The Development Project (Inactive)

Game Master Sazar the Orator

Sandbox of the GM's own making regarding the opposite dimensional Pathfinder world, Mundus.

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Sorry Telula!

Yeah I've worked on Christmas. It sucks when it is a boring day. If I had to work I would rather it be busy so the day passes.

Female Majar Arcanist 3 /\/\ Init: +3 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 13 | FF: 9 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Perc: +2 | +4 Shield AC for 28 Rds

Like yesterday?

It was nuts yesterday.

heh. Nuts.

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Roasted ones are good!

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Female Majar Arcanist 3 /\/\ Init: +3 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 13 | FF: 9 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Perc: +2 | +4 Shield AC for 28 Rds

No, roasted was today. Since the AC was out in the room.

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Current Look

Had a day with family, very nice, no work and way to much food.

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Me too! rock on lady!

I'll post responses tomorrow. For now- star wars and food coma <3

Grand Lodge

Male Tengu Samurai

Sorry I'm late. In the words of the GM, Star Wars and food coma..

LOL hey man, can't blame you on that.

I honestly didn't expect ANY of you to post as much as you guys did this christmas week!

Also Suzume, about Alexis' brilliant energy, Sealith was kind enough to point out my mistake on the Paladin's Divine Bond ability xD

I unfortunately am an idiot, and did not change everything on Alexis' sheet- I originally had her as a higher level paladin, allowing brilliant energy to be her divine bond of choice. I made the mistake of not editing this out when I switched her to Level 5- I apologize!


Current Look

yes level 3 cool


Honestly, it may not seem like it, but guys, you have f#@#ing done a LOT!

The wall is almost built! yay!

Grand Lodge

Male Tengu Samurai

All level 3-ed and ready to slash something :)

awwwww yeahhhhh DO ITTTTTTTTTT

SLIGHT spoiler/ Suzume, I promise within the next week of in game days you will have plenty to slash ;)

Grand Lodge

Male Tengu Samurai

Sweet! Will wait for Sealith to reply and then work on getting Doshaburi MasterWorked.

Oooooooooooooooooooh DOSHABURIIIII


Current Look

All leveled

Female Syrinx Rogue 3

Was it full hit dice for leveling up?

Vasu wrote:
Was it full hit dice for leveling up?

Always, young master. xD

Female Majar Arcanist 3 /\/\ Init: +3 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 13 | FF: 9 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Perc: +2 | +4 Shield AC for 28 Rds

Okay, that 3000 GP, is that an additional 3000 or we set our current gold to that?

hahahaha additional, per the character advancement sheet xD

I am reading that correctly, right? Or am I a bastard?

Female Majar Arcanist 3 /\/\ Init: +3 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 13 | FF: 9 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Perc: +2 | +4 Shield AC for 28 Rds

Well, in addition to would give me 4395 GP to spend. So.....?

No that's ok hahahahaha

You will need it <3

So I was talking to a few of you, and it seems a few of you have been interested in having a companion / taking the leadership feat.

While you guys are plenty strong, I haven't thrown anything at you yet, and this excites me to the nth degree to see you guys do such a thing!

SO, I'm doing the following for the people who wanted the leadership feat, and for anyone else who wants one.

1) I am going to allow it at this level and forward, not level 7. By the time you guys are level 7 I will have forgotten this great idea, and you won't probably even feel a need to take a follower. Not too mention honestly I think the level 7 requirement is mental, and for this campaign, even more mental.

2) The feat must *replace* your level 3 feat that you just took, NOT on top of. The feat will also come with a 1000 GP price tag for reason #3, and the fact that you will be giving this person a new career in place of their current one.

3) You guys have not interacted with a majority of the other major royal players yet- this feat will allow you to do so through hiring a cohort / companion through them. Even if you already have an idea for who you'd like to be your companion *pm me their names* this process will be role played to accomplish this <3


You are essentially the teams only Wizard. As a result, I am making an exception for you and giving you one other way to enhance your character's power and / or flavor.

At 1.5x price of how you would normally learn a spell, I will let you purchase any spell, up to your caster level. This will require no spellcraft check, either. I have made this exception solely because there is essentially no magic in 42 aside from the Angel Oak, or really even on the team aside from the lovely Sealith.

Telula has done a vast majority of the research in the game so far, slowly and secretly moving the plot along, so I believe this is a fair and balanced reward.

Telula- please know, though, that spells are to be dealt with on a case by case basis xD <3

If you choose this option, please name this feat "Blessings of the Weave" on your feat list for easy managing xD


If anyone doesn't like the leadership feat idea, please chime in on something else you'd want that isn't completely ridiculous via this discussion thread or pm.

I can't help but spoil you level 5 defeating, Llieldasine unlocking, detecting magic slinging, good idea giving, level 5 warden slaying, plot twisting and furthering, PC's.

So use it and feel free to chime in!<3

My PC all ready has Nex, who is an NPC hirling/Item I don't think the leadership feat really adds more to her right now. and I want to keep the 1000gp for stuff.

So thanks GM but I'm fine.

Also really liking my PC, she keep telling me things to make her say and do and that is so bad ass right now.


Hahahahaha rock on then Panic!

If, in the future, you wanted to apply that feat or something like it to Nex, I wouldn't be to off put about it xD

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What I would like to do its keep it for next level so she can take Fox form GM. I used it for two more traits to help her back ground as I had one trait that was in fact a feat, Fey foundling, now changed.

Hmmm, an interesting feat.

Fey Foundling, lemme see here-

ah not a problem. It reads like a trait xD

For Fox Form not a problem <3

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Female Majar Arcanist 3 /\/\ Init: +3 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 13 | FF: 9 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Perc: +2 | +4 Shield AC for 28 Rds

No, I'm good with what I selected. The next time someone tries to punch me, their getting a surprise.

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Female Syrinx Rogue 3

Vasu doesn't need no leadership.

Vasu is gonna be recreating 42's animal army.

Actually, considering that I may want to hire someone to cast awaken on an animal at some point, maybe I should take it... Thoughts?

Hahahaha sounds fine to me Vasu xD You having the leadership feat would be most interesting xD

Recruiting a druid I think would fit Vasu. One that is definitely a bird lover....possibly thinks Vasu is SEXY!

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Female Syrinx Rogue 3

Oh, oh, I meant as in having an intelligent beast as a follower. Vasu would pay someone money to cast awaken and then have the intelligent animal be her follower.

BTW, where is Speaker? Vasu is growing anxious, having heard nothing from him.

Edit: SEALITH! Vasu wants to learn draconic. Just warning you for when she talks to you in character.

Ooooooh you'll be seeing him soon enough. :)

Also, intelligent beast as a follower is an option- I'll hook you up via in game eventually to see that happen.

I can't spend money on myself really so Leadership early would give me someone to spend it on.

But I am torn.

Feats are a precious commodity for me since I cant have items.


Flip a coin *encourages everyone else to chant with him* FLIP A COIN



Sorry guys was super tired yesterday! Posts incoming!

Moving things time wise forward with Sealith, Suzume, and Vasu, just so that way Telula and Lady don't get too far ahead and I can post for them a bit more xD

Sealith, Vasu, you guys still around?

Yes, was waiting on Vasu.

Me too :(

Grand Lodge

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Male Tengu Samurai

Yeah, I might need her myself if I'm going to have to unleash a can of whoopass on anyone.

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Female Syrinx Rogue 3

I apologize. I shouldn't dissapear without notice like that. My creative juices are having a fart right now.

...Please feel free to metaphorically stab me.

Edit: I'm not kidding, imagine the silhouette of a female and think of it dying horribly. Little shadowy bits of blood everywhere.

Edit two: I need to get my mind out of the gutter. I'm playing a homicide victim in a performance right now. Don't worry too much for my mental stability.

Edit three: I only have three diagnosed psychiatric disorders. Don't worry guys, I haven't been permanently locked away in a madhouse. Yet.

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Current Look

Vasu PM

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*hugs Vasu*

Its okay to have a creative Fart. I've had quite a few of those.

No matter what, know I will be here to talk if you need to.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Majar Arcanist 3 /\/\ Init: +3 | HP: 19/19 | AC: 13 | FF: 9 | Tch: 13 | Fort: +1 | Ref: +4 | Will: +3 | Perc: +2 | +4 Shield AC for 28 Rds

As will I.

Speaker cackles as he scrys the group, letting loose the hounds of hell

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Beats speaker to a pulp and shoves his body away for the ravens

Vasu, I found food for your friend!

Well, let's see, it IS Friday, and things are about to get PRETTY crazy in the game.

You guys have also already made it pretty far through the first part of the saga, believe it or not, in what I'm PRETTY sure is a short amount of time for level 1 to 3 to already almost 4 or so.

So- since you guys did post through christmas, and essentially the New Year, why don't we take a short break? Say, next week Wednesday?

I need to update my notes on all your characters anyways :)

***goes to update current unseen posts on gameplay board*

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