven and bowed apologetically towards the lake before setting off back the way they came.

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Horven follows behind Gared. "I don't know if I trust the fellow, but another set of hands couldn't hurt...could it?"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Grand Lodge

After deciding to help the captain of the Liza Jane recover his lost brooch, you all return back the way you came here. Crossing the pool on the upper level proves uneventful, you eventually make your way over to the sea stair Lockerbie mentioned. The chamber is as you remembered it.

The salty tang of the sea fills the air of this chilly room. Wall carvings showing soldiers marching to war are encrusted with salt, and a descending stair in the center of the room is filled to nearly floor level with sea water. A thin layer of blue energy shimmers across the surface of the water in the stairwell.

Returning to the observation room next door allows you to pinpoint the location of the sunken vessel easily.


The Liza Jane is in squares AF96-AI99.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

"I believe this is the stair of which he spoke." Yamyra mutters to herself as she contemplates the shimmering barrier.

'Think you can make it there & back?'

Outsider ([Earth]), ('Good') Eidolon (Elemental/Earth) (Biped) 8, HP: 66/66, AC 23 /t 13 /f 20, F 6, R 5, W 5/9, Init +3, PasPer 19, Darkvision 60'

'There and back...
'There and back, and searching the wreckage...
less so.'

Fancy advances toward the stairs leading into the water.

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

"We have scrolls. This would be the best situation to use them in."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Gared nodded, looking a bit uncomfortable, though as resolute as ever. "Aye. I won't be able to use me bow down there. What will be able to do if we end up in a fight?"

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

"Surely we must have something that'll suffice in the meantime," Horven replies.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Gared nodded, secured his dagger within easy reach, placed his belongings he wished to keep dry in the corner, and waited for the spell to be cast.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

Drawing forth one of the aforementioned scrolls, Yamyra examines is carefully before turning to the others. "This should allow all of us to make the journey. Particularly if we feel we can get there, search, and return within an hour. If one of us remains behind, we can take as long as two hours."

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Horven looks apprehensive. "Shouldn' of us stay behind to keep an eye on our belongings?"

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

"That would be why I brought up the particulars rather than simply reciting the incantation." Yamyra replies, looking out over the scroll at all of her companions.

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

"Seeing that I am as adept in water as a boulder, I happily volunteer to keep watch here," Horven offers.

male Tiefling (Rakshasa Spawn) Oracle 4 Passive Perception 14

"I think I should be the one to volunteer. My armor is heavier, and I fear that I would be near useless in the water." Ganer said, giving a concerned look into the water.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Gared put his hands on hips and scowled. "Bah, remind me to teach ye both to swim when we aren't in the middle of some ruin. The both of ye should stay here, I'd rather have a pair of you behind if any trouble tries to sneak up on ye."

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

"Fair enough," Horven says, trying to hide a smirk.

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

"Hmph. Armour" Carmina snorts. "You guys rely way too much on your equipment. I could walk around naked and still be just as good in a fight," she says, then takes on a slightly contemplating expression. "You know, that could actually make swimming easier..."

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

While Horven waits for Yamyra to chide Carmina, he quickly looks down the hallway to hide his blushing at the thought.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

"Lady Carmina! Modesty is a virtue and important to maintain in company!" Gared harrumphed and turned to Yamyra. "I not be looking forward to this, can we just be on with it?"

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

"We aren't children," Yamyra adds rolling her eyes slightly at Gared's protestations of the importance of feminine virtue, "to go paddling nude as though we hadn't a care in the world."
"Yes, we would likely be far less encumbered were we to doff our clothes before attempting to swim out there,"
she accedes to Carmina's reason, "but we would also be far less protected, and caution will serve us better than impetuousness. Will you stay, please?"

Sorry it took me so long to post. Had a recent upsurge in real life activity.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

"Bah, Lady Carmina's one o' the best swimmers out of the lot of ye, and I'd much rather have her along side me if we run into trouble there!"The dwarf glanced uncomfortably over at the tiefling briefly. "Ye just... swim as ye are there..."[/b]

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

"Fine then," Carmina says, surprised by the strong emotions that an idle thought voiced aloud had brought forth. "You need help with the scroll, Yamyra?"

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

"So, Ganer and I will stay behind while the rest of you head to the ship?" Horven asks, clarifying.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Gared nodded, impatience finally beginning to show on his customarily stoic face.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

Caster Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Yamyra shakes her head at Carmina's query. "Thank you, no. I'm sure this is well within my capabilities. It's also written in Thassilonian & I'm not as confident of your declensions as I would like to be." She explains before unrolling and reciting one of the scrolls. As the words flow from her tongue, you all feel a sense of...
strangeness, seeping into your forms. The air around you suddenly seems thin, tasteless. Sufficient to maintain health & consciousness, but somehow lacking in character. "That should do it." Yamyra nods in affirmation as she concentrates, directing her attentions between Carmins, Fancy, Gared & herself.

'Be a dear and try it out, will you?'

Of the ten total hours, Yamyra is allocating two each to Carmina & herself, and three each to Fancy and Gared.

Outsider ([Earth]), ('Good') Eidolon (Elemental/Earth) (Biped) 8, HP: 66/66, AC 23 /t 13 /f 20, F 6, R 5, W 5/9, Init +3, PasPer 19, Darkvision 60'

Nodding in acknowledgment, Fancy begins descending the stairs into the waters of the surrounding sea. She continues until she is completely submerged. Once she has done so, she attempts a breath.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Gared shuddered involuntarily as the spell washed over him. The dwarf took a moment to lovingly lay his bow and quiver down beside his pack before diving into the water, gritting his teeth, and fought his instincts take his first breath.

Grand Lodge

Die Rolls:
RC1 P: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
RC2 P: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

The eidolon sinks below the surface of the water and soon finds herself on the bottom of the cove, at the base of a stony underwater escarpment, 40 feet below the surface. Looking upwards she does see the surface still bathed in sunlight which helps light the way to the remains of the Liza Jane. The wreck is actually closer than it appeared at first, about 20 to 30 feet away.

Taking a watery breath for the first time, the sensation of drowning washes over her and she tries to cough the water out, a futile gesture being underwater and all. As the magic from the scroll takes hold the drowning feeling eases and she feels...odd. The water flooding her lungs takes more effort to expel than air does but that is balanced by the length of time between 'breaths'. The others soon go through their own adjustment period, although Gared takes a tad bit longer probably due to his dwarven nature.

This scene was inspired by the underrated movie "The Abyss." I recommend you go see it...the Extended Version, he he.

Once regrouping and orienting yourselves, you make your way to the shipwreck. Due to it resting on the bottom you can easily make it by walking along the bottom of the cove. You are currently about 20 feet away from it now.


Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

I have seen it, both versions. It's actually my favorite James Cameron film.

Steeling herself for the journey once it becomes clear the spell's effect has taken hold, Yamyra follows Fancy & Gared down and out into the waters below the bay.
Once they have approached the wreckage, her face takes on a curious expression. Raising her hand, Yamyra attempts a now-familiar gesture & incantation.

Going to try casting Acid Splash. Not really with intent to hit anything, although she will be generally aiming for the side of the wreck, just to be certain it will still work underwater.

Outsider ([Earth]), ('Good') Eidolon (Elemental/Earth) (Biped) 8, HP: 66/66, AC 23 /t 13 /f 20, F 6, R 5, W 5/9, Init +3, PasPer 19, Darkvision 60'

As her companion & anchor determines the effectiveness of her only magical attack underwater, Fancy makes her way toward the wreck itself, examining it for means of entrance.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Grand Lodge

What no love for "Aliens"? That was his best movie IMHO.

Yamyra casts her spell successfully, the water breathing magic allowing her to speak the incantation without any problem. Unfortunately, once the acidic globe appears it immediately disperses into the water without giving her the chance to throw it.

Acid Splash is ineffective underwater.

I will give Gared and Carmina a chance to post their actions before moving on. BTW, Ganer and Horven can watch what is happening from the observation chamber.

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

Carmina follows Fancy towards the wreck, joining the eidolon in searching for an opening in the hull.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

"That is just a little too strange for my tastes," Horven mutters, watching the others.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Taking 10 on perception check for a total of 20. I was totally thinking of that scene when we jumped in.

Gared ran through verses of scripture as his lungs heaved initially, panic gripping his mind for a long moment before the water finally rushed into his lungs. The dwarf took a moment to orient himself and take stock of his surroundings or any danger before swimming along after the others, clutching at the dagger with a white-knuckled grip.

Grand Lodge

Dice Rolls:

RC1 St: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22
RC2 St: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
C 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Gr 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Y 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
F 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
RC 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

Without wasting any time, the four of you move towards the wreck looking for a way inside. From the looks of it, you should be able to access the inside of the sunken vessel by heading to the topside where the deck is/was. As you move towards the opening, a shadowy form passes through the water swiftly heading towards you! By the dimming light it looks like two long eel-like creatures with lobsterlike heads and sharp looking pincers.

Knowledge Nature OR Dungeoneering DC 10:
These are reefclaws, a vicious amphibious predator known to inhabit the waters around Magnimar. They have a rudimentary intelligence which enables them to understand the Common tongue. Their claws are quite poisonous so they prefer to just grab their meals and shred them to pieces.

Round 1: Fancy, ??, Gared, Yamyra, Carmina.

No map for this encounter. Right now the two monsters are about 25 feet away from you and next to one another as they are on the opposite side of the Liza Jane. Also remember the Underwater Combat rules.
EDIT: The Swim check is still only DC 10, however you may NOT take 10 on it.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

Intelligence check/Know (Nature/Dungeoneering): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3, since the DC is ten we can make an attempt untrained, yes?
::sigh:: Not that it matters...
edit: just reviewed the Underwater Combat rules & we are so screwed...
Second edit; what is the Swim check DC, DM Eric?

Yamyra squeaks in alarm as the creatures flow through the water towards them.

On the bright side, she is carrying enough to be considered 'weighed down'.
On the down side, Fancy isn't...

Outsider ([Earth]), ('Good') Eidolon (Elemental/Earth) (Biped) 8, HP: 66/66, AC 23 /t 13 /f 20, F 6, R 5, W 5/9, Init +3, PasPer 19, Darkvision 60'

untrained Swim: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9...

Though caught off-guard by the attackers & the environment, Fancy's flailing blow still struck true.

Slam attack: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 6 - 2 = 24, Crit confirm.: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 6 - 2 = 18; Slam damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5, if the Crit confirmed, Slam damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 for either five or twelve bludgeoning, halved to two or six.

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

Knowledge(Stuff I don't know anything about): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

Yay! Since spellcasting is possible, I'm assuming that speaking is possible too. Ignore this if I'm wrong.

"They're reefclaws!" Carmina shouts at her companions. "Their claws are poisonous and they can understand Common... Though I doubt they'll want to listen to us after Fancy's punch..."

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Knowledge check for either.
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Swim Check
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Readying Attack with dagger
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Gared instinctively reached for his quiver as he saw the creatures coming... and feel into a brief moment of panic as he realized he didn't have it or his bow. All the dwarf's training and knowledge left him floundering the water for just a few seconds...

Grand Lodge

DM Rolls:
Reefclaw 1 claw (vs Fancy): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11; damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1 miss
Reefclaw 2 claw (vs Carmina): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14; damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3 miss

The first reefclaw heads directly towards the eidolon, paying the price by way of Fancy's blow. The first reefclaw takes 6 points of damage. Also, Fancy please take your AoO as well. Driven by aggression the reefclaw tries swiping her in return, with Fancy barely able to dodge out of its way.

The other one, drawn by the tiefling's excited yell, heads towards Carmina. One claw reaches out but she is able to duck under the blow.

Round 1: Fancy (AoO), Reefclaws, Gared, Yamyra, Carmina.

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

After managing to avoid the reefclaw's slash, Carmina springs into an all-out attack of her own, although fiding that being underwater makes landing a blow considerably more difficult.

Claw: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Claw: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15Damage: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
Bite: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Outsider ([Earth]), ('Good') Eidolon (Elemental/Earth) (Biped) 8, HP: 66/66, AC 23 /t 13 /f 20, F 6, R 5, W 5/9, Init +3, PasPer 19, Darkvision 60'

AoO: 1d20 + 6 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 6 - 2 = 5...

Grand Lodge

Fancy's powerful blow leaves her off balance for a successful return strike, while Carmina discovers by bracing herself against the wreck she is able to put force behind her bite, adding to the blood in the water by wounding her reefclaw pretty badly. The reefclaw takes 9 points of damage.

Gared fumbles ineffectually with his dagger and is unable to move closer to assist the others.

Round 1: Fancy, Reefclaws, Gared, Yamyra, Carmina.

Horven and Ganer, feel free to post any responses here as you can both see what is unfolding here.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

Yamyra spits out a strange incantation & all companions within the water find themselves curiously accelerated.

Cast Haste. Four round duration. Carmina, Gared, Fancy & Yamyra affected.

Grand Lodge

Yamyra's spell takes hold and the companions underwater feel like they could swim circles around these reefclaws. Carmina feels an extra burst of energy and she can land another blow.

Carmina, you may take another attack here at your full attack bonus.

Round 2: Fancy, Reefclaws, Gared, Yamyra, Carmina (Hasted attack from round 1).

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Horven watches as the strange creatures engage the others. "Oof...go Fancy! Knock 'em out! Woo, show 'em what's what, Carmina!"

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

Energized by Yarmyra's spell, Carmina manages to direct one more bite towards the wounded reefclaw.

Bite: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13Damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

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