Coco Liqueur |

Your Welcome Coco says to Jean at his grunt. as he goes to talk to his friend, Coco speaks to the rest gathered.
Its a slow process but he is learning, and he's a pretty cool guy when ya get to know him. Anyway, turning to Morgana, What can I do fer ya, I'm really here for this festival and scope out the various schools in the area see if there are any I can make use of. But I'm guessin you need the services Jean and I can offer.
the one thing that did catch Coco's ear, was something that Seraphina said. Fire? really, I think you and I might get along just fine, assuming we are gonna be working together. she puts an arm around Seraphina gives her a thumbs up with the other, [b]whaddya say?[b]
Coco's skin is a bit warm to the touch, but not overly hot. she definately has a fire that burns inside of her.

GM Smashomancer |

Its a slow process but he is learning, and he's a pretty cool guy when ya get to know him.
"I doubt that." Bishop states on his way to Morgana's side.
Turning to Morgana, What can I do fer ya, I'm really here for this festival and scope out the various schools in the area see if there are any I can make use of. But I'm guessin you need the services Jean and I can offer.
"Lady Morgana? This is Coco."
The acting head of the Ainsworth house turns her head to address the friendly newcomer.
"Schools of what sort? We have many in Calweld, and many may suit you. And yes, if you're the sort who is interested in helping house Ainsworth, there are doors I could open. Assumptions are a dangerous thing however. Each of the others I have assembled here have signed a contract, and for good reason."
A couple of yards over, Jean approaches the Celo family, who exchange glances after his offer.
"What? No, I can't-"
"Bruce, we need somewhere for Cindy. You're Jean? My name is Camille, Bruce and I married a few months ago. I... thank you. That's generous of you, we'll try to be out as soon as we can. I don't imagine you want a five-year old running around in your home for long." The kobold pinches his snout in momentary frustration before being cut off by his own wheezing cough. Almost on cue, another man arrives to the conversation. He wears a long blue tailcoat with a matching wide-brim hat, and impeccably decorated smallsword at his side.
"Greetings? Er, so sorry to interrupt, my name's-"
"You're Mr. Savard right?"
"Why yes, yes that's me. Call me Kal." He puts his hands on his hips and flashes an incredibly exaggerated smile, proud to be recognized so quickly. "I know it's somewhat out of the ordinary to ask, but could you tell us anything about what happened? Maybe a few good folks nearby could help find who did this." He nods to Morgana and quickly turns to Jean with his hand out and a smile.
"Hi there! I don't think we've met, but thanks for helping out. We need folks like you around here."
Eeyyy. Posts are afoot.

Seraphina Firedancer |

Long may they last.
Seraphina nodded. "It was brave, running into the fire." Not wise, but certainly brave. She grinned at Coco. "Both of you are." She looked over at the coughing man. "Do you need some Healing for that? It sounds nasty."

Jean-Guy Roth |

Jean looked at the man's hand then took in the rest of him, clean and unmarked by ash and burns, dressed rather foppishly. He decided it would be best if Savard, too, was ignored for the moment.
"Bruce never mentioned," Jean said, "He's a lucky fellow to find a wife practical enough to make sure he takes help when it's offered. I fair have to pin him to the bar afore he lets me buy him a drink. It's a plain bachelor's apartment but there should be room enough for you three for as long as you need. I've got a little workshop out back in the landlady's shed, plenty of space for an old soldier," Jean was not good at gentle or polite conversation and it showed. He was clearly doing the verbal equivalent of walking on eggshells as he tried to keep the reflexive expletives and roughness out of his words.
"Now, I've got some practicals to take care of," Jean said and stood to his full, lean height and finally turned his attentions on Morgana and Savard.
"Either of you got any insight to share? I'm not a patient man and my friend nearly died tonight along with his wife and their little girl," he started jerking his head for them to follow and moving away from the delicate little family unit.

GM Smashomancer |

Seraphina is referring to Mindos? Or Bruce? Either way, a DC 10 heal check reveals they have non-lethal damage from the smoke inhalation.
Kal puts his hand down sheepishly as Morgana nods to Bishop to follow Jean’s lead. She remains behind dispassionately observing the conflagration with her hands folded. The flames lick at the door and window frames with less aggression, slowly but surely.
”Heh, all I know is what Ginny told me. She hired a guy to check up on a place the rest of these folks went through the other day. She wanted to stop by and see what he found today, and I guess we showed up right in time.” Kal keeps up his positive tone, a force of habit if not practice.
”They, certainly arrived serendipitously.” Bishop interrupts the blue clothed man.
”Alright, I can take a hint, eesh. I’ve added all I can anyway.” Kal leaves the discussion to speak to Mindos, Seraphina, Abel, Gwynn and Coco. For his part, the chamberlain meets Jeans gaze calmly.
”Kal speaks the truth. We received little information in regards to Bruce’s findings before this, but none of it suggested a hazard this significant. I do not suspect he is hiding something from us, unless he is a very good liar and I am not one to follow stereotypes. This was an unrelated event. Of that I am certain.”
"…Just a bad deal. I still don’t get why there would be a big molten fireball in the house.” The banker starts a discussion of his own.

Coco Liqueur |

Coco wasn't to sure what to make of all of this. she was not very familiar with all this "house" stuff.
hoping to answer Morgana before Jean pulls her aside. schools that will improve my fighting techniques, and to help me better control my apparent inherent magical talents.
SHe decides to give Jean his space as he talks to Morgana, soooo, anyone here know what all this stuff is about? I don't usually sign contracts without knowing why. she asks to anyone that will listen. tryiong to make some sort of conversation.

Mindos Rakhir |

"Do you need some Healing for that? It sounds nasty."
Assuming she meant Mindos...
No thanks, it'll go away in a while...He coughs a bit. And people put this in their lungs willingly? Brave.
"…Just a bad deal. I still don’t get why there would be a big molten fireball in the house."
Mindos thinks for a while. I spoke with Bruce's family before I went into the building. Apparently there was a doctor who was talking to Bruce right before the fire started. Maybe they might be involved?

Seraphina Firedancer |

It has been impressively broken. Does Discord have a dice roller?
Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Seraphina eyed the coughing pair, and nodded. "Tell me if it gets worse."
Considering, Seraphina added, "We should talk to this doctor anyway, in case he saw anything that might be useful."

Mindos Rakhir |

For discord, there's a few bots that the server owner (which would be Smashomancer, I'd assume) could invite that include dice capability. Some bots can do also neat things like look up rules, reference character sheets, etc. I'm looking around for some sites, and will email a list when I have a chance to.

GM Smashomancer |

Okey doke, how does everyone wanna do this? We could stay on Paizo, or migrate. Going by the words of one Vic Wertz, the last outage was planned as the final one. If we migrate we need a place. Discord seems like a popular idea.

Seraphina Firedancer |

For now, I would prefer to stay on Paizo. Unless we have yet another, massive outage. In which case Discord is something I do use.

Mindos Rakhir |

I think we should stick to Paizo, for now at least. If we do decide to move to discord as a backup, it might be helpful to create a server now and put the link in the campaign description. That way, we can each save it and access it if we get caught off guard by a server outage.

GM Smashomancer |

I think we should stick to Paizo, for now at least. If we do decide to move to discord as a backup, it might be helpful to create a server now and put the link in the campaign description. That way, we can each save it and access it if we get caught off guard by a server outage.
Well, I've set up the server but the old man in me is showing, I can't find a URL to link the server with. In the meantime, does anyone have something to add before we move on? EDIT: Nevermind on the link issue, link to the discord server is now available in campaign info.

Seraphina Firedancer |

It seemed like a good first step would be to make sure they were in the right place. Seraphina moved around, seeing if there was anyone who could tell them if this was the correct address.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16

Abel The Wanderer |

i Find coincidence to be more rare than people think... perhaps this was started by someone. I am not one to be suspicious of people but my gut says something this off here.

Coco Liqueur |

Coco stood there for a bit wondering what all the fuss was about. eventually she shrugs, and wanders off to find Jean.
Well, If I'm not under any contract, i guess I am free to go then?

GM Smashomancer |

Well, If I'm not under any contract, I guess I am free to go then?
Morgana appears to consider Coco’s words for a moment. The hint of a tease enters the sharply dressed noble woman's tone in her response.
”Of course. If you have no interest, be on your way. However if you wish for opportunities to meet and learn from other martial competitors including those from around the world, then I suggest sticking around for a bit longer. The contract would be simple; you Coco, would join Abel, Gywnn, Mindos, and Seraphina as private security to my noble house. You would answer to Bishop and handle matters directly involved in our jurisdiction. Sounds quite simple, doesn’t it?”
Seraphina’s search takes her through the waning crowd, however no-one claims any knowledge of what had gone on until the house fire began, or of seeing someone else exit the building. Her persistence bears fruit as she approaches the Celo’s for information, the last place left to look really. Bruce looks up for a moment before standing, he straightens out his thick welders overalls and reaches his full height of less than three feet. He tries to wipe off caked on soot as he speaks.
”I don’ get tha feeling we’re gonna be able to go to work anytime soon, Jean. Unless ya want in on the offer yer friend got. An’ tha fire wasn’t tha ladies fault, or the others here.” The kobold tries to explain what he knows and looks around the crowd.
”*Feh* Of course he’s gone. Can’t even own up to his mistakes. This halfling came around. Few hours ago. Thick accent, definitely from somewhere out-o-country. Maybe Ruhrland? Looked kinda ragged, but I’ve been there, wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. ‘Specially after he said he was a researcher. We got to talkin’. Guy goes by Stahl Falk. He said ‘doctor too’, but I ain’t givin’ ‘im tha dignity. He works with oozes. Didn’t say anythin’ about a f!++in’ LIVE SAMPLE… *exhale* Sorry. Said he’s here cause he wants to visit some place called Borealos fer containers. Apparently they got a good material for transportin’. A new material. Damn near on cue, I smell burnin’ behind him. Next thing I know, he’s hauling his ass out with mosta his alchemy set-up already packed up, and my… er… ‘home security’ measures start firin’ off. Then came the smoke and flying globs of lava. Last thing I remember was seeing him duck out of sight before I woke up with that guy. Thanks, by tha way.” Bruce points to Mindos with a bony thumb and index finger out.
An appropriate Knowledge check can reveal more information about either location.

Mindos Rakhir |

No problem.
Did you see if this "Falk" guy came in a vehicle of some kind?
Know. Local (Ruhrland): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Know. Local(Borealos): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

Coco Liqueur |

I was actually referring to the way things seemed to be moving, there was some mention of contract or something, but that conversation just seemed to fall to the wayside. I think the long shutdown broke the flow a bit and I wasn't sure what direction we were going. have not had much from the party filling us in as to what we were doing.
Coco stops in her tracks, turning back to Morgana, You got my interest now, I don't usually have much trust in rich folk, so if you are in fact genuine in your offer, then I am interested.
looking at the others scattered around the area, Of course, you gonna actually fill me in as to who is who then? I mean I know Jean, and I kind of met Seraphina.

Abel The Wanderer |

If you are to join us, greetings, I am Abel the wandering warrior, Teacher and philosopher . Abel says to Coco with his usual cheery demeanor.

Seraphina Firedancer |

Seraphina relayed what she'd learned. She was pretty sure everyone knew who she was by this point.

Jean-Guy Roth |

"Stahl Falk, eh? Might have to see about tracking him down when I've got some time," Jean said. It did not take much in the way of imagination to figure out what Jean's intentions were for the man who was dumb enough to accidentally burn down his friend's house.
Still, he looked at Bruce and the huddled forms of the kobold's wife and daughter. He was clearly doing some mental arithmetic. Three mouths to feed and Bruce would not be able to do any meaningful work at the moment. Revenge would have to wait, the gears in Jean's head were almost visibly spinning as he added everything up, found the only agreeable course of action and made a decision.
"Right, I'm in."

GM Smashomancer |

The Borealos College isn't designed primarily as a place to study. While it's a source of magical and technological research of all kinds, the location is primarily designed to build on knowledge of those past and to forge ahead anew. The spacious, nearly palatial halls of the place only willingly harbor the most gifted and proven individuals from inside Calweld. Their minds produce everything from wondrous quality-of-life improvements to bleeding edge weapons. In short, if Falk is "ragged" looking, and also an outsider? He'd be a fool to knock on their doors.
Morgana takes a leisurely pace on her way to the new group huddle along with Bishop in tow just behind her, Kal still off to the side nevertheless seems to be listening in.
Mindos? Gwynn? Introduce thyselves.

GM Smashomancer |

Alrighty then, moving on. Looking back, Gwynn and Mindos introduced themselves already.
”Usually people don’t become wary of me until they know me better.” The lady offers Coco a flat smile. She’s making a joke. Probably.
Morgana addresses Jean for the first time. There’s something undeniably calculating in her eyes. ”Oh? You seem like you know what you’re doing. Very good. Now that introductions are out of the way and if it would be agreeable to both you and Coco, I should like for you to join my entourage for the remainder of the day before being presented with your contracts. You may decide then if our terms are agreeable.”
Can I get perception checks please?

Jean-Guy Roth |

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
"Fine by me, but I want a stipend secured to help the Celo family get back on their feet. You were Bruce's employer when some nutter burned his house down. 'Nob-less Ob-lijay' and all that," Jean met the calculating eye and simply folded his arms in response. He knew what he was getting into by contracting himself to a noble and the last one that thought they could take advantage of him had been on a strictly liquid diet for quite some time.

Seraphina Firedancer |

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
"Nobless what?" Seraphina asked, baffled. "Like...they forgot the doorknob?"

Abel The Wanderer |

Noblesse Oblige. it means that its the responsibility of the well off or privileged to help those in need. Abel responds with a smile

Mindos Rakhir |

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
The more you know!
Right, so this Falk guy probably used a cover story. The Borealos College wouldn't have accepted him if he was an outsider. I say that we should search the house for anything Falk might have left behind.

Coco Liqueur |

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Coco looks to Mindos, Borealos College? sound like something that I might be interested in

GM Smashomancer |

Noblesse Oblige. it means that it's the responsibility of the well off or privileged to help those in need. Abel responds with a smile
Bishop lightly nods and adds ”A term coined in Frimaire. It grew popular in Oster as well. Despite its association with Oster, I find it to be a worthwhile ideal as well.” Morgana shrugs in turn.
”Regardless of that you can rest assured that I had no plans to leave Celo and his family out for the coyotes.”
Coco looks to Mindos, Borealos College? sound like something that I might be interested in.
”And yes, I could open a door there as well. Quite a few of them in fact. After the festival.” Morgana is quick to add her stipulation.
”A halfling you say?” Kal steps over to the discussion, leaning a bit off to the side.
”Y-yeah.” Bruce hesitates in his response momentarily.
“Exactly three feet tall?”
“Pale blonde hair? Brown eyes? Beige overcoat?”
“...Yes? "
“Anything like that fella?”
Kal flicks a finger in the direction of an overturned pile of rubble clinging near the house, between it and the neighboring home. There’s an earthen clatter before the faint sound of footsteps rushing off makes it clear somebody was spotted and made a break for it.

Jean-Guy Roth |

Jean drew in a breath and gave out a sharp, ringing "Oi!" It was more like a hound barking than a word.
Then he was off, drawing his revolver and sprinting after the retreating form. He was still missing his armor, but in a chase like this, even with the improvements he built into it, that was almost a benefit.

Seraphina Firedancer |

"Looks like we're running now," Seraphina said cheerfully as she took off after Jean and the running halfling. Hopefully the shorter legs on the Halfling would mean they could catch up sooner.

Coco Liqueur |

Coco was about to add something regarding the offer, when everyone, or perhaps nearly everyone, started off running after someone.
Yeah, hold that thought. I am sure this deal can be taken care of after we "apprehend" this fellow for ya.
turning to catch the others, Jean, don't worry, I'm commin to help. she yells as she takes off to help give chase.
When Mindos seems to have a good Idea, she joins him to keep him from being alone. I'm with you. she lets him know.

GM Smashomancer |

”’Oh, thank you so much Kal.’ Sure, I’m here to help after all.” Kal starts to trail the party, leaving a little after them. Bishop, Bruce and Morgana seem not to follow in chase.
The party runs in two groups; Jean with Seraphina and Abel, and Mindos with Coco. The first group dashes past the rubble, nothing seems to be down the path between the homes. There’s a pie sitting on the neighbors windowsill though.
The team going around the side scrambles to get ahead. Coco pulls ahead shortly in the chase. She rounds the corner of the other home and finds the undisturbed grass and small yard belonging to the neighbors. Untouched by the smoke, it almost feels like a normal day mere yards away. Up ahead, she catches sight of not an individual, but a manhole in the street shifting. Mindos spots this same occurrence from behind.

Coco Liqueur |

Coco slows a bit at the sight if the manhole. she quickly looks to see if that is a possible route the quarry has taken.
well? ya think this way? she asks the others.

Seraphina Firedancer |

"That or a cunning plan to throw us off," Seraphina replied, hoping a strong person would move it.