Alicia Dawnblade |
By my count, you can't reach either. It's 15 feet of movement to AE50, and using Acrobatics to move through a threatened square without provoking an AoO requires you to move at half-speed so moving into the next square takes her to 25 feet and she'd need 10 more feet for the next square. But there's nowhere for her to stop in the row past AE50 because Dorn, Marikel, and Enemy #5 are occupying those squares. She can end in AE48, 49, or 50; let me know which you prefer.
I think Alicia would be okay with taking the AoOs to get past them, which is what would happen since she presumably failed the CMD+10 DC Acrobatics check.
Joana |
Yeah, but by merely attempting the check, one can assume that she slowed down enough to try to dodge. If she wanted to go 30 feet and then attack, she'd have to not attempt the check at all. Alternatively, "You can move at full speed by increasing the DC of the check by 10": if you want that to be her default option in the future, I'd be fine with that. In that case, you'd have to specify if she was using Acrobatics at half-speed to be more careful not to get hit.
If it helps at all, that natural 3 was going to miss anyway, even with the flanking bonus.
What's the source of the extra +4 bonus on her Acrobatics check, btw? I'm missing it.
Alicia Dawnblade |
Oh, I figured the 3 wasn't going to hit. I just don't want to be away from all of the action. ;P
And yeah, the full-speed Acrobatics check is her default.
The +4 is from her Belt of Tumbling.
Joana |
The +4 is from her Belt of Tumbling.
Sorry; missed it on her character sheet. I thought there had been a belt of tumbling in the loot somewhere, but I didn't see it in the list.
I'm presuming that Mark may be either already offshore or prepping to go there. I'm hoping he'll have some sort of access while away. I guess we'll find out: no news will be bad news, in this instance. :)
Vhailor Falk |
Still here for a few more days! - fly out to Japan this Sunday, offshore on Tuesday and then will be floating around in the Sea of Japan for 3-5 weeks or so. There will be webbage out there, but of what nature and access and work level, etc - I am unsure.
Apologies for continued flakiness - my wife's dad's place is... less than conducive to good connectivity. Should improve post-Japan though as I will be in our new place then... hopefully with all my boxes.
Javell DeLeon |
Just for clarity purposes because I think I might be turned around in this town. And when I say *I*, I mean me. :P
Are we proceeding to take the weapons/shields to wherever we need to take them? Or are we going in the opposite direction of the main army(or whoever it is we're suppose to be taking these things too)?
Joana |
The army are, at this point, largely in one of two places: the Longhouse in the Upper Quarter and preparing to defend the wall in the Lower Quarter. There are smaller groups stationed at the gatehouses on either side of the Inner Quarter, waiting for the front lines to fall back if necessary, if the orcs breach the wall.
I believe Marikel's plan is to take the weapons to the defenders at the bottom of the hill, particularly since you are still technically looking for Zechariah Landon, who presumably went that direction, even if unforeseen events have intruded since you started out.
Joana |
My father has been on hospice care for a few weeks, and the nurse has told us that he will probably die today. This is not a shock or a surprise, as he received a terminal diagnosis a little more then two years ago, and he has been fortunate enough to experience very little pain or discomfort until this spring; however, I am obviously going to have to take some time off to be with my family and help my mother in the days and weeks ahead.
I'm not going to call an absolute halt, as I enjoy my games and will most likely post as I can; however, I will undoubtedly be slower to respond for a while. Thank you for your understanding.
Marikel Selentin |
Marikel drives his sword viciously at the stunned opponent.
Masterwork Longsword: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11Critical?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Well, there goes any thought of taking a prisoner... :-/
Marikel Selentin |
Sorry. I figured I got a 7 as opposed to a 6 and a 1.
I'm okay not rerolling 1's since there's actually a trait in Pathfinder Society Play for the Silver Crusade faction called Beneficent Touch that let's you reroll 1's once per day.
And I designed Marikel as a healbot.
And he's 3rd level with 2d6 channels.
Of course, it's Joanna's game, and everyone benefits from healing, so I'll just do as I'm told. :-)
Marikel Selentin |
Joana |
With that, she dives out the window, rolling to break her fall and moving toward Vorom, rapier drawn.
Javell's character actually leapt out a second-floor window in my other game. That window wasn't already broken so he took damage from the glass, but he also had the Flight hex, so he floated daintily to the ground atop the shards of glass like Mary Poppins, y'all.
Joana |
Joana wrote:Hey, the man is a half-orc fighter who put his +2 to one ability score in Charisma. God bless him for making that untrained Bluff roll, I say; he deserves it.Not blessed by MY god. :-P
Yeah, but some god, surely. There are so many. There has to be a deity for half-orcs who care about the impression they make on others with their personality rather than their weaponry, right?
Braddon Hurst |
Hmm, Sezelrian is about it.
I must have boasted many times of my home pantheon of 9 gods, one for each alignment- Light, Dark, Life, Death, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Magic. I figure there are already too many NPCs to keep track of, without adding in a few hundred gods. I mean... hundreds!?!? What is wrong with these people. There's something wrong when a game has more Gods than I'll ever have characters. :-)
Joana |
I must have boasted many times of my home pantheon of 9 gods, one for each alignment- Light, Dark, Life, Death, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Magic.
So how did you decide which concept went with which alignment? I mean, I guess Light and Life are Good while Dark and Death are Evil, but I'm not sure where to go from there.
Marikel Selentin |
A finite number. Even 27 I could deal with.
Life was good, and since it embraced nature I made it chaotic good. My original Life goddess was based on Ehlonna from Greyhawk.
Likewise I based Death on WeeJas from Greyhawk, and made Death lawful evil to oppose life, and WeeJas was already LN with evil tendencies anyway. I don't like the idea of a Neutral death god- most people fear death. Making it LE meant it could be a part of society that no one really liked, but was necessary. Graveyards, morticians and so on.
Light was based on Pelor from Greyhawk, and made a decent lawful good god, with sunrise and sunset, every day, keeping the count of days and years. So light was the Sun God and I dumped the Moon in with the Chaotic Good mother of life thing.
Darkness was chaotic evil to counter light, found in random places, associated with Lolth and deep caverns and fit well.
Once Light LG, Dark CE, Life CG and Death LE were done I slotted the elements around them. Earth, LN. That was easy. Air CN, to oppose earth, so made some sense. And air and storms and thunder gods, so that fit well too. I made water NG and fire NE. The dependence of life on water made the water being good thing pretty easy to justify. Fire as NE was hard to justify, but when you realise that fire is only useful when rigidly controlled and carefully dealt with, it becomes more a necessary evil.
And that left Magic, true neutral, a tool like money.
Javell DeLeon |
Does Dorn actually have time to switch armor? If he feels like there isn't time, then he won't do it. If there's a sense of urgency, then no way he switches armor.
But it's hard to tell how critical the situation truly is as I sit here in a chair chillin' out. :P
To put it simply, if it feels like he has time then he'll switch. If not, then he won't.