Jean-Guy Roth |

Using a gadget to improvise a tool and lifting the cover.
Strength Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
"Only one way to find out," Jean growled and crouched by the manhole cover. Reaching into a belt pouch, he drew out a hooked piece of metal with a cross grip only a little longer than his hand. While not made to fit the fixtures of the manhole, it worked just fine in giving him the leverage he needed.

GM Smashomancer |

1d100 ⇒ 36
The grinding of steel on steel accompanies the manhole as Jean lifts it up and aside with little effort. A wafting scent of what we'll refer to as "used water" permeates the air and a short set of bars lead into the tunnel below.
Kal catches up while Jean lifts the cover. He puts two and two together quickly judging by the look on his face. "Aw, we're not going down to-egh. Really? I just got these clothes pressed and cleaned. How about I just go to the treatment plant and see if they can send a crew?"

Jean-Guy Roth |

"Get your hands dirty or get out of the way," Jean growled at Kal and then thrust the metal hook he had used into Kal's hands. Without so much as a moment's hesitation, he started down the ladder.
"Going to need a light down here, no fire though. Might be a gas build-up."

Coco Liqueur |

Coco looks about for other possible escape routes from this location. I am unsure if he went down there now, was he strong enough to open the cover and then close it behind him? and without us hearing it? we were not very far behind

Seraphina Firedancer |

"Look on the bright side,you're wearing boots."
Taking a moment to cure her wounds in preparation, Seraphina followed down even thought she wasn't, and added, "'Fraid I can see in the dark, so I don't carry a light." She took a look around, just to be safe.
Cure: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17

GM Smashomancer |

Coco's logic is strong but between the three surveyors it appears that if this was some diversion, it sure seems convincing. There's not a trace of suspicious activity on this street besides the angry open-carrying man standing elbow-deep in raw sewage.
Speaking of him, both Seraphina and Jean descend from the street and quickly find the watery depths to be not so deep after all. While the pipe passage looks pretty clear of blocks its diameter turns out to be just over four feet. It's certainly possible to soldier on, but not without a bit of a squeeze for everyone involved.
Kal limply holds the hook for but a moment before placing it on the ground "...Alrighty then. So, I'll try it my way, and you go ahead and try... that. You might still need the hook."

Abel The Wanderer |

Abel Follows them down into the sewer, I have never seen a sewer and i am now regretting it. I should mention, i can see perfectly and thanks to what i am going to keep thinking is water i can sense other things in contact with it.

Mindos Rakhir |

Mindos comes back to the group. Ugh. We're really going down there? Reluctantly, he climbs into the hole.
At least it's dark, so I can't see what I'm stepping in.
perception (if needed): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

GM Smashomancer |

and thanks to what i am going to keep thinking is water i can sense other things in contact with it.
Interesting. And how far out does this ability let Abel see? That might come up/
"Good luck!" Kal shouts from behind and turns away.
As each individual leaves the last step of the ladder and places their feet in the water the truth is revealed. Each footstep sinks just a little bit in a soft bed of what we will refer to as "sediment."
The party hunches down and pushes through the muck, finding the accommodations to be less than generous for people of their stature. Those of you who can see note unadorned concrete makes up the majority of the tunnel, an occasional appearance of pipes that run along the ceiling and a couple of valves pass by to complete the fully utilitarian look. It's a sewer alright. And this sewer looks like it splits a short way from here. One way to the left, and one to the right
Mindos hears a faint splashing echo up ahead around the right corner. The sound of feet? It doesn't seem to be moving away.
I'll need a marching order please.

Abel The Wanderer |

Racial ability Water sense, 30 ft range, blindsense and only created in contact with the water. Something about sensing vibrations in the water. Abel will take the Vanguard unless someone else wants too

Coco Liqueur |

Coco will be by Jean, either in front or behind, whichever he prefers. beside, if there is room
As her feet sink into the "muck" I really do not want to know what that stuff is, right?
she tries to avoid using fire while down here, but the temptation is pretty strong.

GM Smashomancer |

We'll run with the order front-to-back: Abel, Coco, Jean, Seraphina, Gwynn, Mindos.
The party lines up to progress, hanging right towards the noises further in.
A small dimly-colored figure stays in place, continuing to splash in place, and can now be heard making something clank in the wall. A panel seems to be opened. None of you are being paid any mind yet. Perhaps you haven't been noticed yet?

Seraphina Firedancer |

Unsure as to what was going on, Seraphina empowered the rest of the party. If they needed the magic it was there for there use.
I have activated Momentum, please check out the Discussion thread to see what that means.

GM Smashomancer |

You mentioned Jean wasn't wearing his armor earlier. If so, his ACP shouldn't apply to this check.
Abel and Jean make an approach, gliding slowly through the water. As the two come closer, a diminutive ball of yellow-tinted light emerges from the panel. There are now several distinctive shapes outlined; the open red panel door, the small individual with an old model gas mask on, and the sanitation worker uniform which is brown, soaked, and of course designed to cover the body fully. The light ball flickers and fades, leaving the area in darkness. Only a creak and a snap of a lock indicates the panel is now shut. The small figure begins to walk away calmly. Slowly trudging through the sewage paying the approaching figures no mind.

GM Smashomancer |

The little man tries to jerk himself around, but between the depth of the water and his panic, he falls in instead. Even with his small stature, the fact that he's completely submerged is a sign the water gets deeper here.
As the one splashes in the water, sure enough two more individuals come up from below of a similar stature and uniform. Same brown and black leather gloves. They see the approaching three as Mindos sloshes on up.
"Something we can er... do fer ya blokes? Ain't a whole lotta cause ta come down 'ere ya know..." The one furthest to the back speaks to the party.

GM Smashomancer |

The one who fell begins to rise from the murk, and stops to listen to Jean's plight, relighting his orb to see the group. "I mean if someone came through this way, he'd hafta trip over us ta do it, and I haven't tripped anybody all afternoon. Prolly went-" The shortest worker is cut off by his taller, less accommodating accomplice.
"Wot? Mate, listen 'ere, these sewers ain't open to the public. Only construction workers are allowed ta be wanderin' around down 'ere. Ya can't jus' roam around hunting down blokes yer pretty sure broke the law. If ya think ya spotted criminal activity, report it to the CPD."

Seraphina Firedancer |

Seraphina attempted to get a sense of how honest the two were being.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Seraphina Firedancer |

Seraphina sighed. "I think they're telling the truth. Which means our little runner was sneakier than most, of we've gone the wrong way. Or I'm terrible at reading people."

Coco Liqueur |

Coco had been sloshing through the murky water, not really verbally complaining, but obviously trying her best to not get too mucky. (and failing)
she eventually makes her way to the others, So we find anything? seeing the others. Oh, hey there.
As Seraphina chimes in her observation. you tellin me, we didn't need to come down here? great, I need a shower.

Abel The Wanderer |

diplomancer: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
If you could please let us by, we are chasing a criminal...gods it stinks down here He bursts out coughing and no longer paying attention

Mindos Rakhir |

Diplomacy also: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Mindos holds out his hands. Alright, I believe you. But say, hypothetically, if you happen to see a halfling, say about 3 feet tall, pale blonde hair, brown eyes, and a beige overcoat, we can, hypothetically, make it worth your while.
He reaches out to pat the shorter worker on his shoulder, before reaching into his pouch and pulling out a small glass vial. He uncorks the vial and chugs its contents.
I cast Detect Secret Doors on myself

GM Smashomancer |

The one in front responds first, looking back at the other two that came up from the water. "Well... since you seem like upstanding people-notliterallybutyaknowwhatImean-we can let ya off with a warning, yeah? I'll keep an eye out, but ya should probably leave before the boss blows a gasket." He thumbs in the direction of the other worker who's currently preparing for another dive.

Jean-Guy Roth |

Jean is still carefully silent but as soon as it is clear that they are not finding anything else down here, he thumps his gauntleted fist into the side of the passage in frustration.
"Dead end then," he growls and starts to turn back towards the way they came.

Seraphina Firedancer |

Looking at the water, Seraphina added, "Wasn't he a doctor? He's got to know that such would be...bad."

Seraphina Firedancer |

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
My current idea is to swing back out and try and find a trail above, assuming that the Perception checks see nothing.

GM Smashomancer |

Perfectly fine.

Seraphina Firedancer |

Seraphina glanced at the others, noting some were also staring at the hand, and headed towards it cautiously.

GM Smashomancer |

"Uh. Okay. I'll get back to our runoff clog." The maintenance worker turns around to slosh through the hip deep stuff without seeming to notice the minor event on the other side of the trespassers.
Some members of the group walk past the area they entered from in the opposite direction of the small group they met.
As the party approaches this corner, no-one is nearby, instead catching a glimpse of a figure rounding the next left corner with an arm held behind them, running gloved fingers on the wall of the tunnel. The tunnel seems to be almost dry down this direction.
Liiittle further. Don't want them hearing us, do we?
Sounds like a woman.

Seraphina Firedancer |

"Uh...sure?" Well, this was neither creepy nor seeming like a trap, but Seraphina continued to close, trying to keep her eyes out just incase.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23