GM Chyro |
Round 3:
Grint's will to live stabilizes him at -3/0
Hostiles {*}
Leader, drops his crossbow, drawing his dagger and moving forward with an arrogant grin. 1 move action to melee
#1 roofie(-3/0), stabilizes.
#2 alley (-7), "Your own fault lass.", lashes out again for 2dmg.
#3 Leghumper Monkey shreeks, poorly trying to startle Sabyl
#4 (-3/0) Fails his save and bleeds another point (-4/0)
Malena <== here
Elsa launches snowball at nearest enemy (on hold, can vary on Malena)
Lyssa punches at the guy, roundhouse goes wide but the uppercut misses barely.
@ All: the leader is 1 move distance away from any of you.
The nearest enemy is the monkey holding Sabel's leg. *Hint Malena* If it's disposed of, the snowball from Elsa would hit the leader.
Malena Omoroi |
Malena sees the monkey hanging on Sabel's leg, and a parable about a metaphoric monkey on your back runs through her mind before she dismisses it as irrelevant.
She maintains her bardic performance, but weaves the words to introduce a new arcane effect. Suddenly, the sound of another screeching monkey issuing a challenge comes from the nearby darkness.
OK, who knows if this will work, but I'm giving it a try. Casting Ghost Sound to make the sound of another monkey, in hopes that it will distract the monkey on Sabel's leg and make it let go.
Here's a knowledge check to see if she can figure out a passable monkey sound to make: Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Here's a bluff: Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Of course, the GM could always be nice and decide that neither roll is necessary :) But there' there just in case.
Sabel Ea'tari |
With all the chaos Sabel snaps. She throws her hands in the air and starts chanting in a different language.
"साधना हड्डियों जीवंत बना
साधना हड्डियों जीवंत बना
साधना हड्डियों जीवंत बना
आप प्रवेश कर सकते हैं, मैं अन्य विमानों की शक्ति का आग्रह करते हैं और मैं महान राक्षसों आमंत्रित!
साधना हड्डियों जीवंत बना
साधना हड्डियों जीवंत बना
साधना हड्डियों जीवंत बना"
Silence make the bones come alive [3x]
I call upon the power of the other plane and I invite the great tea drinking skeleton, you may enter!
Silence make the bones come alive [3x]
A skeleton appears out of nowhere in front of the leader. Sabel looks it in the eye and points at the leader, the skeleton starts attacking him immediately.
Attack roll claw 1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Damage roll: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Attack roll claw 2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Damage roll: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Whilst the skeleton is attacking Sabel speaks softly to him.
"आप पुराने दोस्त धन्यवाद"
Thank you old friend.
GM Chyro |
Round 3 summary:
Grint's will to live stabilizes him at -3/0
Hostiles {*}
Leader, drops his crossbow, drawing his dagger and moving forward with an arrogant grin. 1 move action to melee
#1 roofie(-3/0), stabilizes.
#2 alley (-7), "Your own fault lass.", lashes out again for 2dmg.
#3 Leghumper Monkey shreeks, poorly trying to startle Sabyl
#4 (-3/0) Fails his save and bleeds another point (-4/0)
Malena conjures the call of a female monkey in heat. The monkey at Sabyl's leg darts off. gj :)
Elsa launches snowball at nearest enemy, now being the leader, hitting for a good 6 cold square in the chest.
Sabyl conjures up Action Hank, whose claws miss.
Lyssa punches at the guy, roundhouse goes wide but the uppercut misses barely.
Round 4:
Hostiles {*}
Leader (-6)"Outta my way", slashes poorly at Hank.
#2 alley (-7) Stabs at Lyssa, but misses widely.
#3 Monkey is two moves away, confusingly looking around for his potential mate.
#4 Monkey (-4/0) fails his save, bleeds for another 1. (-5/0)
Elsa <== here
Sabyl & Hank
???&??? Perception 15
Two figures have appeared, one on the roof shows the shape of a cat and one humanoid a small distance behind the leader. They don't seem to take action just yet.
Slash Hank: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Stab: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Dmg: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Fort: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (11) - 4 = 7
Jadwiga Elsa Harcatha |
Elsa screams in fury again and flings more ice at the Leader
Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 but the ice shard misses.
Lyssa Kail |
Punch!: 1d20 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 3 - 1 = 12 Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Knee!: 1d20 + 3 - 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 - 1 = 5 Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Lyssa continues to throw attacks at the guy in the alley, and continues to miss.
GM Chyro |
Waiting for Malena & Sabyl.
Round 4:
Hostiles {*}
Leader (-6)"Outta my way", slashes poorly at Hank.
#2 alley (-7) Stabs at Lyssa, but misses widely.
#3 Monkey is two moves away, confusingly looking around for his potential mate.
#4 Monkey (-4/0) fails his save, bleeds for another 1. (-5/0)
Malena <==
Elsa launches an ice shard at the leader but misses. (on hold)
Sabyl & Hank
Lyssa throws two more punches at the guy, but misses both. (on hold)
???&??? Perception 15
Two figures have appeared, one on the roof shows the shape of a cat and one humanoid a small distance behind the leader. They don't seem to take action just yet.
GM Chyro |
Round 4:
Hostiles {*}
Leader (-6)"Outta my way", slashes poorly at Hank.
#2 alley (-7) Stabs at Lyssa, but misses widely.
#3 Monkey is two moves away, confusingly looking around for his potential mate.
#4 Monkey (-4/0) fails his save, bleeds for another 1. (-5/0)
Malena keeps performing and casts another monkey call.
Elsa launches an ice shard at the leader but misses. (on hold)
Sabyl & Hank <== Here
Lyssa throws two more punches at the guy, but misses both. (on hold)
GM Chyro |
I'll bot Sabyl this round.
Round 4 Summary
Hostiles {*}
Leader (-6)"Outta my way", slashes poorly at Hank.
#2 alley (-7) Stabs at Lyssa, but misses widely.
#3 Monkey is two moves away, confusingly looking around for his potential mate.
#4 Monkey (-4/0) fails his save, bleeds for another 1. (-5/0)
Malena keeps performing and casts another monkey call.
Elsa launches an ice shard at the leader but misses. (on hold)
Sabyl & Hank. Hank's claws swipe at the leader but he dodges both, also Sabyl's arrow flies wide. {+}
Lyssa throws punches but the guy dodges both.
??? & ??? remain observing.
Claw 1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Claw 2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 Dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Arrow: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Dmg: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Round 5:
Hostiles {*}
Leader slashes his dagger at Hank and misses.
#2 Stabs at Lyssa and misses.
#3, the monkey is still totally oblivious.
#4 Monkey (-5/0), stabilizes at -5/0
Sabyl & Hank
??? & ???
Swipe: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11 Dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Stab: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10 Dmg: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Fort: 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (17) - 5 = 12
Jadwiga Elsa Harcatha |
The Jadwiga gathers her remaining arcane energy and hurls a snowball at the leader ranged touch: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11 damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2 dc 17 or be staggered.
Malena Omoroi |
(Remember to include the effects of the Bardic Performance in your attacks and damage! +1 morale bonus on saves vs. charm and fear, +1 competence bonus on attacks and damage.)
Malena continues her bardic performance, and again casts a cantrip to keep the monkey oblivious so that it won't cause trouble for her other companions.
Maintain Bardic Performance. (Two rounds left after this round....)
Cast Ghost Sound again.
GM Chyro |
Indeed, Malena's inspire ups Elsa's touch to 12...which......equals the required 12 for the leader.
Round 5:
Hostiles {*}
Leader slashes his dagger at Hank and misses.
#2 Stabs at Lyssa and misses.
#3, the monkey is still totally oblivious.
#4 Monkey (-5/0), stabilizes at -5/0
Malena continues her performance and another monkey sound.
Elsa draws upon her energy and lobs a snowball that hits the leader. The man feels a bit chilly and is now staggered.(-8)
Sabyl & Hank <=here
??? & ???
Fort leader: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Jadwiga Elsa Harcatha |
Ah, thank you Malena and Chyro, I had forgotten!
Lyssa Kail |
I always forget Bardic Performances...
Lyssa continues to try hitting the guy in the alley. This time Lyssa throws a punch at his face, and attempts to kick him in his crotch.
Punch!: 1d20 + 3 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 3 - 1 + 1 = 12 Damage: 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 1 = 9
Crotch Kick!: 1d20 + 3 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 3 - 1 + 1 = 15 Damage: 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 1 = 5
GM Chyro |
Lyssa, you are down to 1. You took a readied for 7 and a normal slash for 2.
And.....the crotch kick....that's a rather Vital part to a man.
It would connect...but i'd say that next time that could be considered a call shot to vitals. :)
Attacks on the vitals can also include dastardly “low blows.”
Sabel Ea'tari |
Sabel tries for the leader to finish him off.
Attack roll: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 4 + 1 = 12
Damage roll: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
"हांक, उसके मोज़े दस्तक!"
Hank, knock his socks off!
Hank attacks the leader also upon hearing Sabel speak.
Attack roll claw 1: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Damage roll: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Attack roll claw 2: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Damage roll: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
GM Chyro |
Round 5 Summary:
Hostiles {*}
Leader slashes his dagger at Hank and misses.
#2 Stabs at Lyssa and misses.
#3, the monkey is still totally oblivious.
#4 Monkey (-5/0), stabilizes at -5/0
Malena continues her performance and another monkey sound.
Elsa draws upon her energy and lobs a snowball that hits the leader. The man feels a bit chilly and is now staggered.(-8)
Sabyl & Hank. All attacks from the duo miss, though Sabel's arrow came close. Hank disappeared....
Lyssa missed with her punch, but a knee hits the guy sharply in the netherregions and he drops. (-3/0)
??? & ??? Remain passive.
Round 6:
Hostiles {*}
Leader (-8) and staggered, throws his knife as his likely last action at Sabyl, hitting for 3 dmg. "Haha, i'll never talk."
#3 Monkey realized there is no female in sight and double dashes back.
Malena <==here
??? & ???
Throw dagger: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Dmg: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Jadwiga Elsa Harcatha |
Elsa summons a small cantrip in her hands a Ray of Frost!
Ranged Touch: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 Cold: 1d3 ⇒ 1
GM Chyro |
Meanwhile, Grint's dreaming:
Grint is at the festival again. The women stop at every stand, giggling over gossip they overhear. Save for Elsa, she walks gracefully as ever.
However, with a seemingly bottomless pouch, she buys loads of stuff and makes him carry more and more.....and even some more after that.
"If a man goes shopping with a woman, there are clear roles. The women shop, the men are the carriers."
As he was about to protest, the baggage seems to increase until it collapses onto the poor man.
A blurred figure stands over him.
"Are you alright? What's a handsome guy like you doing out here?" His vision becoming sharp again, he sees a freckled face with light brown hair.
"You're one of the 5 adventurers who stopped the thieves, i'm a BIG fan. But since the women aren't around i'll keep you company. Forever, and ever, and ever....because you're Sooooooo strong and handsome.", and she clings to his arm.
Grint Mavric |
Grint feels quite fatigued because of the packmule role he had, but also alarmed at the mention of "Forever and ever and ever..." by the brown-haired girl.
Trying to focus his mind to bring out words in his dream, he tries to talk with the girl.
Will Save, (flavour reasons): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
"I'm sorry miss, but who are you? Is this a dream? I remember... fighting... I was in a fight... Where are we?"
GM Chyro |
You ask your question, but as you speak you feel this is a natural course of action like a line in a play. She looks at you with a smile.
"We're at the market handsome. Fighting? You were fighting against a heavy burden right here at the market. The women left for an inn. Saying something about you being a strong enough man to catch up."
Grint Mavric |
"I know I've been fighting though, I got hit by a crossbow bolt. Else I'd have a real painful imagination." He looks at the girl with the spreckled face and light-brown hair.
"Do I know you? Something tells me I should."
GM Chyro |
She shakes her head.
"No, we've never met."
Malena Omoroi |
Seeing the monkey no longer distracted by her illusions, Malena realizes that the gig is up and drops the masquerade. She maintains her bardic performance, continuing the arcanely-infused song of wandering Varisian triumph.
As the monkey gets close, she whips out her dagger (the weapon she actually has with her) and stabs at it.
Dagger Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Damage if Hits: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
(I did include my own bardic performance in the rolls.)
GM Chyro |
Round 6:
Hostiles {*}
Leader (-8) and staggered, throws his knife as his likely last action at Sabyl, hitting for 3 dmg. "Haha, i'll never talk."
#3 Monkey realized there is no female in sight and double dashes back.
Malena stabs at the monkey and hits for 4. {Target disabled}
Elsa launches ray of frost at the leader but it goes wide.
Sabyl <==here
??? & ???
With those rolls you could have taken down the leader.
You can retcon if you wish, or take the chances and let the other girls do it for you.
Sabel Ea'tari |
Hank, the skeleton, disappears in thin air whilst Sabel is knocking another arrow.
As she said those words she lets the arrow fly towards the leader.
Attack roll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Damage roll: 1d8 ⇒ 3
GM Chyro |
Round 6 Summary:
Hostiles {*}
Leader (-8) and staggered, throws his knife as his likely last action at Sabyl, hitting for 3 dmg. "Haha, i'll never talk."
#3 Monkey realized there is no female in sight and double dashes back.
Malena stabs at the monkey and hits for 4. {Target disabled}
Elsa launches ray of frost at the leader but it goes wide.
Sabyl launches an arrow at the leader, hitting him in the chest for 3. (-1/0)
Combat is over! Huzzah....
As Sabyl's arrow lodges itself and consciousness fades from the leader, an arrogant smile is on his face.
"The way you are can't possibly....hope...for...victory....."
As he hits the ground his body bursts into bright blue flames. Only thin ash remains, save for one thing, an earring shaped like a compass.
The cat on the roof darts away and the shape comes forward.
A man in a chain shirt wearing a mask.
"I would say "nice" victory, but it seemed you still had some trouble with these men and their pets. Your friend here seems to have taken a nasty one."
3 Daggers
2 leather armor
1 heavy crossbow
2 light crossbow
Silver coins: 1d20 + 1d8 + 1d8 ⇒ (4) + (1) + (3) = 8
Gold coins: 1d5 + 1d3 + 1d3 ⇒ (3) + (3) + (2) = 8
Malena Omoroi |
As the leader disappears in flames, Malena sighs. "I was hoping we would be able to ask him some pointed questions."
To her companions, she says, "Before we do much more of this, I want to go by home and get all of my equipment. It looks like hanging out with you folk, I get into fights!"
Malena looks at the man in the chain shirt. Putting away her dagger so as not to appear hostile, she says, "I don't suppose you're here because of the nail the tree, are you?"
GM Chyro |
Despite that the man from the alley is down, the arrow still faintly glows, just enough to shine light on Grint's face.
The man responds with a casual tone, with a slight undertone of sarcasm.
"You've hit the nail on the head. But as you can see, talking out here can be unhealthy. I suggest we go to a more secured location to discuss your request. However, your friend needs to be able to walk."
He aims his fist at Grint, a faint blue glow shows before the fighter wakes up.
Clw Grint: 1d8 ⇒ 8 Back at 5/11
Ladies: Perception 12
Despite being KO, Grint's facial expressions seem to shift from blank to surprised and then a sort of pleased smile.
Grint Mavric |
Just the sort of surprise and pleased to be alive and conscious again, not anything else ;)
Grint wakes up and shakes his head as if trying to shake of the drowsiness of being sleepy.
He pulls out the arrow further that knocked him unconscious, a small trickle of blood following it, but soon stopping as the wound seems to close.
He grabs his bow and dusts himself off. "So I guess we've won? Or is this just another bad dream?"
Jadwiga Elsa Harcatha |
Yes, we have won the day Grint. While you were napping we finished these ruffians off. Elsa says, her haughty tone not betraying her relief that Grint is alive.
Grint Mavric |
"Well I'm here to be your pincushion." He adds with an obvious hint of sarcasm and obvious displeasement at Elsa's remark.
"Alas even the dreams were no good."
He turns to the man that stands close to him, obviously the one that brought him back.
"I don't believe we've met before. I'm Grint Mavric, unfortunate guardsman and pincushion of these ladies and unofficial packmule to boot. Who might you be?"
GM Chyro |
"You can call me Agent. I am the mediator between potential clients and The Broker. I did overhear the leader's last words before his...colorful demise....
I have to agree with it. Your ladyfriend over there,, pointing at Lyssa, ..isn't in the best of shape either. But as the streets are an unhealthy place to do business, i suggest going somewhere discrete."
Agent takes out a small scroll from his pocket and after a few words a shimmering portal opens up.
"The way to our meeting room...."
Lyssa Kail |
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Lyssa feels like she's missing out on something when Grint wakes up, but she shrugs and decides to not care.
Whatever... it's just Grint anyway...
"Oh!" Lyssa exclaims, clapping her hands when Grint mentions being a packmule, "So you finally accepted it?! Great!"
Dizziness befalls Lyssa for a short moment and she trips over her own feet as she moves over to the portal. She bumps into Grint, clasping her arms around him while trying to find her balance. With her balance refound and her arms wrapped around Grint's waist Lyssa stares up at Grint.
"Get your hands off of me!" Lyssa shouts, pushing Grint away, "Pervert!"
Stamping her feet on the ground Lyssa moves over to the portal and moves through it. "Yuck... I need a shower now..."
Jadwiga Elsa Harcatha |
With an arched eyebrow towards the others the Jadwiga strolls into the gateway.
Grint Mavric |
Before Lyssa's entering the portal
"Lyssa, I would drop you sooner than I would drop my bow. I won't touch you, especially if you react to me like that."
Grint dusts himself off from Lyssa's embrace and takes steps towards the portal, following Elsa and Lyssa.
"You guys coming or what?" he calls to Sabel and Malena.
Sabel Ea'tari |
Sabel looks back on the battlefield with sorrowful eyes before following the others.
"Coming, don't worry."
She stops next to Lyssa and lays her hand on her shoulder.
"Wait up."
She casts cure light wounds on her.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
"Here, that should patch you up a bit."
Next she casts CLW on herself and following that she does it on Grint.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
"That should do for now."
One lvl 1 spell left. Lyssa heals for 6, Grint for 4 and I for 2.
GM Chyro |
Stepping trough the portal, you are relocated to a room which is furnitured for function over comfort.
A writing desk with matching supplies stands at the back, as does a bookshelf with only a handful of those.
A medium sized round table with conveniently 6 chairs stands in the middle. With the absence of windows, one could assume this is somewhere underground.
"Have a seat, and tell me what it is you seek."
Lyssa Kail |
Lysa completely ignores Grint's words, like usual, and steps through the portal.
"Wow, this place reminds me of the monastery's bathroom," Lyssa remarks as she observes her surroundings, "No windows, and no regard of the latest fashion."
After seating herself Lyssa looks at Agent, and her sour mood continues: "Could I get something to drink first, I have a dry throat? I want tea, strawberry flavor. Two sugar please, thank you."
GM Chyro |
"This place is not meant for casual teaparties. You can get water and some rations, as this place is often used briefly."
A small cupboard containing some mugs and a pitcher is opened and Lyssa gets a mug of fresh water. A small plate with a few apples now stands on the table.
"Practicality over pleasantries, we are a business after all."
Grint Mavric |
Grint nods in gratitude towards Sabel. "Thank you very much miss Sabel."
"I can appreciate that sort of practicality more than the hot-headed monk." Grint speaks as he catches the exchange.
He takes a seat and pours several glasses of the fresh water.
"We seek information about the one that is behind the robberies across Kharum, the one that is hitting the important families and who stole the lottery money. It's most likely he was behind that band of thugs as well, am I right?"
Malena Omoroi |
Before the group steps through the portal, Malena mutters quietly in the direction of Lyssa and Grint, "Get a room!"
When the portal opens, she adds, "Oh, look."
Stepping through the portal, her eyebrows raise. She's impressed with this Broker fellow's theatrics. He has an eye to impressing potential clients with both his casual teleportation magic and his discretion. The man knows how to run a business.
Sitting down with the others, she waits and listens to hear the answers to Grint's question.
GM Chyro |
When you are all seated, Agent answers Grint's questions.
"Yes, it took a little effort, but we know who the ones are. As you might have noticed, they have gone after goods instead of the families themselves. I'm just the mediator, but informants and operatives and the like are plenty.
But here's how it works. You have a request to know things and we get the info, if we don't already have it. There's two ways to pay for it, either in normal currency, or in a favor.
Should you wish to pay with a favor, you have a few options:
1) There is a small boat in a particular part at the docks that needs sabotaging. The way you wish to do so is entirely up to you. But if you're caught you're own your own of course.
2) Obtain the recipy for the thing the people took that made them go mad.
3) Last, there's an individual that's been harassing some of the merchants. Some alchemist by the looks of it along with a lackey. He needs to be removed one way or another, and preferably not killed. Kharum is a thriving city and like a tree termites are an unneeded nuisance."
Malena Omoroi |
Malena says, "I would be in favor of our removing the harasser of the local merchants. I set up a table near the docks myself, and run a fortune-telling business for the entertainment of passing sailors and others. If somebody is causing trouble for local merchants, I have a bit of a personal stake in it anyway. It sounds like a good confluence of interests."
Lyssa Kail |
What's Grint saying?! He can appreciate 'that sort of practicality' more than he can appreciate me?! Hmpf!
"Water's fine, thanks for the apples." Lyssa grabs an apple and takes a big bite out of it.
"Option one is out of the question. I won't participate in illegal activities," Lyssa says while munching on her apple, overthinking the other options.
I'd also like to know what exactly these 'candies' are, but I'm not keen on sharing information about something that dangerous with these guys I barely know... Option three would make the merchants feel safer, which is good.
"I'm also in favor of option three. That is, if we're going to pay with a favor. You didn't say what the cost will be in the normal currency?"
GM Chyro |
Agent leans slightly forward.
"That depends entirely on which specific information you want.
Location, identity, hideout. The riskier it is to obtain, the more it costs. You wished to know the identity of those who are behind the theft throughout the city.
That was not too hard to obtain. 100gp
Do the favor and that is equal compensation for that information."
Grint Mavric |
"Probably very steep I'd reckon. Too high for our meager earnings."
Grint mulls over the options in his mind as well, quickly coming to the same conclusion as the others.
"I'm with the third option as well, I'm not one for skullduggery and it's perhaps better left less known as to how to create these drugs. I'd hate for others or myself to fall victim to forcibly ingesting that drug."
GM Chyro |
"The alchemist is often at the upper markets in the morning and on occasion has, a few times, come to the city's alchemist for some average ingredients and went into a fit for it being sold out. The market would be the best bet though."