The Eye of Eons (Inactive)

Game Master Chyrone

The tradeport city of Kharum is Varisia's center of commerce.
From the shadows events are set in motion which, unless intervened, will mean the end of Kharum and much more.

Eons loot sheet

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Fair enough, easy recap on the situation:

After city > Asylum > you come to Janderhoff to get the evil tome unlocked, since ancient dwarven locksmithing and runes are involved.

You've left the tome in the care of Father Burdock's brother Turk, a prominent priest of Torag. He said he needed old material to study, in order to unlock the tome.

The expedition you've joined was to visit two sites. The Quarry, and the Bastion, last stronghold of the dwarves before their exodus to the surface.

You've reached and withdrew from the Bastion's site, after you saw this big wall and solid gate. You've liberated the Quarry's main site, the 2nd mine holds loot and some fighting involved, but not as densely as what you've beaten down recently.

But the plot's McGuffin for the current time, lies within the Bastion. Your new toy could be valuable, if you catch my drift.

HP: 53/53; AC: 21, T: 14, FF: 17; CMD: 24; Fort: 6, Ref: 6, Will: 4; Init +6; Perception +18
Human Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 7

What's stopping us from getting back to the surface, restock and resupply and going back down again?

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It'll take you the same time, provided you roll well on survival, and you'd voluntarily split from the rest of the expedition, if you decide to go to the surface right now.

I think the time was a week's worth, guided by the Orc-hammers, the majority of the way.

Thorn's body is with them, mind you, and the mundane supplies required for the lengthly journey.

Your call, but the construct won't be able to get all the way up with you.

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7

Well, Burdock would want to stay, stick with the expedition as agreed upon. As far as the construct... Burdock has a minor interest, if nothing else for the craftsmanship. Perhaps returning it as far as they can topside for others to go over for analysis would be good.

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As a cleric, i recall Make Whole is in your repetoire as a 2nd lvl spell.

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7

Ahh you'd allow that? I thought magical constructs were excempt from that spell... maybe it was something else. But given the time, things can happen :P

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Make whole wrote:
This spell functions as mending, except that it repairs 1d6 points of damage per level when cast on an object or construct creature (maximum 5d6).

This is part construct, part contraption. So if you take the time, go for it.

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Father Burdock, here are the specifics of the construct.


HP: 45
AC: 20/10/20


BaB +4, CMB +8 (+12 to grapple) CMD 18
Slam +8, 1d10+4 + grab
Drill +8, 2d8+4 [bypasses hardness]

Speed 20 feet.
DR 10/Adamantine

Female Human Kinecticist (HP 67) | AC:21 | T:13(15) | FF:15 | CMB:4 | CMD:15 | Fort:+9| Ref:+8 | Will:+3 | Init:+3 | Perc:+10 | Speed 30) Consumables ELSA

Hello everyone,

I'm taking my family to Disney World from Feb 24th to March 4th. During that time my posting may be sparse, I'll try to post from the hotel at night but I can make no promises. If this is a game in which I am a player do not hesitate to bot me if you need to. If this is a game in which I am the GM, please bear with me for the next couple weeks.


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Well guys.

Posing the question again.... recruit a 5th, or run the adventure with a 4 member group?

Instead of the waiting with recruitment, if any of you know someone who might enjoy the theme of stopping a doomsday cult, as it will get a revelation soon, feel free to point them here, so you guys can pick someone.

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7

I have a couple of friends who may be interested, let me check.

Male Half elf Dual-Cursed Oracle of Battle 7 HP:46/46, AC:20|T:12|FF:19|CMB+9/13 Trip|CMD:20/22 Trip|Fort:+3|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+1|Perc:+11| Spells 1--7/7 2--3/7 3--4/5

I'll be away and have spotty posting from Thursday the 13th (+8 GMT) until Tuesday the 18th.

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Hey guys.

From Saturday 22nd of April, i will be traveling through Japan, returning somewhere on the 13th of May.

There is said to be Wifi in the hotels we'll be staying at, but i can't guarantee a 1 a/day post.

For the games that i GM, this means we'll be on a break during that time.

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7

Have fun GM! Enjoy some authentic Japanese arcades for me :)

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I did mention i would have to pause the game, while i'm on vacation, and i will still be in Japan for another week and a half.

But having wifi in every hotel, i'd like to try doing the siege of the outer wall defenses by text only.

I'll have to do some planning, but i think you won't mind a theater of the mind for a change here.

That said, a plan of approach with 2 votes gets it going, as Orlandbot will automatically approve.

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I've returned home from Japan, which was quite an experience, and can resume proper GM shift again. :)

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7


HP: 53/53; AC: 21, T: 14, FF: 17; CMD: 24; Fort: 6, Ref: 6, Will: 4; Init +6; Perception +18
Human Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 7

Sorry about my absence, my pc had broken down.
Finally got the 'temporary' access to my pc again and I'm trying to fix it. I still have some maintenance to do, but hopefully everything will be back in working order soon.

Bot me if needed if you haven't already done so.

HP: 53/53; AC: 21, T: 14, FF: 17; CMD: 24; Fort: 6, Ref: 6, Will: 4; Init +6; Perception +18
Human Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 7

Pc crashed again. Might be able to post coming weeks but only once a day perhaps. Cause I'll be on vacations for two weeks.

Female Human Kinecticist (HP 67) | AC:21 | T:13(15) | FF:15 | CMB:4 | CMD:15 | Fort:+9| Ref:+8 | Will:+3 | Init:+3 | Perc:+10 | Speed 30) Consumables ELSA

Hey, We are having some weather related issues here (I have satellite internet so...) and I'm taking my family on a mini vacation from Thursday-Sunday. The Hotel should have WiFi so I'll try to post daily, but if I don't you know why. If this is a game I'm GMing, I'll be back on Monday for sure. If this is a game I'm playing feel free to bot away.

HP: 53/53; AC: 21, T: 14, FF: 17; CMD: 24; Fort: 6, Ref: 6, Will: 4; Init +6; Perception +18
Human Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 7

Sorry for my long absence guys. And thanks for waiting.
PC was totally busted, but luckily I've got a new laptop that arrived this afternoon. I'll be back in posting order from now on.

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I got a PM from Father Burdock.

He is unable to get posts in, at any of his games, and is unable to do anything but observe for the time being.

Feel free to bot him when his turn comes around.

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Grint asked me how long you'd still be down here.

What is left, is finding a smithing and runic sample in the bastion for Father Burdock's brother. It's a return trip from there.

(And a lvl up when you'd be back at the surface)

Male Half elf Dual-Cursed Oracle of Battle 7 HP:46/46, AC:20|T:12|FF:19|CMB+9/13 Trip|CMD:20/22 Trip|Fort:+3|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+1|Perc:+11| Spells 1--7/7 2--3/7 3--4/5

Is this game dead? There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of posting anymore?

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Man i hope not.

I can cut things short for the part down here, if needed.

Father Burdock's still not able to get his posts in, regarding his lack of posting.

Female Human Kinecticist (HP 67) | AC:21 | T:13(15) | FF:15 | CMB:4 | CMD:15 | Fort:+9| Ref:+8 | Will:+3 | Init:+3 | Perc:+10 | Speed 30) Consumables ELSA

He probably means me....I've been slacking. Badly.

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For the games i am running, a little heads up.

For the coming 3 weeks, (so until probably mid-late October) work related reasons have me occupied more than i usually have so far.

I will obviously have time in my evenings, but i can't guarantee check-ups during the day.

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Father Burdock's likely having access to his normal account again, so he'll be able to resume normal posting shortly.

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7

Back! Finally. Only took Paizo 3 months to figure it out... I think they did something. Regardless, my posting will still be more sporadic than I prefer (working 2 jobs and in the process of getting a new house and then moving), so yeah I will do my best to post every other day if not each day.

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Ow..... good luck.

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7

Hey GM, found someone. What will that person need for PC creating (between level, gold, and stat generation)?

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20pt buy, lvl 6. 15k items worth.

We'll sort something out. Could be magic gone haywire, dropping them in a tight spot.

Rounding PC wealth.

Elsa: 12k
Father Burdock: 10k
Grint: 8,6k
Sivar: 7k

Thorn has 3598 gp worth of stuff (this is selling price), on top of 7528 worth in sales of other items.
I can have something in this place convert any unwanted items into money, so you 4 can distribute.

But take a look at what is on the sheet, before we get to that.

Hello All, Father Burdock said you may need another adventurer.

GM, I'll PM you with build ideas and we can go from there.

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The remainder of the bastion is just 1 floor, you guys will be back on the surface very soon.

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Happy holidays everyone!

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7

And a Merry Christmas and good times to you GM!

I will be busy on Tuesday, but should be able to post again on Wednesday.

Male Half elf Dual-Cursed Oracle of Battle 7 HP:46/46, AC:20|T:12|FF:19|CMB+9/13 Trip|CMD:20/22 Trip|Fort:+3|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+1|Perc:+11| Spells 1--7/7 2--3/7 3--4/5

Merry Christmas All!

Male Half elf Dual-Cursed Oracle of Battle 7 HP:46/46, AC:20|T:12|FF:19|CMB+9/13 Trip|CMD:20/22 Trip|Fort:+3|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+1|Perc:+11| Spells 1--7/7 2--3/7 3--4/5

I'll be away for the next 3 to 5 days with limited net access. Bot me if needed.

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Happy new year everyone!

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I'll hold until Lubius has his profile sorted.

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Our bard seems to be MIA.

Father Burdock's messaged him too on social media, but...??? :/

Does the team want to proceed the final encounter without him, with the thought of 'he's witnessing your awesome'?

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7

Hmmm, give me one more day, see if I can bug him in person this evening.

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Ok. :)

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I'll kick off combat when i get home.

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7

Yeah, I got a hold of him indirectly, so again, he knows... sorry he isn't prodding well v_v

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Something for the kineticists in my games.

I play one in PFS, and re-reading stuff:

Gather power wrote:
Gathering power in this way allows the kineticist to reduce the total burn cost of a blast wild talent she uses in the same round by 1 point.

It doesn't work for empowering blasts.

Eating 1 burn also gives 1nl per PC lvl. 3 burn would give a lvl 6 PC 18nl, for example.

M Dwarf Forgemaster Cleric 7 | AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | HP 66/66 | F +8 R +3 W +8 | Init +1 | Perc +9 | Diplomacy +9 | Runeforge 7/7

It does work for the metakinesis abilities, as those are burn costs added to blasts. Same reason why you can use Gather Power to reduce the burn cost of composite blasts. It was FAQ'ed to clarify that. FAQ link

The point of the Gather Power line you referenced is to say that it doesn't work on utility wild talents. So for example you cannot reduce the burn cost of Kinetic Healer for always free healing.

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Sivar wrote:
Do we have stuff to sell, Sivar checks through all the stuff

Yes you do.

In selling value, you have 10.028 gp worth of items. (includes found money)

Adding Thorn's stuff in selling value, his money included, that adds 4848.

Total budget to devide between the party: 14.876gp.

Party wealth, before deviding money & sales:

Elsa: 11.150 in items, 793gp cash. [11.943 total]
Father Burdock: 9.488,5 in items, 1.098gp cash. [10.586,5 total]
Grint: 8.164,13 in items, 71gp cash. [8.235,13 total]
Sivar: 3.817 in items, 3.214gp cash. (Excluding misc items listed below Original table) [7.031 total]

The above is excluding pay to come for escorting the expedition.

Wealth would be 16k at lvl 6.

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Ok, since nobody opted to claim any of the items on the spreadsheet, everything is sold, and the money devided.

I've added 1.719k to both Elsa and Father Burdock, and 5.719k to Grint & Sivar, bringing everyone to between the 12k & 14k.

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