Phil Tucker |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
![Activation Cube](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/treasures-TheBox.jpg)
Long has the House of Thrune coveted the lands of Andoran, seeking to bring the wayward nation back into the folds of the Chelaxian Empire. As portents and events align themselves most favorably, a full-scale invasion at long last seems imminent.
With the bulk of the Andoran army engaged on the Taldan front, it is to you that the Supreme Elect of Andoran has turned, seeking your expertise in diplomacy and leadership in the hopes that you can buy him enough time to mobilize an army with which to stem the tide of devils and Hell Knights. The lands of western Andoran are fractious, neglected, and in need of unification if the nation is to have any hopes of surviving the coming storm.
Will you heed the Supreme Elect's call?
Welcome! This is to be an rp-intense game based on the world of Golarion but encompassing a homebrew turn of events that stand to change the political structures of the Inner Sea to their core. Here are some notes as to what kind of game this will be:
- I am looking to run this for a group of four PC's.
- The pace of this game is meant to be neither breakneck nor lethargic. I'd like players to commit to a post a day. Prolonged absences or breaks should be announced ahead of time. If people go dark for an extended period of time with no heads up, they'll be canned and replaced.
- As mentioned, I'm shooting for an rp focused game where the PC's will be tasked with challenges that most often cannot be resolved by the blade. This is a game of high (and probably low) politics, where combat will occasionally break out, but the focus will be on diplomacy, persuasion, and coercion rather than brutal blows.
- Given that, I am looking for players who enjoy language, who enjoy crafting well written posts, and who are looking for an in-depth rp experience where motivations, subtleties, and cunning stratagems are the focus. Perfunctory descriptions and dialogue are likely to get passed over. The greatest strength of the PbP format is a greater insight into what the players are feeling and thinking. Take advantage!
- This will have the scope of a 32 page Paizo module. There may be room for leveling toward the end, but the focus will not be on power progression. I will keep track of xp behind the DM's screen, and will notify you when it's time to level up.
- The submission deadline is midnight EST on May 18
Before we get directly into character creation, I feel it only fair to state that I will show a certain amount of preference to certain persons I have gamed with in the past. Fair or not, their caliber is already proven, and I wish to be as transparent about that upfront as possible.
I will also be making limited use of Roll20. It will mostly just be a place to host maps.
Now let's get into character creation guidelines:
Level: Characters will be starting at 7th Level.
Attributes: Characters will be created from a 20-Point Buy.
Hit Point Generation: Max at 1st level, then Average+1.
Classes: Pretty much anything officially released by Paizo is fine. Since this game is Skills heavy (think diplomacy, intimidation, bluff, knowledges), classes that lend themselves toward those activities will tend to be favored. I will not be accepting any 3PP builds of any sort.
Races: Again, pretty much anything officially released by Paizo is fine. However, please note that selecting something esoteric is going to place an onus on you to explain why you are being chosen by the Supreme Elect for this mission.
Alignment: Any, but you should keep in mind this game revolves around unifying fractious cities and leaders.
Starting Wealth: 23,500, of which no more than half can be spent on any one item.
Traits: Two traits of your choice. Each player may take a single Drawback to gain a third trait. Traits should inform your backstory and feed into your character's overall narrative.
Submissions: Create a profile with relevant info contained within. I'm looking for profiles that are easy to read. If your profile looks like someone vomited a random block of numbers, words, and letters into a pile, I'm not going to bother reading it. Here is a decent example of what I'm looking for. Your profile does not have to be identical to this layout, but it should be similar.
All submitted characters will require the following: Character Description, Personality, and Background. Put some effort into this. As mentioned before, I'm not looking for perfunctory descriptions. A couple of bland sentences is not going to inspire me to consider an application.
In regards to Background, everyone should be considering why their character would be chosen by the Supreme Elect for this diplomatic mission. Did they perform a similar service in the recent past? Are they connected to a distinguished family? Have they served bravely in the ongoing war with Taldor?
As a final piece of advice, I'm looking for exceptional applications here. One of the slots is more than likely already spoken for, so competition will be tight. I'm not interested in the usual barrage of I built this character for another game, but he/she got rejected, so I'm going to alter their point-buy and submit them for the 7th time. If you're particularly wed to a character like that, at least go back to the drawing board and figure out a way to make them more interesting. I don't mean to be a grumpus about this, but I see it happen in so many recruitment threads, and they seldom get accepted.
Harakhty Suntooth |
![Angel Mask](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/angel-a.jpg)
I would like to make a submission, GM. Please see the information below to see if the concept is to your liking.
Pathfinder Zoey |
![Her Infernal Majestrix Queen Abrogail II](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90106-Abrogail_500.jpeg)
Is cross classing allowed?
would you allow me to use the kitsune trickster class without being a kitsune? a level 1 dip in this would be insane for a int build
Arachnofiend |
Interested. Hmm... Think I'll submit an Unchained Summoner. Still need to hammer out the details, but I was thinking the Summoner herself would be not a good person (Neutral I think) but would be forcibly bound to a good outsider who tries to influence her towards the side of good. I'll get back to you with the details later.
Phil Tucker |
![Activation Cube](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/treasures-TheBox.jpg)
Is cross classing allowed?
would you allow me to use the kitsune trickster class without being a kitsune? a level 1 dip in this would be insane for a int build
Multi classing is allowed, but you have to be a kitsune for the kitsune trickster.
Mowque |
![Dr Lucky](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Lucky4.jpg)
Virion Leafspinner, my applicant for this game. He is an Elven Investigator (mastermind), the ultimate Skill Character. Sort of like a more active Mycroft (if you read Sherlock Holmes) with a dash of jovial and free-wheeling good times. Intelligent, well-connected and quite Andorna (for an Elf) he would be very happy to help combat Cheliax. Enjoy reading!
Virion Leafspinner
Elf Investigator 1 (mastermind) 1
CG Medium humanoid (human and orc)
Init +3; Senses Dark Vision 60", Perception +3
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10(+0 Armor; +2 Dex)
hp 38 (8+5*6)
Fort +1, Ref +7, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 Swordcane (1d6; x2)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 8, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 17
Skills= 6+Int (5)= 11*7= 77 Skill
Acrobatics +9
Appraise +14
Craft (Forgery) +15
Bluff +15
Diplomacy +14
Disguise +12
Escape Artist +2
Intimidate +15
Knowledge (arcana)* +5
Knowledge (dungeoneering)* +5
Knowledge (engineering)* +5
Knowledge (geography)* +15
Knowledge (history)* +12
Knowledge (local)* +11
Knowledge (nature)* +5
Knowledge (nobility)* +11
Knowledge (planes)* +5
Knowledge (religion)* +5
Linguistics* +12
Perception +0
Perform +10
Sense Motive+10
Sleight of Hand* +12
Spellcraft* +10
Stealth +2
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan, Orc, Gnome, Halfling, Dwarven, Infernal, Aquan, Abyssal
[spoiler=Traits and feats]
Clever Wordplay:Choose one Charisma-based skill. You attempt checks with that skill using your Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier (Bluff).
Bloody Minded: You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative and Intimidate checks.
Weapon Finesse
Persuasive: +2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate
Skill Focus: Appraise
Combat Expertise
Inspiration:A mastermind can use inspiration on any Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge, or skill checks without spending a use of inspiration.
This ability alters inspiration.
At 2nd level, an investigator gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against poison. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level, and to +6 at 8th level.
At 1st level, once per day a mastermind can spend 10 minutes preparing an ally to make a single Diplomacy or Intimidate check (mastermind's choice when preparing the ally) within the next 24-hour period at the mastermind's behest. This skill check uses the mastermind's skill ranks instead of the ally's. The mastermind's affected ally still uses its own ability bonus for the check.
Furthermore, when a mastermind uses this ability, he can expend one use of inspiration to give the ally use of the inspiration die when making the check.
At 3rd level, a mastermind can use this ability an additional time each day, and the number of times he can use this ability per day increases by 1 for every third level thereafter. Multiple uses of this ability on the same ally grant that ally the benefit on additional Diplomacy or Intimidate checks.
At 3rd level, an investigator can attempt all Knowledge skill checks untrained.
At 4th level, a mastermind can, as an immediate action, expend two uses of inspiration to make an inspired defense. He rolls his inspiration die and applies the result as a penalty on an attack roll made against him. If the mastermind has the combat inspiration talent, he can expend one use of inspiration instead of two.
This ability replaces swift alchemy.
Investigator talents(At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, an investigator gains an investigator talent.):
Amazing Inspiration (Ex): When using inspiration, the investigator rolls a d8 instead of a d6. At 20th level, the investigator rolls 2d8 and adds both dice to the result. An investigator must be at least 7th level to select this talent.
Underworld Inspiration (Ex): An investigator can use his inspiration on Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Intimidate, or Sleight of Hand checks without expending uses of inspiration, provided he's trained in the skill.
Empathy (Ex, Su): When attempting a Sense Motive check, the investigator makes two d20 rolls and takes the higher result. If an investigator uses inspiration on a Sense Motive check, he rolls the inspiration dice twice and takes the higher result. Once per day, the investigator can expend one use of inspiration to target a single creature that he can see and hear within 30 feet. Upon doing so, the investigator detects the surface thoughts of the target's mind, as if he concentrated for 3 rounds while using the detect thoughts spell, unless the creature succeeds a Will saving throw. The DC of this save is 10 + 1/2 the investigator's level + his Intelligence modifier. If the target fails, the investigator can continue to detect the surface thoughts of the target creature for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 his investigator level. An investigator must be at least 5th level to select this talent.
Urbanite: Elves who live in cities for more than a century can grow to know the ebb and flow of social situations just as their forest-dwelling cousins know the rules of the wild. Elves with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and Sense Motive checks made to get a hunch about a social situation. This racial trait replaces keen senses.
Envoy: Elves often have trouble relating to neighbors of other races, especially those with much shorter lifespans. As a result, some are trained in minor magics that are particularly useful when dealing with non-elves. Elves with this racial trait and an Intelligence score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities once per day: comprehend languages, detect magic, detect poison, and read magic. The caster level for these effects is equal to the elf's level. This racial trait replaces elven magic.
Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
[Note: This document is only to be used to evaluate the potential value of the subject. This paper is considered vital and any loss or alteration of this document will result in the strongest retribution possible.]
Name: Virion Leafspinner
Description: An aging, slightly paunchy Elf. With ruddy skin and brown hair, he lacks the usual Elven good looks, and instead looks like exactly what he is (on the outside) an aging, out of shape businessman looking for a good time. His eyes are a sharp gray however, with very notable pupils. Usually seen dressed quite richly, unless some other motive drives him to disguise.
Residence: Almas, mercantile district
Occupation: Siege, Chess and Pits and Perils grandmaster, information broker, investor, conman(?)
History: Records indicate Virion arrived in Cheliax years ago, not only before the People’s Revolt but also before the total domination of the empire by Diabolism. Rumor is sketchy but apparently the elf was escaping, or was exiled(?) from Koynin [More Research needed]. He came to the city and opened a shipwright’s and was quite successful. Clever, resourceful and well-liked, he gained a small but fairly prosperous place in the business of the city. As the noxious tide of slavery rose though, his business fortunes sank. Not using slave for economic reasons (records indicate a distrust and disdain for forced labor) he began to struggle as Diabolism (and slavery) grew in power. In answer to this Virion turned to freeing slaves. It should be noted this does not seem to have been a moral or humanitarian motive for this, just business. His first success was soon followed by a rise in his business, which lead to a cycle. In only a few decades the Elf had freed hundreds of Halflings from slavery.
How did he do it? It appears his wiles were many ranging from simple purchase (he was wealthy), trickery (convincing slavers he was a trustworthy buyer), forgery (faking orders for the confiscation of ‘runaway’ slaves), gambling (stories of his win of 200 halflings over a game of Siege is still talked about) and sometimes simply breaking open a chain and letting slaves melt into the night. By the time of the People’s Revolt he was a minor figure of the Revuoltion, and the growing Halfling population (many of them freed by him) began to revere and respect him as a legend. It appears the sometimes vain Elf enjoyed the reputation and his scheme became bolder, as he had the shelter of Andoran anti-slavery law. In the last few decdes he has removed himself from business entirely, which suggest a moral reason or his contuined (and outragoues) anti-slavery schemes.
Personality: Virion is an engaging figure. Personable, gregarious and likeable, it seems that he uses his outgoing personality as a carefully calculated weapon to slip in under people’s natural guards. A dangerous user of flattery and ‘smooth talk’, he has been known to disarm Hellknights with little more then fast talk and a convincing story. Armed with a genius intellect and an amazing memory, his mind is a storehouse of information about people, places and events giving him resources in any situation. This immense storehouse of knowledge often gives Virion an annoying seeming omniscience, which he enjoys using to confound his foes and support his allies.
After much research by Bellflower agents however, it appears that this jovial, extrovert is merely a persona. The ‘real’ Virion seems to be an intelligent, soft-spoken person, masterful and commanding but getting lost in the moral morass of slavery.[More research os biously required]
Special Observations: As far as vice is concerned, it appears that the Elf has a taste for married women and has left a trail of lovers all over the Inner Sea. It appears to be a true weakness and even his own powerful and directed mind is overthrown by women on a regular basis. More than once it has almost been his undoing.
Connections to Bellflower: Virion already has some connections to Bellflower. more then once he has used our safe houses or transport routes to distribute slaves he has freed. In addition his network of halfling allies in Almas are often Bellflower members. It is unclear how much Virion knows of our presence and has deduced from the evidence. [Urgent research required].
Recruitment: Odds are good Virion would join us, if we are willing to give him the flexibility he requests. Moral and humanitarian goals seem to loom ever larger with him, leading to perhaps a greater understanding of the horrors and terror of slavery. This clever and well-networked Elf could be a very valuable addition to the Bellflower movement.
Is this something along the right lines for this game?
Phil Tucker |
![Activation Cube](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/treasures-TheBox.jpg)
**Thinking** of a Cavalier of the Eagle Knights, who rides a gryphon.
While I don't have a concept for one yet, would it be possible to be a member of the Twilight Talons?
Yes, being a member of the Twilight Talons is a definite possibility.
Having a large mount, however, may be a challenge for in game reasons. If you feel strongly about this concept, send me a PM and I'll explain why there may be complications.
Rose Waerloga |
![Blackfire Adept](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9249-Blackfire_90.jpeg)
A couple of questions to the GM, I did read the line about not submitting unapproved characters, but what about ones that have completed a scenario/game? I was thinking about submitting my witch, an incredibly ambitious ex-slave, formerly part of the Dark Archive faction in the Pathfinder Society.
While not an incredibly charismatic figure, she does have extensive knowledge of social situations, and good grasp over deceptive and underhanded tactics.
Her interest in the matter would most likely be personal, due to experiencing slavery first hand and desire to make connections high up.
Question to the GM, for social hexes such as Discord or Charm, is their use detectable, and if yes, how?
I'll update the character for lvl 7 and 20PB, and expand on the back story the way I want it to be.
This is the character in question.
jooker |
Dotting in. I am interested in making an inquisitor (infiltrator archetype, conversion inquisition). Not sure on race/etc yet.
I am wondering, instead of a diety, is it possible to gether my power from Cheliax and the devils that serve the nation itself? Basically, he would be zealously devoted to the nation just as powerfully as any follower would be to a god.
Phil Tucker |
![Activation Cube](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/treasures-TheBox.jpg)
I'm getting kinda into the concept of this character a lot, and am excited to hopefully be chosen.
That said, you did mention this is roughly the scope of 32 page module. Is there any chance for us to continue passed that, or is that the definite end?
If the interest is there, and the game has been fun, I'm sure we'll keep going.
Phil Tucker |
![Activation Cube](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/treasures-TheBox.jpg)
A couple of questions to the GM, I did read the line about not submitting unapproved characters, but what about ones that have completed a scenario/game? I was thinking about submitting my witch, an incredibly ambitious ex-slave, formerly part of the Dark Archive faction in the Pathfinder Society.
If this character is whom you wish to play, than by all means submit her and I'll consider her along with the others.
Wyssal Sloboda |
![Rosie Cusswell](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9055-Rosie_90.jpeg)
Hi, this is Corsario's proposal. I think you will like her. I tried to make a character that could flourish in a campaign as the one you are planning. In short she is a bard with the Demagogue archetype, barrister profession (a way to say she is a professional politician), orator and the leader of a political party of Mileni worshippers. All the details are in the profile.
"That is not acceptable. We need to make a promise to every person, every mother, every child. To banish slavery, in every form and place of Golarion. Slavery is an Abomination. Never again a mother seeing his child sold. Never again a person losing his freedom because he couldn't pay a loan. Or because a drought destroyed his crops. Or because his child got sick and had to pay to heal him. We need to get outside of Andoran's border and take this promise to all the people. Starting with Cheliax."
The Red Rose. They call her that. The leader of a "Political" Party, the Freedom Party, as they call themselves. Their headquarters, known as "the rose garden" is recognized by the wonderful roses blooming in the courtyard, and the unstopping activity of the members. The Red Rose is their most vocal and visible member.
Wyssal, after looking at all the people present, continues.
"I know we all have good intentions, but the laws and precedents we have made here, at this nation, is nothing unless we have the will and courage to go and free our sisters and bothers, out mothers and fathers, still suffering from slavery and tyranny."
The small halfling shakes, believing every word she says.
"We must expand as fast as possible. What we have outside our borders is not "resources" to grab, but families, children, old people, that right now live under the rule of tyrants, bandits and devil-worshipers. We must reach to them. Help them. That is the message, the legacy, the hope I want to give my children. That is the nation I want to be part of."
She hits her chest with a closed fist, and turns to look at each one of the other people there in turn.
I used some options I couldn't use in other kind of campaigns. For example, her weapon is a net, and her feats are to use it. Her skills are those of a politician, not an minstrel or archaeologist. She is unarmored, and normally unarmed, as expected from a political leader.
I even used the Demagogue Bard archetype, that normally is not usable by a normal character. Her spells and abilities are oriented to crowd control, both to inflame or to calm them.
As for the reason the Supreme Elect would choose her for this diplomatic mission?
Well, she is a very skilled diplomat, negotiator and orator, but more importantly she is a radical. She is the member of the delegation that will make the most outrageous requests and declarations, which in turn could be tempered by the other members so to reach consensus. Of the Good cop - Bad cop duality of a diplomatic team, she is the bad cop.
And lets not forget is a good way of taking her out of his hair.
Phil Tucker |
![Activation Cube](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/treasures-TheBox.jpg)
Would it be alright if I combined magic items for the same slot into one?
Specifically, I am looking to combine Circlet of Persuasion and Hat of Disguise into one item, since they both take up the head slot.
Unfortunately I'm going to say no to this request. Let's keep it at one item per slot.
bigrig107 |
Monkeygod wrote:Unfortunately I'm going to say no to this request. Let's keep it at one item per slot.Would it be alright if I combined magic items for the same slot into one?
Specifically, I am looking to combine Circlet of Persuasion and Hat of Disguise into one item, since they both take up the head slot.
You know there's actually rules for this?
It's not something he's making up, you pay 1.5x the second item, and you get the benefits of both.It allows characters to have the "big six" or the more powerful items, and still get the cool, flavorful items, like the Hat of Disguise.
I was going to combine the Mask of the Mantis with the Hat, so I thought I'd bring this up.
If you still don't like the idea, that's fine.