The Dragon Reborn


The Battle at Dumai Wells is a total disaster. The asha'man suffer defeat at the hands of the Shaido and Tar Valon emmisaries. The Dragon is brought to Tar Valon.

perception checks:

perception checks
ryvin [dice]1d20+4[/dice]
litheene [dice]1d20+2[/dice]

keelix [dice]1d20+15[/dice]
vala [dice]1d20+10[/dice]

map of surrounding vicinity

battle map

the enemy of my enemy is my friend

shadows in light

a combined effort


perception checks
ryvin [dice]1d20+4[/dice]

litheene [dice]1d20+2[/dice]

keelix [dice]1d20+15[/dice]
vala [dice]1d20+10[/dice]

other notes:
amyrlin wants the group to go to the white tower and steal the oath rod.
the amyrlin in this realm is actively using adam's to control aes sedai. "ends justify the means"
the m'hael wants a joint strike on the white tower with the salidar aes sedai

battle map

the keys and the room:

the keys composition
gold, silver, lead, granite, marble, oak, pine, maple, iron, steel, glass and an unknown.

The door
from within the room, you are able to access any place within the world. so long as you have been there, and there is enough solid material of the chosen key material to form a door. and example would be if you had been to the palace of cairhein, and you know it has lots of marble walls, you would think of where you had been, and then simply insert the key into the door on the wall. So long as the your original thought of the location hasnt changed much you will be able to visualize your memory upon the chosen matierial wall. if the location has changed, the wall will remain blank and you will be unable to open the door.
from without. passing through the door, you close the door and the doorway vanishes from view. so long as your person retains the key, you will be able to approach the same location, touch the key to the location where the door was, and the door shall appear. (the door reaapears after 1 round)
the glass key: it bonds itself to a channeler, the first channeler that embraces the source in its presence. with this key, the key holder isnt required to return to the same location of the original doorway. Instead a doorway can be created from the same material as the key so long as sufficient quanitity is around to form a doorway. (a bank vault filled with gold coins can create a doorway, but a single gold coin cannot). Simply connect the material key to the glass key and press upon the like mineral surface, and a door shall appear. performing this consumes a 9th level weave slot to activate this ability. (overchanneling rules apply) If the weilder of the glass key is not a channeler, a blood sacrifice is required.

The unknown mineral: this allows you to fully enter tel'aran'rhoid without needing to sleep. it also mimics the effects of the glass key, allowing people to open doors in other areas away from the original door creation point. while the glass requires the caster to sacrifice a weave to its activation, the queer stone requires a life force. no, it wont kill someone, but it does cause damage (and depending on how many HPs they have). it does the damage to the person who wears the glass key. it does 1d4 damage per round that the door is open.