The Festival of the Damned

Game Master Green Smashomancer

Abel, Seraphina, Tom
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Meet the Team

The day is peaceful. The sky is blue, the wind is calm, the air is warm, and the waiting room is dull. Peaceful, yet ultimately unfulfilling muzak plays faintly in the silence as four individuals sit in well-padded chairs, all uniform in design. They await their names to be called in for an interview with a representative of the prestigious Ainsworth noble family.

The waiting room itself is well decorated; bright, stylized rugs and polished windows give the darkwood floors a contrasting display. A secretary sits at a desk quietly scratching away a the paper in front of her. While these near strangers sit amongst themselves, the gardens receive an old visitor…

I’ll be posting more soon! In the meantime, everyone get themselves acquainted with one another. Except Azrael. We’ll go with what I mentioned in PM unless you’d prefer going with the group.

Silver Crusade

Temporal Stuff:
4 CON Damage. / HP 25/25. / Fort +8.
Daily Resources: Smite Evil: 2/2 ; Lay on Hands: 5/5 ; Detect Evil: At Will HP 32/32 | AC/T/FF 18/11/17 | CMD 19 | Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +7 | Init +5 Perception -1

I'll be choosing what you told me in the PM. For the Old Lord, all the possibilities!

Male Undine Monk (MoMS) lvl 1/Deadly Fist Soulknife Lvl 3 Hp 21/24 | Ac 20 | FF 15| Tch 19 | CMD 22 | Fort 4 | Ref 9| Will 10 | Percption +11 , Darkvision | Initiative +5

dotting this so it shows up in my campaigns

Conditions/Buffs/Debuffs: Mage Armor(+4 AC), Dead Elf Wizard(spellslinger) 1/Sorceror 2 | HP -8/9 | AC 13(17 with mage armor-currently active) Touch 12 Flat 11| CMB 1 | CMD 13| Ref +3 Fort -1 Will +5 | Init. +6| Perception +5| Wand of Mage Armor 48/50 charges|

It begins!
Lanliss looks around the room for the umpteenth time. "Hello" He says to everyone. "So, are you here for the same reason as me?"

Male Undine Monk (MoMS) lvl 1/Deadly Fist Soulknife Lvl 3 Hp 21/24 | Ac 20 | FF 15| Tch 19 | CMD 22 | Fort 4 | Ref 9| Will 10 | Percption +11 , Darkvision | Initiative +5

That depends why are you here? Hello, I am Abel A silvery skinned fish like person, smiling holding out his hand. He is dressed in deep blues, bandages wrapped around his hands.

Conditions/Buffs/Debuffs: Mage Armor(+4 AC), Dead Elf Wizard(spellslinger) 1/Sorceror 2 | HP -8/9 | AC 13(17 with mage armor-currently active) Touch 12 Flat 11| CMB 1 | CMD 13| Ref +3 Fort -1 Will +5 | Init. +6| Perception +5| Wand of Mage Armor 48/50 charges|

Lanliss shakes Abels hand
"Let's say.. A job interview, my name is Lanliss"
Lanliss grins disarmingly.

Female Tiefling (Grimspawn) Occultist: 3 HP: 26/26

She walked through the halls, grumbling to herself under her breath. The tram ride here was less than ideal, and her boot was still sticky from... whatever it was.
She opened the door to the waiting room, using both hands, then spreading them in a wide gesture meant to make an entrance, but upon second thoughts, seemed forced. She quickly shrunk under the weight of her own gesture, then waved to the room. "Hello, I'm Gwynn." She said, taking a seat where it's first available. She whistled at the room. "This room is more expensive than everything I own, combined."

Crossblooded Sorcerer 4 - Demi-Gestalt Bloodrager | HP: | AC: 19, T: 13, FF: 16 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +3 | BAB: +3, CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | Init: +3 | Perception: +7 | Bloodrage: 13/13 1st Level Spells 7/7 | 2nd Level Spells 4/4

Used to big, airy buildings from her time at the monastery, Serephina wasn't over awed by the building. Her bare feet brushed against the wood as she stretched a little, the glowing tattoos that covered most of her body flaring briefly on her feet and arms as she moved. "Hello Gwynn. Hi Abel. Nice to meet you Lanliss." The young healer bowed her head to each in turn. "I'm Seraphina. Nice to meet you all."

Conditions/Buffs/Debuffs: Mage Armor(+4 AC), Dead Elf Wizard(spellslinger) 1/Sorceror 2 | HP -8/9 | AC 13(17 with mage armor-currently active) Touch 12 Flat 11| CMB 1 | CMD 13| Ref +3 Fort -1 Will +5 | Init. +6| Perception +5| Wand of Mage Armor 48/50 charges|

"Nice to meet you too." Lanliss says.

Female Tiefling (Grimspawn) Occultist: 3 HP: 26/26

Some group we got here. Gotta wonder what we all have in common. Just what was the interviewer going for here, hmm? Gwynn said, looking over everyone. She tapped her fingers against the armrest. Cozy little place, eh?

Conditions/Buffs/Debuffs: Mage Armor(+4 AC), Dead Elf Wizard(spellslinger) 1/Sorceror 2 | HP -8/9 | AC 13(17 with mage armor-currently active) Touch 12 Flat 11| CMB 1 | CMD 13| Ref +3 Fort -1 Will +5 | Init. +6| Perception +5| Wand of Mage Armor 48/50 charges|

"Yeah, what do we have in common"
Lanliss looks around again, this time he notices the expensive furniture. he whistles. "How can they afford this stuff?"

Male Undine Monk (MoMS) lvl 1/Deadly Fist Soulknife Lvl 3 Hp 21/24 | Ac 20 | FF 15| Tch 19 | CMD 22 | Fort 4 | Ref 9| Will 10 | Percption +11 , Darkvision | Initiative +5

Greetings Abel says to both Gwynn and Seraphina, It is rather extravagant is it not? I suppose we will find out eventually why we are needed The man stands up arms folded behind his back walking around the room curiously

The calm chatter continues as an attendant emerges from the doorway past the desk, he speaks up.

Abel? The rather short man asks, calling for the first interview.

So, here’s the weird part. Each interview will happen one at a time, as far as the characters are concerned, but to keep everyone involved, I’ll be posting each at the same time. Including Azrael. However, if anyone wishes to interact with one another, they’d need to keep in mind who is there.

Totally unimportant rolls: 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + (4) = 8

Edit: Ooh, both? Really?

still unimportant rolls: 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + (2) = 6


As Abel is escorted down the elaborately decorated hallway, he reaches a more simple door at the end, merely well constructed wood, with frosted glass panes showing a figure with their head bowed. As he enters, the man at the desk gets up to greet his guest and extends his hand.

It is nice to meet you, Abel, My name is Bishop. Care to have a seat?

Perception DC 18, for everybody but Azrael:
The muzak from before begins to fluctuate mildly in volume. Static can be heard.

The gardens were always falling out of bloom this time of year. The beginning of autumn brought a chill wind from the north as always, but the flowerbeds were quiet, far from the noise of the city traffic in the streets. Still, the day was pleasant.

Yet, the sight of Morganna leaning from the gazebo clashed with the view. The bright red, regal dress she wore contrasted the growing amount of brown in sight. She greets Azrael with a smile.

You showed up. Good. For both of us.

As Gwynn is escorted down the elaborately decorated hallway, she reaches a more simple door at the end, merely well constructed wood, with frosted glass panes showing a figure with their head bowed. As she enters, the man at the desk gets up to greet his guest and bows with an arm out.

It is nice to meet you Gwynn, My name is Bishop. Please. He pulls out the chair opposite his desk.

As Lanliss is escorted down the elaborately decorated hallway, he reaches a more simple door at the end, merely well constructed wood, with frosted glass panes showing a figure with their head bowed. As he enters, He notices decidedly unclean blood streaks along the walls, though his host seems to be quite calm despite this. Unkempt, but rather clean himself.

It is nice to meet you, Lanliss, My name is Bishop. I must extend my apologies about the mess, please take a seat.

As Seraphina is escorted down the elaborately decorated hallway, she reaches a more simple door at the end, merely well constructed wood, with frosted glass panes. The occupant inside seems to be sweeping before opening the door. As she enters, the man at the desk gets up to greet his guest and bows with an arm out. He is a bit unkempt, but rather clean himself.

It is nice to meet you Seraphina, My name is Bishop. Please excuse the mess, He pulls out the chair opposite his desk.

edit: Sorry about that, needed to adjust some things.

Conditions/Buffs/Debuffs: Mage Armor(+4 AC), Dead Elf Wizard(spellslinger) 1/Sorceror 2 | HP -8/9 | AC 13(17 with mage armor-currently active) Touch 12 Flat 11| CMB 1 | CMD 13| Ref +3 Fort -1 Will +5 | Init. +6| Perception +5| Wand of Mage Armor 48/50 charges|

put the names of whoever the interviewer is talking to e.g. Lanliss:hi would mean that the interviewer said hi to Lanliss

Silver Crusade

Temporal Stuff:
4 CON Damage. / HP 25/25. / Fort +8.
Daily Resources: Smite Evil: 2/2 ; Lay on Hands: 5/5 ; Detect Evil: At Will HP 32/32 | AC/T/FF 18/11/17 | CMD 19 | Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +7 | Init +5 Perception -1


Azrael returned the smile and gave a swift bow to Morganna.
"You are as beautiful as ever, Milady... I can't help but wonder why after all this years. I'm al ears, Morganna... and I'm glad to be back, even if sometimes we clashed. No place like home, isn't it?."
He looks at the gazebo and the nback to her.
"Shall we sit or you prefer to walk as we chat?" and he offers his arm.

Conditions/Buffs/Debuffs: Mage Armor(+4 AC), Dead Elf Wizard(spellslinger) 1/Sorceror 2 | HP -8/9 | AC 13(17 with mage armor-currently active) Touch 12 Flat 11| CMB 1 | CMD 13| Ref +3 Fort -1 Will +5 | Init. +6| Perception +5| Wand of Mage Armor 48/50 charges|

"hello Bishop." lanliss murmurs "what happened here"
perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

I was seven years old when you left. Truthfully there wasn't much about you that I had forgotten. I didn't know anything in the first place. She motions for him to step into the gazebo.

The Festival is coming in a weeks time you know. How much do you know about it?

Yes, I, umm. Well we had an unplanned visitor, he was quite rude. Again, I offer my sincerest apologies.

Silver Crusade

Temporal Stuff:
4 CON Damage. / HP 25/25. / Fort +8.
Daily Resources: Smite Evil: 2/2 ; Lay on Hands: 5/5 ; Detect Evil: At Will HP 32/32 | AC/T/FF 18/11/17 | CMD 19 | Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +7 | Init +5 Perception -1


He lets a sincere laugh at the mention of her age "I'm sorry Morganna, I was talking about the others and me clashing, but I'm honest when I say you were a beautiful girl that grew into a beautiful woman Hahahaha!"

As they sit he looks over the garden The family always cared with passion about appearances... but beauty isn't all that counts

"I know enough to tell that it's a parade, another way to wrestle power to other houses and to get rid of problems without getting into "clan wars"... but not much. I didn't have time to learn about the Festival. So go ahead, explain me as if I knew nothing... because I suspect there is more to know, isn't it?."

No apology needed, what would you say if I told you that you already knew more than most people? Outside of the nobility a scarce number of people understand the deep lines drawn between each house. As far as we've let them know, we meet with each other to celebrate, not to place bets. She stands straight by now.

Can you keep a secret?

Female Tiefling (Grimspawn) Occultist: 3 HP: 26/26


Gwynn sits down across from bishop, crossing her legs and leaning back into her chair.
"You look familiar, mate." She said. "I've definitely seen your face before. You been on many magazines?" She asked.
She touched her fingertips together.
"So, who'r the other blokes? She asked. "An' what am I doin' here?"

Silver Crusade

Temporal Stuff:
4 CON Damage. / HP 25/25. / Fort +8.
Daily Resources: Smite Evil: 2/2 ; Lay on Hands: 5/5 ; Detect Evil: At Will HP 32/32 | AC/T/FF 18/11/17 | CMD 19 | Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +7 | Init +5 Perception -1


"I swear by the Old Lord that whatever you tell me won't leave my lips."

Bishop sits down across from his guest, answering with a grunt.

Well, well, full of questions aren't we? I understand, The other folks in the lobby are- He looks away for a moment, squinting briefly before a moment of comprehension dawns on his face.

Oh! I know what you're referring to. Yes, well, Lady Morganna felt that I should take part in some sort of, in her words "recreational" activity. she suggested model photography. I drew the line at the mention of the small swimsuits. It had it's upsides, I suppose. My closet is rather full now. He doesn't appear to be in especially trending clothing at the moment, a very basic set of clothing denoting his allegiance is all he wears at the moment.

But enough about me. The other individuals in the lobby right now will be colleagues of yours soon enough. So I hope anyway. We at the Ainsworth house would like you to join us for the duration of the Festival of the Damned. In employment of a particular kind.

At this point in time, Abel, Lanliss and Seraphina hear the doors open. Into the waiting room walks a surly-faced creature, noticeably deformed. The towering thing's eyes are wide as he bellows out the words

WHERE IS HE?! At the front desk mentioned previously. The woman sitting behind it responds flatly with, In his office. keeping her eyes on her work. The large creature storms off in the direction of the other interviewee's.

The woman exchanges glances with a worker nearby who had been walking in as the exchange ended. She nods in the same direction, he then leaves.

[b]We make use of small groups of people. Each house hires 4 or 5, and they enter the Irewood for the duration of the festival. As you well know, it's closed off. After they enter, each group is monitored, and when only representatives from one house remain, they may leave. Before we set our personal Reveler's free, we decide our terms. I would like to ask for your aid this time.

Conditions/Buffs/Debuffs: Mage Armor(+4 AC), Dead Elf Wizard(spellslinger) 1/Sorceror 2 | HP -8/9 | AC 13(17 with mage armor-currently active) Touch 12 Flat 11| CMB 1 | CMD 13| Ref +3 Fort -1 Will +5 | Init. +6| Perception +5| Wand of Mage Armor 48/50 charges|

Lanliss raises an eyebrow "what was that about?"

If anybody has Know: Local, they may be able to find out.

Silver Crusade

Temporal Stuff:
4 CON Damage. / HP 25/25. / Fort +8.
Daily Resources: Smite Evil: 2/2 ; Lay on Hands: 5/5 ; Detect Evil: At Will HP 32/32 | AC/T/FF 18/11/17 | CMD 19 | Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +7 | Init +5 Perception -1


"I need to know who will I be working with and what's our House goal in all of this. You know what I am: a Paladin of the Old Lord. I sheperd, I care and I reap... but I need to know why I do any of those things." he looks straight into Morganna's eyes to try and discern if what she will tell him is true or not "But I will gladly help you if you convince me I'm following the right path." he finish with a small and serious smile.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Looks like I will believe whatever she tells me hehe. Even a Paladin can have a soft spot for cuties.

Male Undine Monk (MoMS) lvl 1/Deadly Fist Soulknife Lvl 3 Hp 21/24 | Ac 20 | FF 15| Tch 19 | CMD 22 | Fort 4 | Ref 9| Will 10 | Percption +11 , Darkvision | Initiative +5

Abel interview thing:
Greetings Bishop, Interesting name, a title of some kind i assume? Abel shakes Bishops hand, sitting down.

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

knowledge local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Azrael Ainsworth. You will be aiding the most capable house in Calweld. With your help, we will be able to secure more land, and thus, more influence. Which you know brings safety to our fair people. She chuckles a bit to herself.

You needn't worry about the others we've searched out, Bishop is speaking with them at the moment.

Edit: Wow, waited way to long to click submit.

The creature that walked by was an Ogre. An uncommon sight in the cities.

Bishop gives a small laugh at the thought. No, no. No titles I'm afraid. Merely what happens when one lets an eight year old who happens to like chess name someone. Now that's enough about me. We at the Ainsworth house would like you to join us for the duration of the Festival of the Damned. In employment of a particular kind.

Silver Crusade

Temporal Stuff:
4 CON Damage. / HP 25/25. / Fort +8.
Daily Resources: Smite Evil: 2/2 ; Lay on Hands: 5/5 ; Detect Evil: At Will HP 32/32 | AC/T/FF 18/11/17 | CMD 19 | Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +7 | Init +5 Perception -1


"Then I will help House Ainsworth, Calweld and its inhabitants. Do I need to know anything else?"

Male Undine Monk (MoMS) lvl 1/Deadly Fist Soulknife Lvl 3 Hp 21/24 | Ac 20 | FF 15| Tch 19 | CMD 22 | Fort 4 | Ref 9| Will 10 | Percption +11 , Darkvision | Initiative +5

Hmm, Ogre don't see those around very often


Festival of the Damned, isn't that funny He chuckles a bit, What kind of work is needed

Crossblooded Sorcerer 4 - Demi-Gestalt Bloodrager | HP: | AC: 19, T: 13, FF: 16 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +3 | BAB: +3, CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | Init: +3 | Perception: +7 | Bloodrage: 13/13 1st Level Spells 7/7 | 2nd Level Spells 4/4

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
No noticing anything the music, Serephina bowed slightly. "Nice to meet you. I am Serephina Drakyos. No problem with the mess." Settling, she added, "So...what can you do tell me?"

Serephina watched as the large creature stormed into the office. "O...K..."

Female Tiefling (Grimspawn) Occultist: 3 HP: 26/26


perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
That's weird... what' up with the music...
Too bad, would have read that magazine. Gwynn quips, at the same time, watching the man's expressions intently.
Sense Motives: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Employment, eh? I like the sound of that. Tell me more, luv. She said, trying to sound cool, but inside, she was bursting with anticipation. Finally, someone noticed her skillset.
She hears something go on outside. The hell... She muttered, craning her neck over towards the door.

I must warn you ahead of time that this would be exceedingly dangerous work. We would ask two things of you. First, that you represent us during events held within Calweld over the course of the Festival. And second-

His words are abruptly cut off by a violent coughing fit. Bishop pulls out a purple handkerchief before continuing.

Pardon me-Secondly, that you remain tightlipped about the events in question. There are manifold reasons why, and I’d be happy to explain them in detail at some later date. For now though, simply understand that every house scrutinizes the movements of others.

Oh, splendid. She puts her hands together. I knew we could count on you. Well, the simple next thing we need from you is that you not speak of our activities involving the festival in public. I know how that must sound, but loose lips sink ships. If the Hightowers, or worse, house Calweld learn of our own movements, we stand to lose more than just land.

Hidden rolls:
Bluff: 2d20 ⇒ (2, 9) = 11

Gwynn notices Bishops eyes widen for a split second before regaining his composure
I must warn you ahead of time that this would be exceedingly dangerous work. We would ask two things of you. First, that you represent us during events held within Calweld over the course of the- He looks away from Gwynn, over to the shadow now looming in the doorway. Soon, a large creature enters without knocking. Hideous, it speaks angrily.

The hell is all a this?! You think I’d just forget about my money?

Now, now Jorn. Please. He raises his right hand and gestures to Gwynn. We have company right now.
Go ahead and roll that Know: local check if you have it.

Perception DC 14, Anyone during an interview:
You notice Bishops left hand stays below the desk during the course of the time he sits behind it.

I must warn you ahead of time that this would be exceedingly dangerous work. We would ask two things of you. First, that you represent us during events held within Calweld over the course of the Festival. Secondly, we must ask that you remain silent about the events in question. While in the public eye at any rate. There are manifold reasons why, and I’d be happy to explain them in detail at some later date. For now though, simply understand that every house scrutinizes the movements of others.

Male Undine Monk (MoMS) lvl 1/Deadly Fist Soulknife Lvl 3 Hp 21/24 | Ac 20 | FF 15| Tch 19 | CMD 22 | Fort 4 | Ref 9| Will 10 | Percption +11 , Darkvision | Initiative +5


I must ask what are the detail of what i will be doing? Second are you well? coughing like that is quite dangerous.

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Conditions/Buffs/Debuffs: Mage Armor(+4 AC), Dead Elf Wizard(spellslinger) 1/Sorceror 2 | HP -8/9 | AC 13(17 with mage armor-currently active) Touch 12 Flat 11| CMB 1 | CMD 13| Ref +3 Fort -1 Will +5 | Init. +6| Perception +5| Wand of Mage Armor 48/50 charges|

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Knowledge(local): 1d20 ⇒ 9

Lanliss knows he ugly.

Conditions/Buffs/Debuffs: Mage Armor(+4 AC), Dead Elf Wizard(spellslinger) 1/Sorceror 2 | HP -8/9 | AC 13(17 with mage armor-currently active) Touch 12 Flat 11| CMB 1 | CMD 13| Ref +3 Fort -1 Will +5 | Init. +6| Perception +5| Wand of Mage Armor 48/50 charges|

"So, what am I here for?"

Oh don't worry about me, I've been worse. Bishop returns the handkerchief to his pocket before continuing.

To start, for this coming week we'd ask you and the others I am interviewing to investigate the use of a factory. as of now, I can't give you more information. For the simple fact that I do not know more details myself. Further information would come from Lady Morganna. And of course, if you choose to decline our offer, such information would not be safe.

Before I let you know anything else, I must warn you that this work would be very hazardous to your health. Bishops right arm goes up to his mouth as he begins a coughing fit. He pulls out a cloth from his pocket, and finishes his words.

We must ask two things of you. First, that you represent us during events held within Calweld over the course of the Festival. Secondly, we must ask that you remain silent about the events in question. While in the public eye at any rate. There are manifold reasons why, and I’d be happy to explain them in detail at some later date. For now though, simply understand that every house scrutinizes the movements of others.

Female Tiefling (Grimspawn) Occultist: 3 HP: 26/26


Don't have knowledge (local) I'm afraid.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Gwynn looks at Bishop's hand, then into his eye. Forgive me for inquiring, but is there something wrong with your hand? It isn't moving.
Once the Ogre walked in, Gwynn did her best not to jump. Angry ogres were not in the job description, were they?
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Calming herself and keeping her breath steady, Gwynn said, in her most soothing register. "Jorn, hun. That's no way for a gentleman to act in front of a lady." She stroked two clawed fingers down her cheek. Why don't we calm down and have a seat? This is something I'm sure we can handle in a quiet, dignified manner.

The Ogre looks indignant for a moment, baring yellowed teeth. Gripping the jaggedly spiked mace on his belt, releasing a couple of times before he exhales.

Alright. Fine. How about this? I got some prior business. I'll go first with the twig over here. Jorn moves in front of a seat next to Gwynn.

Bishop: I'm glad you decided to act politely. It's a good look on you. But you know you were unsuccessful by the standards we outlined. Killing the villagers guard dog is wildly out of line.

Jorn: Like hell, I'm buying that! Thing bit me! You said we "weren't to injure or harass the population while we searched" A dog ain't a villager! We found yer damn rocks. Gimme my gold. Now. Or else. He leans over the desk as he finishes talking. Bishops eyes water as he leans back, the why of the matter is of little mystery. He glances very briefly at Gwynn.

Sense Motive DC 15 for Gwynn:
He would like roughly 100% less Ogre in his face right now.

Listing names now for clarity.

Female Tiefling (Grimspawn) Occultist: 3 HP: 26/26


Sense Motives: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Poor dog. Was her first thoughts.
She looked over the ogre, trying to get a fix for him.
Sense Motives: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
She turned to Jorn and smiled. Now, Jorn, I'm sure this is something that can be handled at a later date. Gwynn said, crossing her legs. It's a fine day out there, let's not ruin it with business.

Conditions/Buffs/Debuffs: Mage Armor(+4 AC), Dead Elf Wizard(spellslinger) 1/Sorceror 2 | HP -8/9 | AC 13(17 with mage armor-currently active) Touch 12 Flat 11| CMB 1 | CMD 13| Ref +3 Fort -1 Will +5 | Init. +6| Perception +5| Wand of Mage Armor 48/50 charges|

" Hazardous how?"

Male Undine Monk (MoMS) lvl 1/Deadly Fist Soulknife Lvl 3 Hp 21/24 | Ac 20 | FF 15| Tch 19 | CMD 22 | Fort 4 | Ref 9| Will 10 | Percption +11 , Darkvision | Initiative +5


It's understood i will not kill nor harm innocents, yes? Monster's and demons are one thing, but other people i will not kill. Lord Soriel lead me here to "save those who are damned", I am still learning what it means myself, however killing will not solve this. Assuming your boss is okay with this, i shall lend my abilities.

Silver Crusade

Temporal Stuff:
4 CON Damage. / HP 25/25. / Fort +8.
Daily Resources: Smite Evil: 2/2 ; Lay on Hands: 5/5 ; Detect Evil: At Will HP 32/32 | AC/T/FF 18/11/17 | CMD 19 | Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +7 | Init +5 Perception -1


Putting his hand over the heart Azrael says in a solemn voice "I swear by my name, my holy vow and my honor that I won't say a thing. I will die before betraying my word. Is there anything else you need to fill me in?"

Crossblooded Sorcerer 4 - Demi-Gestalt Bloodrager | HP: | AC: 19, T: 13, FF: 16 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +3 | BAB: +3, CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | Init: +3 | Perception: +7 | Bloodrage: 13/13 1st Level Spells 7/7 | 2nd Level Spells 4/4

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Oblivious to the issues with the hand, Serephina nodded. "Helping to settle the dead is my Mistress' command. I've heard nothing especially bad about this house. I don't understand the need for secrecy, but if you assure me it's necessary...I'll agree, under the condition that it does not involve going against my Mistress' will."

”Save those who are damned?” A very noble thing to try around here. I can reasonably say that you are unlikely to end up in a position where murder is required of you. I appreciate your willingness.

No, no, I think it’s about time you see the others. Give them a good look over. But to be clear, the only authority you have over them is what they allow you. Relationship with our house or not, I’ll not be accused of playing favorites.

Jorn: Turns back to Gwynn and growls out No! If I’m gonna play nice, I’m going first, I already waited two weeks. He faces Bishop again.

You get til the end of the day, hear me? If I don’t get my money by then, this buildings burning to the ground. Ya know what happens to people who try an’ rip me off?

Bishop: I have a better question. Have you heard the lead wind howl?

2d20 ⇒ (6, 16) = 22

Jorn: Wha-

Bishop: Oh don’t worry about it. Please then, if I could just finish with the kind, very patient lady, I’ll join you momentarily. He offers Jorn a key, who then accepts.

That key is to the room just to the left of this one. Please wait there.

With that he leaves the room.

I'm sorry about all of that. Jorn can be a bit overbearing. And unreliable. I'm surprised you were able to talk him down. Thats a skill I admire.

Gwynn, Perception DC 10:
The door makes no click as it closes.

Not to be overly direct, but you will likely come into direct physical conflict with other individuals, themselves likely having orders counter to your own. The Ainsworth house expects you to be capable of handling these matters. All I can tell you to start, for this coming week we'd ask you and the others I am interviewing to investigate the use of a factory. Further information would come from Lady Morganna. And of course, if you choose to decline our offer, such information would not be safe.

I suppose this mistress would be Kalmistra as your file mentions? Rest assured, we would not ask of you anything so heinous as poisoning the earth, or otherwise harming our fair land. It may be worth mentioning that you will be required to enter the Irewood at some point though.

Female Tiefling (Grimspawn) Occultist: 3 HP: 26/26


Gwynn thinned her eyes at Bishop. Lead wind? She asked.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
She fixates her eyes on the door, looking for anything more unusual that might mark it as odd, fixated on any magical aspects.
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
[b]Best fights are won with words. Though I'm good enough in a fight, I'd rather not have to bloody myself if it's not the only opportunity present.

Gwynn notes there is very likely some variant of Silence in the immediate area of the door.

I suppose you haven't worked in politics then. Words have a way of going in circles that lead to nowhere. Now, where were we? Danger... represent the house... right. Next, we ask that you remain tight-lipped while in public in regards to our activities over the festival. Simple security reasons, those. For this coming week we'd ask you and the others I am interviewing to investigate the use of a factory. Further information would come from Lady Morganna.
1d2 ⇒ 1

Crossblooded Sorcerer 4 - Demi-Gestalt Bloodrager | HP: | AC: 19, T: 13, FF: 16 | Fort: +10, Ref: +5, Will: +3 | BAB: +3, CMB: +2, CMD: 15 | Init: +3 | Perception: +7 | Bloodrage: 13/13 1st Level Spells 7/7 | 2nd Level Spells 4/4

Serephina nodded in affirmation. "Under those circumstances I think I can agree to that, yes."

Male Undine Monk (MoMS) lvl 1/Deadly Fist Soulknife Lvl 3 Hp 21/24 | Ac 20 | FF 15| Tch 19 | CMD 22 | Fort 4 | Ref 9| Will 10 | Percption +11 , Darkvision | Initiative +5

I just follow my heart, As long as their is one soul who believes, anyone can atone for their sins. Anyway, enough of that when will i be meeting this Lady Morganna I imagine their is more to speak about

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