Talinthal Uth Mondor's WOtR (Inactive)

Game Master nightdeath

This game is GMed by Shalafi. I'm just his hireling.

Combat Map
Terendelev's Scales
Anevia Tirabade
Horgus Gwerm
NPC listing
Loot Log


Phineas [dice] 1d20+3[/dice]
Nalun [dice] 1d20 +2 [/dice]

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Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

Do you need a copy of my picture as well, Thanguron? I have a PDF of the Second Darkness book with this avatar in it that I can copy and send to you if you need it.

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9
Thanguron Silverheart wrote:
Vorshek, do you have the PDF player companion blood of fiends? If so can you copy and send me a picture of your avatar? Mindflayer4u@yahoo.com

I do not, actually. You can just use whatever fits. I aim to get full plate at some point, so even a black armored guy in full plate with a helmet on would be fine.

I have 2nd darkness ap so I'm ok there. Ok Vorshek.

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

Where are the caster and rogue? And if such a one exists, can you find an icon that resembles nightmare from soul caliber for Vorshek? That's what I envision him to look like once he gets full plate. The actual colors would be red and black though, to match Ragathiels colors

Male Elf Cavalier/1, HP 10/10 AC:15/16 w/shld T12 FF:13/14 w/ shld Init+4 Perc+4 F:2 R: 2 W:2 CMB:3 CMD:15

Windsworn, your avatar was too small to blow up so I found one online that looks very similar. I think you will be pleased

Male Human Cleric 1

Can the rouge and the caster please begin posting? If not you will be removed.

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

Sorry! My mistake! I forgot that the campaign tab wouldn't start updating itself with recent post notifications until I checked it after the first post. Going to post now!

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

I'm pleased with any avatar you can find as I'm trying to make Windsworn ermmm slightly spacey?

Male Human Cleric 1

Spacey as in flakey?

Male Human Cleric 1

I am enjoying the discussion and rping. I am waiting for the sorcerer to check in. In case he doesn't is there anyone else that you know of that might be interested?

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........

Both. PM the Sorc...maybe He doesn't realise that game has started?

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

I could try and see if my wife wants to. She usually runs casters in our tabletop games anyway

Male Human Cleric 1

I think he knew that it started since I posted things on Saturday and he created his profile yesterday.

I have never had this experience before, it is the responsibility of the DM to email their players?

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

If it ever happened in a PbP that I was running, I would send a private message to the player and give them a couple of days to respond. If they don't answer, I'd find a replacement.

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

I would do the same. Though, I have to say, I wish he would hurry. We're about to be out of role play material.

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........

I could start a brawl if it helps. :)

But what the others say is what I'd do as well.

Male Human Cleric 1

Ok. Done.

Nightdeath please make sure you are communicating in game as your persona.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

Done. Posting from phone. Thanks for the reminders.

Human [AC: 19 (21 small); ff 14; T:15] HP=37/37 F +2/R+9/W+2 CMD 18 Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) 4

Late to the party--work ran late.

Male Elf Cavalier/1, HP 10/10 AC:15/16 w/shld T12 FF:13/14 w/ shld Init+4 Perc+4 F:2 R: 2 W:2 CMB:3 CMD:15

I've finished with the PC tokens. Who gets them?

Male Elf Cavalier/1, HP 10/10 AC:15/16 w/shld T12 FF:13/14 w/ shld Init+4 Perc+4 F:2 R: 2 W:2 CMB:3 CMD:15

I've also made tokens out of all the creatures with demon in their title from the bestiary books. I just need to know what else you need for the first module and I can get them all completed for you.

Male Human Cleric 1

Let me double check the module when I get home.

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

Now that we are all here, I can't wait to start!

Male Human Cleric 1

I won't be able to post the next part until I get home. I don't want to access any module stuff from work.

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

It's all good man. I just have the luxury of being able to post from my phone whilst working. If I were dm'ing I wouldn't be able to do so.

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

Beltin, how apparent are your aasimar features?

Human [AC: 19 (21 small); ff 14; T:15] HP=37/37 F +2/R+9/W+2 CMD 18 Rogue (Counterfeit Mage) 4

I picked the human alternate trait. So he looks completely human. I will have Beltin have a halo when he casts spell and glow slightly.

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

Ah ok, gotcha.

Male Human Cleric 1

Hmm, it is reading as an error.

Male Human Cleric 1

Nightdeath can you post the map again and people's pogs in the big room please?

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

I can't see your link either. I have no idea how to fix it though. This is my first time with this system

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

ok Here's the link

The Url is https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1tnibwfFtVwAvY1qaaFRdvMxtAm-K4iFiFodV7Lw XNcc/edit

Use the [url ] Name of Link [/url ]
Remove space in between the []

Place the link in the Campaign tab. Under the short description. This will show the map at the top of this campaign.

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

I copy pasted and it said the file did not exist. I can still see the maps that were originally posted after Thanguron fixed the link the other day though

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

Did you try the link I just posted?
I have no idea why but Google Docs for some reason don't seem to like being copied and paste.

Another easy way to get the entire link from my post is to use the reply button. Copy that entire chunk of text with the [url] [/ url] formatting and paste that.

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

Ok. It worked that time. But I can't edit anything. I guess my phone isn't that awesome after all. DM, can you move my token for me, I'll put exact descriptions in my posts for you.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

Hmmm I set it to Edit Permissions. Then Again I remember someone saying he'll do up the tokens.

Just drag and drop I think. The tokens will appear on the map.

Male Elf Cavalier/1, HP 10/10 AC:15/16 w/shld T12 FF:13/14 w/ shld Init+4 Perc+4 F:2 R: 2 W:2 CMB:3 CMD:15

I still need to know who to send the tokens I made to. Message me. I left a post early Tuesday morning. No one responded

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

Tahnguron, you can just drag and drop onto the map. The tokens should stay there.

Male Elf Cavalier/1, HP 10/10 AC:15/16 w/shld T12 FF:13/14 w/ shld Init+4 Perc+4 F:2 R: 2 W:2 CMB:3 CMD:15

Will try when I get home. I don't have my laptop at work tonight

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

PM You.

Tokens are on the map. Just click on Winsworn's map link above.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

We need that map link to be placed up in the campaign page so that we don't have to keep searching.

Great looking Tokens too. Now all we need are the NPCs tokens lol

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn wrote:

ok Here's the link


The Url is https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1tnibwfFtVwAvY1qaaFRdvMxtAm-K4iFiFodV7Lw XNcc/edit

Use the [url ] Name of Link [/url ]
Remove space in between the []

Place the link in the Campaign tab. Under the short description. This will show the map at the top of this campaign.

Male Human Cleric 1

It should be in the campaign tab.

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

The google doc link on the campaign tab goes to a "does not exist" page when I click on it.

Male Demonspawn Tiefling Paladin 2 HP:18/20 AC:18/FF/16/T:12/CMD:17 / Init:2/Fort:8 Ref:5 Will:6/ Attack: +5; 2d6+7 (power attack);
Diplomacy: 8,Knowledge (Religion): 5, Intimidate: 9

Me too. The one windsworn posted still works though. I just can't edit it from my phone.

Male Human Cleric 1

It is on the post that Windsworn posted. I tried posting the link in the campaign thread but apparently it is not functioning.

Male Human Cleric 1

I probably won't post anything on Saturday until the late afternoon early evening. I am teaching a class on a Catholic perspective on morality most of the day and then I have somethings to do for a parish I attend.

Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|
Windsworn son of Galan Windborn wrote:

ok Here's the link


The Url is https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1tnibwfFtVwAvY1qaaFRdvMxtAm-K4iFiFodV7Lw XNcc/edit

Use the [url] Name of Link [/url]
Remove space in between the []

Place the link in the Campaign tab. Under the short description. This will show the map at the top of this campaign.

Use the link formatting to put it up.

Doing this [url] Name of Link [/ url] Remove space from '/' and 'url' also url=link]
Will give you this: Map

Male Human Cleric 1

For some reason I am not getting it.

Male Human Cleric 1

Am I the only one with access to the campaign information? I wonder if we would have this same problem the the hopefully upcoming Game Table?

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