The Dragon Reborn


The Battle at Dumai Wells is a total disaster. The asha'man suffer defeat at the hands of the Shaido and Tar Valon emmisaries. The Dragon is brought to Tar Valon.

perception checks:

perception checks
ryvin [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
litheene [dice]1d20+2[/dice]

keelix [dice]1d20+15[/dice]
vala [dice]1d20+10[/dice]

map of surrounding vicinity

battle map

4,701 to 4,750 of 4,961 << first < prev | 90 | 91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 | next > last >>

Init +5, HP:180/180; AC:21(24), F:10,R:10, W:4:Senses:Low Light Vision, Scent, Perception: +20

Ryland looks to the others then back at the fallen tower. "Lord Dragon, can you move? What is your command?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Human (Aiel) HPs 90/142 || AC 23 || F 13 || R 12 || W 13 || Percept 18 ||
Weaves Remaining: 5/6 0lvl; 5/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 3/4 3rd; 2/4 4th; 2/2 5th; 0/1 6th

Kneeling beside her fallen companion and fellow Aiel, Fia links with Jasmine then takes Rhoekk's wrist, keeping track of his pulse as they work...

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

see the discussion board

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

The hill top
The Dragon sits upon the open hill top and stares out at Tar Valon. His gaze is long and distant, as if thinking hard about the previous couple weeks and everything he has endured.
A slight wind picks up from the south. It pushes the large cloud of dust and ruin away from the city.
Specks of color in the far distance run towards the city, while others ride upon larger specks. People going in to help with the clean up.

The day slowly progresses onward, and at dusk, the Dragon finally stirs.

The lord dragon opens his mouth to speak but then stops. He then instead just looks around and takes a deep breath.
If you kneel to me and swear to follow me, then you shall live. he says, not looking at Ryvin but answering her question.
Where to next? Indeed a valid question. They are to pay, the White Tower is. I will see them all kneel before me and chained to me, like they did to me. I will- his rant is cut off as his gaze looks to the south east, across the river.

Looking to where he looks, everyone sees the horizon covered in browns and greens and whites. It looks like a strange snake, but you know it is not.

It is an army. and it approaches Tar Valon.

Tar Valon
Jasmine links with Fia and is easily able to stabilize Rhoekk enough to remove the iron bar from his torso.

As she stands, several other members of Accepted and novice alike stand around, but only one aes sedai stands with the group.
she steps up and whispers to Jasmine

you and I are the only Aes Sedai to survive this today that are located within the CIty.

Even as she speaks, a messenger rushes up and speaks with some of the officers of the guard. The messengers face is flushed, yet pale.
as he relays the news, the officers' faces all grow pale.
[b]Sound the alarm, and mobilize the forces.
the Captain of the garrison says.

turning he approaches Jasmine and the Aes Sedai.
Ladies, it would appear that there is an Aiel army approaching from the south.

Male Andoran Male Armsman 4/Wilder 3/Blademaster 2/Asha’Man 1

The hill top

Argrand grimaces at the Dragon's pronouncement, "My Lord Dragon, I am just a recent member to have joined your Asha'man but I will speak my mind regardless... While some Aes Sedai certainly betrayed you, others have come here to assist in rescuing you.

Perhaps chaining all of them is not the answer but instead an Oath using the One Power to act against the Dark One in whatever way serves you best? Otherwise, you are no different from those who have so grievously injured you. Is it not the way of the Dark One to enslave others to his will?

Though with an army approaching, perhaps a new threat should be focused on before making any decisions at all..."

Female Human Wilder 11 / Armswoman 1; Init +3 (+1 Dex., +2 Duelist feat); Senses Perception +4 Defense 26 (+1 Dex., +11 Def. bonus, +4 chain shirt) hp 65/97 Fort +11; Ref +8; Will +11

"Can anyone tell who they are?" Ryvin asks. "Anyone see any banners? Fair warning; I'm running low, Power-wise. I might be able to Travel yet, but it's a longshot."

Turning to the Dragon, she adds: "If you want Healing, you need to tell me quick. We need to move. Some of us have to return to other tellings of the Wheel, for the battle rages on and we can't afford to dwell too long. On anything. Mir'hianyaya vaiende*."

An Old Tongue saying equal to tempus fugit.

The Ebou Dari audibly grits her teeth, fingers her dog collar and then continues: "... Look. I know where you're coming from. I do. The bleeding sul'dam had me in one of their collars. For months. Nipping and ripping away at me all the time, torturing me, moulding me. If I meet another sul'dam, I will feel the same rage. But that would not make it right for me to drop into a Seanchan village or even an army unit and start butchering people or clapping them in shackles.

Want to know what kept me sane in spite of the sul'dam? I was at Falme. I saw the Dragon Reborn fight the Dark One in the skies, saw the Seanchan army break and flee. Seeing that reminded me there is a world beyond my pain. A greater purpose for those who love the Light. I understand the pain, but I have been learning... we need to step beyond."

Female Domani Wilder 1/Initiate 4/Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 6 Defense 18 (Touch 18, Flat Footed 10) HP 66 / SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +16 / Perception +17

Jasmine looks at the Captain and says No one is to attack unless attacked first do you understand me? We do not know which Aiel army this is, nor who they follow. She looks around and says to the Accepted and Novices, Continue with the search for survivors and the healing of those who need it. Heed Tanchy Sedai or I swear by the light you will wish that tower had crushed you! Looking at the Aes Sedai with her she says I must go deal with this army and, if possible, avoid a battle in our weakened state. Look after things here until I return sister. The White Tower is not broken until the Aes Sedai are no more and I will not let that happen while I am around. She clasps the white sister on her arm and nods.

Turning she looks around and spies Fia with Rhoekk, moving over to them she says Our day just got more complicated as there is an Aiel army approaching from the south. I need you with me Fia if I am to avoid a battle. Rhoekk you would be welcome as well if you are able to come.

Not sure Rhoekk's state to be able to travel with Jasmine but she will take him if she is sure he won't be further injured. If he can't travel he will leave him in the care of one of the Accepted. Diplomacy check if needed for anything 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (10) + 24 = 34 add 4 if the person is male.

Once Jasmine gets an answer from Fia, she will find a secluded area and, linking with Fia, travel to the southern portion of the city where she can see the army.

Human (Aiel) HPs 90/142 || AC 23 || F 13 || R 12 || W 13 || Percept 18 ||
Weaves Remaining: 5/6 0lvl; 5/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 3/4 3rd; 2/4 4th; 2/2 5th; 0/1 6th

Fia looks up, almost seeming startled as Jasmine returns. She listens, and then looks away, stone-faced and unreadable. Inside she was a torrent of frustration and worry. Her sharp eyes scan the blocks upon blocks of rubble and piled up tons of debris before her. It had been a miracle that she had stumbled across Rhoekk, while Ryland could still be anywhere in that mess, wounded or even dead. All because she had told him to remain and not accompany her. The guilty thought lashed her soul. Without turning, she speaks softly.

"You ask a very difficult thing, Jasmine Sedai."

Female Domani Wilder 1/Initiate 4/Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 6 Defense 18 (Touch 18, Flat Footed 10) HP 66 / SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +16 / Perception +17

Jasmine looks at her friend and says very gently, I know that Fiallain...but ask yourself this question...if Ryland could speak to you now, do you think he would tell you to search for him among the rubble of the tower...or try and prevent the deaths of countless innocents that would be the result of an attack on this city? I am sorry to ask it but I need you.

Human (Aiel) HPs 90/142 || AC 23 || F 13 || R 12 || W 13 || Percept 18 ||
Weaves Remaining: 5/6 0lvl; 5/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 3/4 3rd; 2/4 4th; 2/2 5th; 0/1 6th

Fiallain grimaces as the seconds tick painfully by in indecision. At last she turns. "He would tell me to go, while very likely ignoring his own advice if I were the one missing."

Grabbing the nearest novice(s), she gives the young woman a description of Ryland, and that of her other missing companions, instructing all of them to be watchful of them and to provide healing if they are hurt.

This done, she turns once more to Jasmine and nods.

Female Human (Borderlander) Armsman 7/Woodsman 3 Reputation: +10 Warder bond w/Litheene,HP:116(current 86)

Vala looked at the women and nodded as she looked tyo her only weapon the short sword."I will come too. Just encase we have to sadly fight our way back. As for diplomacy I will leave that to those more skilled. Still I will make sure we all stay safe" she says looking to the other women as she steps in line behind the pair. She would take her place as guardian and protector. especially now as she had ten times the reasons to allow others to live.

Female Domani Wilder 1/Initiate 4/Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 6 Defense 18 (Touch 18, Flat Footed 10) HP 66 / SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +16 / Perception +17

Jasmine nods and turns Fiallain I will need your help again. With that she moves into an enclosed location, inverts the weave and opens a gateway to the south where the reports of the army were coming.

Invert: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (19) + 18 = 37

Human (Aiel) HPs 90/142 || AC 23 || F 13 || R 12 || W 13 || Percept 18 ||
Weaves Remaining: 5/6 0lvl; 5/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 3/4 3rd; 2/4 4th; 2/2 5th; 0/1 6th

"You will have to show me how to do that again someday." Fia murmurs absently.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

the hilltop
NO! No oaths. The Dragon spins around and stares at Angrand. These aes sedai know how to spin words and oaths to suit their needs! No. Never again will an Aes Sedai meddle in the affairs of countries, and of Men and Women. The Aes Sedai will end in this Age.

Hearing Ryvin ask about the horde beyond the river, The Dragon responds. I would think they are the Aiel that attacked the Caravan I was in. Sevanna believes herself the destined wife for the Car'a'carn, and sought to make it so. Unfortunately for her, i slipped through her fingers and arrived at Tar Valon. I will admit that I am torn as to which would be better, Tar Valon or her Husband... he trails off, humming a jaunty tune with an ageless tune to it.

Tar Valon
Striding through the gateway, the ladies all stand upon the parapet looking beyond at the large horde that is kicking up massive amounts of dust.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33
1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20

Jasmine steps to the ledge and looks out, but a flash of something catches her eye.

Jasmine only:

Looking down, you spot a dozen Aiel with veils up climbing the walls of Tar Valon. You realize that the disturbance out there is a diversion and the real attack is about to begin

Male Andoran Male Armsman 4/Wilder 3/Blademaster 2/Asha’Man 1

the Hilltop

"I do not wish to anger you my Lord Dragon merely give some advice. With what you experienced your anger may well be overtaking your rationality, it would happen to anyone. In fact, I doubt any but you could have survived such abuse". Argrand winces hoping the Dragon does not lash out at him and continues.

"As far as what to do about the Aiel, I believe my companions still have friends buried beneath the White Tower, assuming they survived of course. Do you wish to intervene? Perhaps we will need the assistance of the Black Tower to do so but most paramount is your safety..."

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

go to them. Get them here. NOW! The Dragon commands.

A gateway opens, leading to the grounds of the Blacktower.

Male Andoran Male Armsman 4/Wilder 3/Blademaster 2/Asha’Man 1

The Black Tower:
Argrand steps through the gateway and rusehs to the nearest Asha'man, "Where are Logain or the M'hael? I have assisted in rescuing the Dragon and he demands our presence once again against the Aiel, this time, we must not fail!!! The White Tower has fallen and now it is our time to rise."

Female Human Wilder 11 / Armswoman 1; Init +3 (+1 Dex., +2 Duelist feat); Senses Perception +4 Defense 26 (+1 Dex., +11 Def. bonus, +4 chain shirt) hp 65/97 Fort +11; Ref +8; Will +11

Ryvin looks to the others and jerks her head to the side, indicating they should move a few paces back. Provided they do so, coming close to her, she whispers: "Might be time to go..."

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

the black tower:

Huh? wha? Both are with the Rebel Amyrlin in Salidar...the asha'man stutters.

Male Andoran Male Armsman 4/Wilder 3/Blademaster 2/Asha’Man 1

the Black Tower:
"Well gather who is here and come through with me, I am sure the Dragon can bring them to him from Salidar! Hurry up, this is not a drill! Duty calls and we must answer."

The Hill Top

Argrand rushes back through the Gateway, 'My Lord Dragon, the Asha'man available will assemble and come through the Gateway to aid you. However, the M'Hael and Logain are both in Salidar with the Rebel Amyrlin..."

Female Domani Wilder 1/Initiate 4/Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 6 Defense 18 (Touch 18, Flat Footed 10) HP 66 / SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +16 / Perception +17

Rizzen, How far away are they?

Female Domani Wilder 1/Initiate 4/Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 6 Defense 18 (Touch 18, Flat Footed 10) HP 66 / SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +16 / Perception +17

Jasmine curses as she sees the Aiel climbing the white walls, looking down upon them she says to the others, It appears there will be no talking. We must buy time for help to arrive.

Drawing upon the link, Jasmine looks out over the walls, she looks at Fiallain and says If I pass out get us back to the tower.

Then, not waiting, Jasmine begins to cast an extremely powerful weave, giving it her all to protect the city.

She begins to chant to herself, Protect the people...protect the Aes Sedai is a servant...

Blazing with the power and working with immensely sized ropes of air, fire and spirit, she begins to form a protective barrier around the entire island city of Tar Valon.

A slight shimmering descends over the city.

Overchannel 3 levels, + 1 for link, +1 for having all affinities, Ward against people level 11 1 mile radius: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (18) + 26 = 44

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

tar valon
Grasping at Fia's hand, Jasmine channels and pulls more from both herself and Jasmine. But, rather than having to brace herself against the backlash normally found when overchannelling, Jasmine finds it rather easy to draw upon through Fia.
the overchannelling check is unneccesary

A strange discoloration dome falls upon the city; its border falling upon the parapets of the city's wall.

the aiel are 20 feet below you.

the black tower:

the Asha'man rush about, grabbing gear and weapons, before returning.
A long count to 100 is reached and 15 men stand before Argrand, but others can be heard.
Let's move! Argrand commands, jumping through the open Gateway back onto the hill.

the hilltop
A long delay as everyone looks about, awaiting something to happen. Then Argrand leaps through and approaches the Dragon. behind him are 15 more Asha'man who move out, setting up a perimeter to secure the Dragon.
Argrand speaks to the Dragon, and receives a shout
He opens his mouth to say something else, and like a heat wave, the ground below him and spreading out beyond ripples. People shift to maintain their feet.
He pauses, observing. Thinking.
Very good. This shall play out nicely. Nice indeed. Come, let's go surprise the Amyrlin

With that, he opens a second gateway, it's opening revealing a large farm field.

Male Andoran Male Armsman 4/Wilder 3/Blademaster 2/Asha’Man 1

Argrand's eyes go wide as a second gateway is opened.

"My Lord Dragon more Asha'man are assembling at the Blacktower, should this first Gateway remain open for their arrival?"

New to the One Power as a player, what is the skill I roll to try and learn that power again? Thanks guys!

Female Human Wilder 11 / Armswoman 1; Init +3 (+1 Dex., +2 Duelist feat); Senses Perception +4 Defense 26 (+1 Dex., +11 Def. bonus, +4 chain shirt) hp 65/97 Fort +11; Ref +8; Will +11

Weavesight. Only works if you have the appropriate Talent, though.

Male Human (Midlander) Wolfbrother 9/Blademaster 2; Init +4; Senses: Low-Light Vision, Scent, Sense Emotion, Perception +15; AC 23 (+2 Dex., +11 Def. bonus); HP 129/129; Fort +13; Ref +8; Will +11

Keelix stands quietly near Ryvin, prepared to respond to any threat with immediate violence.

Human (Aiel) HPs 90/142 || AC 23 || F 13 || R 12 || W 13 || Percept 18 ||
Weaves Remaining: 5/6 0lvl; 5/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 3/4 3rd; 2/4 4th; 2/2 5th; 0/1 6th

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (20) + 18 = 38

Holding Jasmine's hand firmly, Fia feeds her strength to the other woman as she begins to weave her wards.

As she does, she bends slightly forward, eyes narrowing as she squints against the sun, peering intently to try and determine which clans were attacking.

Calmly, as if discussing how sunny the weather was, "Your ward will keep them from coming closer, but it will not stop their spears when cast and we make an easy target. Be sure you are well covered, Jasmine Sedai," she says, for all the world as if she were not the one who but a moment earlier was leaning out to see below.

Female Domani Wilder 1/Initiate 4/Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 6 Defense 18 (Touch 18, Flat Footed 10) HP 66 / SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +16 / Perception +17

Jasmine nods and says Good thinking. I'd rather not have any more holes in me. Pulling again on Fia's strength, she opens another inverted gateway back to the Tower.

Female Human (Borderlander) Armsman 7/Woodsman 3 Reputation: +10 Warder bond w/Litheene,HP:116(current 86)

Vala kept close to the pair through the whole ordeal. She stood silent and ready to do what she needed.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

tar valon
No sooner does Jasmine step away and agree with Fia, do several spears and arrows appear, peppering the parapet. Quickly making a gateway, Jasmine and the group returns to the ruins of the White Tower.
Accepted and novices rush about, intermingled with soldiers and townsfolk aiding those that have fallen. Already work lines have formed, moving rocks and stone out as people search for survivors.

the hill

we keep the gateway open to the Black Tower. I want all the men here for this. The Dragon says, stepping through the new gateway onto the same field that a few members in the party remember seeing not 8 days ago.

who goes with the Dragon?

Female Human Wilder 11 / Armswoman 1; Init +3 (+1 Dex., +2 Duelist feat); Senses Perception +4 Defense 26 (+1 Dex., +11 Def. bonus, +4 chain shirt) hp 65/97 Fort +11; Ref +8; Will +11

Ryvin looks to the others.

"This will get bloody. Yay or nay? We need to get back in to get our people out..."

Male Andoran Male Armsman 4/Wilder 3/Blademaster 2/Asha’Man 1

The Hilltop

Argrand follows the Dragon to the temporary headquarters of the Rebel Aes Sedai and looks around wary for danger hand on the hilt of his blade.

Init +5, HP:180/180; AC:21(24), F:10,R:10, W:4:Senses:Low Light Vision, Scent, Perception: +20

Ryland looks down at the ruined tower as his lips pull from his teeth into a snarl. The Wolf Lord turns and follows the Dragon.

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

the Vale
stepping through the portal and onto the large grassy field, a wind from the forest beyond bends the grass towards you. The wind pushes gently against you firmly.
Several Asha'man pour out behind you and leap forward, taking positions around the field and securing it.

Turning, the Dragon walks towards the woods. The grass under his feet begin to wither away, going from fresh spring green to drought yellow to flakes as they blow away in the wind.

muttering to himself, the dragon begins a mantra
I am unbroken.

tar valon
More officers stand about, giving orders and helping with the recovery efforts, yet still listen to reports about the early sighting of troops.
One man breaks off and approaches Jasmine.
Aes Sedai. My men tell me that you were the one that set up that ward to keep the Aiel out of this city. Very surprising. I didnt know that such a thing existed. Would be very useful to have such a thing in battle, forcing your enemy to take routes that you want them to take instead of both reacting to each other... the officer trails off, pulling at his long whiskers.

Male Andoran Male Armsman 4/Wilder 3/Blademaster 2/Asha’Man 1

the Vale

Argrand follows behind the Dragon, troubled by the developments taking place beneath his feet Argrand speaks.

"My Lord Dragon, is this withering around you a new...phenomena?"

Female Domani Wilder 1/Initiate 4/Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 6 Defense 18 (Touch 18, Flat Footed 10) HP 66 / SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +16 / Perception +17

Jasmine nods at the officer and says Yes although if they have wise ones with them it will not last forever. It has only bought us time but that is the one thing we needed. How goes the recovery effort?

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

tar valon
The officer scans the ruins.
Months, my lady, without the aide of Aes Sedai to move the larger pieces. Will be decades before the Tower is fully built.
Off to the side, several men groan loudly as they attempt to move one of the large boulders of ruin.

Must be, since it centers around me. So be it. I am Death to the World. All will bow before me, to serve me, to defeat the Dark One. I tried negotiating, tried playing the game, tried not to let women get hurt. Instead, it back fires on me. Petty rulers with petty gains with petty rules.
Stopping suddenly, he spins on Argrand and shoves his finger hard into Argrand's chest.
But no more! No more games! The Aes Sedai here in Salidar will kneel to me. Then we go to Tar Valon and subdue the Shaido. Then we move onto the Seanchan. THen Illian. Then arad doman, and the Borderlands, the rebels in Cairhein, and then move on to the fabled lands of Shara. Once the world kneels to me, then we move to the Dark One!
Turning, he looks outwards into the wood line. He blinks, and Argrand sucks in his breath as he fully experiences just how strong in the One Power the Dragon is.
A column of fire 100 feet high and 100 feet wide burns through the woods, incinerating everything in its path.
A straight trail of black ash is all thats left after the intense inferno. The trail leads off into the woods, the end out of sight due to distance.

Female Human Wilder 11 / Armswoman 1; Init +3 (+1 Dex., +2 Duelist feat); Senses Perception +4 Defense 26 (+1 Dex., +11 Def. bonus, +4 chain shirt) hp 65/97 Fort +11; Ref +8; Will +11

Ryvin takes a step back at the sight of the destruction and looks to the others - excluding poor Argrand. If possible, she whispers to them: "Time to get to Tar Valon, collect the others and GO?"

Human (Aiel) HPs 90/142 || AC 23 || F 13 || R 12 || W 13 || Percept 18 ||
Weaves Remaining: 5/6 0lvl; 5/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 3/4 3rd; 2/4 4th; 2/2 5th; 0/1 6th

"I must go and search while I yet may, Jasmine Sedai. Call if you need me." She turns, looking resolute at the impossible task before her.

Male Andoran Male Armsman 4/Wilder 3/Blademaster 2/Asha’Man 1


Argrand nods his head in agreement, "Yes my Lord Dragon, that is one solution. However, having served under Gareth Byrne I think there is yet another path. Somewhere between compromise and tyranny, it is that path that may work best. For if we destroy each other there will be none of us left to defeat the Dark One or his minions... I fear I am a simple soldier and do not know what that path is but it is one that should be discovered and soon".

Argrand raises his hand to the pillars of fire, "If we burn all my Lord, what will be left for us even if we save it from teh clutches of the Dark One?"

Female Domani Wilder 1/Initiate 4/Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah 6 Defense 18 (Touch 18, Flat Footed 10) HP 66 / SV Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +16 / Perception +17

Jasmine nods and says It is a building, an important one and a symbol of the Aes Sedai, but it is just a building all the same. She then says to Fia, Of course, thank you for your help. I need to organize the others and set up a base of operations.


Jasmine then makes sure the others are working as well as they can be. She takes a moment to center herself before continuing to direct the efforts of the groups. The city watch she instructs to keep watch over the walls for the Aiel as well as to go throughout the city and try and recruit any able bodied men, or women, who want to fight to protect their city if it comes to it.

Human (Aiel) HPs 90/142 || AC 23 || F 13 || R 12 || W 13 || Percept 18 ||
Weaves Remaining: 5/6 0lvl; 5/6 1st; 5/5 2nd; 3/4 3rd; 2/4 4th; 2/2 5th; 0/1 6th

Fia nods to Jasmine, then trots off to resume her search for Ryland and the other missing.

Female Human (Borderlander) Armsman 7/Woodsman 3 Reputation: +10 Warder bond w/Litheene,HP:116(current 86)

Vala takes little Litheene and heads over with her by Jasmine.

'What do you need me to do?"

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Rounding on Argrand, The dragon grabs the front of Argrand's vest and pulls him close.
How do you think i ended up in the box for two weeks? How did i become a plaything of the Aes Sedai? By attempting that area you speak of!
Shoving Argrand hard away from him, The dragon walks though the area that was forest, but is now ash.

While walking down the path, The dragon stops suddenly.
The area in front of him ripples and swirls, and a tear opens to form a Gateway.
Several men in color shifting cloaks and swords in hand leap through, spreading out wide. They assume a watchful but guarded stance as a woman and two men step out.
Egwene, Mazrim Taim, and Logain all step forward.

At first they look surprised, but quickly a reserved look engulfs their face.

tar valon

The watchmen, the local garrison, and several young warder trainees all post to the walls. the trainees are pressed into messenger services, while everyone else mans the wall and observes while ducking spears and arrows.
the initial reports indicate that the force that is attacking tar valon is small, perhaps 3,000 bodies in total. but they are pressing from the western side.
At first they attempted to climb the walls to get in, but once they found their way blocked by the ward, they fell back across the river and instead began sniping any who didnt stay down low enough.

Male Andoran Male Armsman 4/Wilder 3/Blademaster 2/Asha’Man 1


Argrand pauses for a second considering what to say next, "My..."

The appearance of the Gateway cuts his sentence short.

Init +5, HP:180/180; AC:21(24), F:10,R:10, W:4:Senses:Low Light Vision, Scent, Perception: +20

Ryland readies himself as he watches the new comers. He recognizes some, but this is a different and strange world.


Logain gives a respectful bow to the Dragon, "So it is true, you have escaped the clutches of Elaida! Thank the Light, the assault we were planning was risky at best and we could not be sure of its success".


The Dragon looks at Logain, and while his face might as well have been chiseled from stone and is growing harder by the second, his eyes burn.

"Risky," he finally says. "You were worried about risk. My plans for the world's defence and salvation teetering on the edge of annihilation due to the actions of a madwoman, and your concern was with risk."

Turning his eyes from Logain, the Dragon fixes a basilisk stare first on Mazrim Tain -- and then on Egwene al'Vere. And his expression changes not a hair.

"So," he says. "Here do I find you, Rebel Amyrlin Seat. Attempting to tie apron strings around the sword arms of my men, no doubt."

"I will always strive to write better" , 25 years gaming, 20 yrs DM

Mazrim steps forward and bows slightly at the waist.
It is good to see that you are free, My Lord Dragon the M'Hael says in a tone that considers himself equal to the Dragon.
But no, she was not tying apron strings around our men. We have been negotiating the best way to combine forces to rescue you.

Eqwene stands silently, her eyes with the same fury that the dragon has.


Logain shakes his head, "No, I meant the risk of injuring you if Elaida decided that she might use you against us in the assault. Determining how best to plan for that contingency was still... up in the air. It is known by us, well some of us" Logain looks at Mazrim sidelong "that you are our last best hope to defeat the rise of the Dark One".

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