The Chelaxian Invasion (Inactive)

Game Master electricjokecascade

The hordes of Cheliax are poised to sweep across the Aspodell Mountains and invade Andoran once and for all. Can a group of intrepid heroes unite the unruly local cities against the devils so as to buy the capital enough time to create an army?

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Dark Archive

38/38 HP, Active conditions: none
AC 19; touch 15; flat-footed 16 | F: +2; R: +8; W: +5 | CMD 16 | Init: +3 | Perception: +15

I'm quite happy with the game, too, Phil! I think our side of things (Callista and Cawmirth) just had a bit of bad timing. Over the last week I got married (yay!) and moved to Beijing to start a new job. Though, it's unlikely to be a terribly taxing new job, so I can get back to doing once a day.

If there was any question I might ask, maybe some guidelines for when Cawmirth can use his Linguistics instead of Bluff,Diplomacy and Intimidate? So I know what I need to present to ask for it (and aware of the earlier caveat you gave me that some people might just interrupt him and prevent the check from being made).

That's great to hear, everybody. As long as we're all on the same page and enjoying the story, there's nothing to be concerned about.

And Cawmirth: a wedding and a new job in Beijing?!? That's incredible. Congratulations!

As for quick and dirty guidelines, how about this: if you ever find yourself writing in an expository style that doesn't require input from the listener, and which runs say over 100 words, we can assume it's going to be a linguistics check.

65/65 HP, Active conditions: ant haul
AC 22; touch 10; flat-footed 22 | F: +6; R: +4; W: +6 | CMD 17 | Init: +0 | Perception: +4

Yes, congrats Cawmirth!

Just waiting on Cawmirth to post before proceeding, as I want both narratives to continue at the same pace. Cawmirth?

Dark Archive

38/38 HP, Active conditions: none
AC 19; touch 15; flat-footed 16 | F: +2; R: +8; W: +5 | CMD 16 | Init: +3 | Perception: +15

Sorry, I think I'm just kind of overthinking things (in-between house hunting, but we finally found someone who'll rent to foreigners). I keep writing a post halfway and then just realizing a big flaw in it, you know? And the longer time passes, the more I feel like I owe everyone to post after making them wait so long!

So, sorry for holding everyone up.

No worries - with Alysandra gone for two weeks, now is the time to take things slow. I'm also caught up with real world stuff, so I'm actually glad of the currently slow pace.

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier 4 / Slayer 3 | HP 53/53 {+4 to saves against evil creatures} | AC 26 (Tch 18 FF 19) | CMD 23 | F +9, R +11, W +2 | Init +14 | Perc +9

I totally second this. Greetings from the Serbian-Bosnian border!

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier 4 / Slayer 3 | HP 53/53 {+4 to saves against evil creatures} | AC 26 (Tch 18 FF 19) | CMD 23 | F +9, R +11, W +2 | Init +14 | Perc +9

Hi guys! Just a brief note to tell everyone I'm back and operational. Still lurking in the Gameplay thread, both literally and figuratively.

Wb! I've been distracted by things in real life these past two weeks, but should be able to pick up the pace moving forward.

How was the hike?

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier 4 / Slayer 3 | HP 53/53 {+4 to saves against evil creatures} | AC 26 (Tch 18 FF 19) | CMD 23 | F +9, R +11, W +2 | Init +14 | Perc +9

Very nice, thank you! Took the chance to finally get a clearer picture of the political mess that led to the war in former Yugoslavia, something I've been guiltily ignorant about until now.

65/65 HP, Active conditions: ant haul
AC 22; touch 10; flat-footed 22 | F: +6; R: +4; W: +6 | CMD 17 | Init: +0 | Perception: +4

I'm sorry everyone. My daughter was born a few weeks ago and there's been some complications. I'm sorry I haven't said anything sooner, but I haven't been able to get away until. I won't be able to continue posting for the foreseeable future. Once again, I'm very very sorry about this.

Sebi Moncrief wrote:
I'm sorry everyone. My daughter was born a few weeks ago and there's been some complications. I'm sorry I haven't said anything sooner, but I haven't been able to get away until. I won't be able to continue posting for the foreseeable future. Once again, I'm very very sorry about this.

Hi Sebi, the tardiness of my own response is indicative that you have nothing to feel apologetic for.

And congratulations! I hope whatever complications you're having with your daughter are resolving them, but I wish you and your family all the best of luck in this difficult, amazing, heart breaking and heart lifting time. Words can only be inadequate, but we had our daughter a year ago, and those first few weeks/months are still fresh on my mind. I wish you all the best.

As for the game, I think it did the slow fade-away due to it being too slow and rp-heavy. Maybe posting became too onerous, with not enough pay-off to keep up the momentum? A lesson to me, for sure: move things along quicker next time, and throw in more exciting scenes.

If I were to run an AP in the future, would you guys like me to reach out and let you know?

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Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier 4 / Slayer 3 | HP 53/53 {+4 to saves against evil creatures} | AC 26 (Tch 18 FF 19) | CMD 23 | F +9, R +11, W +2 | Init +14 | Perc +9

This ^

I believe we all share a bit of guilt for this one, and you actually being the first to reach out and say you're sorry makes you probably the one who has the least to feel apologetic about.

As for dropping the ball – with Alysandra being a passive observer, I continued checking throughout August if there was something happening she could react to, and then outright stopped without even bumping, for which I'm really sorry. I don't think it was a matter of posting being too onerous, though; as intricate and sometimes long-winded everybody's posts might have been, they always were a pleasure both to write and to read. For me, it was more having hit a wall made of molasses, in the sense that everything we discovered spawned more interrogatives than it solved. With paranoia running rampart, I didn't know which information to trust and which to doubt, and I soon felt lead to second-guess everything.

Which, let it be clear, was absolutely terrific in its own way, and surely a testament to your ability as both a writer and GM. Given its strong narrative structure and the complexity of characters such as Callista, Cawmirth and Sebi, I still believe that this campaign would have worked supremely well as a F2F game, and the only reason it floundered is due to it suffering because of the constraints the PbP medium imposed on it. So yes, if you were to run another AP, do absolutely count me in!

P.S.: now I'm curious though – was Aurion Thorn a Chelaxian mole? Who was the mastermind behind everything? PM me if you comprehensively don't want to spoil a very good plot you might want to re-use some day :)

P.P.S.: Sebi, just let me state that I subscribe to everything Phil said about this particular moment you're living through. Congratulations, I wish you and your newborn daughter all the best!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
38/38 HP, Active Conditions:
AC 17; Touch 12; Flat-Footed 15 | F: +5; R: +5; W: +9 | CMD 16 | Init: +1 | Perception: +4

I would definitely be interested Phil. Thanks for running!

Well, I'm kinda jonesing to run something. Maybe a standard AP. Is there any in particular you two would be interested in participating in? Skulls & Shackles? Council of Thieves?

Female Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier 4 / Slayer 3 | HP 53/53 {+4 to saves against evil creatures} | AC 26 (Tch 18 FF 19) | CMD 23 | F +9, R +11, W +2 | Init +14 | Perc +9

Truth be told, Skulls&Shackles has been a long-time interest of mine... which makes the fact that my RL schedule is currently forcing me to dial down my activity on these boards all the more vexing.

Unfortunately, I'm currently enrolled in a fast-paced ROW campaign which is absorbing most of the time I've set apart for PbPs. Having witnessed first-hand your skills as a GM, it's with regret I find myself having to turn your offer down – though I believe that by overcommitting and underdelivering, I would do you an even greater disfavour :(

Hello everyone! I know you've all scattered to the winds, but I had so much fun playing with you that I wanted to let you know of a new Carrion Hill game I'm recruiting for in the hopes that some of you will apply. If you do, you'll receive vastly preferential odds, of course.

Link is here. Would be lovely to play with you all again!

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