The Ballad of Bloodmarch Hill

Game Master Joana

Map of Trunau; Tyari's map

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Sovereign Court

Bah. I even specifically looked at her alias to avoid doing that. At least it was in OOC not speech.

I was amused. ;)

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Back on dry land again! - though still getting over the 20 hour commute it took me to get home yesterday (woke up at 4AM, got home at midnight).

During the day will be kid herding time, then tonight I'll get some posts in.

Welcome back, Mark!

Anyone else going to do anything while Alicia is approaching the building?

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Staying out of the way.

Kaleb Merriett wrote:
Still in wedding aftermath. The dog is a mount only, can always assume Kaleb isn't taking him into any "planned" scenario.

That was my original presumption, but then I noticed that he does have the Attack trick so I thought I'd double-check.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Meh, I typed Ansha instead of Alicia again. :P

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

HA! I have to laugh at myself. I absolutely never catch that mistake. I think that's like the 2nd or 3rd time you've made that error and I've never caught it. It's a good thing my characters don't have my perception skills - they would flat out never see squat. :P

I laughed, Joanna. Apparently I need more "A" names to confuse you. ;)

For clarity's sake, Mark: Vhailor is with Marikel, Kaleb, and Dorn, and not with Alicia?

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Aye - following Marikel around.

Ha! So, you know that feeling when you've just let the party track a couple of half-orcs to their hiding place and you're checking over the stat blocks for imminent combat and you notice that said half-orcs are carrying two potions of pass without trace just in case they should ever have to sneak out of town?

... anyway, redistributed their purchasing so that didn't happen.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Ha. Love that feeling.
My players walk all over me anyway, even without the extra help. :-)

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Blergh - on my last day onshore before heading back out to the platform for another two weeks tomorrow. Will be off from 9th to 23rd July.

Blergh, indeed. :(

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

As Braddon said -

Things are just getting interesting. Catch you soon.

Oh, and btw- doing 5 weeks holidays next week (8 days time). Will have net access but posting will be erratic due to travelling Europe :-D

Too tired to deal with updating the map tonight, but if Alicia hasn't posted by the time I get back to this in the morning, I'll most likely put her on delay.

Back from my road trip. ;)

Female Human Rogue 4
The Balladeer wrote:
So close to a hit, Alicia. You don't have an extra +1 in there somewhere? (I looked and couldn't find one.) If she'd charged, you would have hit her, but she didn't have a direct, unobstructed path to Dorn.

Sadly, no. Unless Marikel cast bless on us while I wasn't looking. ;)

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

If Skyreaver can fly in, then that would be far better than walking for him obviously. I'm just not sure if he can due to the probably low ceiling and the tight space so that's why I never mentioned it initially. Just throwing it out there for just in case purposes. No biggie to me either way though.

With the damage this chick is pouring out, that bird won't last long at all if he gets hit. :P

Huh. I guess so. There doesn't seem to be any qualifier saying that you need so much overhead clearance to fly. It's going to take a double-move, though, presuming that the bird will swoop around rather than choose to make an unnecessary Fly check to make a sharp corner.

I don't think I've ever used Flying rules before this game. Learning curve.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

That's no prob.

Yeah, I've never used them myself and I've been playing this game for the better part of my life. Like I mentioned in another game I'm in because the whole group is gonna be flying during this one combat - flying is a world of its own. It's so dang complex.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Which is why I generally ignore flying rules until the GM shouts at me.

Doesn't using Battle Rage on oneself run into the same problem as using Bit of Luck on oneself, i.e., that it expires before you can use it in the following round (barring AoOs)?

Will update the combat in the morning. Just ran out of time and energy today.

The Balladeer wrote:
Man, I wish you'd remembered to roll the % miss chance! I hate negating a crit due to concealment, and you probably wouldn't have rolled a 9. :P

Alas, I was under the mistaken impression that the concealment was due to being ducked around a corner, and thus entering melee with one of them would remove the concealment problem. ;P

That would be partial cover. Cover is when there's something physical between you and the target; concealment is when something (darkness, fog, etc.) is hampering visibility. Cover blocks or impedes line of effect; concealment blocks or impedes line of sight. Both let you attempt a Stealth check.

Joana wrote:
Meh, I typed Ansha instead of Alicia again. :P

You did it again, by the way. ;)

Aw, geez, really? :P

Just the spoiler tag, but it totally counts!

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Lol! Oh man, I think I'd just have to throw my hands in the air and give up. It'd just be simpler. :P

Maybe I should just name all of my characters Ansha from now on.

It would make things much easier on everyone. ;P

Well, here's my next character when Alicia bites it, then. ;)

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

As per Braddon, I'm flying out to Europe in 30 hours and may not get another chance to post for a while.

I'm going to be super-busy through Friday. May be slow posting, but I'll try to keep the combat going.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

I'm back- mostly.

I'm almost back -- mostly. I'll try to advance the combat later tonight.

Kaleb Merriett wrote:
Oops. Did Kaleb just kill Daktani or has he fallen unconscious?

Guess we'll find out at the end of the combat. :)

For what it's worth, Daktani didn't go through the process of staying on his feet when it looked like he should have fallen, like Urnsul did. Of course, he could have traded away Orc Ferocity for an alternate racial trait.

Alicia Dawnblade wrote:
For some reason your map links for the past few days have just been giving me a perpetual 'loading' spiral. Works fine on Microsoft Edge, but the new Brave browser seems to have issues with it.

Googling the Brave browser, I see it blocks ads and trackers, so I'm not surprised it doesn't like Photobucket, which throws ads and pop-ups at you by the bucketload. If anyone knows of another free image hosting site, I'm all ears.

The strange thing was that it showed the rest of the page fine, just not the image itself. (And obviously, no popups/ads. But the page frame itself, or the 'buy our merchandise of your image' canvas/photo/wallpaper stuff? Just fine.)

Might try imgur.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Thanks for the attack- it's what I wanted... apart from the terrible miss chance. :-)

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Sorry for the slow-go coming back on guys - a couple of work issues and the kids have sapped out me energy thus far.

Will be on it tomorrow AM my time.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

Well... back offshore again tomorrow for another two weeks. My apologies for being pretty crappy company over the last two weeks though. Had a hectic off time (open house, salted caramel tart, baking and what not) plus the bedrock which my overall job is sitting on is best described as fluidic quicksand. At this point I know I'm busy for another two trips offshore (through till end September)... but after that it's a big question mark.

I'll be back on the 20th.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

Marikel out of service for the next few days while we fly home.
Should be back online by the weekend.

Gnome Wizard (Familiar Adept) 3

I have returned... and should have something in thread in a few hours or so.

Suggest you guys detect magic and try to identify the items you took off the half-orcs.

Sorry, Alicia; I just realized you removed Urnsul's earring so it shouldn't have been in her ear for Halgra to notice. :P We'll have to assume you put the earrings back on her body when they put it in the tumbrel.

I've updated the campaign tab with the loot you found on the half-orcs and the assumption that Vhailor cast detect magic and took 10 on Spellcraft. The items with question marks are alchemical in nature, and you don't have the ability to identify those. If you take them to Gorkis Meeson, he should be able to identify them for you and tell you if they were purchased from him.

Male Humanly Awesome 'n Totally Rockin' Paladin of Greatness

Yes for going to the alchemist.

And if no one wants to claim the clw potions, Dorn will. Somebody needs to. Don't matter to me who.

And the Potions of Vanish? Alicia would be my guess.

hp 36 / 36; AC 19; Init +1 Male Human Cleric 4

As per Marikel's post, he won't be taking anything. He got the lion's share of earlier loot. Give those CLW to Dorn and Kaleb. Marikel already has 2 and his own healing.
Get the alchemist to see if those are alchemist fires and stuff. Keep the burst stuff. Weapon enhancements are nice, but need a round to prepare against a known opponent as opposed to being jumped by the monsters in the next room.
Sell the rest, split the proceeds, exclude the priest from anything dodgy :-)

Oh, and I spotted the left over Scroll of Barkskin not assigned from the previous loot and offered it to the ranger. Seems obvious to me, but as always, tell me when I'm wrong.

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