Talinthal Uth Mondor's WOtR (Inactive)

Game Master nightdeath

This game is GMed by Shalafi. I'm just his hireling.

Combat Map
Terendelev's Scales
Anevia Tirabade
Horgus Gwerm
NPC listing
Loot Log


Phineas [dice] 1d20+3[/dice]
Nalun [dice] 1d20 +2 [/dice]

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Male Human Cleric 1

Who was doing the maps for me? We also need another figure for the alchemist, but not right now.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|


Male Human Cleric 1

It might be a good idea to get the alchemist. Do I need to get you the B maps or do you have those already?

Male Slayer 8| AC 22 T 17 FF 16 | HP 73 | F +9 R +10 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +11

I'd like a token also please.

Male Human Cleric 1

Horgus resents being called a professional jerk, lol

Male Human Cleric 1

I wonder if the cavalier is in bad weather? I think he said we was from Vermont,

A week is more than the stretch of bad weather.

Male Human Cleric 1

That is true.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

I'm just posting up maps, I've already used. I'm slightly ahead but not by much in my other tables. Yes it means I own all current WoTR APs. :P
I can also create a token for Nalun as well. Am having guests now for Lunar New Year.

Male Human Cleric 1

ok. Have a good TET!

Male Human Cleric 1

Have the maps and the tokens been updated?

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

What map do you need?
is it B?

Male Human Cleric 1

B please! Gracias!

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

Map and Token Updated.

Male Human Cleric 1

Thank you!

Male Human Cleric 1

Does anyone know if there are any open games?

Male Slayer 8| AC 22 T 17 FF 16 | HP 73 | F +9 R +10 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +11

I have a campaign that needs another player or two the recruitment is Here if you wanna check it out. My current 4 players will be choosing who joins them. The campaign has been going since early August and we have had a blast.

Male Human Cleric 1

Arcane casters are needed?

Male Slayer 8| AC 22 T 17 FF 16 | HP 73 | F +9 R +10 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +11

I think the guys are looking more for someone who will gel with the party more than the class. I can tell you that they feature a melee heavy lineup with no full casters so...

Male Human Cleric 1

Ok. What kind of a campaign is it? Combat heavy? RP?

Male Slayer 8| AC 22 T 17 FF 16 | HP 73 | F +9 R +10 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +11

There is alot of RP and much of the campaign is character centered, ie they lead where the story goes to a great extent. However, I have run both the Hollow's Last Hope module and the Crown of the Kobold King module with them. I'll be running other several other modules and pfs scenarios set in the Andoran/Darkmoon Vale area. I tend to take multiple encounters and jam them together into one larger encounter so as to waste less time with meaningless fighting.

Male Slayer 8| AC 22 T 17 FF 16 | HP 73 | F +9 R +10 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +11

Also, the campaign has been fairly gritty in the sense of heroic feats and facing grim odds. The party recently at level three faced a 12 round slog against an overall EL 8 encounter, I jammed the final two boss encounters into one larger encounter. Because I tend to make things a slight bit tough I use the Hero Point optional ruleset which gives the players another resource to use when facing those really challenging encounters. We have also been using the Downtime Ruleset from Ultimate Campaign and at least two of the players are really interested in pursuing that more.

Male Human Cleric 1

Interesting. I think I might make an oracle to help with healing.

Male Human Cleric 1

Nalun, I added the witch a few moments ago. I did not level her to 4th level, I will do that if chosen.

Male Slayer 8| AC 22 T 17 FF 16 | HP 73 | F +9 R +10 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +11

Ok cool, my guys are currently debating the merits of all the applicants.

Male Human Cleric 1

Ok. I can heaal. :)

Male Human Cleric 1

Is Beltin still with us?

Human [AC: 19 (21 small); ff 14; T:15] HP=37/37 F +2/R+9/W+2 CMD 18 Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) 4

Yep. Busy day!

I liked that fly. What did he do to deserve such a fate?

Male Human Cleric 1

He just wanted to give the cleric a kiss. :(

Male Human Cleric 1

Phineas, dont worry, you should be coming up soon, in the next encounter.

Male Human Cleric 1

Windsworn, do you have a marker for Phineas?

Male Human Cleric 1

Is our sorcerer still with us?

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

The last token I added I think was Nalun.
Everyone else should be on the map.

Male Human Cleric 1

Thank you, I see that he is there in all of his verdant glory.

Male Human Cleric 1

The noble is a jerk!

Windsworn can you post the C maps now please?

13 HP AC 20 (13T, 17FF), CMD 18 Fort +5 Ref +2, Will +0, Per +5
Fighter 1

I am at a gaming con this weekend (until Sunday evening). My posting will be sporadic. Bot me as needed.

Male Human Cleric 1

That sounds like fun!

Male Human Cleric 1

Where is everyone else today?

Male Slayer 8| AC 22 T 17 FF 16 | HP 73 | F +9 R +10 W +5 | Init +3 | Perc +11

Been ready to continue since yesterday

Male Human Cleric 1

LOL, I forgot it was my turn, lol.

Male Aasimar (Emberkin) 17 HP, AC 17 (13T, 14FF), CMD 15, Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +0, Perc +5, Init +3, Bombs: 4/6 Crypt Breaker Alchemist 2

Con weekend for some

Male Human Cleric 1

I once went to a Con, one of the worst experiences of my life. The GM looked like Burglecutt from Willow and had use roll up everything for the characters. It took like 3 hours and then he took us through The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror and we lost everything going down that hole. I swore to my brother never again.

13 HP AC 20 (13T, 17FF), CMD 18 Fort +5 Ref +2, Will +0, Per +5
Fighter 1

Ok, back. I am beat from the con, but it was fun.

Male Human Cleric 1

You missed the fun of the darkmantles.

Male Human Cleric 1

Windsworn, have you fixed your pog?

13 HP AC 20 (13T, 17FF), CMD 18 Fort +5 Ref +2, Will +0, Per +5
Fighter 1

I'll get over it, the con was plenty enough gaming. 3 4 hour slots a day, though I did judge mostly (judged 6 of the 9 slots).

Male Human Cleric 1


Male Aasimar (Emberkin) 17 HP, AC 17 (13T, 14FF), CMD 15, Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +0, Perc +5, Init +3, Bombs: 4/6 Crypt Breaker Alchemist 2

That was weird watching the tokens move as I looked at the map.

Male Human Cleric 1


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