The Great Chronicles of Sandpoint - A Rise of the Runelords Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Tierce

Something is amiss in Sandpoint. Will this unsung band of heroes bound together and defeat the great evil?

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The old man looks up at the tower and then looks back upon you. "Well for starters, it's been called "Old Light", and it's been here longer then Sandpoint. As for what it is... there are only theories. Varisian and Shoanti folklore name it for a lighthouse, but I am quite sure that's incorrect. Know why? What does a lighthouse do?"

Tierce smiles as he takes the ale, "I have no fear from her, except possibly in a wrestling match, one I may have to get from here before I leave" You get the impression that he's not talking about wrestling.

"So my lovely friend, will you part with the Thune pen?"


current map Human Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist, Drunken Brute) 1
AC15 (13) | T 11 (9) | FF 14 (12) | HP 15 / 15 (17 / 17) | F+4 (+6) | R+1 | W-1 (+1) | Init +1 | perc + 3

Ash you wish Noro replies to Olly as she turns to leave. A wicked smile crosses her face.

Noro heads back to the common room to check on Zella and make sure Darius is ok.

just in case its needed Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Female Human (Varisian) Harrow Sorceress / 1

Zella continues to flirt a bit with Remus. "If you don't mind me asking, are you expecting to stay in town for a while or will I not get the chance to know you better ?"

F Gnome Bard/1


"You didn't answer my question," Olly retorts. "What are you going to do about the Hellknights?"

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