The Great (Pathfinder) Magnimar! (Inactive)

Game Master Eric Swanson

Shattered Star AP...undertaken by a roving band of misfits...errr scholars...errr...heroes, he he.

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Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

Horven, I really wasn't trying to make you feel bad. I literally had been thinking about Yamyra cautioning everyone before we found the widow to let either her or you do the talking.
Mainly because in another PbP I'm in that just started, everyone is jumping in on the conversation, essentially not waiting for the NPC's to respond before posting interjections & similar. It reads...

Also because Yamyra remembers the conversation we had with the Watch when we brought back certain of the Tower Girls & she would really like to avoid something like that again if at all possible.

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Oh, I get that. I figured Horven could actually be of use here.

Grand Lodge

Nicely done Horven! Bonus XP rewarded.

OK guys, a couple of bookkeeping notes here:

First, due to the XP you gained dealing with the widow Brast, Gared has (finally) reached Level 4! Go ahead and level up Gared. You can either roll HP or take the PFS method for HP.

Second, go ahead and check the Unassigned Loot list under the Campaign Info tab. It would be a good idea to sell/restock at this point, as you are getting close to the finale of this module.

Lastly, should you wish to add another divine character to assist you, now would be the time. I know Natalya would be willing to help you but she is not a divine caster. If you agree, I will reactivate the Recruitment thread tomorrow evening.

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

I'm on board with finding a healer before we continue back to the Crow.

Edit: I'm for selling most of the loot as well and getting some potions and whatnot.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Yay! I'll just take average hp and work on leveling up Gared soon. I think reopening recruitment for a little more healing would be great (though I think any class that could provide a couple healing spells would be plenty fine as far as I'm concerned.)

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

Going over the list of loot, here's how I would handle it:

  • Keep the brass crank and the ranseur because they have asterisks after them and are thus obviously super important;

  • Keep the Cure X wounds potions for emergencies. I'd say that Horven takes the CMW one and Carmina the CLW one since they're the least likely to succesfully use a wand;

  • Sell the buckler, rapier ,broken half-plate and the Bracer of Armor since none of us has much use for them, and the Everburning Torch since Yamyra already has one. Also sell the scroll of Animate Dead since Yamyra won't let me create an undead army. :(

  • Keep the harnesses, climber's kits, smokesticks,tanglefoot bags and the scroll of Water Breathing since they might come in useful sometime;

  • Sell the rest.

Which would make:


a long, thin key made of pale green crystal that activates the clockwork servant. (500 gp)
A set of masterwork smith’s tools made of mithral (worth 500 gp)
Bracers of Armor +2 (one bracer) (1000 gp)
2 Garnets worth 150gp (300 gp)
Amethyst worth 250gp
3345 gp and 122 sp (3357.2 gp)
scroll of animate dead (187.5 gp)
ancient zither worth 500 gp.
35 gp and three small garnets worth 50 gp each. (185 gp)
masterwork half-plate (broken) (couldn't find prices for broken items, half the normal selling price sounds appropiate?) (187.5 gp)
mithral masterwork rapier (660 gp)
+1 buckler (502.5 gp)
16 gp and a pearl worth 100 gp (116 gp)
Everburning Torch (55 gp)


Which is 2075 gp, 17 sp and 5 cp OR 1660 gp, 14 sp per character, depending on whether we give Ganer his cut or not. :P


Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

I heartily concur with the list and we give Ganer his cut this time around.

Grand Lodge

Just a quick note cannot get anything for the Bracer as it is useless without its matching pair.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

I agree with almost everything Carmina posted, with the exception of let Yamyra research the Raseur more to try & figure out what the asterix is supposed to represent, with the intent that we revisit selling it once she knows more. Also, keep the bracer as we might find the match for it in still in the Crow, particularly given DM Eric's post. I know for a fact there were a couple places down there where there was something we weren't able to decipher 'on sight', but Yamyra made copious notes in the hopes of being able to reference the Library here. Well, we're here now, Yamyra is going to take the opportunity. It will also give her the opportunity to polish & turn in some notes. I.E.: I am going to try & update the Campaign Journal while we are debating 'medic' possibilities.

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

About how long game time will we be in Magnimar before setting off back to the Crow?

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

Well then, that's 200 gp less for everyone. And Yamyra, it's an asterisk, not Asterix. :D

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Yamyra's and Carmina's logic sounds good to me, though I'm all for giving Ganer a share. What does this come back out to? I suspect we'll be in Magnimar for the night, and likely a few hours of the morning before Gared this ready to return, assuming nothing else comes up. Gared will want to do a little shopping to replace the alchemical items he's used. I also already have the tanglefoot bags and a second story harness in his equipment list.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8
Carmina Scarnetti wrote:
Well then, that's 200 gp less for everyone. And Yamyra, it's an asterisk, not Asterix. :D

Hey! I'm supposed to be the pedantic one! You're the headstrong & reckless one! Me pedantic, You headstrong & reckless! Keep it straight!

Also, I meant to say that I too felt that we should divide including Ganer, sorry. I'm pretty sure we can take the 200 gp hit Carmina, especially as DM Eric said we can't sell the Bracers anyhow. I wonder if there is a way we could track down their 'mate'?

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9
Gared Naught wrote:

Yamyra's and Carmina's logic sounds good to me

Well, that's not a good sign. :P

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

If I recall correctly, their mate was being worn as a crown by the leader of those mites we encountered.

Grand Lodge

Gared is correct; you would need to pay a visit to the mite leader to recover the bracer.

As for selling the loot, due to your Pathfinder connections you can sell it in 24 hours. I will update the Loot list later this evening and will bring up the recruitment thread as well.

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Hmm, I didn't know if we wanted to research and such. Well, I'm just really trying to figure out when we have a good chunk of downtime so that I may retrain a bit of my stuff, if Eric will allow retraining.

Grand Lodge

Horven, we are getting close to the end of this module in this AP and afterwards you will have some downtime before the start of the next AP...he he if you can hang in there for a little bit longer it would work out the best.

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30


Grand Lodge

OK, the Brass Crank is worth 100 gp, and the ranseur is a +1 Cold Iron Ranseur.

Marked off the potions and the gear you indicated as selling...Carmina and Horven, go ahead and add the potions to your personal inventory.

Let me know if there is anything else you want to sell.

EDIT: I have re-opened the Recruitment Thread to bolster the party healing.

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

So, assuming we sell those as well, (No-one of us is proficient with a ranseur as far as I know) it's 824 gp more for everyone, bringing the total to 2284 gp 14 sp per character.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

I think we should keep the crank for the time being.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

I agree with Gared.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

I might invest in Weapon Proficiency (Crank).

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

Hey Eric, I think you'd get more responses if you started a new thread instead of using the old one.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

What Carmina said!

Grand Lodge

Can't argue with the results (or lack thereof) so far...HERE is the new recruitment thread.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8

Are we handwaving returning to Heidmarch Manor & the other preparations for returning once we have another Pathfinder? If so, I will focus on updating the Campaign Journal while we consider the potential recruits.

Grand Lodge

Yamyra, I will go ahead and make a post summarizing your downtime once we have recruited a replacement player.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8
DM Eric wrote:
Yamyra, I will go ahead and make a post summarizing your downtime once we have recruited a replacement player.

Yay! I will get off my duff and get the journal up to date.

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

At least one person is taking the initiative in the recruitment thread.

Grand Lodge

OK everyone,

I have closed the RECRUITMENT thread, and it looks like we have some good candidates here.

Please look them over and cast your vote via PM to me within the next couple of days here. I want to see about wrapping up this module before too long!

P.S. Sorry Fancy does not get a vote. Sorry Yamyra.

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Alright, I'll look them over.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

Ack! I'm having a really hard time deciding between two of these submissions. I don't suppose I could vote twice? =p

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A lithe girl of with distinctive eastern features sneaks in and leaves a small bundle - a small red box tied with a white bow. A lotus has been pinned to the bow.

Opening the box you find several hand carved pin-on buttons and freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

Inspecting the cute little buttons they are all hand engraved, they read;

Vote for Sera Poi, she's the girl for the job!

Also, the cookies are quite delicious!

Sorry, I couldn't help another shameless plug, don't mind me! Hehe ;)

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Ah, political ads!

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Sorry, I hope that wasn't too intrusive! I was going for cute stalkerism, I swear!

I kind of have a habit of going after things I's something I'm working on, honest! ^_^

Grand Lodge


After tallying the votes it looks like the replacement player is Carridan Horn. Please welcome him to this game and feel free to help him along, if necessary.

BTW, for the rest of you, go ahead and make your equipment purchases and restock yourselves. This will take appx 24 hours. Once you have done so, I will post a recap in the Game Thread and we shall resume!


Greetings everyone!

hp: 3d8 + 9 ⇒ (8, 1, 7) + 9 = 25

Glad to join you all. I think with this roll for hps Carridan should be all set and ready to rock =)

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Welcome aboard.

Male Dwarf Zen Archer Monk 4//Preacher 1, HP: 46/46, AC(wMA) 21 /t 17 /f 19, F 9, R 6, W 10,(+3 vs spells/poison, +2 vs transmutation) Init +2, PasPer 22(24 stone), Darkvision 60'

*waves and smiles* Glad to have you along!

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Meh, can someone remind me of how much money we made?

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8
Horven Graveltoes wrote:
Meh, can someone remind me of how much money we made?

Oodles, lots, heaps.

Halfling Summoner 8, HP 64/64, AC 16/t 12/f 15, F 6 /R 7 /W 9, Init +1, PasPer 11, Sp (1st) 6/6 (2nd) 6/6 (3rd) 3/3, SMI, II, III, IV 8/8
Horven Graveltoes wrote:
Meh, can someone remind me of how much money we made?

Oodles, lots, heaps.

Edit; also, welcome!

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Thank you so much, Yamyra. How would I ever cope without you?

Male Halfling Rogue 5; HP: 35/35; AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; Fort: +3, Ref: +9, Will: +3 (+5 vs Fear, +2 vs illusions); Initiative: +4; Perception: +20 (+2 vs traps), Passive Perception: 30

Seriously, though...Is it 2264 gp, 14 sp each since we're keeping that crank that I shall become a master of?

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9


I mean, uh, welcome?


I prefer the term "wilderness survivalist" to "hippie", thankyouverymuch! =P

Female Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer 5 (Abyssal) PP=11 HP: 36/39 AC 18 (Touch 12, FF 16) Claws 9/9

Well, you still have some flayleaf don't you?

Don't tell Yamyra I asked this.

Also, going to buy a Page of Spell Knowledge with Magic Missile on it to ameloriate Carmina's rather lackluster ranged capablitiles.

Grand Lodge

Go ahead and post your purchases here guys. Once you have finished shopping then I'll advance things to the sewer and reuniting with Brast.

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